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1、改写句子 同义句转换160个第一组1.  This is the house where Zunyi Meeting was held.      This is the house _  _ Zunyi Meeting was held.2.  There are shops on both sides of the street.     There are shops on _  _  of the street.3.   If

2、there were no water, there would be no life.     _  _, there would be no life.4.  Shall we begin our meeting?     _  _  our meeting, shall we?5.  The church standing on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.  The church _&#

3、160; _  on the top of hill was built 100 years ago.6.  Peter does his homework more carefully than Bob.     Bob doesn't do his homework _  _  _ Peter.7.  The little girl dare not touch the dog.     The little girl _  _ &#

4、160; _ touch the dog.8.  All the answers are right.    _  _  _ answers is wrong.9.  They made him sell his house contrary to his will.    He _  _  _ sell his house contrary to his will.10. She seldom goes out in the evening.  

5、0; _  _  _ go out in the evening.11. He has been away from his home town for five years.    _  _  five years _ he left his home town.12. He took off his shoes because he did not want to wake up his    roommates.        _

6、  _  _ wake up his roommates, he took off his shoes.13. "Will you please speak louder?" she said to him.    She _  _   _ speak louder.14. We put off the outing because of the weather.    _  _  because of the weather _ we put

7、off the outing.15. He insisted that she join us in the game.    He insisted _  _  _ us in the game.16. While he was running downstairs, Li Ming knocked into his teacher.       _  _  _  , Li Ming knocked into his teacher.17. Isn

8、9;t he clever?    _  _  _  man he is.18.  I regretted having told her the news.    I wish I _  _  _  her the news.19. The article needs shortening.    The article needs _  _  _.20. As she was tired with walking

9、, the old woman sat down to have a rest.         _  _  _, the old woman sat down to have a rest参考答案1. in which     2. each side      3. Without water  4. Let's begin     5. that stands&#

10、160;    6. as carefully as7. doesn't dare to        8. None of the      9. was made to           10. Seldom does she11. It is . since       &

11、#160;  12. Not wanting to  13. asked him to         14. It was . that  15. on her joining     16. While running downstairs 17. What a clever        18. had not told   19. to b

12、e shortened     20. Tired with walking第二组1. We all know that the earth is round.    _  _  _  to all, the earth is round.2. Being a learned man, Professor Lin is respected by all his students.    _  _  _ a learned man, all the

13、 students respect him.3. I didn't know his address, so I didn't write to him.    If I had known his address, I _  _  _   to him.4. I want to see the play too.    _  _  _  see the play too.5. I had never seen him before , so I did no

14、t recognize him.    _  _  _ him before, I did not recognize him.6. Shall we have a break?    _  _  _  a break?7. She is too young to understand all this.    She _  _  _ to understand all this.8. He must have passed the e

15、xam.    He could _  _  _ in the exam.9. Her mother is famous singer, and she is proud of it.    She is proud of _  _  _  a famous singer.10. This piece of cloth is three times as long as that one.    This piece of cloth is three t

16、imes _  _ _   that one.11. He passed by, but he didn't notice me.    He passed by _  _  _  .12. I had hardly come in when the telephone rang.    _  _  _  I come in _ the telephone rang.13. He is the youngest boy in the class.&

17、#160;   He is younger _  _  _  _   in the class.14. Be careful, or you'll get hurt.    _  _  _  _  , you will get hurt.15. New York is more modern than London.    London _  _  _  _  New York.16. T

18、his story isn't interesting.  Nor is that one.    This story is _  _   _  _   that one.17. Both his parents are from Guangdong.    His father is from Guangdong and _  _  _   _.18. It is said that he has invented a new mac

19、hine.    He _  _  _  _  invented a new machine.19. We didn't stop talking until he returned.    We _  _  _  until he returned.20. He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box.    He was _  _  _  to

20、 lift the box.参考答案1. As is known                        2. Professor Lin being3. would have written              4. I'd like t

21、o5. Never having seen               6. What about having7. isn't old enough                  8. not have failed9. her mother being    &#

22、160;           10. the length of11. without noticing me          12. No sooner had.than13. than any other boy             14. If you aren't carefu

23、l  /  Unless you are careful    15. is less modern than  /  isn't as modern as                               16. no

24、more interesting than                      17. so is his mother                   18. is said to have19. kept on ta

25、lking  /  went on talking20. not strong enough 第三组1. She is a lovely girl. They all like to play with her.    She is _  _   _  _   _  they all like to play with her.2. When did Marx get to London?    When did Marx  _  _&

26、#160; London?3. In the months that followed, they worked much harder at English.    In the _  _  , they worked much harder at English.4. Our teacher began to write articles at the age of over twenty.    Our teacher began to write articles _  _   _.5.

