已阅读5页,还剩23页未读 继续免费阅读




1、红色为自己总结的考题 ,黑色为网上资料在路径为: C:ajjl.txt文本的每行内容后加上对应的行数,例如:ajjl-第1 行.请写出代码(禁止使用命令库)wenben = Plugin.File.OpenFile("c:ajjl.txt")/打开ajjl.txt文件,以备读写使用Call Plugin.File.SeekFile(wenben, 0)/设置文件的当前读写位置For UBound(hangshu) Call Plugin.File.WriteFile(wenben, hangshu(i) & "-第" & ii &

2、 "行" & vbcrlf)/ 向目标文件写入行数并换行 i = i + 1:ii = ii + 1NextCall Plugin.File.CloseFile(wenben)/关闭一个已经打开的文件。文件关闭后,其句柄不再有效 EndScript 如果鼠标停止动作超过5秒,则执行弹出信息提示框"鼠标停止动作",请写出代码GetCursorPos x1, y1/得到鼠标位置Delay 5000/等待五秒重新判断鼠标位置,GetCursorPos x2, y2If x1 = x2 and y1 = y2 thenMessageBox "鼠

3、标停止动作"End If限制鼠标范围在屏幕坐标(200,300)到(500,600)范围内,超出范围则回到边界(鼠标范围限制),请写出代码。x1 = 200x2 = 500y1 = 300y2 = 600 Do GetCursorPos x, y If x < x1 or x > x2 or y < y1 or y > y2 Then / 当x,y有一个超出范围后, If x < x1 Then x = x1 ElseIf x > x2 Then x=x2 End If If y < y1 Then y = y1 ElseIf y >

4、y2 Then y=y2 End If MoveTo x, y End If Loop写一个子程序,可以使鼠标从当前的坐标逐点的移动到目的坐标(带轨迹的鼠标移动),请写出代码(要求:轨迹为一条直线)etCursorPos x1, y1/得到鼠标位置坐标/x2,y2为目标坐标For i = 1 To 100/把x和y等分100份nx = (x2 - x1) / 100ny = (y2 - y1) / 100MoveTo int(x1 + i * nx), int(y1 + i * ny)Delay 10Next End Sub鼠标按圆型移动,半径为r=100,圆点为(200,200),请写出代码

5、Dim n, x, yMoveTo 100, 200/确定圆点For n = 0 To 360 x = 200 - 100 * cos(n*3.14/180) y = 200 - 100 * sin(n*3.14/180)/ 根据直角三角形公式求两个直角边边长 MoveTo x, y Delay 10NextEndScript1、鼠标按圆型移动,半径为r=100,圆点为(200,200),请写出代码.Dim a, x, yMoveTo 100, 200For a = 0 To 360 x = 200 - 100 * cos(a*3.14/180) y = 200 - 100 * sin(a*3

6、.14/180) MoveTo x, y Delay 5NextEndScript 1、(前台)区域范围为(100,150)到(200,300)内的所有点是否均为"FFFFFF",是则弹出对话框"没有其他颜色",否则弹出第一个点的颜色值并退出程序. 请写出代码 x = 100 y = 150 RtColor = Plugin.Color.GetPixelColor(x, y, 0) RtColor1 = RtColor While (y < 300) x=100 While (x < 200) If RtColor = "FFFFF

7、F" Then x = x + 1 Else MessageBox RtColor1 ExitScript End If RtColor = Plugin.Color.GetPixelColor(x, y, 0) Wend y=y+1 Wend MessageBox "没有其他颜色"2、利用多线程对多个记事本的窗口位置进行随机移动.请写出代码 RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" Delay 2000 DimEnv H

8、wnd1 HwndEx = Plugin.Window.Search("记事本") Hwnd = Split(HwndEx,"|") If UBound(Hwnd) >= 0 Then For i = 0 To UBound(Hwnd) - 1 wnd = Clng(Hwnd(i) Hwnd1 = wnd BeginThread 移动 Delay 100 Next End If Do Delay 1000 Loop Sub 移动 Hwnd2 = Hwnd1 Randomize x = Int(Rnd * 500) Randomize y = Int

9、(Rnd*500) MessageBox x&","&y Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd2, x+ 100, y + 100) End Sub3、筛选出100以内所有个位数加十位数等于10的数,例如82,8+2=10满足条件,请写出代码 s="" For i = 1 To 99 a = i mod 10 b = int(i / 10) If (a + b) = 10 Then s=s&i&"|" End If Next MessageBox s 4、写一个算法可以将十进制的字符

