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1、Unit 7I d Rather Be Black than FemaleConsolidation ActivitiesI、1、Text ComprehensionDecide which of the following best states the authors purposeA.To present a picture of American women who are prejudiced against in politics andemployment 、B.To reveal the difficulties she encountered when running for

2、 Congress as a blackfemale 、C.To call for the removal of prejudice against women by relating her own experiencesand some common social phenomenaKey: C 2 、 Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true orfalse 、1)、 The author implies that American people, both men and women,

3、 are not so readilyaware of the existence of prejudice against women as that against blacks2) 、 The long, tedious and faithful political work can guarantee a woman a dominantposition in politics 、 F 3)、 The author s experiences of running for office indicate that her every attempt to go s strong dis

4、ap、prov aTl upward in politics was met with men4) 、 Although women suffer prejudicein job recruitment, they still enjoy the sameopportunities as men in career development5) 、 According to the author, her major responsibility in politics is to affirm the role ofwomen in the country 、 T II 、 Writing S

5、trategiesThe title of the passage seems to suggest that the article is mainly about the author spersonal experiences in politicsBut careful readers will find that the author integratessuch experiences into the general situation of women, which is more poignant than theracial problem, thus intensifyi

6、ng and broadening the themeThe author mainly employs three devices: comparison, rhetoricalquestions andparallelism 、 Comparison is used between blacks and females, bothof whom sufferprejudices, and between men and women for their respective roles inpolitics and fortheir career opportunities; rhetori

7、cal questions and parallelism are used to highlight theemotive force of the passage 、Now you are required:1、 to differentiate the author psersonal experiences from the general situation ofwome n;2、to ide ntify and study the rhetorical questi ons and p arallelisms used in the p assageKey: 1、 The auth

8、or s personal experiences: Paragraphs 1,5, 7, 8, 9, 13、2、The com mon situati on of wome n: Paragra phs 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 15Rhetorical questions:Paragraphs 2, 4, 10, 12、Parallelisms:Paragraph 15、III、Language Work1、Explain the un derl ined p art(s) in each sentence in your own words 1)、 Being the first

9、 black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon 、a successful person 2)、 If I said that being black is a greater han dica p tha n being a woma n, p robably no one would question meexp ress doubt about the truth of what I have said 3)、 That there is p rejudice aga inst wome n is

10、an idea that still strikes n early all me n and, I am afraid, most women as bizarre、gives 、八 the impression of being4)、P rejudice aga inst blacks was in visible to most white America ns for many yearsunseen 5)、 From the start of that campaign, I faced undisguised hostility because of my sexobvious 6

11、)、 Among members of my own party, closed meetings were held to discuss ways of stopping me 、meeti ngs kept secret from other people (such as the p ublic) 7)、 My opponent, the famous civil-rights leader James Farmer, tried to p roject a black masculi ne imagep rese nt8)、Mr、 Farmer still doesnt quite

12、know whathim、beat/defeated 9)、 A few years ago, I was talk ing with a p olitical leader about a pro mising young woma n as a can didate、tale nted/likely to succeeds con tributi on10)、 I love teach ing, and I am ready to go back to it as soon as I am convin ced that this country no Ion ger n eeds a w

13、oma nam sure 2、 Fill in the bla nks with the approp riate forms of the give n words 1)、 He felt a sense of in credulity (incredulous), an ger and pain at the accusati on made against him、2)、A move towards healthy eat ing could help eliminate (eliminati on) heart disease3)、His feeli ngs of rese ntme

14、nt have bee n supp ressed (supp ressi on) for years4)、By the time the p ilot realized how close the plane was to the build in g, it was too lateto take evasive (evade) action5)、 There is a predominance (predo min ate) of people with an arts degree on the board ofgovernors、6) 、It s very easy tempathi

15、ze (empathy) with the characters in her books 、7) 、Late last night, the French ambassador (ambassadorial) was summoned to theForeig n Office to discuss the crisis8)、 The truth is that they appoint no more than a token (tokenism) number of women toman agerial jobs 、9)、 Customers are tired of the ster