27、 I feel that it is important to do so.    I feel _  _  to do so.6. His maths has improved greatly.    He _  _  _  _  in maths.7. In the year from 1930 to 1939, he wrote hundreds of short stories.    _  _  _ , he wro

28、te hundreds of short shories.8. Pick out what you like from these.    _  what you like from these.9. Take it easy.  Everything will get on well.    _  _  _  it.  Everything will get on well.10. I spent two weeks in writing the article. 

29、;   _  _  _  two weeks _  _ the articles.11. Neither Tom nor Jack could work out the problem.    Tom couldn't work out the problem.  _  _   _.12. Jenny picked up the wallet at the gate of the school.    _  _  at

30、 the gate of the school _   Jenny picked up the wallet.13. I know nothing about the matter.    I don't know the matter _  _.14. He wanted to see the words clearly, so he stood on the bench.    He stood on the bench _  _  _  see the words cle

31、arly.15. We have made up our minds to work harder this year.    We have _   to work harder this year.16. The two balls hit the ground together.    The two balls hit the ground _  _  _   _.17. Did you have a good time at the ball?  

32、0; Did you _  _  at the ball?18. You had better break away from smoking.    You had better _  _  smoking.19. His whole school education added up to only two years.    His whole school education added up to _  _   _  two years.20. The g

33、roup was set up in 1980.    The group was _  in 1980.参考答案1. such a lovely girl that   /  so lovely a girl that2. arrive in                         3.

34、following months4. in his twenties                   5. it important6. has made great progress           7. In the 1930's8. Choose       

35、;                     9. Don't worry about10. It took me.to write           11. Nor  /  Neither could Jack.12. It was . that   

36、0;             13. at all14. in order to  /  so as to            15. decided16. at the same time               

37、; 17. enjoy yourself18. give up                         19. no more than20. founded第四组1. What do you usually do when you are free?    What do you usually do _  _

38、0; _   _?2. He took an active part in sports when he was a child.    He _  _  _  sports _   _  _.3. I have ten yuan with me in all.   All my money with me _  _  _  ten yuan.4. The war lasted four years before the North won. &

39、#160;  The war didn't _  _  the North won four years later.5. I like music most in my spare time.    I like music _  than _  _  in my spare time.6. Mr Zhang is not fit to do the work.    The work is _  _ Mr Zhang.7. Wind is invisib

40、le to us.    Wind can't _  _  by us.8. I had a strong wish to know who won the final game.    I _  _  _  know who won the final game.9. I will ask someone to clean the windows this afternoon.    I will _  the windows _

41、60; this afternoon.10. After he undressed himself, we dressed him in a new suit.    After he _  _  his old clothes, we _   _  a    new  suit for him.    11. She was so interested in the book that she read it over night.  

42、0; The book was so _  that she read it _  _   _.12. My aunt wears a new skirt today.    My aunt _  a new skirt _ today.13. The boss treated the workers cruelly.    The boss _  _  _  the workers.14. He read and read without stopping til

43、l he went to sleep.    He _  _  _  till he went to sleep.15. What pleased her was that she found the lost money.    _  _  _, she found the lost money.16. The girl wearing red clothes is a nurse.    The girl _  _  is a nu

44、rse.17. The nurse is feeding the baby with milk.    The nurse is feeding _  _  the baby.18. She has been away from home for ten years.    It _  _  _  since she _ home.19. The foreign friend is said to come to our school tomorrow.  

45、0; It _  _  _ that the foreign friend _   _  to our school    tomorrow.   20. He couldn't help crying at the sight of the photo.    He couldn't help crying _  _  _ the photo参考答案1. in your spare time     

46、;      2. was active in . in his childhood.       3. adds up to4. end until/stop until           5. better . anything else / other things6. unfit for         &#

47、160;                      7. be seen8. was eager to                        9. have .

48、cleaned10. took off . put on      11. interesting . all the night / throughout the night / all night long12. has  . on                      13. was cruel to14. went on reading

49、 / kept on reading / didn't stop reading15. To her pleasure                  16. in red17. milk to                    

50、60;     18. is ten years . left19. is said . will come/is coming20. when he saw第五组1. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.   Crusoe stared at the footprint, _  _  fear.2. The dog died.  This made him very sad.    _  the dog die

51、d made him very sad.3. All the doctors can not perform such an operation.    _  _ the doctors can perform such an operation.4. Both of them are not good students.    _  of the two is a good student.5. They are mostly teachers.     _  _ 

52、; _ are teachers.6. Fujian is connected with Zhejiang on  the north.    Fujian is _  _ Zhejiang on the north.7. Suddenly she let out a cry of anger.    Suddenly she _  _  _.8. All the boys don't like football.    _  _  _&

53、#160; _  like football.9. Shanghai is the largest city in China.    Shanghai is _  _  _  _   _  in China.10. Mary was late, which made her teacher very angry.    Mary was late _  _  _  her teacher very angry.11. Paper is made