10、串转成八进制的字符串.例如"8"->"10",请写出代码 Public Function DEC_to_OCT(Dec) DEC_to_OCT = "" Do While Dec > 0 DEC_to_OCT = Dec Mod 8 & DEC_to_OCT Dec = Dec 8 Loop End Function a=DEC_to_OCT("8") MessageBox a 5、有N个窗口,第一个窗口移动到(0,0)点,其余的窗口根据第一个窗口平铺,窗口不超出屏幕边缘(窗口平铺),请写出代码

11、 RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" HwndEx = Plugin.Window.Search("记事本") Hwnd = Split(HwndEx, "|") ScreenX = Plugin.Sys.GetScRX()

12、 ScreenY = Plugin.Sys.GetScRY() MessageBox ScreenX sRect = Plugin.Window.GetWindowRect(Hwnd(0) MessageBox sRect xy = Split(sRect, "|") x = xy(2) - xy(0) y = xy(3) - xy(1) sx = 0 sy = 0 i=0 MessageBox x While (Screeny-sy >y) While (ScreenX - sx > x) Delay 10 Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hw

13、nd(i),Cstr(sx),Cstr(sy) sx = sx + x i = i + 1 If i > UBound(Hwnd)-1 Then ExitScript End If Wend sy = sy + y sx=0 MessageBox sy Wend 写一个子程序,可以使鼠标从当前的坐标逐点的移动到目的坐标(带轨迹的鼠标移动),请写出代码Do Call a(50, 50) Call a(800, 600)Loopsub a(x,y) Do GetCursorPos x0, y0 If x > x0 Then i = 1 ElseIf x < x0 Then i =

14、 -1 ElseIf x = x0 Then i = 0 End If If y > y0 then ii = 1 ElseIf y < y0 then ii = -1 ElseIf y = y0 then ii = 0 End If MoveR i, ii If x = x0 and y = y0 Then Exit do End If LoopEnd sub 11、随机生成一个1100之间的整数,玩家可以通过inputbox输入数字,猜对则退出游戏,猜错则提示答案的范围(猜数游戏),请写出代码例如:随机数为:60,用户输入20,程序提示"答案范围为:20100&quo

15、t;.用户再次输入75,程序提示"答案范围为:2075".用户再次输入60,程序提示"猜中",然后退出程序.Randomize答案 = int(Rnd * 100) + 1最小数 = 1最大数 = 100数字 = InputBox("(猜数游戏),输入1100之间的整数,玩家可以通过输入数字,猜对则退出游戏,猜错则提示答案的范围")数字=int(数字)Do If 数字 = 答案 Then MsgBox 数字 & ",恭喜答对了" EndScript ElseIf 数字 > 答案 Then 最大数 =

16、数字 ElseIf 数字 < 答案 Then 最小数 = 数字 End If 数字 = InputBox("答案范围为:" & 最小数 & "" & 最大数) 数字 = int(数字)Loop 13、锁定鼠标位置在(200,300)到(500,600)之间,超出范围则回到边界(鼠标范围锁定),请写出代码 Call 锁范围(200,300,500,600)Function 锁范围(x1,y1,x2,y2) Do GetCursorPos x, y If x < x1 or x > x2 or y < y1 o

17、r y > y2 Then If x < x1 Then x = x1 ElseIf x > x2 Then x=x2 End If If y < y1 Then y = y1 ElseIf y > y2 Then y=y2 End If MoveTo x, y End If LoopEnd Function 15、获取数组array(10,9,1,5,2,3,4,5,6,11)中最接近平均数的值,请写出代码a = array(10, 9, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11)i=0For UBound(a) + 1 ii = ii + a(i) i

18、= i + 1Next均值 = ii /( UBound(a) + 1)i=0For UBound(a) If Abs(均值 - a(i) > Abs(均值 - a(i + 1) Then ii = a(i + 1) ElseIf Abs(均值 - a(i) < Abs(均值 - a(i + 1) Then ii = a(i) End If i=i+1NextMsgBox ii 16、有一个字符串,里面包含一些数字,写一个函数,把这些数字加起来。比如“我30你40他50”结果就是120。请写出代码a = "我30你40他50ni"For i = 1 To Len

19、(a) + 1 If IsNumeric(Mid(a, i, 1) = True Then ii = ii & Mid(a, i, 1) Else b = b + ii ii = 0 End IfNextMsgbox b 17、遍历字符串"A1a2d5m8Qz",取出所有小写字母及数字,并按照与原来相反的顺序拼接成新的字符串,请写出代码MsgBox 反提取小写数字("A1a2d5m8Qz")Function 反提取小写数字(字符) i = Len(字符) For Len(字符) If (Asc(mid(字符,i,1) > 96 and As

