



1、委托人(出售方):(以下简称“甲方”)Pri ncipal (Seller):(Here in after居间人:房地产经纪有限公司(以下简称“乙方”)Broker: Real Estate Brokers Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter“Party B”)甲、乙双方,就甲方委托乙方居间出售房地产事宜达成以下协议,在委托期限内, 甲方不得再自行出售或另行委托其他第三人从事与乙方同样的居间行为。Hereby the Parties en ter into the follow ing agreeme nt concerning the sale of real estate byPa

2、rty B on behalf of Party A. duri ng the term hereof, Party A may not sell such real estate directlyby himself or engage any third party for the provision of same brokerage services as those men tioned herei n.第一条:提供居间房地产的座落与情况LOCATION AND DETAILS OF REAL ESTATE座落:市区(县)路弄号室,共计套Locati on:Suite located

3、 atofAlley,AvenueDistrict(Cou nty).City (totally assuites)权利来权利证明产权证Certificate of Title预售合源资料同Con tract of Adva nee Sales其他SourceCertificateOthersofRights房地产权证件号权利人码证号TitleOwnerSerialDeed No.No.房屋所有权性建筑面积质类型状况Own ershiSpaceTypeBuildipAreasngStatu结构所处层数竣工日期sStructFloorCompleti onParty A”)ureLocated总

4、计层数Total FloorsDate土地状况LandStatu s权属性质Own ershiP用途Purposes使用期限Lifetime使用面积Floorage抵押MortgageO无YesO有No抵押权人Mortgagee:抵押金额SecurityAmount:抵押期限Mortgage Term租赁LeaseO无NoO有Yes租期至 年 月 日止lease term ended on交屋时间DeliveryDateO可随时交屋available at anytimeO于年月 日交屋available on房屋使用状况Conditio ns无缺陷with defect有缺陷withoutd

5、efect、十 违早搭建Illeg alFixtures有Yes无No权利限制状况En cumbrances有Yes无No相邻关系n eighbori ng relati ons正常good不止常bad其他Other s甲方保证提供的该房地产相关权利证明资料真实,提供的该房地产状况与实际情况 相符。 Party A undertakes that all information provided herein are true and compete, and con diti onsof real estate men ti oned here in are satisfied.第二条:委托

6、价格及房款收受方式 PRICE QUOTED AND PAYMENT TERM委托价格为每平方米人民币 元整,总计人民币 元,本委托价格系指甲方出售 本房地产之转让价格,成交后,甲方应另行承担本合同约定之服务报酬及政府规定之 交易税、费。Price quoted herein shall be CNY _ per m2, totally as CNY _ , which refersto the transfer price upon the sale of this real estate by Party A. service fees provided herein andother t

7、axes & fees imposed by applicable government shall be paid by Party A upon thecompletion of such sales.(二) 房款收受方式:Payment Term1、买受方办理购房抵押贷款(房款总额扣除可贷款金额后,余款按如下方式收取):a) If mortgage loan is acquired by Buyer, remainders of transfer prices upon deduction of suchloan shall be paid as follows:第一次 签订买卖

8、合同时,收受总房款的%。The first installment shall be paid at the date on which Sales Contract is concluded as % of thetotal transfer prices.第二次 房地产交易管理部门受理产权移转申请之日起一日内,收受其余额。The remaining of such remainders (as second installment) shall be paid within 1 days uponProperty Transfer Application has been accepted

9、 by governing body of real estate transaction.第三次 银行贷款金额,于银行发放贷款时,一次性收取。The bank loan (as third installment) shall be paid to Seller upon granted by the related bank.2、买受方不办理购房抵押贷款b) If no mortgage loan is acquired by Buyer, transfer prices shall bepaid as follows:第一次 签订买卖合同时,收受总房款的The first in stal

10、lme nt shall be paid at the date on which Sales Con tract is con eluded as% of一)委托价格:Price Quoted.the total tra nsfer prices.第二次 房地产交易管理部门受理产权移转申请之日起一日内,收受总房款%The sec ond in stallme nt shall be paid withi n 1 days upon Property Tran sferApplicati on has bee n accepted by gover ning body of real esta

11、te tran sact ion as_%of the total tra nsfer prices.第三次 交付房屋,买方取得房地产权证时,收受总房款%。The third installment shall be paid upon the delivery of this real estate and title deed thereof is obtained by Buyer.第三条:甲方愿意随房附赠买方如下设施、设备Party A agrees to give the following equipments and facilities to Buyer free of cha

12、rges房屋装潢Decorati ons房Main Structures:墙面Wall地面Floor家具Furniture电器EA空调Air- con diti oner厅Parlor:墙面Wall地面Floor家具Furniture其他电器Others:厨Kitchen:墙面Wall _地面Floor _设备Equipment: 橱 柜Cabinet脱排油烟机Range Hood煤气灶Gas-range热水 器Water Heater煤气Gas电话Tel门号码Door No.:费用Fun ds维修基金MaintenanceFund其它Others卫Rest Room:墙面Wall地面Floo

13、r设备Equipment: 马桶Close Stool洗脸盆Washbowl浴缸Bathtub淋浴 房Shower Room其它Others第四条:委托期限:CONTRACT TERM自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。Term hereof shall comme nee from_ to_.第五条:服务报酬SERVICE FEES(一)乙方完成甲方委托之居间出售行为时,即甲方与乙方所介绍之买方签订买卖 合同时,甲方得向乙方一次性支付服务报酬。Party A shall make lump-sum payment to Party B for the service fees provided

