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1、大学生实习英语教案系列1-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN学院:西语专 业:英语教育 姓名:胡心柔实习学校:海林林业局第一中学基地指导教师:贾春红授课班级:一年一 班课程类型Listening课时安排 1 period听课人员教学目标:1. Let students have interesting in speaking English.2. Let students learn some expression of everyday objects.教学 重点难 点:(l)Vocabulary : pencil , book , eraser ,

2、box , pencil box , schoolbag, dictionary, his, hers, mine(2)Sentence structure: Is this your pencilYes, it is.It's mine./No, it isn't.It's his.Are these your booksYes, they are./No, they aren't.TheyYe hers.教学手段:Teaching students with recorder and tapes, ppt, and picture or objects.8教

3、学进程(不够可附页):Step 1: Greetings and talkingl.T : Hello everyone. Nice to meet you. How are you?55: I'm fine. And you?T: Tm fine, too.Today we will have a listening class. And I want to ask you some questions.T: What's this in English?SI: It's a penr.T: Spell it, please.SI: P-E-N.T: What col

4、or is it?Sir: Ifs blue.T: What's that in English?S2:.T: This is my ruler. It's red .That is my sister's ruler.lt is white.These are my brother's keys .They are yellow.And those are my father's keys .They are white.Now answer the following questions:1. What color is my sister'

5、s ruler?2. Is the red ruler mine?3. Are the yellow keys my father's?Step 2: Lead-in1: Warm-upLearn the chant:my是我的,your是你的,男他的是his,女她的是her;名词前面常站岗,限定所属有功劳。从而导入本课时要学习的语言项目"Is this your pencil"。Learn today's teaching aim “Is this your penciTFor example:T: What's this in En&Ji

6、sh?SI: It's a pen.T: Is this your pen?SI: Yes, it is.lt% my pen.(The teacher helps SI say: It's mine.)T: Is that her pen?S2: Yes, it is.lt's her pen.(The teacher helps S2 say: lt*s hers.) Step 3: Present the new wordsThere is a game .Step one: divided students into several groups.Step tw

7、o: tell them the rule of game to speaking the objects' English name as many as they can.Foe example:T: Look at the pictures.Let's play a game.Who can say them in English as quickly as possible? If you can, you will be the winner.Let's begin.SI: Pen, book, eraser.Step 4: Practice the new

8、words1. Drill students to reading English words具体操作建议:先让全体学生齐读,再分组齐读,最后单个学生读。通过 这种从整体到部分再到个体的机械操练,让学生熟练掌握本课所学单词。.2. Look at the pictures at Page 13, and link them with wordsT: Please look at the pictures in your books.Can you match the words with the things in the picture? Write the letters next to

9、the words.Give the students 2 minutes to finish la.Then check the answers in class.Step 5: Task1. Listen to the tapes,and let students do the exercise lb.2. Let them read the listening material of lb and drill it with desk-mate.Step 6: Present the new sentencesUse Guessing game to express “Is this y

10、our penciT oFor example:T: Let's play a guessing game.There are some things on the desk.Who can find the owners of them ? Please come here and ask your friends.SI: Is this your schoolbag?S2: Yes, it is.lt's mine.SI: Are these your books?S3: No, they aren't.They're hers. 2. Let studen

11、ts to drill themselves.For example:T: Please practice the sentence “Is this your. in your groups with your own school things.Pay attention to the use of "my, your, his, her, mine, his, hers.SI: Is this your dictionary?S2: No, it isn't.It's his.Is that her eraser?S3: Yes, it is.lfs hers.

12、Are these your rulers?S4: No, they aren.They are hers.Are those your pens?SI: Yes, they are.They're mine.Step 7: TaskLet students use these message to make up sentence.objectspencildictionaryeraserbooksownerminehershismineFor example:SI: Is this your pencil?S2: Yes, it is.lt's mine.Is that y

13、our eraser?SI: No, it isn't.It's his.Are these her books?S2: No, they arentThey're mine.SI: .Step 8: Homework1. Read the new words and the target language presented in this class,.2. According to your friends and their school things, write a report about the owners of the school things.板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Section A la-l


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