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1、牛津初中英语 7A Unit 2 My Day第三课时 Reading 本教案根据自主、合作、探究的原则,增强实践、培养综合语言运用能力的理念而设计。课型:新授教学目标1、基础知识目标:词汇:“四会”单词:something、other、kind、head“三会”单词:meal、improve、skill、use、twice、week短语:betweenand、spenddoing sth、more than、have funbe called、the head of、twice a week、three hours a day学习如何在生活中使用一般现在时。2、语言目标:Millie spe

2、nds three hours a day doing her homework.Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.3、技能目标:能透彻理解并会运用本课时的语言点。会综合运用本课时所学内容,描述自己或他人的学校生活。4、情感目标:通过本课时学习,学会合理安排时间,激发学习兴趣,从而意识到如何用学到的语言为自己服务。5、策略目标:鼓励学生创作,根据自己学校的生活写日记或电子邮件。6、文化意识目标:通过本课时学习,了解中、西方国家学校生活的差异,会用英语简单的描述学校生活的情况。课堂教学模式一学一练一测、任务型教学课前准备1、教师的准备工作搜

3、集一些有关学校内部的地点的图片录音机幻灯片2、学生的准备工作准备一些图片或实物预习新生词教学过程Task Language points.1、Get the Ss to find out the language points:_be called. more than. have fun2、Explain some language points on P20. be called “被称为”、“被命名为”eg: The girl is called Lily.(那个女孩被叫作莉莉) more than. “多于,比多”eg: She has more than five comic boo

4、ks.(他有超过五本漫画书) have fun. “玩得很高兴,过得开心。”eg: We always have fun at weekends.(我们周末总是玩得很开心) talk to. “对某人说,给某人做报告。”eg: They often talk to each other.(他们经常互相交谈) spend + 时间 + doing sth “花(时间)做某事”eg: I spend half an hour doing my homework.(我花半小时做我的家庭作业) betweenand “在和之间”Task.1、For Part B1. Get the Ss to loo

5、k at the pictures and read the words correctly first.2、Ask Ss to identify the correct name for each picture in Part B1.3、For Part B2, ask Ss to match the words with the meanings.4、Ask Ss to make sentences with the words in Part B2.eg: Mr Pan is our Principal.Task .1、Remind Ss of the context (Part c)

6、. T reads the instructions and clarify.2、Let the Ss do the task and then check Ss answers orally. Ask Ss to write correct statements for the “false” ones.Task Part D.1、For Part D. remind Ss of the context. Ss select the correct period of time and write them on the given lines.2、Check students answer

7、s.3、Ask Ss to write complele sentences about when the activies take place.eg: Millie gets up at 6:30 a.m.4、Work in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures.Task. Talking .Let the Ss talk about Millies day according to Part D.Task. Practice Task. 课堂教学任务。目的:学会运用本课时所学词汇、短语和句型。材料:图片或实物。语言技能:Reading an

8、d speaking.活动形式:Group work./ Pair work./ In dividual.操作过程:以小组形式进行讨论。两人一组到前面表演。Task. Homework.1、Describe your own day in your own words.2、Preview.学习过程同学们为了更好的学好本课,老师布置你们课前进行了预习。老师相信同学们都已经预习了,下面我们来看一看同学们的预习情况。Step 1. 课前预习检查。1、复述课文(P20)2、检查学生单词预习情况。(听写、造句)Step2. 下面我们来见识一下本课时的重点短语。1、be called. “被称为 被命名为

9、”练一练 那个男孩被称为Bob.The boy _ _ Bob.2、more than. “多于,比多”练一练 桌上有十多本书。There are _ _ ten books on the desk.3、have fun. “玩得很高兴,过得开心。”have fun + V ing. 很高兴做某事。练一练 a.每个人晚会上都玩得很开心。 Everyone _ _ at the party. b.我很高兴打篮球。I have fun _ basketball.4、between 意为“两者之间”经常用于词组 “betweenand”eg: Who is the boy between your

10、father and mother?你父母中间的男孩是谁?between和 among 的区别:between 表示“在两者之间”,among表示“在中间”时指在三者或三者以上中间。eg: He stands among his students. 他站在他的学生中间。5、twice 表示“两次、两倍”,once表示“一次”,三次以上用time表示次数。eg: I have seen the film three times. 我已经看过这部电影三次了。Step3. Part B1. 米莉还想寄给汤米一些校园内各处的照片。帮她练一练 玛丽不知道米莉信中一些单词的意思,帮助她把单词和词义连结起来

11、。1、lunchtime a. the time to have lunch. 2、tuck b. a kind of sport. 3、great c. people who swim.4、assemblyd. a big room to hold meetings.5、halle. food eaten by children at school.6、volleyballf. very good.7、swimmer. g. a meeting of the teachers and students in a school.Step4. Part C. Friends online.练一练

12、 汤米正在给米莉回电子邮件。读一读看写了些什么并选择最好的答案来完成。I am so 1 to hear from you. In your letter you say that your school is very 2 and you like your classroom. Thats great! I 3 my classroom too, 4 mine is very quiet and I can finish my work quickly. My best friend is Jack. He is a fun boy and we always have a good ti

13、me. I like to play tennis, and he 5 to play basketball, but we 6 like to play baseball, so we always play baseball together 7 class. In your letter you say that Chinese is your favorite lesson, 8 I dont know any words. Next time you write, can you tell me some Chinese words? I go to the Computer Club every Friday evening. I think it helps me 9 my studies. I hope I can 10 you soon.Best wishesTommy1、 A. sadB. hungryC. happyD. helpful2、 A. smallB. bigC. middleD. dirty3、 A. hateB. hatesC. likeD. likes4、 A. so B. howeverC. because of D. because5、 A. likeB. likesC. alwaysD. often6、 A. bothB.


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