14、 here in whe nreal estate has bee n sold by Party B on behalf of Party A, in other word, Sales Con tract hasbee n con cluded by Party A and clie nt in troduced by Party B.(二)服务报酬额:Service Fees hereof shall be1.居住用房为实际成交总价(含装修款、设施、设备转让费)的% ;_ % of the actual tran sfer prices (in clusive of reno vati

15、on costs and tran sfer prices ofequipments and facilities) of residential property; or2.非居住用房为实际成交总价(含装修款、设施、设备转让费)的 %。_ % of the actual tran sfer prices (in clusive of reno vati on costs and tran sfer prices ofequipments and facilities) of non-residential property.第六条:违约处理Breach of Liability hereof

16、有下列情形之一者,甲方应依本合同第二条委托总价的1%(居住用房)、2%(非居 住用房)向乙方支付违约金Party A shall pay Party B damages as 1%(as reside ntial property)or 2%(as nonreside ntialproperty) of price quoted in Article 2 hereof if第四条:委托期限:CONTRACT TERM(一)、在委托期限内,甲方自行出售,或经第三人介绍出售的;Party A sells such real estate directly by himself or any thi

17、rd party during the term hereof;(二)、于委托期限内或届满后六个月内,甲方与乙方曾介绍之买方成交,或利用乙 方提供的信息、条件、机会而与第三方成交;Party A sells such real estate to Buyer introduced by Party B during the term hereof or within 6months thereafter, or makes transaction with any third party by reference of any information,condition or opportun

18、ity provided by Party B;(三)、委托期限内,买方愿以甲方委托条件买受,而甲方反悔不卖,或甲方未能提 供必要的文件和配合,致乙方无法履行合同的;Within the term hereof, Party A refuses to sell such real estate under the terms and conditionsrequired by it, or Party B fails to perform this Contract due to the failure of Party A to provide anyor all necessary ins

19、truments or assistances;(四)、与他人私下串通,损害乙方利益的;Within the term hereof, Party A terminate this Contract without consent of Party B; or(五)、在委托期限内,非经乙方同意,甲方随意终止本合同;Party B fails to perform this Contract due to any other breach of Party A.(六)、甲方其它违约行为,致乙方无法履行本合同的。The other activities of breach which make P

20、arty B unable to perform this conatract.第七条:乙方义务OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY B(一)、随时依甲方查询,如实向甲方报告委托事项处理情况;包括委托房地产的促 销情况、看房信息反馈等;Party B shall, at the request of Party A, notify any and all information related to its services,including the promotion measures and feedbacks provided by the potential buyers;(二)

21、、通过乙方的销售渠道,早日完成甲方委托之交易,并协助甲方与买方成交条 件的斡旋;Party B shall fulfill the transaction entrusted by Party A through its own distribution channel asquickly as possible, and shall provide assistances to Party A for its negotiation with potentialbuyer;(三)、于成交时,协助甲方与买方签订成交合同,办理相关过户手续;Party B shall provide assist

22、ances to Party A and Buyer for the conclusion of Sales Contract andfulfillment of transfer formalities upon mutual agreement is reached by Party A and Buyer;(四)、不得与他人私下串通,损害甲方利益;Party B may not prejudice the interests of Party A by collusion with any third party; and(五)、在委托期限内,非经甲方同意,乙方不得随意终止本合同。Dur

23、ing the term hereof, Party B may not terminate this Contract without consent of Party A.第八条:甲方义务OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY A(一)、甲方保证对委托出售之房地产有出售之权利,且产权清楚,否则,由此给买 方所造成的损失,概由甲方承担;Party A undertakes that it has full rights and authorities to sell this real estate without anyencumbrances, otherwise any and al

24、l losses suffered by Buyer therefrom shall be borne byParty A;(二)、为促进销售,买方需办理购房抵押贷款时,甲方需配合办理;Party A shall provide assistances to Buyer for the acquisition of bank loans; and(三)、于买卖成交时,甲方应依法自行交纳相关交易税、费。Party A shall pay all taxes and fees imposed by the competent authority for the transactioncomplet

25、ed hereunder.第九条:买卖合同签订及产权转移手续SALES CONTRACT AND TRANSFER FORMALITIES甲方与买方购房条件都达成一致时,甲方应依乙方之通知,及时与乙方所介绍之买方 签订房地产买卖合同,并协助办理产权转移手续,否则,视为甲方违约。Party A shall, if notified by Party B, enter into Sales Contract with the buyer introduced by PartyB as quickly as possible upon the terms and conditions for the

26、 sale of real estate hereof areboth satisfied by Party A and such buyer, in addition, Party A shall provide assistances for thefulfillment of transfer formalities, it shall constitute the breach of Party A if it fails to do so.第十条:甲方无权出售或者文件不实的责任PartyLisability of Invalid Authority or Failure of Fil

27、es甲方及/或代理人无权出售所委托的房地产,或提供的相关证件和资料不实,致本合同 无效或无法履行,则甲方及/或代理人应依本合同第二条所委托之总价的1%(居住用房)、2%(非居住用房)支付乙方作为赔偿。若同时造成买方损失,亦应承担相应的 赔偿责任。本条款不因本合同的无效而失效,即便本合同无效、本条款仍独立适用于 甲方及/或代理人、乙方。Party A and/or its agent shall pay damages to Party B as 1% (as residential property) or 2% (asnon-residential property) of price qu

28、oted in Article 2 hereof if the real estate hereunder is solddirectly by Party A and/or its agent or this Contract becomes invalid or fails to be performed dueto the incorrect of certificates or materials provided by Party A, in addition, any and all lossessuffered by Buyer there-from shall also be indemnified by Party A. this clause shall survive theinvalidity or termination of this Contract, i.e., this clause shall al


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