1、英文版调查报告篇一:大学校园文明调查报告英文版The Investigation ReportOn The Campus CivilizationBy Group No.1Member: Wang Hui 王辉Wang Fadong 王发东Sun Zhi 孙志Sha Rundong 沙润东The Investigation Report On The Campus CivilizationThe Investigation Sites: Xinglong Hill Campus ofShandong UniversityThe Investigation Time : 24th Novembe
2、r, 2013The Investigation Purpose: to learn about thecontemporary college students 'morality, shaping so as to make students have a goodimage and to create a civilized campus.The Investigation Survey: all students of XinglongHill campus of ShandongUniversityThe Survey Form: questionnaire inte
3、rviews (80 questionnaires, 69 validquestionnaires were collected.)Survey Content Digest: college students in their manners and civilized degree andviews on the college students ' whole civilizedetiquette.The Investigation Process:1 Establishing the subject of investigation2 Determination of
4、investigators3 Write related investigation content4 Give out the questionaires and interview the students5 Collect the questionaires and summarizes the content6 Write down our own feeling from the investigation7 Write a summary of the investigation reportThe Investigation Background :People often sa
5、y that the university campus is"Ivory Tower", "Pure Land &qu ot; andthink college students as "social pride&qu ot;,"eraelite,"while some students feelconfusedand depressed because of the "dirty behavior atmosphere&qu ot; ,whi
6、ch lead to the terriblecampus environment. Shihezi University held a campaign ,the theme of whichis&qu ot;DefacementBookExhibitio n&qu ot;Theyfeatured more than 200 copies of defacedbooks, such as oil, flooding, graffiti, torn pages and so on. According toreports,defacing books is very commo
7、n phenomenon invarious universities. The fundamental reason of the phenomenon is that people ' s lack of public awareness. In our campus , there are indeed some uncivilized behavior. So, we launched a survey on the civilization of campus.Statistics Of The Questionaires Results:1. In libraries, s
8、chool buildings and other publicplaces, will you pay attention towhisper something to others?(Very careful:90% , sometimes forget :10%, oftenforget:。, never cared 0%) 2When you met your teachers,will you offer to say hello?(Always 35%,when met the familiar,they can:60%,occasionally:5%,never:0%)3. Af
9、ter the self-study ,will you bring garbage outof the classroom?(Always 55%, sometimes 35%, be reminded:10%, not 0%).4. Will you take the initiative to remove the chairsand library books back when you leave the places?(Always 80%, when I remember 10%,when it was advised :8%, do not have this sense:2%
10、).5. For college students ' intimate behavior in public places, what about your view? (Disgusted 25%,;no special feeling:but think this is wrong 60%,recognized their behavior :0%, it does not matter 15%).6. During class ,will you mute the phone is turned off or adjust it?(Will be 95%, an importa
11、nt lesson will be 0%, will bewhen the teacherremind :0%.often not :5%).7. Will you be conscious to line up when you are inthe canteen?(of course:85%, when people are few will be 5%, sometimes when anxious will cut the queue:10%, never :0%).8. Will you pay attention to be quiet when there aresome roo
12、mmates sleeping? (Very careful :60% , when reminded will be: will forget when I' m excited, willnot: 0%).9.When you see the Non-stop stream of water, will you offer to stop it?(Will be 100%, when having good mood will be 0%, regardless because of busy time,0%, not :0%)10, When you see other peop
13、le 's lost card , what would you do?(Try to find the owner and return it :25%, handed inthe Lost and Found :70%, put into the original place and ignore it :5%, for himself 0%).Summary and ConclusionFrom these 69 questionnaires, we see that the civilityof most students in our school are good,
14、 but there arestill some students ' civilized manners which needs to be corrected.The Bad Behavior:(one) Classroom uncivilized phenomenon1. Step the footprints on the wall.2. Mutual copy homework; Simply copy a result to theteacher from Baidu .3. Cheating in exams, various means: Throw note, SMS
15、, Whispering etc.4. Whenthe class begins,they will not turn off mobile phone(two) the library of uncivilized phenomenon1. Throw away the books they have read, no reduction.Even hading favorite books secretly in the shade.2. Random hook doodle on the library books, randomgraffiti, completely as their
16、 own textbook.3. Expired to return the books that they have borrowed.(three) the dormitory uncivilized phenomenon1. On the rest time in the dormitory, play cards ,sing,which influence others to rest.2. the upstairs classmate drys wet clothes, regardlessof whether are there clothes or quilt at downst
17、airs3, Waste water and electricity:long light, longflowing water.4, In the bedroom ,they play mahjong, landlords andother gambling activities. 5, Do not pay attention to personal hygiene.(four) the canteen uncivilized phenomenon1, Eat in a wasteful way.2, No queuing, dining preemption, Crowded disor
18、der.3, Do not pick up plate after a meal.(five) other uncivilized phenomenon1, Stick small advertising, leaflets disorderly in the campus.2, Behave closely in the public places3, Bicycles were placed disorderly .4, Steal the bottles, pour boiling water casually.5, Occupying seats without order6, Swe
19、aring7, Fights8, Steal others ' property The Analysis Of ThePhenomenon About “ Bad Behaviors ”First, the negative influence of social environmenton college students can not be ignored.Negative impact mainly external environment on college students in two aspects:The one is theinfluence of social
20、 atmosphere. Because students in psychology is not mature, many social negative, backward phenomenon reflected in the campus, often make some students lose their original life stance, acceptsocial uncivilized culture, behavior and way of life, causing students uncivilized phenomenon. While some inde
