已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、东标橡塑检测中心金属制品、合金检测资质认证范围0346序号检测对象项目/参数领域代码检测标准(方法)名称及编号(含年号)限制范围说明序号名称1换热器1全部参数0340板式换热器GB 16409-1996管壳式换热器GB 151-1999螺旋板式换热器JB/T 4751-2003空冷式换热器GB/T 15386-1994换热器热工性能和流体阻力特性通用测定方法JB/T 10379-20022炼化容器1全部参数0340钢制压力容器GB 150-1998囊式蓄能用压力容器 GB/T 20663-2006流体输送用不锈钢焊接钢管 GB/T 12771-2008锅炉、热交换器用不锈钢无缝 钢管 GB 1

2、3296-2007流体输送用不锈钢无缝钢管 GB/T 14976-2002输送流体用无缝钢管 GB/T 8163-2008高压锅炉用无缝钢管 GB 5310-2008高压化肥设备用无缝钢管 GB 6479-2000石油裂化用无缝钢管 GB 9948-2006钢质无缝气瓶GB 5099-1994气瓶疲劳试验方法 GB/T 9252-2001气瓶水压爆破试验方法 GB 15385-1994汽车用压缩天然气钢瓶 GB 17258-19982炼化容器1全部参数0340气瓶用无缝钢管 GB 18248-20083钢制球形储罐1全部参数0340钢制球形储罐 GB 12337-19984液力变矩器1全部参数

3、石油钻机用离心涡轮液力变矩器SY/T 5141-2002双涡轮液力变矩器 通用技术条件 GB/T 10856-2006单级向心涡轮液力变矩器 通用技术标准 JB/T 9711-2001液力变矩器 性能试验方法 GB/T 7680-20055石油钻机和修井机用转盘1全部参数石油钻机和修井机用转盘 SY/T 5080-20046井口装置和采油树规范1全部参数井口装置和采油树规范 SY/T 5127-2002全部参数石油天然气工业 钻井和采油 设备 井口装置和采油树 GB/T 22513-20082全部参数节流和压井系统 SY/T 5323-20047减速器1全部参数NGW行星齿轮减速器 JB/T

4、6502-1993双排直齿行星减速器 JB/T 6999-1993同轴式圆柱齿轮减速器 JB/T 7000-1993ZJY型轴装式圆柱 齿轮减速器 JB/T 7007-1993ZC1型双级蜗杆及齿轮 蜗杆减速器 JB/T 7008-1993通用齿轮装置型式试验方法 JB/T 5077-19918抽油杆1全部参数0303空心抽油杆 SY/T 5550-2006抽油杆 SY/T 5029-20069抽油泵1部分参数0346组合泵筒管式抽油泵 SY/T 5059-2009不能测:阀球和阀座气密封试验抽油泵及其组件规范 GB/T 18607-200810抽油机1部分参数游梁式抽油机 SY/T 5044

5、-2003不能测:胶带轮静平衡11电磁涡流刹车1全部参数石油钻机用DS系列 电磁涡流刹车 SY/T 5533-200212石油钻机绞车1部分参数石油钻机用绞车 SY/T 5532-2002不能测:刹把工作安全性13石油钻机传动滚子链1部分参数油田链条和链轮 SY/T 5595-2009不能测:压出力14离合器1部分参数DLM2型电磁离合器 JB/T 8808-1998不能测:静平衡、橡胶检验、摩擦盘检验QPL型气动盘式离合器 JB/T 7005-2007磁粉离合器 JB/T 5988-199215往复泵2全部参数0346固井成套设备规范 SY/T 5557-2009三缸单作用钻井泵 SY/T

6、5138-1992压裂成套设备 SY/T 5211-200916无损检测1声发射检测金属压力容器声发射检验 及结果评价方法 GB/T 18182-2000在役压力容器声发射 检测评定方法 JB/T 7667-1995钛合金压力容器声发射检测方法 GJB 2044-19942超声波检测钛及钛合金加工产品超声波 探伤方法 GB/T 5193-2007厚钢板超声波检验方法 GB/T 2970-2004金属板材超声板波探伤方法 GB/T 8651-2002复合钢板超声波检验方法 GB/T 7734-2004钢制管道对接环焊缝超声波探伤 方法和检验结果的分级 GB/T 15830-2008无缝钢管超声波