20、c(mid(字符,i,1) < 123 ) or (Asc(mid(字符,i,1) > 47 and Asc(mid(字符,i,1) < 58 ) Then 反提取小写数字 = 反提取小写数字 & mid(字符, i, 1) End If i = i - 1 NextEnd Function/4、写一个函数,可以让普通窗口(例如记事本)在屏幕内移动,碰到屏幕边缘随机反向移动(类似屏幕保护的汽泡程序),请写出Function moveWin(Hwnd) Dim ary, h, w, maxh, maxw, fa, fb ScreenW = Plugin.GetSysIn

21、fo.GetScreenResolutionX() ScreenH = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetScreenResolutionY() sRect = Plugin.Window.GetWindowRect(Hwnd) ary = Split(sRect, "|") W1 = Clng(ary(0): H1 = Clng(ary(1) W2 = Clng(ary(2) : H2 = Clng(ary(3) w = W2 - W1 : h = H2 - H1 fa = true : fa = true Call Plugin.Window.Active(Hw

22、nd) Call Plugin.Window.Show(Hwnd) Do Randomize If fa Then W1 = Round(Rnd * 5) + W1 Else W1 = W1 - Round(Rnd * 5) End If If fb Then H1 = Round(Rnd * 5) + H1 Else H1 = H1 - Round(Rnd * 5) End If maxw = w + W1 : maxh = h + H1 If W1 <= 0 Then W1 = 0 fa = true End If If H1 <= 0 Then H1 = 0 fb = tru

23、e End If If maxw >= ScreenW Then W1 = ScreenW - w fa = false End If If maxh >= ScreenH Then H1 = ScreenH - h fb = false End If Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd, W1, H1) Delay 10 LoopEnd Function/Call RunApp("notepad.exe") /Delay 1000/Hwnd = Plugin.Window.Find("Notepad", 0)/If H

24、wnd > 0 Then / moveWin(Hwnd) /Else / MessageBox "记事本未找到!"/End If '写一个子程序,可以使鼠标从当前的坐标逐点的移动到目的坐标(带轨迹的鼠标移动),请写出代码Sub moveMou(x, y) Dim fa, fb, xx, yy, maxl GetCursorPos x0, y0 xx = Abs(x0 - x) yy = Abs(y0 - y) If xx > yy Then maxl = xx Else maxl = yy End If MessageBox maxl If x0 <

25、; x Then fa = 1 Else fa = - 1 End If If y0 < y Then fb = 1 Else fb = - 1 End If For maxl If x0 x0 = x0 + fa y0 = y0 + fb MoveTo x0, y0 Delay 10 Next End SubCall moveMou(1000,500)/(API)利用 SetWindowPos 函数将窗口置前,相关说明请百度,请写出代码Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" Alias "Set

26、WindowPos" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As LongFunction 窗口层次(hwnd, mode)窗口层次 = SetWindowPos(hwnd, mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3)End Functionhwnd = 661156Call Lib.API.窗口层次(hwnd, -1)4、利用 ShowS

27、crTXT 命令制作一个放大镜,效果类似抓抓工具的放大镜,可以放大显示鼠标指向的5*5区域的颜色.请写出代码While trueGetCursorPos x, yse = GetPixelColor(x + l, y + s)Call Plugin.Msg.ShowScrTXT(x + l * 15 + 15, y + s * 15 + 15, x + 170, y + 170, "", se)If l = 4 Then l = 0s = s + 1Else l = l + 1End IfIf s = 5 Then s = 0Delay 500Call Plugin.Msg

28、.HideScrTXT()Delay 100End IfWend5、获取鼠标无动作的时间,返回值是鼠标无动作的时间(鼠标监控),请写出代码1、同种窗口多开,操作一个窗口(键盘和鼠标)能够同时操作其他同种窗口,且操作过程一致(模拟同步器),请写出代码5、(API)利用 SendMessage 函数向QQ对话窗口发送文本里的所有内容(QQ消息发送器),请写出代码RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe&qu

29、ot;HwndEx = Plugin.Window.Search("记事本") hw_sp = Split(HwndEx, "|")hw_ub = UBound(hw_sp)TracePrint hw_ubx = 0y = 0i = 0m=1For hw_ub hw_ck = hw_sp(i) call ckcz i = i + 1 : m = m + 1 Delay 100NextSub ckcz If m = 1 or m = 2 Then Call Plugin.Window.Active(hw_ck) Call Plugin.Window.Mov

