



1、8AU5Reading语言点1. I first saw the baby panda when she was only ten days old. = I saw the baby panda for the first time when(1) first= for the first time上周我第一次在南通市中心看到他。(两种)She borrowed some books from the school library for thefirst time.( 2 ) the baby panda 熊猫宝宝大熊猫宝宝;熊猫妈妈 ;看海豚表演( 3) ten days old 十天大

2、2. We called her Xi Wang.call sb叫某人 . ; 称呼某人他们都叫那个壮实的男孩老虎。They all called that strong boy Tiger.你用英语怎么称呼他们?What do you call them in English?他住在一个叫桂林的地方。那个叫露西的女孩是从美国来的。我们总是叫他小明。3. meanV. (1) 表示的意思( 2)意味着,( 3) 打算,意欲红灯表示 “停 ”The red light means “stop”.这什么意思?What does it mean?/你什么意思?What do you mean?你知道

3、我不是这个意思。Yon know I don tmean this.努力工作意味着挣更多的钱。Working hard means making more money.我不是故意要伤害你。I didn tmean to hurt you.我不是要让你难过。I didn tmean to make you sad.meant;meaning;meaningful;meaningless4. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams and looked like a white mouse.(1) be born: 出生( =at bir

4、th)(2) weighV.weight n.1) Eddie_500 grams when he was born. What a heavy baby dog!2) The _ of Eddie is 40 kilograms now. How heavy he is!The baby panda weighs 100 grams.= The weight of the baby panda is 100 grams.这熊猫宝宝多重?How much does the baby panda weigh? =What s the weight of the baby =panda?Howhe

5、avy is the baby panda?=How many grams does the baby panda weigh? =How many grams is the baby panda?你多重?Whats your weight?=How much do you weigh?词组:lose weight/put on weight=become fatweigh as much as two kilos重达 2 公斤5. She looked like a white mouse. ( 提问 )What does she look like?mouse-pl.mice6. At f

6、our months old, she started to go outside(1) at four months old= when she was four months old,表示某人多大时(4 种)at one year old;在 16 岁时,他去了北京并找了份工作。( 2) start to do sth=begin to do sth=start doing sth= begin doing sth当我打算出门时,天开始下雨了。( 3) for the first time我在 2012 年第一次去北京。我永远都不会忘记第一次和他见面的情景。7. Eight months

7、later, she was not a baby any more(1) eight months later= after eight months“时间段 +later” =“ after+时间段 ”两天后,他去了英国。later/ after/ in一小时后我回家了。我们将在午饭后动身。他们将在半小时后到达。( 2) notany more=no more( 数量 ,程度 ;具体动作瞬间性动词)notany longer=no longer(时间,距离;状态的延续性动词)他再也不会去那个城市了。He wont go to the city any more.= He will no m

8、ore go to the city.那个婴儿不再哭了。The baby didn t cry any more.=The baby no more cried.1他再也不工作了,因为他再也不用为钱担心了。He doesn t work any longer, because he doesn t have to worry about money any more.-What about the food in the restaurant?-Too bad. I will never go there _.A. no moreB. no longerC. any moreD. any lo

9、nger8. in the beginning= at first一开始,起初一开始我并不明白他说的话。I didn t understand what he said in the beginning.at the beginning of 在某事物的开始我们十月初要去上海。we are going to Shanghai at the beginning of Oct.from beginning to end从头到尾我把整本书从头到尾看了一遍。I ve read the whole book from beginning to end.选词填空at the very beginning;

10、at the end of; at the very beginning of;1) _this class, I didn t know anything about you.2) _ , we didn t know each other.3) _this class, I hope we ll be good friends9. drink her mother s milk10. bamboo竹叶;竹林;竹笋11. learn to do sthlearn how to do sth12. look after( 好好照顾)照顾病人是护士的工作。It s a nurse s job t

11、o look after the patients.你不在时我会照顾好婴儿的。I will look after the baby well when you are away.13. Sadly, giant pandas face serious problems in the wild.sadlyadv. 令人遗憾地 ,不幸地(unluckily;) 常位于句首,用逗号隔开;伤心地unhappilysadadj.伤心的,难过的他伤心地走了。He walked sadly away.Sadly, we lost the game.我很难过,我们队输掉了比赛。I felt very sad