7、探伤检验方法 GB/T 5777-20083射线检测金属熔化焊焊接接头 射线照相 GB/T 3323-200516无损检测4磁粉检测无损检测 磁粉检测 GB/T 15822.13-2005承压设备无损探伤检测 第四 部分 磁粉检测5渗透检测承压设备无损探伤检测 第五 部分 渗透检测17金属及金属制品1拉伸03010303金属材料 室温拉伸试验方法 GB/T 228-2002高温拉伸试验方法 GB/T 4338-20062弯曲金属材料 弯曲试验方法 GB/T 232-19993冲击金属材料夏比摆锤冲击试验方法 GB/T 229-20074扩口金属管扩口试验方法 GB/T 242-20075压扁金

8、属管压扁试验方法 GB/T 246-2007无缝气瓶压扁试验方法 GB 13440-19926硬度金属里氏硬度试验方法 GB/T 17394-19987应变承载设备应变测试方法 Q/LJ 203-200817金属及金属制品8强度03010303钢筋机械连接通用技术规程 JGJ 107-20039晶粒度035103540355金属平均晶粒度测定方法 GB/T 6394-200210显微组织金属显微组织检验方法 GB/T 13298-1991金属显微组织评定方法 GB/T 13299-1991不锈钢中相面积 含量金相测定法 GB/T 133052008standard Test Methods f

9、or Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels ASTM A923-2008仅用方法A和方法C11夹杂物应用自动图像分析仪测定钢和其它 金属中金相组织、夹杂物含量和级 别的标准试验方法第钢中非金属夹杂物 显微评定方法 GB/T 10561-200512石墨化钢中石墨碳显微评定方法 GB/T 133021991碳钢石墨化检验及评级标准 DL/T 786200113球化火电厂用20钢珠光体 球化评级标准 DL/T 6741999火电厂用12Cr1MoV钢球化评级标

10、准DL/T 7732001火电厂用15CrMo钢珠光体 球化评级标准 DL/T 787200118金属与合金1碳(C)2硫(S)3锰(Mn)4硅(Si)5磷(P)6铬(Cr)7镍(Ni)钢铁及合金 镍含量的测定 丁二酮肟分光光度法 8镍(Ni)钢铁及合金 钼含量的测 定 硫氰酸盐分光光度法 9钛(Ti)10铜(Cu)18金属与合金11全浸腐蚀0303.110356金属材料实验室均匀腐蚀 全浸试验方法 JB/T 7901-199912应力腐蚀0303.110356不锈钢在沸腾氯化镁溶液中 应力腐蚀试验方法 YB/T 5362-2006金属在硫化氢环境中抗特殊 形式环境开裂实验室试验 GB/T 4

11、157-20060303.110356Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Specific Forms of Environmental Cracking in H2S Environments NACE TM0177-2005Standard Practice for Evaluating Stress-Corrosion-Cracking Resistance of Metals and Alloys in a Boiling Magnesium Chloride Solution ASTM G36-1994(2006)13晶间腐蚀

12、金属和合金的腐蚀 不锈钢 晶间腐蚀试验方法 GB/T 4334-2008镍基合金晶间腐蚀试验方法 GB/T 152601994铝合金晶间腐蚀测定方法 GB/T 7998200518金属与合金14氢致开裂0303.110356管线钢和压力容器钢抗氢 致开裂评定方法 GB/T 8650-2006Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to Hydrogen-Induced Cracking NACE TM0284-200315缝隙腐蚀不锈钢三氯化铁缝隙 腐蚀试验方法 GB/T 10127-2002Standa

13、rd Test Method for Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels and Related Alloys by Use of Ferric Chloride ASTM G48-200316点蚀金属和合金的腐蚀 点蚀 评定方法 GB/T 18590-200117扩散氢熔敷金属中扩散氢测定方法 GB/T 3965199518Cl-工业循环冷却水和锅炉 用水中氯离子的测定 GB/T 15453-200819井架1应力测试0346钻井和采油提升设备 规范(不规定级别) SY/T 5112-2008钻井和修井井架