30、e(Hwnd, x, y) x = x + 600 If m = 2 Then x=0 End If ElseIf m = 3 or m = 4 Then Call Plugin.Window.Active(hw_ck) y = y + 600 Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd, x, y) x = x + 600:y=0 End IfEnd Sub在路径为: C:ajjl.txt文本的每行内容后加上对应的行数,例如:ajjl-第1 行.请写出代码nr = Plugin.File.ReadFileEx("c:ajjl.txt")hs = Split(

31、nr, "|")i = 0:ii = 1fileLen = Plugin.File.GetFileLength("c:ajjl.txt")handle = Plugin.File.OpenFile("c:ajjl.txt")Call Plugin.File.SeekFile(handle, 0)For UBound(hs) Call Plugin.File.WriteFile(handle,hs(i)&"-第"&ii&"行"& vbcrlf) i = i + 1:

32、ii = ii + 1NextCall Plugin.File.CloseFile(handle) Delay 500RunApp "c:ajjl.txt"EndScript 请提供至少两种判断程序卡死(无响应)的思路,请写出关键代码.请写出代码Private Declare Function IsHungAppWindow Lib "user32.dll" ( ByVal hWnd As Long) As LongSub 子程序()Hwnd = Plugin.Window.MousePoint()If IsHungAppWindow(Hwnd)=0 T

33、hen MsgBox "窗口正常"End If End SubPrivate Declare Function IsHungAppWindow Lib "user32.dll" ( ByVal hWnd As Long) As LongHwnd = Plugin.Window.MousePoint()If IsHungAppWindow(Hwnd)=0 Then MsgBox "窗口正常"End If根据系统时间生成一个01之间的小数点数字,需要写出生成的过程(伪随机数),请写出代码MsgBox 伪随机()Function 伪随机()

34、时间 = Split(Time, ":")Randomize时 = Int(int(时间(0) * Rnd + 1) / 24 * 100Randomize分 = Int(int(时间(1) * Rnd + 1) / 60 * 10000Randomize秒 = Int(int(时间(2) * Rnd + 1) / 60 * 1000000伪随机 = round(时 + 分 + 秒) / 100, 6)End Function 1、鼠标按圆型移动,半径为r=100,圆点为(200,200),请写出代码.Dim a, x, yMoveTo 100, 200For a = 0

35、To 360 x = 200 - 100 * cos(a*3.14/180) y = 200 - 100 * sin(a*3.14/180) MoveTo x, y Delay 5NextEndScript 1、(前台)区域范围为(100,150)到(200,300)内的所有点是否均为"FFFFFF",是则弹出对话框"没有其他颜色",否则弹出第一个点的颜色值并退出程序. 请写出代码 x = 100 y = 150 RtColor = Plugin.Color.GetPixelColor(x, y, 0) RtColor1 = RtColor While

36、(y < 300) x=100 While (x < 200) If RtColor = "FFFFFF" Then x = x + 1 Else MessageBox RtColor1 ExitScript End If RtColor = Plugin.Color.GetPixelColor(x, y, 0) Wend y=y+1 Wend MessageBox "没有其他颜色"2、利用多线程对多个记事本的窗口位置进行随机移动.请写出代码 RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepa

37、d.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" Delay 2000 DimEnv Hwnd1 HwndEx = Plugin.Window.Search("记事本") Hwnd = Split(HwndEx,"|") If UBound(Hwnd) >= 0 Then For i = 0 To UBound(Hwnd) - 1 wnd = Clng(Hwnd(i) Hwnd1 = wnd BeginThread 移动 Delay 100 Next End If Do Delay 1000 Loop Sub 移

38、动 Hwnd2 = Hwnd1 Randomize x = Int(Rnd * 500) Randomize y = Int(Rnd*500) MessageBox x&","&y Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd2, x+ 100, y + 100) End Sub3、筛选出100以内所有个位数加十位数等于10的数,例如82,8+2=10满足条件,请写出代码 s="" For i = 1 To 99 a = i mod 10 b = int(i / 10) If (a + b) = 10 Then s=s&

39、;i&"|" End If Next MessageBox s 4、写一个算法可以将十进制的字符串转成八进制的字符串.例如"8"->"10",请写出代码 Public Function DEC_to_OCT(Dec) DEC_to_OCT = "" Do While Dec > 0 DEC_to_OCT = Dec Mod 8 & DEC_to_OCT Dec = Dec 8 Loop End Function a=DEC_to_OCT("8") MessageBox

40、 a 5、有N个窗口,第一个窗口移动到(0,0)点,其余的窗口根据第一个窗口平铺,窗口不超出屏幕边缘(窗口平铺),请写出代码 RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" RunApp "notepad.exe" HwndEx = Plugin.Window.Search("记事本") Hwnd

