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1、泸州市枫叶佳德国际学校八年级下册英语单元训练Unit 1 包含答案Unit 1 What 's the matter?学习目标重点短语: Section A: have a cold, have a stomachache, have a sore throat, lie down, have a fever, take one's temperature, see a dentist, have a cough, get an X-ray, cut oneself, take breaks, shout for help, get off, to one 's sur

2、prise, thanks to, right away, agree to do, get into trouble, fall downSection B & Self Check: have a nosebleed, have problems doing, be used to, take risks, run out (of), cut off, so that / so - that- -, get out of, make a decision, be in control of, keep on (doing sth.), give up, have a sore le

3、g, have a headache 重点句型:1. -What's the matter?-I have a stomachache.2. You shouldn't eat too much neat time.3. You should lie down and rest.4. -What should she do? -She should take her temperature.5. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.6. His

4、 love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.重点语法:1.情态动词should / shouldn't用法;2. 反身代词: myself / ourselves; yourself / yourselves; himself / herself / itself / themselvesSection A一、听力I.听录音,选择与内容相符的图片,并把序号写在括号里。每段对话听两遍。(5小题)(一下五个句子尚未配图)1. I h

5、ave a headache and have to stay in bed.2. Tom is at home. He has a toothache.3. I feel terrible. I have a sore throat.4. Let's help Kate. She has a nosebleed.5. He has a fever. The doctor asks him to take some medicine.)II.听录音,根据听到的句子选择正确的答语,并把序号写在括号里。每个句子听两遍。(()1. A. Two hours.()2. A. I ' m

6、 sorry to hear that.()3. A. She's at school.( )4. A. Have a good time.()5. A. A week.B. Five yuan.B. That sounds good.B. She's going to the beach.B. Oh, dear.B. Three times.5小题)C. Twice a month.C. Yes, please.C. She's in the mountains.C. I want to go.C. Nine hours.10 / 10、语音选择划线部分与所给音标相对

7、应的单词,并将序号写在括号里。(5小题)()1./?/A.matterB.stomachC.headache()2./?/A.feverB.sickC.rest()3./?/A.toothacheB.bloodC.foot()4./?/A. coughB.troubleC.out()5./e?/A.breatheB.headacheC.break三、基础知识(四道大题)I.根据中文提示写出单词,补全句子。每空一词。(58题)1.1 f you have a sore (喉咙),you should drink lots of water.2. Each dog has four (脚).3.

8、When you are in (苦恼),you should ask your parents for help.4. If you are tired, I think you should lie down and (休息).5. I don't like taking the bus to school because there are too many (乘客)on it.6. My sister had a (头疼)last night.II .用括号内单词的适当形式填空。(58题)1. The little baby has two(tooth).2. She cut(

9、she) badly and had to put a bandage on it.3. To keep healthy, we should (exercise) every day.4. Tom was a little angry and left without(say) a word.5. Lily had a headache and the doctor told her(put) her head back.6. They agreed(help) each other.7. I'm thirsty, and I need (drink) some water.III

10、.从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并把序号写在括号里。(10小题)()1. What's with Judy?-She has a fever.A. matterB. the matterC. the wrongD. trouble( )2. Mrs. Green eats meat, so she is heavy.A. too much; too manyB. too many; too muchC. much too; too muchD. too much; much too( )3. If you k eep on this way, you can get to

11、the village soon.A. to driveB. drivingC. driveD. drove( )4. I saw an old man on the side of the road when I passed by.A. lieB. to lieC. lyingD. lied( )5. her surprise, they all agreed to go with her.A. ToB. ForC. OnD. In( )6.your help, we finished doing the work in time.A. BecauseB. ThanksC. Thanks

12、toD. As( )7. The driver stopped to help when he saw an old manon the side of road.A. lieB. layC. lyingD. lies( )8. You are tired. You rest and go to the movies.A. shouldn't; shouldB. should; shouldC. should; shouldn'tD. shouldn't; shouldn't( )9. T'm not feeling well today. I have

13、 a cough.-.A. That's greatB. Sorry to hear thatC. I hope soD. I'm afraid I can't( )10. The bus driver stopped the bus withouttwice when he saw what happened.A. thinkB. thoughtC. thinksD. thinkingIV .根据文中提示完成句子。每空一词。(58题)1 .你应该多喝放蜂蜜的水。You should drink more water in it.2 .他太累了,应该躺下休息。He is

14、tired. He shouldand rest.3 .那老人及时到达了医院。The old man got to the hospital.4 .冬天容易感冒。It's to in winter.5 .有时候,她的生活充满了烦恼。Sometimes her life is full of.四、交际用语根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话,并把序号写在横线上。 (A、B、C、D、E五句,填入一段对话的5个空白中)A: Good morning, Doctor.B: Good morning, my boy! 1A: I ' ve got a headache and a co

15、ugh. I' sroinseithirnhiererong wish me.B: 2A: I ' m feeling evenowse now.B: 3 Oh, it ' s a bit high. I ' maveaadbyoucold. When did it start?A: Last night. Is it serious, doctor?B: No. 4 Did you eat anything for breakfast this morning?A: No, I didn ' t feel akegeanything. What sho

16、uld I do, doctor?B: Well, don ' t worry about it. 5 Stay in bed to have a good re st and drink more water. You' ll get wellsoon.A. Take the medicine three times a day.B. What' s the matter with you?C. Nothing serious.D. How are you feeling now?E. Let me take your temperature.A: Thank you

17、 very much, doctor. Goodbye.B: That ' s all right. Goodbye.五、阅读理解Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully and said,“ Medicyou. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar (雪茄烟)a day. Go to thecountry place for a month.”

