已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、外贸函电上所用到的商务英语大全最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程: :/ pacificenglish  依照关于依照according to|agreeably to|conformably to|pursuqnt to|in accordance with关于about|regarding|concerning|as to|as regards|with regard to依照他的建议, 我们冒味的向您提供您在本地的委托服务。On his suggestion, we take the liverty of

2、 offering our services for any commission which you wish to have executed here.依照今天上午的谈话, 随函呈上本公司新产品的小册子一本。Referring to our conversation of this morning, we enclose a pamphlet describing our new articles.根据我们今天的 交谈, 请于明日运来上述货物10箱。Referring to our telephonic message of today, please deliver the above

3、 ten cases tomorrow.关于本月6日的来信, 我高兴地告知, 该商品的需求量甚大。With reference to your letter of the 6th inst., we are glad to inform you that there has been a great demand for the articles.关于对我方代表的 查询, 我们高兴的告知货物的收据已经发现。With reference to our representative's call, we are pleased to say that we have obtained th

4、e receipt for the goods.依照6月6日来信, 我们已由东海道铁路将50箱货发出。In accordance with your letter of the 6th June, we are sending off by the Tokaido line the fifty cases.依照昨日来函, 今晚已发出威士忌5箱。In accordance with your letter of yesterday, I am sending tonight 5 cases of whisky.依照您上月20日的订单, 我们已经向您发出原棉30包。According to you

5、r order of the 20th ult., we have sent you 30 bales of raw cotton.依照您对本公司J.先生的要求, 我们已另邮寄去10支的三合股纱样品。In compliance with your request to our Mr. J., we have pleasure in sending by separate post a sample of our 10s. 3-ply yarn.依照您的要求, 我们已通过山田公司向您发去40包棉花。Agreeably to your request, we have sent you, thro

6、ugh Messrs. Yamada & Co., 40 bales of cotton.期满到期我们如期收到您7月30日的来信。I received in due course your letter of the 30th July.该轮将于5月5日晨, 如期到达横滨港。The steamer will due in Yokohama on the morning of the 5th May.这张票据将于9月1日到期。The bill falls due on September 1.甚至到本月中旬, 折扣率也未下降到日率二分以下.The discount rates have

7、failed to come down below 2 sen per diem, even in the middle of the month.我们如期收到您6月10日的贵函。We have duly receiveed your valued favour of the 10th June.每个、依照由代理per pro.|by proxy每年per annum|yearly每月per mensem|monthly每天per diem|daily每人per man|per capital每一个|每一件per piece每磅per lb.每一包per b.每一吨per ton每一码per

8、yard每一瓶per bottle百分之?per cent|per cent.|percent|? %经本公司代表与你方的面谈结果, 本公司愿承担为贵公司的船运代理人。In reference to the interview our representative had with you, we offer to your goodselves our services as shipping-agents.随信寄上帐单一张, 如能尽快将款汇下, 则不胜感激。We enclose you a statement of account, for which your remittance at

9、 your earliest convenience will oblige.我们收到您5月19日来信, 我们已于今日发电确认, 请参阅所附该电抄件。We have received your favour of 19th May, and confirm our today's telegram as per the copy enclosed.对于装载贵轮船的货物, 已办妥保险。We have completed the insurance on the cargo per your steamer.抱歉遗憾此时, 我只能请您接受我的歉意。Meanwhile, I can only

10、 ask you to accept my apologies.请您宽恕我们的这一错误。We apologize you for the mistake.麻烦不少, 请您宽恕。We apologize you for troubling you.从你们 5月10日信中得知, 你方客户仍对该条件不表满意, 甚为遗憾。We are sorry to learn from your letter of the 10th May that your customer is still dissatisfied with the condition.在时机尚未成熟以前, 我们就冒昧地写信谈及此事, 对此

