



1、原料供应商监控程序the monitoring procedure for the raw materialsupplier1、目的: 为原料供应商监控方法,保证接收的原料质量与卫生情况符合要求,从而确保产品的品质,特制定本程序。1. Purpose:The procedure is made to assure the quality and sanitary condition ofthe raw material and finally the quality of the finished products can be assured. 2、适用范围: 所有为本公司提供原料的供应商2

2、. Scope of the applying: All the raw material suppliers of our company.3、 内容:3.content:31 原料供应商监控方法:3.1 Monitoring way for the raw material supplier3.1.1 sea catch aquatic food.对于海捕的水产品原料的收购监控,我们侧重考虑化学添加剂在原料中的潜在危害。For the sea catch one, we put emphasis on hazed analysis of the chemical additive in t

3、he raw material.在每年捕捞季节开始时,我们走访各供货商,了解捕捞船只的注册情况,复印其船只注册证书存档;了解其将要捕捞的海域是否符合政府指定的安全捕捞区;然后,与那些符合要求的供货商签订供货商保证书。并抽取原料进行致病菌,氯霉素,呋喃唑酮代谢物等检验。并同时将样品送到具有资格的试验室(铭丰水产公司实验室 )进行验证测试 .At the beginning of catching season, we visit every supplier to know the register condition of the ship and ask for the copy of th

4、e certificate and file it; and assure thecatching area does the government permit the safe sea area. Then we signed the supplier guarantee letter. And take sample to test the pathogens. And The sample is also sent to the qualified lab(minifying seafood lab )to test to verify our results.接受供货商第一次送货同时

5、送检(卫生防疫站)。原料检测不合格者,拒收其提供的原料,直到他能够提供经检测合格的原料为止。The supplier sends their sample to the quarantine bureau. We refuse to receive theunqualified raw material until he can offer the qualified one.化学添加剂(亚硫酸盐) ,验收原料时每批用试纸检测。拒收含有亚硫酸盐的原料。Chemical additive (sulfite), when receiving raw material, the sulfite is

6、 tested for every batch. The unqualified batch is refused. Then we will audit the supplier again to judge whether he can offer the qualified one.3.1.2 farm raised one.对于养殖的水产品原料的收购监控,我们侧重考虑抗生素残留和化学添加剂在原料中的潜在危害。For the farm raised raw material, we put emphasis on hazed analysis of the antibioticsand

7、chemical additive in the raw material.在每年捕捞季节开始时,我们走访各供货商,了解其养殖场周围的环境情况,是否存在有污染环境、土壤的农田、工厂;了解养殖户的药物使用情况。然后,与符合要求的供货商签订供货商保证书。(拒绝与使用国家违禁药物的供货商建立供货关系),并抽取原料进行致病菌,氯霉素,呋喃脞酮代谢物等检验。At the beginning of every catch season, we visit each supplier to assure that there is no contaminating environment (i.e. con

8、taminating field and plant); then we sign the supplier grantee letter. The sample will be taken to test the pathogens, chloramphenicol, and nutrofuran.A ,b,g)验收原料时,对于每批货我们要求供货商提供养殖期间的用药记录。拒收不提供用药记录的原料。试验室同时按工作计划对每批原料进行致病菌,氯霉素,呋喃唑酮代谢物, 亚硫酸盐的检测, 如有不合格者, 把该批原料及产品、 半产品封存,此批货物不能出口。并重新对原料供应商进行评估,直到他能够提供经检

9、测合格的原料为止。重新评审的文件存档。A ,b,g) drug use declaration record must be offered by the supplier for each lot. We refuse to receive the one without drug use declaration record. And the lab person takes sample from each lot of raw material to test the pathogen and chloramphenicol and nutrofuran and sulfite. If

10、 there is unqualified batch, raw material and finished products and semi-products from this batch will be held and separated.The products cannot be exported to other countries. And the supplier must be audited again till he can offer the qualified one. The auditing documents for this supplier are ar

11、chived.3.1.3 every supplier is given a unique code and registered and the file of raw material suppliers are archived.3.1.4 for each batch, the raw material is received according to following procedure.guarantee letter , the supplier must be the permitted one.( i. e: each supplier has unique code)th

12、e raw material receiving record is filled.the qualified material is received3.2 亚硫酸盐试纸的使用方法3.2 Sulfite test paper using method.c) 的虾 (3-5 条 ) 分别进行检测。3.2.1for each batch , 4-5 boxes are taken ,0.5% of shrimps ( 3-5pieces ) in eachbox will be taken as the sample .3.2.2被测溶液的 pH 值应在 pH6-pH12 之间才能检出低刻度的亚

13、硫酸盐。如果被测溶液pH 值低于 pH6,应使用醋酸钠或氢氧化钠溶液将被测溶液的pH 值至少调制到 pH7-pH10。3.2.2The PH of tested solution is between 6-12so thatthe sulfite can be tested.If the PH is less than 6, the NAOH or NACOOH solution will be added to adjust it at least to be between 7- the test paper (reaction part) will be emerged

14、into the solution for one.3.2.4 Remove the test paper and dry the left liquid. After 30 seconds, compare the color of the test paper to the color board.a.将试纸(反应部分)浸泡在被测样品中1 秒钟,使试纸湿透(反应部分)。a. The test paper (reaction part) will be emerged into the solution for one.b.将试纸从被测溶液中移开,甩干试纸上残留的液体,30 秒钟后,将试纸(

15、反应部分)的颜色与色板进行比较。b.Remove the test paper and dry the left-liquid. After30second, compare the color of the test paper to the color board.c.增加色板刻度 1.5。Cither color standard is increased to1.5.4相关文件:4.Relative document.41 原料、辅料、包装物料、半成品和成品取样留样规则;4.1 The sample rulesforthe raw material,on-lineproductsand finishedproducts.42 原料、辅料、包装物料检验标准4.2 Testing standard for the raw material.4.3 原料、辅料、包装物料检验方法4.3 Testing ways for the raw material.5、相关记录:5.Relative records:5.1 原料供应商担保书5.1Raw material supplier guarantee letter5.2 出口水产品原料供货证明5.2 Exporting seafood raw material supplying certificate5.3


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