12、that we lost the game.He looked _ because he didn t pass the testHis. mother looked _at him.14.face(1) 脸,面部,脸色face to face;a long face;make a face;lose face(2)face动词,面临,面对;朝向face each otherThe building faces south.He is facing a serious problem.face the musicWe face prejudice from men. 我们面临来自男性的偏见。1

13、5. For example, it is very difficult for pandas to have babies,It is difficult/hard/easy for sb. to do sth.对某人来说,做某事很难/容易It is +adj.+for+to do sth.对于我们来说,保护大熊猫很重要. It is important for us to protectgiant pandas.对于这样小的男孩而言,学外语不容易。It is not easy for such a little boy to learn a foreign language.对他来说学两门

14、外语是很难的。Its very hard for him to study two languages.合并句子1.A: Xi Wang eats bamboo shoots and leaves every day.B: It s important. It s important for Xi Wang to eat bamboo shoots and leaves every day.2.A: People often take baby pandas away.B: Oh, it s wrong. It s wrong for people to take baby pandas aw

15、ay.16.Also, giant pandas live mainly on a special kind of bamboo.live on以 食为生 ;以 .为主要食物; 靠生活小鸟主要以昆虫为生。Small birds live mainly on insects.南方人以大米为主食。People in the south live mainly on rice.live by doing sth靠做某事为生那个老人靠卖菜为生。That old man lived by selling vegetables17. however,/ but218. as a result 因此他犯了一

16、个大错误,结果丢了工作He made one big mistake. As a result, he lost his job.雨下得很大,因此我们不能出门。It s raining heavily, and as a result, we cant go out.as a result of. =because of 由于,as a result of. =because of 由于, 因为由于学习非常努力,他通过了考试。He passed the exam as a result of working very hard.19. may not do 可能不,可能没有20. have n

17、o place to live in;have no food to eathave no paper to write onhave no pens to write with21.Giant pandas are now in danger.in danger 处于危险out of danger 脱离危险dangerousadj.小孩一个人晚上走路是很危险的。It s dangerous for a child to walk alone at night.老虎对于我们来说很危险的动物,但目前他们本身也处于危险中。Tigers are very dangerous to us, but t

18、hey themselves are in danger at present.22. take action to do sth采取行动去做某事(= do something to do sth)我们必须采取行动保护我们的地球。We must take action to protect the earth.23. help pandas have more babieshave babies 生小孩;下幼崽24. build more panda reserves25. make laws to protect pandas(1)make/ break/ obey laws(2) prot

19、ect-protectionprotectfrom/ against sth (doing sth)保护 .以免Protect1) 及物动词,保卫,保护。后面跟名词或代词作宾语。Protecting wild animals is very importantfor us.对我们来说,保护野生动物是很重要的。When I am in danger, my parents alwaysdo their best to protect me.当我遇到危险时,父母总是尽力保护我。2) protectfrom (against) sth.保护不受侵害。 对于较小的事通常用from ,而对于较大的事常用

20、against。The umbrella can protect us from the rain. 伞能保护我们不被雨淋。We should protect our country against the attack. 我们应该保护我们的国家不被侵犯。根据所给中文完成句子。1.他穿了雨衣以防被雨淋。He wore a raincoat to _ himself_ the rain.2. 动物是怎样保护自己的?How do animals _ _?3. 他们挤在一起,免受风吹。They huddled together to _themselves _ the wind.26. If we do nothing, soon there may be none left.If 从句放在主句前,逗号隔开;if 从句放在主语后,没有标点符号。( 2)主句a 情态动词b 祈使句c. 一般将来时;从句:一般现在时如果他来,我也来。如果你需要钱,我能借给你一些。你要是见到他,就把这张便条给他。If(do) ,will1) If you _ ( talk) in class, Miss Geng_ (get) angry.2) If you _ (listen) carefully in class, you _ (learn) a lot about


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