14、、底座规范 SY/T 5025-1999石油钻机和修井机井架、底座 承载能力检测评定方法 SY/T 6326-2008Test ObjectItem/ParameterCode of FieldTitle, Code of Standard or MethodLimitationNoteItem/ Parameter1heat exchanger1All of parameters0340Plate heat exchanger GB 16409-1996Tubular heat exchangers GB 151-1999Spiral heat exchanger JB/T 4751-200

15、3Air cooled heat exchanger GB/T 15386-1994General test methods for determining heat transfer performance and flow resistance of heat exchangers JB/T 10379-20022Refinery & chemical vessel1All of parameters0340Steel pressure vessels GB 150-1998Bladder type accumulators GB/T 20663-2006Welded stainl

16、ess steel pipes for liquid delivery GB/T 12771-20082Refinery & chemical vessel1All of parameters0340Seamless stainless steel tubes for boiler and heat exchanger GB 13296-2007Stainless steel seamless tubes for fluid transport GB/T 14976-2002Seamless steel tubes for liquid service GB/T 8163-2008Se

17、amless steel tubes and pipes for high pressure boilerGB 5310-2008Seamless steel tubes for high-pressure chemicalfertilizer equipments GB 6479-2000Seamless steel tubes for petroleum cracking GB 9948-2006Seamless steel gas cylinders GB 5099-1994Method for cycling test of gas cylinders GB/T 9252-2001Me

18、thod for hydraulic burst test of gas cylinders GB 15385-1994Steel cylinders for the on-board of compressed natural gas as a fuel for vehicles GB 17258-19982Refinery & chemical vessel1All of parameters0340Seamless steel tubes for gas cylinder GB 18248-20083Steel spherical tanks1All of parameters0

19、340Steel spherical tanks GB 12337-19984Hydraulic torque converter1All of parametersHydraulic torque converter with centrifugal turbine used for drilling rig SY/T 5141-2002Double turbine torque converterSpecification GB/T 10856-2006Single-stage centripetal turbine torque converter General specificati

20、ons JB/T 9711-2001Torque converters-Methods of performance tests GB/T 7680-20055Rotary table for drilling rig1All of parametersRotary table for petroleum drilling and workover rig SY/T 5080-20046wellhead and Christmas tree equipment1All of parametersSpecification for wellhead and Christmas tree equi

21、pment SY/T 5127-20026wellhead and Christmas tree equipment1All of parametersPetroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Wellhead and christmas tree equipment GB/T 22513-20082Choke and kill systems SY/T 5323-20047Gear reducer1All of parametersNGW planet gear reducer JB/

22、T 6502-1993Bi-line straight gear planet reducer JB/T 6999-1993Coaxial cylindrical gear reducer JB/T 7000-1993ZJY axial cylindrical gear reducer JB/T 7007-19937Gear reducer1All of parametersZC1 dual-stage worm and gear-worm reducer JB/T 7008-1993Performance test method for universal gear unit JB/T 50

23、77-19918Sucker rod1All of parameters0303Hollow sucker rods SY 5550-2006Sucker Rods SY/T 5029-20069sucker rod pump1Partial parameters0346Tubing pump with combined liners SY/T 5059-2009Except for:Valve and seatSpecification for subsur-face sucker rod pumps and fittings GB/T 18607-200810Pumping unit1Pa

24、rtial parametersBeam pumping units SY/T 5044-2003M Except for:Static equilibrium for belt wheel11Eddy current brakeAll of parametersDS series eddy current brake for drilling rigs SY/T 5533-200212Drawworks1Partial parametersDrawworks for drilling rig SY/T 5532-2002Except for:Safety of brake bar13Chai

25、n for drilling rigs1Partial parametersOil field chain and sproc-kets SY/T 5595-2009Except for:Push force14Clutch1Partial parametersDLM2 Electromagnetic clutch JB/T 8808-1998Except for:Staticequilibrium,test for rubber and friction platQPL pneumatic plate clutch JB/T 7005-2007Magnetic particle clutch