54、 from wood.    Wood _  _  _  _  paper.12. Li Wei is shorter than Tom.    Tom is _  _  _ the two.13. He did what he could do to calm her.    He _  _  _  to _  her calm.14. "I don't want to be exami

55、ned." he answered.    He answered that he _ want any _.15. We did the experiment in this lab yesterday.    _  _  in this lab _  we did the experiment yesterday.   16. The accident forbade me to arrive there in time.    T

56、he accident _  me _  _ there in time.17. She has nothing to do with the matter.     She is _  _  _  the matter.18. The old woman lived  happily.    The old woman _  _  _  life.19. The only thing I could do was to apologize to

57、 her.    I could do _  _  _  to her.20. It is by this means that animal hibernates in winter.    It is _  _  _  that animal hibernates in winter.参考答案1. filled with             

58、0;        2. That3. Not all                          4. One5. Most of them            

59、0;        6. joined to7. cried out angrily        8. Not all the boys/Some of the boys9. larger than any other city       10. and it made11. can be made into         

60、0;      12. the taller of13. tried/did his best . make14. didn't . examination          15. It was . that16. prevented/kept/stopped . from arriving17. not connected with           &

61、#160;  18. led a happy19. nothing but apologize           20. in this way第六组1. After graduation, he went to work on a farm.    After _  _ , he went to work on a farm.2. When he was a child of eight, he learned to write poems. 

62、;   _  _  _  of eight, he learned to write poems.3. I have mastered English by learning it all by myself.    _  _  _  English I have mastered it.4. He has the habit of running in the morning.    He is _  _  running in th

63、e morning.5. Why did she lose interest in music?    Why was she _  _  in music?6. The secret was disclosed only in 1975.    Only in 1975 _  the secret _.7. Einstein cared little for money, so he was poor.    Einstein could _  _  _

64、  if he _   _    much for money.8. Walking early in the morning will benefit you.    Walking early in the morning will _  _   _.9. The farm is his.    The farm _  _  _.10. The teacher sang high praise for our noble deed. 

65、;   The teacher _  _  _  our noble deed.11. The imposter seemed anxious to leave.    _  _  _  the imposter _   _  to leave.12. They would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.    They would like to watch TV at h

66、ome _  _ going    to the cinema.13. People sometimes act as foolishly as a blind man.    _  _ people act as foolishly as a blind man.14. The meeting is very important.    The meeting   _  _  _.15. He is given practice in play

67、ing tennis every day.    He _  _  tennis every day.16. He was afraid that his father would punish him.    He was afraid of _  _  _  his father.17. The teacher would ask the boys questions on the text.    The teacher would _ 

68、_  _  on the text.18. Why did Tom stay away from school yesterday?    Why did Tom _  _  yesterday?19. I found the lost child while I was walking home.    I found the lost child _  _  _   _.20. I was thinking of this when I heard my nam

69、e called.    I was thinking of this when I heard _  _  my name.参考答案1. he graduated                        2. At the age3. By teaching myself     

70、             4. used to5. not interested                      6. was . disclosed7. have been rich . had cared      

71、  8. do you good9. belongs to him                     10. thought highly of11. It seemed that . was anxious    12. instead of13. At times         

72、;                 14. of great importance15. practices playing                 16. being punished by17. question the boys     

73、;           18. play truant19. on my way home                    20. someone call第七组1. I stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.   

74、0; I stood at my bench and _  _  _  my head.2. There is something wrong with your machine.  Have you asked  somebody    to repair  it for you?    There is something wrong with your machine.  Have you _    _   &

75、#160;  _ ?3. I want to start the machine.  Please show me the way.    Please show me _  to _  the machine.4. The huge stone is very heavy.  We can not lift it.    The huge stone is _  heavy _ we can not lift it.    The huge s

76、tone is _  heavy _  _   _  lift.5. She bought an old bike from Mary.    Mary _  an old bike _  her.6. Stone will not catch fire.    Stone will not _.7. May I give it back later?    May I _ it later?8. I ran all the way so tha

77、t I could get to school on time.    I ran all the way _  _  to _  _   school on time.9. It began to rain as soon as I got home.    _  _  I got home, it began to rain.10. I want to speak to you for a short while.    I want to

78、_  _  _  _  you.11. The teacher asked me to say it again.    The teacher asked me to _ it.12. John's workmates were all friendly to him.    John's workmates all _  _  _  _   him.13. There is no water or air on the moon.

79、60;   There is _ water on the moon, and there is no air,_.14. You are not wrong.  I am not wrong, either.    _  you _  I _  wrong.15. If he had hurried, he would have caught the train.    He _  _  _, so he _  the train.16. Th

80、e child filled the bag with apples.    The bag _  _  of apples.17. He didn't need to worry about his life.    It _ unnecessary _  _  _  _   _   his life.18. What rapid progress Marx made.    How rapidly _  _  _.19. They insisted we hold out the hands at the time.    They insisted _  _  _  _   the hands at the  time.20.


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