41、 = Split(HwndEx, "|") ScreenX = Plugin.Sys.GetScRX() ScreenY = Plugin.Sys.GetScRY() MessageBox ScreenX sRect = Plugin.Window.GetWindowRect(Hwnd(0) MessageBox sRect xy = Split(sRect, "|") x = xy(2) - xy(0) y = xy(3) - xy(1) sx = 0 sy = 0 i=0 MessageBox x While (Screeny-sy >y) W

42、hile (ScreenX - sx > x) Delay 10 Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd(i),Cstr(sx),Cstr(sy) sx = sx + x i = i + 1 If i > UBound(Hwnd)-1 Then ExitScript End If Wend sy = sy + y sx=0 MessageBox sy Wend 写一个子程序,可以使鼠标从当前的坐标逐点的移动到目的坐标(带轨迹的鼠标移动),请写出代码Do Call a(50, 50) Call a(800, 600)Loopsub a(x,y) Do GetCurs

43、orPos x0, y0 If x > x0 Then i = 1 ElseIf x < x0 Then i = -1 ElseIf x = x0 Then i = 0 End If If y > y0 then ii = 1 ElseIf y < y0 then ii = -1 ElseIf y = y0 then ii = 0 End If MoveR i, ii If x = x0 and y = y0 Then Exit do End If LoopEnd sub 11、随机生成一个1100之间的整数,玩家可以通过inputbox输入数字,猜对则退出游戏,猜错则

44、提示答案的范围(猜数游戏),请写出代码例如:随机数为:60,用户输入20,程序提示"答案范围为:20100".用户再次输入75,程序提示"答案范围为:2075".用户再次输入60,程序提示"猜中",然后退出程序.Randomize答案 = int(Rnd * 100) + 1最小数 = 1最大数 = 100数字 = InputBox("(猜数游戏),输入1100之间的整数,玩家可以通过输入数字,猜对则退出游戏,猜错则提示答案的范围")数字=int(数字)Do If 数字 = 答案 Then MsgBox 数字 &a

45、mp; ",恭喜答对了" EndScript ElseIf 数字 > 答案 Then 最大数 = 数字 ElseIf 数字 < 答案 Then 最小数 = 数字 End If 数字 = InputBox("答案范围为:" & 最小数 & "" & 最大数) 数字 = int(数字)Loop 13、锁定鼠标位置在(200,300)到(500,600)之间,超出范围则回到边界(鼠标范围锁定),请写出代码 Call 锁范围(200,300,500,600)Function 锁范围(x1,y1,x2,y2)

46、 Do GetCursorPos x, y If x < x1 or x > x2 or y < y1 or y > y2 Then If x < x1 Then x = x1 ElseIf x > x2 Then x=x2 End If If y < y1 Then y = y1 ElseIf y > y2 Then y=y2 End If MoveTo x, y End If LoopEnd Function 15、获取数组array(10,9,1,5,2,3,4,5,6,11)中最接近平均数的值,请写出代码a = array(10, 9,

47、1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11)i=0For UBound(a) + 1 ii = ii + a(i) i = i + 1Next均值 = ii /( UBound(a) + 1)i=0For UBound(a) If Abs(均值 - a(i) > Abs(均值 - a(i + 1) Then ii = a(i + 1) ElseIf Abs(均值 - a(i) < Abs(均值 - a(i + 1) Then ii = a(i) End If i=i+1NextMsgBox ii 16、有一个字符串,里面包含一些数字,写一个函数,把这些数字加起来。比如“我30你

48、40他50”结果就是120。请写出代码a = "我30你40他50ni"For i = 1 To Len(a) + 1 If IsNumeric(Mid(a, i, 1) = True Then ii = ii & Mid(a, i, 1) Else b = b + ii ii = 0 End IfNextMsgbox b 17、遍历字符串"A1a2d5m8Qz",取出所有小写字母及数字,并按照与原来相反的顺序拼接成新的字符串,请写出代码MsgBox 反提取小写数字("A1a2d5m8Qz")Function 反提取小写数字(

49、字符) i = Len(字符) For Len(字符) If (Asc(mid(字符,i,1) > 96 and Asc(mid(字符,i,1) < 123 ) or (Asc(mid(字符,i,1) > 47 and Asc(mid(字符,i,1) < 58 ) Then 反提取小写数字 = 反提取小写数字 & mid(字符, i, 1) End If i = i - 1 NextEnd Function/4、写一个函数,可以让普通窗口(例如记事本)在屏幕内移动,碰到屏幕边缘随机反向移动(类似屏幕保护的汽泡程序),请写出Function moveWin(Hwnd) Dim ar


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