21、cency in mass media misleading, which makes students uncivilized behavior spread. From the survey we can know, some students put the film and television works of the hero in the uncivilized behavior such as swearing, fighting as a manifestation of personality as a "fashio n&qu ot;.The t
22、wo is the impact of peer groups, groups due toits proximity to the age, interests, hobbies and other aspects of the same age, each other to imitate. Uncivilized idea, behavior can easily penetrate each other and influence in college, which is an important factor to cause some uncivilized phenomenon
23、on campus Second, the phenomenon is caused by it that students often neglect their own ideological and moral cultivation.College students neglect their own ideological andmoral cultivation. It is easy for them to lose theability to judge the civilization, ugliness as beauty, giving glory to shame, a
24、nd lifted against the bad social moodinvasion defence in thought. Wethink that college students in these uncivilized phenomenon focus more on personalinterests, which not only does exists in the campus,but also there are the phenomena in our society.Third, the influence of family education. Parents
25、are the first teachers of their children. Nowmost families have only one child, So parents treat their children as "a pearl in the pal m&qu ot;.Most children are spoiled, which makes children have wrong ideas篇二:英文版调查报告_surveyA Survey About The Patriotic Emotion OfUniversity Students Now
26、adays, China is developing very fast. And this is a great chance for us to catch up with those world powers. But we are also faced with many problems. For instance, our national security can't be guaranteed, and our motherland has not been unified. So, it's really of vital importance for usC
27、hinese to love our motherland, especially our youngsters, who are the hope of our country.We organize this investigation in order to find outthe current condition of how university students love our country. According to the results, we want to putforward some useful suggestions for the patriotism e
28、ducation in university. And we hope our investigation could be helpful for our patriotism education. Firstly , we make questionnaires concerned with patriotism. Then we distributed them to our classmates. After they finished doing them, we take them back and get ourconclusionfromtheir answers.Afterw
29、e gotthestatisticaldataaccording to 1the answers tothequestionnaire,we madethe graphicsbelowto revealtheresults. Some of the graphics are shown below.Statistical results of Question 1:StatistQuestion 2:ical results ofStatistical results of Question 3:Statistical results of Question 5:Statistical res
30、ults of Question 6:The results of our survey show to us that the contemporary college students have good patriotic feelings. We have relatively deep understanding of patriotism and most of us are willing to accept patriotism education. We are concerned about the history, tradition andproduction cond
31、ition of China. We also enjoy the achievement after the reform and opening up of China.Few of our college students tend to escape joining the army, and what is encouraging is that almost all the students are proud of our race and country.In conclusion: We found through the phenomenon that college st
32、udents in the new era are patriotic. Universities should further strengthen the education of patriotism to keep students being aware of patriotism all the time. Our teachers should encourage students to work hard to become outstanding architects of new China in the future. From our point of view, we
33、 must be determined patriots and struggle to become someone useful for our motherland.Thank you for your appreciation ! Thank you. Members:Questionnaire about Textbooks Recovery1. Have you ever heard of the system of recycled textbooks?Ahave not only heard of it, but also been familiar with itB have
34、 heard of it, but I do not understand it actuallyChave never heard of it, but I want to know itDnever heard of it2. Do you know which countryput the system ofrecycling textbooks into action?A. SingaporeB. Hong KongC.AustraliaD. Othercountries3. If our activity of recycling textbooks is carriedout on
35、 our campus, would you uphold it?A. Yes Reason 1. Benefit the environmentReason2t ' s economical.Reason3. The notes on the second-hand books arebeneficial for others.B. NoReason1.lt ' s troublesome.Reason2. I don' t like using old books.Reason2. I don' t like using old books.4. Are y
36、ou willing to donate your books for recycling textbooks?A. Yes B. No5. Which is the least newness of the textbooks youwould use?A 50%-60% B 60%-70% C70%-80% D others6. How many books do you think you can contribute tobeing recycled per year?A1-5 booksB 5-10 books C11-15 booksD All7. What do you usua
37、lly do with your textbooks that you will not use?A. I keep them in case I would use them somedayB. I sell themC. Other ways8. Do you mind using others' used books?A. YesB. NoC. It depends9. Which textbooks do you often take notes directlyon it?A. Books of common required courses.B. Books of spec
38、ialized coursesC. Notebooks10. Are you willing to change your habit to take notes on your notebooks instead of textbooks?A YesB No11. Are you willing to take good care of the recycledbooks for the system?A. YesB. NoC. I will treat them as usual12. Which of the following rules you can' t accept?A
39、. Don ' t take notes directly on the textbooksB. Don ' t draw any pictures on the textbooksC. Take good care of the books, and don' t make themdirty.D. Don ' t tear or destroy the textbooks.E. Write the answers to the exercises on paper instead of directly on the textbooks.13. What do you think is the most difficult thing wehave to confrontwith during recycling textbooks?A. The notes on th
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