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1、2016年4月24日学位英语考试真题答案解析-阅读理解(统考卷)Passage OneThe new year brought new desks for students at Vallecito ElementarySchool, in San Rafael, California. The last three of the schools 22 classroomsswitched from seated desks to standing desks. “Its now the first all-standingschool,” Juliet Starrett told TFK.

2、She started the group StandUp Kids. Her goalis to have every U.S. public school kid using a standing desk within the next10 years.Starretts daughtersGeorgia, 10, and Caroline, 7attend Vallecito.They are thrilled with their desks. “You feel happier, youre less tired, andyoure more active,” Georgia sa

3、ys.Some of the desks have wheels and fidget bars. The bars let kidsmove in a way that doesnt disturb the class. Wheels allow the desks to bemoved easily. The desks also adjust to different heights. Kids take breaks bysitting on the floor or on stools.There is the trend of designing things to make th

4、em easy and safe touse. According to Mark Benden, director of the Texas A&M Center, standingworkers are more focused and healthier. He says his research shows that kidsusing standing desks are more engaged and burn more calories (卡路里). InDecember, researchers in New Zealand, Australia, and the Unite

5、d Kingdomreleased similar findings. But not everyone is convinced standing is betterthan sitting. Some parents and teachers worry that kids will get tired and thatstanding for long periods of time may be harmful. And standing desks are moreexpensive.Benden says both sitting and standing desks can ca

6、use problems ifthey are not the proper height. “Our message should not be Sit less, standmore,” he says, “but Sit less, move more.”11. How many classrooms in Vallecito areequipped with standing desks?A. 3 B. 25C. 19 D. 2212. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. Why standing desks are used.B. Where st

7、anding desks are used.C. How standing desks are used.D. Who use standing desks.13. Mark Bendens research shows that kidsusing standing desks .A. feel more tiredB. are more focusedC. get better scoresD. tend to eat more14. The researchers in Australia and the UK(para. 4) .A. would agree with BendenB.

8、 are not fully convinced by BendenC. partly support Bendens findingsD. find it hard to accept Bendens theory15. Some parents and teachers worry that usingstanding desks may .A. disturb the kids in classB. leave the classroom noisyC. harm the students healthD. increase the teachers workloadPassage Tw

9、oJapan and Germany have the worlds oldest populations, but neithercountry has enough trained health care workers to meet the needs of older adults.So, they are turning to Vietnam for help. This month, 100 young Vietnamese aregoing to Germany as part of a project to train what are called geriatric (老

10、年的) nursesto work in the European country. The trainees recently completed a six-monthlanguage and culture class, they will spend the next two years in anoccupational training program. If the trainees pass the final exam, they willbe able to work in Germany as geriatric nurses for another 3 years.Ge

11、rmany is facing a crisis as low birth rates combine with a growingpopulation of citizens who are living longer. About 20 percent of thepopulation is over the age of 65, and that percentage is expected to continuerising.This is a problem Japan also faces. Later this year, 150 Vietnamesecandidates wil

12、l go to Japan for two years of training at the countryshospitals, after that they are expected to take the national nursing exam. Japanalready trains nurses from the Philippines and Indonesia, but the health caresystem has been criticized for being too harsh. All candidates must take thesame exam, b

13、ut it is very difficult for foreign applicants because few canspeak the Japanese language.Even with an aging population, many Japanese are opposed toforeigners working in some industries. Critics say foreign labor could lead tohigher unemployment, but there is little opposition to foreign nurses.In

14、Vietnam, the situation is very different. 60 percent of thepopulation was born after the Vietnam war ended in 1985. There are not enoughjobs for everyone who wants one in Vietnam, but learning the nursing skills canhelp them find jobs overseas.16. The overseas Vietnamese nurses mustcomplete the foll

15、owing EXCEPT.A. a culture courseB. a health care examC. a language trainingD. a driving test17. A Vietnamese youngster will spend atleast in Germany before working there as a geriatricnurse.A. six monthsB. one and a half yearsC. two and a half yearsD. five years18. It is inferred from the passage th

16、at inJapan.A. the health care system is much more strict than that in GermanyB. the majority of nurses are from Vietnam,Indonesia and the PhilippinesC. the Vietnamese who pass the national exams will be trained at hospitalsD. foreigners find it hard to pass nursing exams because few can speak Japane