16、eotypical (stereot yp e), fast-talk ing sales person10)、 It is not his acting but his masculinity(masculine) that really appeals to theaudienee、3、 Fill in the bla nk(s) in each sentence with a p hrase take n from the box inits approp riate formthink of as | hold a rank | run for | drop out ofreap th

17、e rewards | be content with | sit on | build upbe rewarded with | make a differe nee | reap the rewards1)、She studied every evening and reap the rewards at exam time2)、I think he is fairly contented with his life3)、Exercise can make a big difference to your health4)、He was rewarded for his years of

18、service to the company with a grand farewell partyand several presents 、5)、Because of poor health she had to stop run ning for the electi on6)、I think him of some one who will always help me7)、He sits on the Sen ate Finance Committee8)、He said that there were few members of eth nic min oritiesholdin

19、g senior militaryranks、9)、They gave him chicke n soup to build up his health10)、Several students dropped out of the course after three weeks1)、Explain the meaning of the un derl ined part in each sentenceHe s in adead-end job、with no hope of pro motio n2) 、 Six people have been put on trial for thei

20、r role in the anti-governmentdem on strati onsin volveme nt3)、 She can tolerate noise of any sort when shes trying towritebear4) 、 Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its status as an intern ati onal devel opment age ncydeterm ination 5)、 Rescue efforts have bee n handica

21、pped by rough seas and hurrica ne-force windsmade difficult6) 、 I Ifeave it to chanee、just wait and see what happensa step forwards、7)、 No one is sure whether this plan will work, but itan imp roveme nt or deve lopment8) 、 It r scaildren s story but adults can appreciate it on another level 、in a di

22、ffere nt light 9)、 The White House said yesterday that the ship was lade n with tank p arts, expl osives.and other military hardwareequipment 10)、 The new teacher totally failed to enforce any sort of disci pli neput into effect/ put in force5、 Correct the errors in the followingpassage 、 The passag

23、e contains tenerrors, one in each in dicated lineIn each case, only one word is in volvedCorrections should be done as follows:Wrong word: un derl ine the wrong word and write the correct word in the bla nkExtra word: delete the extra word with an” “XMissing word: mark the position of the missing wo

24、rd with a “ and write themiss ing word in the bla nkGlass Ceili ng(1) beneathI r vEBceived a lot of questions lately during seminars to(2) holdsask if I think there is a glass ceili ng beyond the top of theincorpo rate ladder that blocks successful wome n from(4) withachiev ing the highest rungs 、(5

25、) awarenessAccord ing to an article in the Harvard Bus in ess Review(6) throughby Alice H、 Eagly and Linda L、 Carli, the answer isup“ No ” However, the sum of many obstacles along the way(8) againstoften holding women back from making it into the(9) thatC-suite、 Carol Hymowitz and Timothy D、 Schellh

26、ardt(10) strategicwere the first to use the term “ glassceiling on theirMarch 24, 1986 article in the Wall Street Journal, “ ThbGlass Ceiling: Why Women Can tSeem to Break theIn visible Barrier That Blocks Them fromthe Top Job、”The term reson ated to wome n around the world because“ glass ceilit cap

27、 tured our frustrati ons and the termhas now become com monp lace 、 However, Eagly andCarli believe a better meta phor for what confronts wome n“labyri nth” becausn their careers is the terme it“ conveysthe idea of a complex journey toward a goal worth strivi ngfor、Passage through a labyrinth is not

28、 simple or direct,but requires persistenee, aware of one progress, and acareful an alysis of the the pu zzles that lie ahead How can you make your way to the careerlabyri nth?According to Eagly and Carli, women needto betterunderstandthe barriers that make of thelabyri nth.determ ine how successful

29、wome n find ways around thesebarriers, and thenattack all barriers to advancementsimulta neously 、 “labyri nth in steadI like the idea of using the term of “ glassceiling because it hel ps mehink of my careeras a path to be traveled, rather thanrunning up toward an in visible barrierMy best advice t