11、甚表遗憾。We are sorry that we have taken the liverty in writing you prematurely on the subject.我们遗憾地告诉您, 其中两箱, 质量极为差劣。I am regretted to have to inform you that two cases of them are so bad in quality.我们遗憾地告诉您, 本公司在R.C.15的房产, 因昨日下午失火, 已部分烧毁。We regret to inform you that our premises at 15 R.C. were partly

12、 destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon听说P.R.公司已破产, 甚为遗憾。I learnt with regret of the failure of messrs P.R. & Co.表示抱歉To take the liberty of doing something|To take the liberty to do something甚感遗撼, 请多包涵。To regret|To be sorry|To be chagrined|To be mortified|To be vexed对此事给您带来的不便, 请接受我们的歉意。Please ac

13、cept our apologies for the inconvenience this matter has given you.荣幸今天, 我们感到很荣幸能和 M. 威尔森教授欢聚一堂。Today, we feel very much honoured to have Prof. M. Wilson with us.特别使我们感到荣幸的是能有时机遇到你们各位知名人士。We feel speially honoured to be given this opportunity to meet such a nice group of distinguished people like yo

14、u.对于.甚感荣幸To have the honour of doing|To have the honour to do感谢承告知该假设干套不合格产品, 我方愿妥善处理不误。We appreciate your telling us about the defective sets, and are glad to make things right.在感谢您过去惠予支持的同时, 希望对我新公司也继续给予信赖。While thanking you for your valued support, I wish to asc for a continuance of your confiden

15、ce in the new company.藉此时机, 让我们对凡在业务发展方面给予有力支持的朋友、客户表示感谢。We take this opportunity to thank our patrons and friends for the liberal support extended to us during our business career.藉此时机, 让我们对您过去珍贵的支持表示感谢, 对您今后的订单, 我们将保证继续格外照顾。We take this opportunity of thanking you for your past valued support, and

16、 of assuring you that your orders will continue to receive our best personal attention.我们满怀信心的向您保证, 您所给予我们任何的业务, 我们都会以完全使您满意的方式去执行。We can confidently assert that any business with which you may favour us will be transacted in such a manner as will afford you the fullest satisfaction.谢谢您的查询或询价。We tha

17、nk you for your inquiry.承蒙您的好意, 甚为感谢。thank you very much for your courtesy.谢谢您的订货或订单。thank you for your order.提供服务我们随时乐意为您服务。We are always pleased to serve you at any time.如有时机为您服务, 我们将非常感谢。We thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you.同时, 请牢记我们最诚挚的心愿和为您服务的热望。In the meantime, please be as

18、sured of our most cordial good wishes and of our desire to be of service.请相信, 我们将非常感谢您能为我们 提供服务时机。We wish to assure you that we appreciate an opportunity afforded us for service.我们渴望为您服务。We are anxious to be able to sever you.希望愿望我们盼望着您的好消息。We hope to hear from you favourably.您在商场上如有需求, 即盼来函询价。I hop

19、e to receive your inquiries when in the market.我们希望能收到您的订单。We hope to be favoured with your order.我期待着您的好消息。I hope to hear favourably from you.我们希望这一行动能得到您的同意。We hope this action will meet with your approval.我们希望您能很快对此事做出决定。We hope that you will give this matter prompt attention.留意签名惠请留意我们每个人在下面的签名。

20、We would ask you kindly to note our respective signatures given below.下面是他的签名 件, 请惠予留意, 该签名效果与我的相同。Below you will find a facsimile of his signature, which I ask you to regard as my own.惠请留意我的签名。Have the kindness to take note of my signature .请留意附在下面的签名。I request your attention to his signature, appe

21、nded below.诚请回信回信by return|by return of post|by return of mail为供您回信方便, 随信附去免贴邮票的信封一个。A return envelope that requires no postage is enclosed for your convenience in replying.请开20美元的支票一张, 放在所附信封里, 立即寄给我们。Make out your check for $20, put it in the enclosed envelope, and start it on its way to us-now.为了