17、se19. Faced with the aging population, manyJapanese .A. welcome foreign nurses working in JapanB. oppose foreign labor working in most placesC. criticize the government for being tooharshD. blame the government for highunemployment20. The last paragraph indicates that .A. the Vietnamese also face th

18、e agingproblemB. over half of the Vietnamese are underthe age of 45C. sixty percent people cannot find jobs inVietnamD. more and more Vietnamese have found jobs abroadPassage ThreeBorn around 1770 in Tennessee, Sequoyah was a Cherokee. Like otherNative Americans of that time, he could neither read n

19、or write. He couldnthelp noticing, though, how white people wrote to one another on sheets ofpaper. They often used these “talking leaves,” as some Native Americans calledthem, to communicate.Back then, the Cherokee had no way to write down words in their ownlanguage. Sequoyah believed it was import

20、ant for the Cherokee to have a systemof writing. So, in 1809, he set out to create an alphabet that the Cherokeecould use to do just that.Sequoyah started by drawing pictures, with each one representing adifferent word or idea. He soon realized that writing sentences using pictureswould be much too

21、difficult. There were too many words. No one would ever beable to remember that many pictures.Sequoyah decided to try a different approach. He began to developsymbols to stand for the sounds, or syllables (音节), that made upwords. Twelve years later, he completed a system of writing with 86 different

22、symbols. Each one stood for a different syllable in the Cherokee language. Thesymbols could easily be put together to form words. Soon thousands of Cherokeewere able to read and write in their own language.Sequoyahs work did not end there, however. He helped to establish aprint shop and began publis

23、hing a bilingual newspaper in both Cherokee andEnglish. The shop also printed books translated from English into Cherokee. Inlater years, Sequoyah also became a political leader among the Cherokee.21. As can be learned from the firstparagraph, a Cherokee was a .A. Native AmericansB. writerC. White m

24、anD. genius22. “Talking leaves” in the final paragraphrefers to .A. English spellingsB. pieces of paper with wordsC. English sentencesD. tree leaves that make sounds23. To create an alphabet, Sequoyah beganwith pictures that stand for .A. soundsB. symbolsC. wordsD. syllables24. Sequoyahs invention w

25、as important tothe Cherokee, because .A. the Cherokee are now able to read and writeB. the Cherokee now make a living with thewriting systemC. one of their parks was named afterSequoyahD. the Cherokee are proud of hisachievement25. Sequoyah is best remembered for .A. being able to read and writeB. b

26、eing raised as a CherokeeC. drawing pictures to represent words orideasD. inventing a written language for the CherokeePassage FourClosed Circuit Television, usually abbreviated to CCTV, iseverywhere in todays society. In fact, when we go about our everyday lives itis virtually impossible to avoid i

27、t. If you take a bus to school, there will bea camera on it. When you pop out to the supermarket to buy some bread, a camerawill be watching you walk around the shop. If you look up, youll see camerason many street corners, at bus stops, on trains and even in some publictoilets. We seem to have deve

28、loped an obsession (迷恋) with them!In 2013, an article published in The Guardian (a British newspaper)stated that there was 1 camera for every 11 people in Britain. There are estimatedto be around 6 million CCTV cameras across Britain - now thats a lot ofcameras! Thanks to our apparent love of CCTV,

29、Britain has been nicknamed thesurveillance state.CCTV is a vital tool for the police and can help solve crimes - anotable example would be the James Bulger case from 1993. CCTV images meantthat the two boys who committed the crime were caught and prosecuted. However,CCTV does not always have all the

30、 answers. Sometimes the images arent clearenough to identify people; often, criminals obscure their faces to avoid beingcaught. Recently, some talking CCTV cameras have been installed in the UK.These react to movement, and warn criminals that their photo has been taken.In my opinion, CCTV has gone t

31、oo far. As a nation, we rely on it fartoo much. At what point did we decide to replace police officers withtechnology? Many people claim to feel safer as a result of CCTV; if more policewere around Im sure theyd feel just as safe! Many schools across Britain haveinstalled CCTV - in classrooms, toile

32、ts and changing rooms. They say it helpsto prevent bullying - but surely something else could be done instead?26. According to Paragraph 1, CCTV_A. can be easily avoidedB. is widely used in societyC. can be bought in supermarketD. makes public streets much safer27. The word “surveillance” (Para.2)pr

33、obably means “_”.A. monitorB. safetyC. crimeD. public28. Why does the author mention the JamesBulger case?A. It is a well-known case in the UK.B. It proves the importance of CCTV.C. It is a lesson for the British police.D. It warns of the danger from boycriminals.29. According to the passage, the ta