18、look much younger. ”" Oh, doctor! I feel quite well now,"I ' m glad tcI went to bed e;After a month the man came to the doctor again.“How are you? ” said the doctor.said the man. "I had a good rest.lot of milk and walk a lot. Your advice helped me, but that you told me to smoke on

19、e cigar a day almost killed me first.( )1. How many things did the doctor ask the man to do?A. Three.B. FourC. Five.D. Six.( )2. How did the man feel after a month?A. The same.B. Much better.C. A little worried. D. Worse than before.( )3. What can we say about the doctor advice? ' sA. It was hel

20、pful.B. It didn ' t work.C. It sounded good.D. It gave the man much trouble.( )4. The doctor wanted the old man.A. to smoke less B. to stop smokingC. to start smoking D. to smoke as before( )5. What can we learn from the old ma ns words in the end?A. He ' d smoke more.B. He was very happy.C.

21、 He ' d die to smoke one cigar a day.D. He didn ' t understand the doctor ' s advice.Section B & Self Check |一、听力1 .听录音,根据对话内容选择正确答案,并把序号写在括号里。每段对话听两遍。(5小题)()1. A. He has a toothache.()2. A. In his school( )3. A. Two or three times a week.()4. A. Just two months.B. He can sleep well.

22、B. In his house.B. Sometimes.B. For about 5 days.C. He is very healthy.C. In the kitchen.C. Often.C. About three months.( )5. A. She is spending time with her friends.B. She is babysitting Jim.C. She is leaving for Beijing.II.听录音,根据听到的内容判断正(T)误(F)。对话听两遍。(5小题)( )1.There will be robots in people '

23、s homes.( )2. Mr. Li thinks robots won 't help us do the housework.( )3. Robots are too cheap now.( )4. Robots can't carry meals or drugs in some hospitals now.( )5. Mr. Li believes robots will give us more help in our future life.二、语音选择单词的划线部分发音不同的一个,并把序号写在括号里。(5小题)()1. A. yearB. youC. city

24、.D. young()2. A. footB. lookC. bloodD. toothache()3. A. hurt()4. A. neck()5. A. KneeB. passenger C. herselfB. rest C. headacheB. see C. breakD. sunburnedD. nosebleedD. fever三、基础知识I.根据中文提示写出单词,补全句子。每空一词。(58题)1. What should we do if we are in a difficult (情况).2. Her grandfather's (去世)made her sad.

25、3. We should learn to how to take care of (我们自己).4. Aron tells of the (重要性) of making good decisions.5. If someone loses too much (血),he may die.6. His mother works in a hospital, she is a (护士).II.用括号内单词的适当形式填空。(58题)1. Help (you) to some fish." Mum said to the children.2. My father is used to(r

26、un) every morning.3. The boy can keep on(swim) for two hours.4. Mary decided to give up(play) volleyball because she has a sore back.5. The doctors are trying(save) the sick boy.III.从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并把序号写在括号里。(10小题)()1. We should really smoking. It's bad for our health.A. put upB. give upC.

27、pick upD. take up)2. He found difficult English well.A. that; learnB. it; learnC. that; to learnD. it; to learn)3. Tom gets up very early every morning he can catch the early bus.A. so thatB. in order toC. such thatD. thanks to)4. Aron almost lost his life accidents.A. becauseB. because ofC. as)5. O

28、ur Chinese teacher has a lot of experience teaching.A. toB. onC. for)6. I think you should eatfood and take exercise.D. as forD. inA. a little; a fewB. less; moreC. many; muchD. much; many( )7. I have homework to do this evening.A. too muchB. much tooC. too manyD. many too( )8. It's about walk f

29、rom my home to my school.A. ten minutesB. ten-minutesC. ten minutes'D. ten-minutes( )9. The boyhis money, so he had to walk to the hotel.A. runs out ofB. ran outC. runs outD. ran out of()10. What happened her last night?A. forB. withC. ofD. toIV.根据文中完成句子。每空一词。(58题)1.她写了一本关于她的经历的书。Shea bookher ex

30、perience.2,阿伦习惯了冒险。Aron is used to.3 .我们不应该放弃学习英语。We shouldn't English.4 .我爸爸坚持每天早上跑步。My fatherevery morning.5,那婴儿有些呼吸困难。The baby had some.四、交际用语根据对话内容从方框中选择句子补全对话。A: 1, boy?B: I feel a little weak. I can hardly do any work, doctor.A. You are not ill.B. Do you often have breakfast?C. When did it

