



1、 M1 Unit2 Growing painsTeaching Procedures:Step1 lead-in (5 minutes)T:Who have seen this video Growing pains or家有儿女? Please hand your hands up. Well, I believe that most of you have seen the video家有儿女.So who can tell me what it talks about.S: 家有儿女talks about a reorganized family, which includes 2 ad

2、ults and 3 children. They often have inevitable (不可避免的)arguments and conflicts because of different habits and characters.T: Very good .Pay attention to the word “conflict “. It is a very important word in this unit. It means disagreement or argument.中文意思是“冲突”.Read after me“conflict”.T: We all know

3、that there are a lot of conflicts between Liu Mei and Liu Xing. Liu Mei often punishes Liu Xing. Do you know why? Liu Xing is very naughty. Pay attention to the word “punish”, it means make sb suffer because they have done sth wrong. Its noun form is punishment. T: However, in parents view, they hav

4、e to tolerate childrens faults.” tolerant” is the noun form of “tolerate”. It means “stand”. So children should respect their parents. These words in red deserve our high attention. “Deserve” is also a very important word. It means “值得”T: Are we supposed to be frightened with our parents? Please ans

5、wer it with the phrase “be supposed to"S: They are supposed to respect each other. T: very good! Now lets open the book and learn the reading part of Unit2. Firstly, answer me one question: If you were left alone, can you imagine what might happen?S: Step2 presentation Beforereading (5 minutes)

6、T: From Unit1, we have learnt two of the basic reading skills: skimming and scanning. In this unit, we are going to learn to how to read a play. Answer the three questions:a. Have you read an English play before?b. Do you know something about a play?c. Can you tell me something about that?S: A play

7、is aboutT: Lets open the book on page23. Focus on the reading strategy of this unit, which is how to read a play. I give 2 minutes to answer the questions then express the play and its elements. Time is up! Who can answer the first question? Then the next?S: T: According to the strategy, fill in the

8、 blanks. Lets do it together!1. Most of a play is a2. Plays are written to be 3. Playwrights always use T: you have done a good job! Now lets learn the reading part. I believe that you have previewed the passage. So, I give you 3 minutes to read it quickly then tell me the answers of the 3 questions

9、! T: Time is up! Who can tell me the first one? Next? And the last?S: T: very good! Lets listen to the tape of act one. I give you 7 minutes to read the act one then fill in the blanks. Time is up! I will ask someone to answer them.T: Now lets listen to second part of the passage. In the same, I giv

10、e you 7 minutes to read the act two then fill in the blanks. Time is up! I will ask someone to answer them.S: T: Turn the book to page 24, finish partC1 and check the answer. (3 minutes)S: T: Divide the passage into 4 parts: Onset, Development, Climax, and Ending. Then match the 4 parts with the pas

11、sage. (2 minutes)S: T: Look at your paper. I give you 3 minutes to finish the two questions.T: A play is quite different from an article in a magazine or a newspaper .It is a piece of work written to be by actors and actresses on stage. I need four students to act the four main characters in this pl

12、ay. Please pay attention to the instructions and dont read them, but act them out. (5minutes) T: Good job! Look at the PPT.I want 8 students to translate the 8 sentences. (10 minutes)T: Lets have a discussion: What would you do if you were Daniel? To have a talk with your parents or to continue to keep a cold war with your parents? Please explain the reason and how would you talk with your parents. Write down your groups ideas. (5 minutes)Step4 HomeworkHow to solve familys problem (150


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