34、lkingCCTV cameras_.A. do not have clear imagesB. help find hidden criminalsC. can identify dim facesD. give warnings to criminals30. What is the authors attitude towardsCCTV?A. PositiveB. NegativeC. ObjectiveD. Unclear答案解析:Passage one11、【答案】D【解析】根据第一段第二句话可知一共有22间教室,所以推断答案选D.12、【答案】C【解析】锁定第三段,主要讲如何使用

35、立式办公桌。13、【答案】B【解析】根据原文According to Mark Benden, director of the Texas A&M Center, standing workers are more focused and healthier.可知答案选B.14、【答案】A【解析】根据原文In December, researchers in New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom released similar findings.可知答案选A.15、【答案】C【解析】根据原文Some parents and teache

36、rs worry that kids will get tired and that standing for long periods of time may be harmful.可知答案选C.Passage two16、【答案】D【解析】根据原文The trainees recently completed a six-month language and culture class, they will spend the next two years in an occupational training program.可知答案选D.17、【答案】C【解析】根据原文The trai

37、nees recently completed a six-month, they will spend the next two years可知答案选C.18、【答案】D【解析】根据原文All candidates must take the same exam, but it is very difficult for foreign applicants because few can speak the Japanese language.可知答案选D.19、【答案】B【解析】根据原文Even with an aging population, many Japanese are op

38、posed to foreigners working in some industries. Critics say foreign labor could lead to higher unemployment, but there is little opposition to foreign nurses.可知答案选B.20、【答案】D【解析】根据原文There are not enough jobs for everyone who wants one in Vietnam, but learning the nursing skills can help them find job

39、s overseas.可知答案选D.Passage three21、【答案】A【解析】根据原文Born around 1770 in Tennessee, Sequoyah was a Cherokee. Like other Native Americans of that time, he可知答案选A.22、【答案】B【解析】根据原文They often used these talking leaves中talking leaves前的these可知,这里指代的是前文中的.sheets of paper。23、【答案】C【解析】根据原文Sequoyah started by drawin

40、g pictures可知答案选C.24、【答案】A【解析】根据原文Soon thousands of Cherokee were able to read and write in their own language.可知答案选A.25、【答案】D【解析】ABC均是描述的一个方面,D更具有概括性。Passage four26、【答案】B【解析】根据原文Closed Circuit Television, usually abbreviated to CCTV, is everywhere in todays society.可知答案选B.27、【答案】A【解析】surveillance有“监

41、督”的意思,及monitor同意。28、【答案】B【解析】根据原文CCTV is a vital tool for the police and can help solve crimesa notable example would be the James Bulger case from 1993.可知答案选B.29、【答案】D【解析】根据原文These react to movement, and warn criminals that their photo has been taken.可知答案选D.30、【答案】B【解析】全文可以看出,作者是持否定、消极态度的。2016年4月24

42、日学位英语考试真题答案解析-词汇语法(统考卷)31.Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8 percent and 46.8 percent, _, over February 1995.A.expectedlyB.respectivelyC.separatelyD.accordingly【答案】B【解析】separately 分别地。此处的意思为:分别上升了57.8%和46.8%.32.Had he received six more votes in the last election, he _ our c

43、hairman now.A.must be B.would have been C.shall be D.would be【答案】D【解析】主句用 would be 表示及现在事实相反的非真实条件句。33.Finding out about these universities has become easy for anyone with Internet _,A.entrance B.asmission C.access D.entry【答案】C【解析】对于那些能上互联网的人而言,了解这些大学很容易。entrance“入口,进入”;admission“允许进入,供认”;access“通路,

44、捷径,入口,存取”; entry“入口,进入,登录,条目”。34.Blacks and American Indians _ less than 10% of students in the top 30 business colleges.A.make up B.take upC.reach out D.torn out【答案】B【解析】take up 占,占据;make up 编造、补足;reach out 延伸、扩展;turn out 关 灯,结果是。35.No one knows for sure _the word would be like in 50 years.A.how B.