26、 JB/T 5988-199215Reciprocating pump1All of parameters0346Technical specification for cementing package SY/T 5557-2009Tri-cylinder single-action drilling pump SY/T 5138-1992Fracturing unit SY/T 5211-200916NDT1Acoustic emission examinationAcoustic emission examination and evaluation of metallic pressu

27、re vessels GB/T 18182-2000Acoustic emission examination and evaluation of pressure vessels JB/T 7667-1995Test method for pressure vessels of titanium alloys using acoustic emission GJB 2044-19942Ultrasonic TestingNondestructive testing of pressure equipmentMethod of ultrasonic inspection for wrought

28、 titanium and titanium alloy productsGB/T 5193-2007Thicker steel platesMethod for ultrasonic inspection GB/T 2970-2004Metal plates-Flaw detection method by the ultrasonic plate wave GB/T 8651-2002Method for ultrasonic testing of clad steel plates GB/T 7734-2004Method of ultrasonic inspection and res

29、ult classification of circumferential butt welds in steel pipes and tubes GB/T 15830-20082Ultrasonic TestingSeamless steel pipe and tubing-Methods for ultrasonic testing GB/T 5777-200816NDT3Radiographic TestingNondestructive testing of pressure equipmentRadiographic examination of fusion welded join

30、ts in metallic materials GB/T 3323-20054Magnetic Particle TestingNondestructive testing of pressure equipmentMethods for magnetic particle testing GB/T 15822.13-20055Penetrant TestingNondestructive testing of pressure equipmentNon-destructive testing-Penetrant testing17Metals and metal products1Tens

31、ile03010303Metallic materials-Tensile testing at ambient temperature GB/T228-2002Metallic materials-tensile testing at elevated temperature GB/T 4338-20062BendingMetallic materials-Bend test GB/T 232-19993ImpactMetallic materials-Charpy pendulum impact test methodGB/T 229-200717Metals and metal prod

32、ucts4Flaring03010303Metallic materials Tube-Flattening test GB/T 242-20075FlatteningMetallic materials Tube-Drift expanding test GB/T 246-2007Method for flattening test of seamless gas cylinders GB 13440-19926HardnessMetallic materials-Leeb hardness test GB/T 17394-1998Metallic materials - Brinell h

33、ardness testMetallic materialsVickers hardness testMetallic materials - Rockwell hardness test7StrainThe strain test method for born equipment Q/LJ 203-20088StrengthGeneral technical specification for mechanical splicing of bars JGJ 107-20039Grain size035103540355Metal- method for estimating the ave

34、rage grain size GB/T 6394-200217Metals and metal products10Microstructure035103540355Metal-Inspection method of microstructure GB/T 13298-1991Steel-Determination of microstructure GB/T 13299-1991Micrographic method for determining area content of the -phases in stainless steels GB/T 13305-2008Standa

35、rd Test Methods for Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels ASTM A923-2008Accredited Only for method A and C11InclusionsStandard practice for determining the metallographical constituent and inclusion content of steels and other metals by automatic im

36、age analysis-Part 1: Determining the inclusion or second-phase constituent content of steels and other metals by automatic image analysis and stereologySteel-Determination of content of non-metallic inclusion Micrographic method using standard diagrams GB/T 10561-200512GraphitizationSteel.Determinat

37、ion of area content of graphite micrographic method using diagrams GB/T 133021991Standard of inspection estimating carbon steel graphitiaztion DL/T 786200117Metals and metal products13Spheroidization035103540355The gradational standard of spherular pearlite for carbon steel 20 used in fossil power p

38、lant DL/T 6741999Spheroidization evaluation standard of 12Cr1MoV used in power plant DL/T 7732001The gradational standard of spherular pearlite for 15CrMo steel used in fossil power plant DL/T 787200118Metals and Alloys1CSteel and ironDetermination of total carbon contentInfrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace 2SSteel and iron Determination of sulfur contentInfrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace3MnThe sodiu


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