30、o help females deal with a glass ceili ng isto quit thinking one even exists、 I had a poster on my bedroom wall while I was going up and said, “If it t s up to me ” I truly believe in that saying and its to be,s beenmy mantra throughout my life、 That the approach women need to take with their career

31、s、 They need tocreate a career strategy pla n and the n follow through withall the research, planning, and skills deve lopmentnecessary to go after the jobs they really wantIf they dothat and they believe in themselves the n nothing, not eve n a supposed“ glassceiling, will hold them back fromachiev

32、 ing their career dreams6、 Fill in each bla nk in the p assage below with ONE approp riate word The Female s ChoiceScientists (1) studying how females choose their mates have found many similaritiesbetwee n sp ecies, (2) in eluding huma ns、 It seems that females in most sp ecies p refer tomate with

33、flashy males the most brightly colored, or (3) those with the most livelycourtsh ip dis pl ays 、Females gen erally sho p around for their mates, sometimes comparing them on thespot in groups, or more com monly, one at a timeScien tists have show n that female fishare (4) able to remember and compare

34、 the characteristics of males presented separatelywas more colorful than the one beforeThe females showed more interest if one malehim、(5) Whether the females are fish or birds,they gen erally choose the most colorfulmale, or the one who (6) stands out in some way call the loudest and most ofte nWit

35、h tree frogs, it is the male that canWith ducks, it is the males that court the females mostofte n、In some sp ecies, the female prefers males that can (7)provide some direct ben efit,such as food or p rotect ionIf males do not p rovide such obvious ben efits, females maychoose the males with the bes

36、t genes 、 They measure this by the male s fitness Femaleguppies, for example, seem to prefer bold males those that will swim closest to apredator fish 、Because the more colorful males seem to have more courage, females havedevel oped a preference for (8) colorful malesRece nt evide nee in dicates th

37、at social factors can also in flue nee the females choiceIn many sp ecies, females seem to be more in terested in males that already have other (9)“ copying, yoandepioemales are more likely to copyfemales、Scientists call thisolder females than the opposite、 Older females seem to know what they want、

38、 Butyoun ger females seem to be more willi ng to follow the crowdPerha ps this acco unts for the popu lar exp ressi onIV、Translation“ Some guys get all”he girls1、Tran slati ng Sentences1)、也许有人会觉得我得报告过于悲观,但至少我在报告中实事求就是地反映了我们面临得问题。(strike sb、 as)My report may strike some people as pessimistic, but at

39、least it realistic about theproblems we face、这本书很有意思,书中就人际关系所表达得许多观点很深刻。2)、(in sight into)It was an in teresti ng book, full of fasci nati ng in sights into huma n relatio nships3)、我发现在这个国家没有车还真不行。(ha ndica p)I found it quite a han dica p not to have a car in the country4)、警察已经排除了意外事件得可能性,因为时间上太巧合了。

40、(elimi nate)The p olice have elim in ated the po ssibility that it could have bee n an accide nt because itwas so well timed 、5)、她瞧着她,一脸鄙视。(un disguised)She looked at him with un disguised contempt 、6)、这本书中得人物都就是模式化得。(stereot ype)The characters in the book are just stereot ypes、7)、只要您坚持锻炼下去,很快就会尝到健康

41、带来得种种甜头。(reap)You will soon reap the various ben efits of being fit as long as you kee p doing exercise8)、如果您企图逃税,您就有坐牢得危险。(evade)If you try to evade paying your taxes you run the risk of going to prison9) 、 她一直试图按她得标准塑造我。 (mold into)He kept trying to mold me into what he wanted me to be、10)、 我们没有屏幕

42、,但我们可以把幻灯放映在后墙上。 (project onto)We dont have a screen but we can project the slides onto the back wall、2 、 Translate the following passage into Chinese、One isWhenever women s liberation is mentioned, there are often two reactionsthat this is just a bunch of frustrated women、 The other is that this is