22、使您从我们这里取得更进一步信息, 随信附去明信片一张备用。A postcard is enclosed for your convenience in requesting further information.届时, 用明信片告知我们, 本公司乐意奉告, 当然不会增加任何麻烦。Then send back the postcard and we'll gladly tell you-without a bit of obligation, of course. 通知本厂已迁移到上述地址, 特此通知。I inform you that I have now removed my fa

23、ctory to the above address.我方已在本市开设贸易与总代理店, 特此通知。同时, 恳请订购。Having established ourselves in this city, as merchants and general agents, we take the liberty of acquainting you of it, and solicit the preference of your order.本公司于5月1日将改为股份, 特此奉告。We are pleased to inform you that our business will be turn

24、ed into a limited company on the 1st May.本公司股东年会, 将于3月1日在银行家俱乐部召开, 特此函告。Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company will be held at the Bankers' Club on Mar. 1.今天我们已付给R.S.先生120美元, 特此告知。By this we inform you that we have today paid Mr. R.S. $120.通过这些渠

25、道, 他们会发来甚多订单, 特此函告。Through these lines, we intimate you that they may send you considerable orders.B回信/B公司断定我们所提供的货色优良, 价格公正, 感谢贵公司给我们一个时机, 使我们的要求得以实现。We are certain that we are offering a sound article at popular price, and we should appreciate an opportunity to substantiate our claims.贵公司5月6日函悉, 本

26、公司无法承购贵公司开价的商品。此复。In answer to your favour of the 6th May, we inform you that we are unable to take the goods offered by you.关于贵公司所询麦麸一事, 现可提供该货20吨。In answer to your inquiry for bran, we offer you 20 tons of the same.贵函收悉, 此地商场仍保持平静。Answering to your letter, we state that the market remains quiet.至今

27、未复5月8日贵函, 甚感歉疚, 还望原谅。Kindly excuse our not replying to your favour of the 8th May unitl today. <本月8日贵函敬悉。?先生是位老实可靠的人, 特此告知。In response to your letter of the 8th inst., I am pleased to say that Mr. ? is a man of trustworthy character.关于所询H.先生的情况, 谨此高兴地告知, 他是一位足以信赖的人。In response to your inquiry res

28、pecting Mr. H., we have pleasure in stating that he is a thoroughly reliable man.关于S.公司的情况, 我们特此欣然函复。We are glad to answer your inquiry concerning S. & Company.关于J.先生的情况, 谨此高兴地告知, 我们认为他是绝对可以信赖的人。Answering to your inquiry respecting Mr. J., we are pleased to say that we found him absolutely relia

29、ble.17日贵函关于结帐一事, 谨此告知, 我们将很快寄去支票。Replying to your letter of the 17th respecting the account, I will send you a cheque shortly. 收讫您昨日来信已收悉, 谨于此按您所约定的条件。接受此项任务。I acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday, and gratefully accept the appointment on the terms you mention.6月1日贵函敬悉。We are pleased to a

30、cknowledge receipt of your favour of the 1st June.本月5日来函敬悉。We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 5th inst.本商品将于12月最后一班轮船付运, 货到时请惠于告知。Kindly acknowledge receipt, and have the goods sent by the last steamer in December.我们如期收到您5月15日的信, 信中所谈事宜尽悉。谢谢。We duly received your favour of the 15th May, co

31、ntents of which we note with thanks.6月6日来函收悉, 我们无法交运该货, 甚感遗撼。We are in possession o fyour favour of the 6th June, and regret having to inform you that it is impossible for us to deliver the goods.7月15日寄来的货物发票收悉。We are in possession of your invoice of the 15th July.7月7日的贵函收悉, 感谢您订购以下货物: .Your favour

32、of the 7th July is at hand, and thank you for your order for: .7月10日来函敬悉。Your favour of the 10th July came duly to hand.您昨天的信和所附来的100美元的支票均已收悉。Your favour of yesterday covering a chequie of $100 is duly to hand.昨天贵函已收悉。Your favour of yesterday is duly received.我们已收到您昨日写的信。We have received your lette