45、thatC.which D.what【答案】D【解析】what引导宾语从句,在从句中做宾语。36.The only thing _ really matters to me is how soon we can return home.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.this【答案】B【解析】对孩子们来说唯一要紧的是多久才能回到他们叔叔和阿姨的农场。37.It _ without saving that consumers would be happier if prices were lower.A.takesB.appearsC.makesD.goes【答案】D【解析】go wi

46、thout saying 固定搭配“很显然,不言而喻”。故答案选D.38.After a few months, they became _ to the new environment.A.interestedB.confidentC.accustomedD.happy【答案】C【解析】be accustomed to为固定搭配,意为“习惯于”,符合语境。句意为:几个月后,移民们就习惯了新的环境。39.Speech is the _ ability possesed only by human beings.A.averageB.uniqueC.collectiveD.single【答案】B

47、【解析】unique 唯一的,仅有的;独一无二的,独特的。符合题意。40. Your grade will be based in large part on the_ of your ideas.A. creativityB. efficiencyC. possibilityD. facility【答案】A【解析】你的成绩很大程度上取决于你的思想创造力。creativity 创造力;efficiency 效率;possibility 可能性;facility 设备。41. The new tax would force companies to _energy-saving measures

48、.A. adaptB. adoptC. adjustD. address答案选B。adopt意为“采取”,及measures是固定的用法,adopt measures“采取措施”。42. _ all the difficulties, we managed to finish our task ahead of schedule.A. Instead ofB. In spite ofC. In case ofD. In addition to答案选B。in spite of意为“尽管;不管,不顾”,表示让步关系。43. John _ almost all of his collections

49、to his friends, but he still had a very few left.A. put awayB. threw awayC. took awayD. gave away答案选D。give away to固定搭配,意为“分发,赠送”。44. I was attending a lecture the other day when I received a phone call _ it offered me the job I liked.A. expectingB. to expectC. expectedD. to be expected.答案选C。expected

50、作a phone call的定语,表示这个电话是被期望的,过去分词表示被动。45. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _ made the others unhappy.A. whichB. whoC. thisD. what答案选A。非限制性定语从句, which指代前文所提的事。46. Those who _ Chapter One please go directly to Chapter Four first.A. finishB. will have finishedC. have finished

51、D. will finish答案选C。who引导的定语从句修饰those,句意是“已经完成第一章的那些人”,答案选C。47. I woke up with a headache, and now luckily it _.A. has goneB. had goneC. wentD. would have gone答案选A。题干意思“现在头疼已经消失了”,用一般现在完成时。48. Nowadays, a large number of women, especially those from the countryside, _ for the clothing industry.A. is

52、working B. works C. work D. worked答案选C。nowadays“现今;时下”是一般现在时的标志;且横线上是整个句子的谓语,主语是a large number of women,故此处用work。49. The writer was so absorbed in her work that she didnt notice him _ the room.A. enter B. had enteredC. to enter D. entered答案选A。固定搭配。notice sb do sth 表示“注意到某人做了某事”,指动作do的全过程,即动作结果。50. E

53、verybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving storyA. in B. without C. by D. beyond答案选D。固定搭配。beyond words表示“难以言表;无法用语言表达”。2016年4月24日学位英语考试真题答案解析-完成对话(统考卷)Mike: Can I borrow $5?Tony: _1_ Why do you need it?Mike: I want to buy lunch.Tony: Wheres your money?Mike: _2_Tony: Your wallet is empt

54、y?Mike: I dont have even one dollar in it.Tony: _3_Mike: Even if its only for a short while.Tony: Its always good to have friends.Mike: Friends will lend you money when youre broke.Tony: _4_A. Being broke is no fun.B. A friend in need is a friendC. Its not in my wallet.D. Sure.Mary: I like living he

55、re.Jenny: _5_ Pasadena is a nice city.Mary: Its not too big.Jenny: And its not too small.Mary: It has great weather all year long.Jenny: It has the Rose Parade.Mary: It has beautiful houses, great schools and _6_Jenny: Its close to the mountains.Mary: _7_Jenny: Im not ever going to leave.A.People en

56、joy the Parade.B.No place is better thanC. I agreeD. wonderful reataurants.Jony: Do you have a car?Bill: Yes,I do. _8_Jony: Is it new?Bill: It was new in 2008.John: So, its pretty old now.Bill: Yes,it is. _9_Jony: Do you take good care of it?Bill: Oh,yes. _10_ And my mechanic changes the oil twice a year.A. But it still looks good.B. What kind of car do you have?C.I have a Honda.D.I Wash it once a week.答案解析:1、【答案】D【解析】Mike向Tony借钱,根据后文可以知道,Tony是同意的,所所以答案选D“当然可以”。2


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