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1、课时作业(十八)Old and New 古代的和现代的I.语音知识1 . kindn essA . 1' kaindn?s|B . |' kaindnis|C. 1' kindn?s|D . |' kindnes|2 . argume ntA . |' a?g?ment|B . |' a?gju?ment|C . |' a?d?m?nt|D .|' a?gju?m?nt|3 . con diti onA . |k?n' dit? n|B . |k?n' dai?n|C . |k?n' di?n|D . |k

2、?n di?n|4 . resig nA. . |ri?' zain|B . |ri' zain|C . |re' sain|D .|re' zain|5 . po ssibilityA . |'p?s? bil?ti|B . |' p?s?bi l?ti|C . |'p?' s?bil?ti|D . |' p?s?bil?ti|n.情景对话Erica: I' ve sent out the invitations for the dinner party.Manuel: That' s good. _1_

3、Erica: We' ve got to plan the menu.Manuel: _2_Do you have anything in mind?Erica: I think I ' m going to make the chicken salad we had at Pompa last time.Remember I asked the chef for the rec ipe?Manuel: Yeah, _3Erica: Linda? Oh, my Gosh! _4_She ll be mad at me.It just slipped my mind.Manuel

4、: _5I' ll make a phone call.Don t worry.Erica: Thanks! I think I ' m getting old!Yes, you are right.but did you forget that Linda doesn' t eat chicke n? I remember I gave out an in vitatio n to her.Well, it' s not too late yet.Now what should we do?Oh, that' s right.I forgot to i

5、n vite her!Manuel: Looks like you ARE!A.B.C.D.E.F.m.单项填空1.A.C .2 .A .C me.I have read the material several times but it doesn t make any meaningB. importaneesenseD. significaneeThe p roject underin the city will be comp leted at the end of this mon th.con trolB. con struct iondiscussi onD. rep

6、 airthe glass or it will be knocked down,” said the mother.B . RemovingD . To removeeve nts is helpful for you to study history.B . traditi onalD . terrifyi ngexpertsthat another law on wildlifeRemoveIf removeThe book which is based onhistorical globalRece ntly some Chin ese as soon as po ssible. su

7、ggested must be passed have suggested Pass Jim was able to hold on hold up3.A.C.4.A.C.5 .p rotectio nB . have suggested be passedD . suggested would be passed his an ger and a quarrel betwee n the two boys was avoided.B . hold outD . hold backvery oldthe Ming dyn asty.A.C.6.A.C.7. The towerlooks; da

8、tes back toB . which looks; dated back tothat looks; dated fromD . looking ; dates fromAfter years of hard work, his wish of being a college student has finally.carried outB . realisedcome trueD . fini shedYou won' t go to Kathy' s wedding party, will you?in vited.A.C.8.A.C .9 .Yes, _B. ifD.

9、 as_in helping you to get round London.B. costD. usefulness_a meeti ng to discuss the p roblem.B. us havingD. we havingmy name from your list.I don ' t want to be invoIved in theA . eve n ifC . uni essprice valueThe man ager suggested us to have to haveI' d like you to10 . You' ll find t

10、he map of greatA .C .11 .A .C .12 .matter.modifyB . guideremoveD . weedHe was born andup in this town he left at the age of 16.grew; whereB . grew; whichbrought; whereD . brought; whichFitness is important in spor, but of at leastimportanee are skills.failB .reas on ableequalD .properThey supplied m

11、e good living, so I hadconditions;aB .condition;aconditions;/D .condition;/A .C .13 .A .C .14 .A .C .happy exp erie nee.15 .A .C .IV .阅读理解As a kid , I felt my happiness would be based on whether I could fulfill all my needs and wants.If I was rich, I would definitely be content with my life.My fathe

12、r always stressed his belief in happinesscan remember him lecturing me abouthow money does not make one happy and how other things in life such as healtfamily ,friends, and memorable exp erie nces make a person genuin ely happy .At that time in my life I did not put any thought into his words as usu

13、al.At a young age, I noticed the media seemed to portray描绘)the wealthy as happy people that add value to our society.At high school I still sought a career that would p roduce a high salary.After my second year of college, I started my first job in an accounting department where I found myself extre

14、mely bored.Every day I had to do bori ng work .In additi on, I had to live away from friends and family.I noticed having money to spend when you are by yourself was not satisfy ing.I bega n to thi nk back to what my dad always said.After two mon ths on the job, I truly realized that a more satisfy i

15、ng exp erie nee for me would have bee n doing an ordinary p art-time job for far less money.No matter how high the salary of this position was, I would never be cap able of fulfilli ng a happy life and making a career out of this job.When the author was a kid .he suffered a lot from being poorit wor

16、ried him whether he could live happ ily he did n' t treat his father' s advice seriously his attitude to life was greatly in flue need by his father At high school, the author still thought that happiness was based on healthB. familyfriendshipD. wealthWhat do we know about the author and his

17、 first job?He got no happin ess although it was well-paid.He got the job with the help of his frie nds.As the summer drew to a close , I truly understood the meaning of my dad ' s words.The term “wealth” is a broad term, and I believe the key to happiness is to become wealthy in great memories,