33、r of yesterday.我们如期收到您昨日发来的信。We duly received your letter of yesterday.我们于5月1日收到您4月3日的信。We received on the 1st May your valued favour dated 3th April.我们如期收到您5月27日函和附来的150美元的汇票。We duly received your favour of the 27th May, with a draft for $150.2月6日来函收悉。We have received your letter dated 6th February

34、.您6月5日的来函收悉, 多谢。We have to own with thanks the receipt of your favour of 6th June.确认 确认To confirm|Confirming|Confirmation为确认 In Confirmation of确认书 A letter of confirmation关于上周本公司通过 给您的报价, 我们特予以确认。We confirm our call of last week respecting our offers to you.兹确认我们5月3日所发函并告知您发来的货物已如期到达。We confirm our

35、respects of the 3rd May, and inform you that your consignment has duly arrived.兹确认已收到"O"号轮船送来的货物, 现寄去550美元的支票一张。请查取。I confirm the receipt of your shipment by m.s. "O", and now send you a cheque, valuing $550.兹确认我上星期致您函, 请及早约定与我方代外表谈的日期。Confirming our letter of last week, we ask y

36、ou to appoint an early interview with our representative.兹确认本公司6月11日的信, 同函附上50包的提单。请查收。Confirming ours of the 11th June, we now hand you enclosed B/L for 50 packages.兹确认昨天致您的信并欣告今天我们已给你们开出汇票。We confirm our respects of yesterday, and have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you.

37、兹确认您昨天向我们提出的订单。承惠顾非常欣慰。We have much pleasure in confirming herewith the order which you kindly placed with us yesterday.您对我公司所提订单, 请务必于明天下午三时前来电确认。Kindly let us have confirmation of these orders by telegraph tomorrow by 3 p.m.谨确认今日电报, 非常遗撼, 该工厂于昨夜被毁于火。In confirmation of my cable today, I regret to s

38、tate that the factory was completely destroyed by fire last night.为确认今早 中所订货物, 请寄来订货单。Kindly give us an order sheet in confirmation of the message by telephone of this morning.愉快欣慰我们欣慰地告知你们, 我们将于明日给银行寄去5张面额为500美元的债券。We have the pleasure to inform you that we will forward by tomorrow's mail to th

39、e Bank five bonds of $500 each.您昨日告知向上海发出25箱的信函我们已敬悉。We have the pleasure to acknowledge your favour of yesterday advising 25 cases for Shanghai.同函奉上有关文件。We have the pleasure of enclosing herewith the documents.谨送上50,000美元的支票一张。We have pleasure in forwarding you a cheque for $50,000.兹随信附去50包棉花的提单一张。

40、We have pleasure in enclosing herewith a Bill of Lading covering 50 bales of cotton.祈注意 "B House" 是B大街10号。We have pleasure to bring to your notice "B House" No. 10B Avenue.我们愿向您提出以下订货: .We have much pleasure of placing the following order with you: .谨以此确认我今晨的口头订货。I have much plea

41、sure in confirming my verbal order of this morning.我们高兴地通知您, 从伦敦给您发来的书和其它东西的邮包已经到达。We take pleasure in informing you that a parcel containing books and others has arrived for you from London.我们愿按每磅900美元接受您的订单。We shall be pleased to enter your order at $900 per pound.今愿提供玩具10箱每箱优惠价1000元。I shall be pl

42、eased to supply you with 10 cases of toys at the low price of $1000 per box.我们将乐意您参观本公司所出售的几种保险柜。We shall be pleased to show you some of our safes.我们欣慰的告知您, 去年度业务是最成功的一年。We are glad to inform you that the past year has been a most successful one.兹报告本市的S.公司情况。We are glad to report on S. & Co., of this cith.敝人欣闻您已接受我的报价。


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