43、 something that is awhite thing, which doesnt concern black wom、enThe truth is that the exploitation of black women goes deeper than that of whiteWe should realizewomen 、 Unity of all black women is needed to push for such demands as self-determination, equal pay, free abortion and child-care center

44、s the need for the women of the black nation to have a liberation movement of women as part of our movement for total liberation of our peopleThe black man has been led to believe that office and skilled jobs are given to the black woman by the white capitalists to make the black man feel inferior 、

45、 In reality, there aren t enough jobs for everyone, and the black woman suffers the most from low pay and unemployment 参考译文当人们提到女权运动时, 通常有两种反应: 一种认为女权运动者不过就是一群日子过得不顺心得女人;另一种则认为女权运动纯粹就是白人女性得事,与黑人女性无关。事实上, 黑人女性所受到得剥削远比白人女性所受到得要深。所有得黑人女性有必要团结起来, 共同奋斗去争取应得得权利, 诸如自主权、 同工同酬权、 自由堕胎权与孩子入托权。 我们应当瞧到,黑人国家中女性争取

46、解放得要求就是我们全民族争取解放得一部分。黑种男人错误地以为, 白人资本家把一些职位与技术工作交给黑人女性, 就是为了羞辱 她们。现实情况就是, 人人就业无法实现, 而黑人女性正就是低报酬与失业现象最大受害者。V、Oral Activities1. Giving A TalkMales are by nature combative and belligerent 、 They worship physical force as a manifestation of masculinity and power 、 They tend to resort to battle when dispu

47、tes arise and regard victory as honor 、 That s probably one of the reasons why human historyis one filled with war and anguish, as men have been ruling the world 、 Females, bycontrast, are more empathetic and diplomatic、 A world dominated by women may be amore peaceful and harmonious one 、 If you ag

48、ree, explain in detail how different theworld would be if women ran the governmentIf you disagree, give examples to back upyour point 、Women care(For reference)I think the world would be a lot better if women ran the government more about beauty and tidiness 、 They would like to see the street clean

49、, the river limpidand the sky blue 、 So they would probably invest more money into environmentalprotection to make the world a more beautiful and lovely place to live、 Women are bynature more loving and sympatheticThey can t bear the sight of sufferingschildren in famine, people displaced from their

50、 homeland by war and oppression, helpless old people left unattended to 、Pity would lead them to do whatever in their power to alleviate whatever people maysuffer from loneliness, poverty and pain Peace would reign throughout the worldWar would be the last thing they wanted2 、 Having A DiscussionFor

51、 years, while women have had to constantly fight against gender bias, there have beenvoices among men that women are being unreasonable and ungratefulThey argue thatmen shoulder a larger share of the burden as the bread-winner、 In your view, who lives amore tiring life in the modern society, the fem

52、ale or the male?(For reference)I don tknow if it is the same case with men in other parts of the world, but inmodern China, I think men bear more stress and strain than womenNowadays, single men in China find it more difficult to find their other half are inclined to favour those who are able to aff

53、ord an apartment or a car, or preferably、 Woment have a creditable job and owns neither an apartment nor a car, he has very little chance to get a wife 、both 、 If a man doesnApart from the stress of winning the favour of women, men also suffer more stressfrom work 、 Competition has got fiercer in th

54、e modern age, as women have assumedmore roles and done equally well in the job marketMen have to work harder to winappreciation from their bossesMen were and still are the bread-winner of the whole familyThey need to not onlyprovide a shelter for their children and wife, but also support their paren

55、ts women don t have to bear so many burdens as men 、 It s so tirin、gThank God,VI 、Research Paper WritingWriting the First DraftAfter you have prepared your ideas and written an outline, you are ready to startf、irs”t A mistake we often make is thinking thatwriting your first draftNote the wordonce we

56、 have written a draft, the essay is done、 No, the first draft is only one part of thewhole writing process that leads to a finished, presentable, and hopefully excellent essayThe purpose of the first draft is to get the ideas out, to flesh out your answers to thetopic questions, and to give you some content to shape and change into a finished essayAs you begin the first draft, do not worry about crafting a captivating introductionMany find wr


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