18、friends, family , and health.1.A.B.C.D.2.A.C.3.A.B.He decided to make it his lifelo ng career.Through his exp erie nee the author wan ted to tell us that young people should liste n to their parents one should be careful in ehoos ing his first job money cannot always bring you real happin ess one ca

19、n lear n much by doing a p art-time jobC. He did n' t earn eno ugh money to support himself.D.4.A.B.C.D.(2010年成都第一次诊断)Scientists are building the world ' s first thinking robot.It ' s true.Some say machines that walk, speak and feel will have been made by 2020.Kismet is the name of a rob

20、ot which scientists have built this year at the Massachusetts In stitute of Tech no logy (MIT)Kismet is different from traditional robots because it can show human emotions.Its eyes , ears and lips move to show whe n it feels happ ysad or bored.Kismet is one of the first robots of a new gen erati on

21、 that look like huma n beings and can imitate huma n feeli ngs.Some people say that by 2020 we will have created robots with brains similar to those of adult human beings.These robots will be designed to look like people to make them more attractive and easier to sell.What kind of jobs will they do?

22、 In the future, robots like Robonaut, a robot inven ted by NASA, will be doing dan gerous jobs, like rep airi ng sp ace stati on s.They willalso be doing more and more of the household work for us .In Japan, scie ntists are desig ning robots that will en terta in people by dancing and playing the pi

23、ano.Meanwhile,people who worry about the future are wondering whether robots will become monsters? Will people themselves become increasingly like robots? Experts predict that more and more people will be weari ng microco mpu ters conn ected to the Internet in the future. People will have microchips

24、 in various parts of their body,which will connect them to a wide variety of small machi nes.P erha ps we should not exaggerate大)the imp orta nee of tech no logy,but one may wonder whether, in years to come, we will still be falling in love ,and whether we will feel pain.Who kno ws?5.A.B.C.D.6.A.C .

25、Kismet is differe nt from traditi onal robots is made in the MIT, USAit is able to exp ress its own feeli ngsit is the first moder n robotin about ten years from now. B. do all kinds of jobs for us D. become dangerous monsters can be best repl aced by.B. the writer himselfD. people in gen

26、eralit is able to show huma n feeli ngs Possibly, robots will be able to think like huma n beings imitate huma n feeli ngs7 . The un derl ined wordA .C .8 .A .B .C .D .a”onesome exp ertssome scie ntistsIt can be in ferred from this p assage that.robots will take the p lace of huma n beings in the fu

27、ture the imp orta nee of tech no logy has bee n exaggerated scie ntists have desig ned differe nt kinds of robots robots might be a helper or a dan gerI .语音知识1 . B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.An.情景对话1 . E 2.F 3.B 4.G 5.Dm.单项填空1 . C make sen se有意义,讲得通。2 . B under construction 在建设中;under control 在控制之下;under discuss

28、ion在讨论 中;under repair在修理中。句意为:这项正在建设中的工程将于这个月底完成。3 . A or在“祈使句+ or+分句”的句型中,表示“否则”。这种句型相当于一个包 含条件状语从句的复合句。本句相当于: If you don ' t remove the glass, it will be knocked dow n.4 . A historical历史上的,与历史有关的。句意为:这本以历史事件为依据的书对你 学习历史有帮助。5 . B 本句中suggest意为“建议”,要求其宾语从句使用“(should)+动词原形”这 一结构,因为law与Pass之间是逻辑上的动

29、宾关系,所以使用其-ed形式。6 . D hold back抑制。句意为:吉姆能够抑制自己的愤怒因此这两个男孩之间的争吵 就避免了。7. D looking very old 相当于 that/which looks very old,作后置定语,修饰 tower。date from = date back to意为“始于”,常用一般现在时。8. C come true实现,一般不用于被动语态。realise作“实现”讲时,在本句中应使 用其被动语态;carry out执行,落实;finish完成,均不符合句意。9. B 连词辨析。答语 Yes后面省略了 I will (go to Kathy

30、 ' s wedding party),意思是: 不,我去,如果我被邀请的话, if I am invited10. C of value= valuable有价值的,作后置定语。句意为:你会发现这张地图在帮助 你游览伦敦方面很有价值。B 本题考查动词suggest的用法。本句意为:“经理建议我们开个会来讨论这个“建议某人做某事”应该用suggest sb.doing sth,不能用suggest do sth吉构。C 本题考查易混动词辨析。 remove 去掉。本句意为:“我想要你把我的名字从modify修饰;weed锄去(草等);guide指导,领11.问题。”你的名单上去掉。我不想卷入这件事中。”导。12.13D grow up 为不及物动词短语,意为 “长大”; bring up 为及物动词短语,此处which。为被动语态;引导非限制性定语从句的引导词在从句中作宾语,故用14C 该题考查形容词作定语的用法。 应注意根据句意选用意义恰当的形容词。 该句 的正常语序为“ .but skills are of


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