31、 start?D. Do you sleep well?E. What's the matter?A: 2B: A few days ago. A: Do you have a headache? B: No, I don 't.A: 3B: Yes, I sleep very well. A:4C: No, I don 't. And I have little food for lunch because I want to keep thin.A: Oh, I see. 5 You don't need to take medicine. You need

32、 to eat more food and do some exercise every day. Then you can be better soon.五、阅读理解AMr. Jenkins liked all kinds of delicious food. As an important officer, he was often asked to dinner. The shopkeepers tried their best to fawn on (巴结) him. They knew it was good for their business (生意).Now the offic

33、er got fatter and fatter. He could hardly go upstairs at home and had to sleep downstairs. He often felt tired if he walked or did some housework. He was worried about it and had to go to a doctor." S top弱ating naudhsfaJar, Mr.Jenkins, said the doctor. " Or it will be worse for your health

34、!” It wkedtoidoltiforlHiewouldn ' t doas the doctor said. He found something was wrong with his heart a few months later. Now he thought the doctor was right. And he had to be in hospital.“You must lose weight(减月巴),sir, " said the doctor,“unless you want to die soon!""Could you te

35、lose weight, please? ""You mustdo some exercise first."Whichexercise? ”'Tomove your head from side to sidewhen you are invited to dinner!”D. An officer.()1. What did Mr. Jenkins do?A. A doctor.B. A cook.C. A businessman.()2. Why did the shopkeepers often invite Mr. Jenkins to dinn

36、er?A. He enjoyed delicious food.C. He was friendly to them.()3. Why did Mr. Jenkins feel tired?A. He slept upstairs.B. He liked to help others.D. He was helpful to their business.B. He was ill.C. He was very fat.D. He worked too hard.( )4. It was difficult for Mr. Jenkins to do everything and so he

37、.A. didn 'eat muchB.began to do some exerciseC. went to the doctor forhelpD.had to take some medicine()5. In the end of the story, the doctor wanted to tell Mr. Jenkins A. not to go to dinnerB.to move his head every dayC. not to make so manyfriendsD.to do sports more oftenBMr. Smith works in an

38、office. He y busy averhas no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, he' s always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things totell him after supper. She doesn' t stop talkinglsunsleehe fOne day the man felt ter

39、rible and couldn' t go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. And Mrs. Smith went tothe hospital with him. Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman had told the doctor all and the man understand why. He wrote out a prescription ( 处方).And when Mr. Smith brought the medi

40、cine to the resulting room, the doctor said to her,“ The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the)而悔 for you. ”f For me? ” the woman said in surprise don"I 't nmefneny medicine!”"I don ' t think so, madam ” , said the doctor."They are sleeping pills. Your husband will so

41、on be all right if)them.”B. He has no time to rest.()6. What is wrong with Mr. Smith?A. He is often ill.C. He doesn't love his wife.D. He can't have a good rest.B. She does some house work.D. She reads about interesting stories.B. He stayed at home all day.D. He asked his wife to get some me

42、dicine.B. He has no much trouble.D. He needs to take some medicine.B. To go home early.()7. What does Mr. Smith's wife usually do after supper?A. She goes to bed.C. She keeps talking all the time.()8. What did Mr. Smith do one day?A. He went to see a doctor.C. He took his wife to the hospital.()

43、9. How does the doctor think of Mr. Smith?A. He works too hard.C. He has to sleep in the day time.()10. What did the doctor ask Mrs. Smith to do?A. To stop working.C. To help Mr. Smith.D. To take some sleeping pills.六、写作假如你是李强,你有一个月I友名叫王华,今年 14岁,因身体胖,缺少锻炼,经常感冒,请你给他写一封 信,建议他要多锻炼,少吃肉,多吃蔬菜等。要求:1.可以适当发挥

44、; 2. 70词左右;3.注意书信基本格式。参考答案:Section A一、听力I.听录音,选择与内容相符的图片,并把序号写在括号里。每段对话听两遍。(5小题)1. I have a headache and have to stay in bed.2. Tom is at home. He has a toothache.3. I feel terrible. I have a sore throat.4. Let's help Kate. She has a nosebleed.5. He has a fever. The doctor asks him to take some

45、medicine.I 5II .听录音,根据听到的句子选择正确的答语,并把序号写在括号里。每个句子听两遍。1. How long did he study English yesterday?2. My mom is ill today.3. What is she doing for vacation?4. We are going to Shanghai for vacation.5. How many times do you clean the house in a week1 5 AABAB二、语音15 ABCBC三、基础知识I. 1. throat 2. feet 3. troub

46、le 4. rest 5. passengers 6. headacheII. 1. teeth 2. herself 3. exercise 4. saying 5. to put 6. to help 7. to drinkIII. 1 5 BDBCA 610 CCCBDIV. 1. with, honey 2. much, too, lie, down 3. in, time 4. easy, have / catch, a, cold 5. trouble四、交际用语15 BDECA五、阅读15 CBAADSection B & Self Check、听力I.听录音,根据对话内容选择正确答案,并把序号写在括号里。每段对话听两遍。1. M: Mike is not happy these days. He canW: Yes. He has a very big toothache. Dont sleep.t eat anything and he cant you know it?Q: What ' s the matter with Mike?2. M: Look!


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