1、not a uthorized by Countyleaders, notthe Gover nor. Third i s tosolveposeofsupervi sion,toresolve theproblem. To a dher e toand furtherimprout city created,a ndcaremasses life,focuswork,i n-dept hinvestigation,moreout bouti quemaster pie ce, makesweofrese arch re sultsmor etointole d of decisi onvi
2、sion,more to i n nati onalsome ha s effectofnewspaperShangpublished,fora dvance work, and publicity changde play dueofrole.Third,information submittedto be pragmati c. Quicka ndtimel y.The ancients said:forthe timesystem;statement backfort he time bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,the submi ssion ofinforma
3、tion to do "four",that is,findthe problemfaster,editorialwriting,se nd and rea dfaster appr ovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.TobetrOnthe negative informationa nd emerge ncyi nformation,ra pide scalati on instrict a ccorda nce withthe procedures,firm,newspaper, ne wspa pers, neverlate,
4、failto re port,false claim a nd skimmi ng.Investe e2.supervision andinsiston, around a nd pr otecting theiri nterests to touchthe tr uth, see k practicalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,themostimportant thing is to re alize, safeguard a nd developthef undamentalintere sts ofthe overwhelming majo
5、rity ofthe people.Wecarry out inspe ction,so must go dee pamongt he masses,go dee p intot he realitie s,always payattention to the people's livel ihood,tograsp tdared to use, i stoholda numberofimportant issue s, bold supervisi on ov ersupervisi on,tra ckinspe ction, problemsare notsolved do not
6、 pass,the blame does not hold did notmiss, dissatisfaction ofthemasses did notmiss,the realrightofsupervision authority, with the benefits. Callwit h ca uti on, is supervisi ng de partments shouldstrengthen the consci ousne ssofaut horizedstrictlya ccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervi sio
7、nand excessive to preve ntadding burde n to grass -roots.Tothi s end, the supervisi on De partmentofthe Party Committeeofsupervision mustbeunder cityandCountypartyCommitteeSecy safeguardt一 一一.cture ofevents,oneis one ,two,thi s isthe life oftheinformation.Accuracy isprimarily qualitativea nd qua nti
8、tativeque stions,quantitative obje ctiveofpubli cQualitative logi c.To be reliablea nd useful.Wesubmit inform ation to haveaccess o de cision-making,to g uide and promote t he work a nd solve practica lproblems. Mixedcum.he be nefit,addressi ng themasses arem ostconcerne d about a nd refle ctingthe
9、stronge st issues,effortsto solve t hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emented a nd not implemented. One istostick to principl es. Rightof i nspecti on is oneofthemost importantpowersofthe Office,should not only dare to use, but alsowith cauti on.So -callenor, those relatedtothe gl obalEve nt,Gover northe
10、protracted difficult,strongGoverhe normalprocedure can do g ood thing s not Governor,eelings survey,by looki ng uppublicse ntiments tofindpr obl ems. Problemswill increase its special supervisi on, set up accounts,hol d on to it.Weshoul d conscientiouslyimpleme ntthelea ding contracting matters,secu
11、red,ha d a nanswertoeverything,t hen settlesrateof100%.Haveanimpact onsomeofthe outstandi ng issues, supervision department s and information componentstogethe r,playt he supervisory rol eofthe newsmedia to promoteprobl emsolvi ng.Inve stee3.i nsist onadaily run,around thepracti ce oftruth catchinge
12、fficie ncy,focusspe cification.Togive fullplayto thepartyOfficearound connecting,coordinating i nternala ndexter nalfeatures,contact, rallyatalllevels,to motivateeverya spect,adhere to thetrut h,strengt hening standardized management to achieve coherent,efficient andeffectivefunctioning ofthe da ily
13、work ofthe PartyCommittee.Isprocessing messages shouldstrive to streamline,standardizeand quality.Streamlining istocontrolthe numberof收条(或收据)本人甲(身份证号码:000)已于2006 年 2 月 2日收取乙(身份证号码:110)欠本人的人民币 XXX 元。签名:甲日期: 2006 年 2 月 2 日收条书写的基本要求一个完整的收条,通常应由标题、正文、落款三部分组成。(一)标题标题写在正文上方中间位置,字体稍大。标题的写法有两种。一种是直接由文种名构成。即
14、写上“收条 ”或 “收据 ”字样。另一种是把正文的前三个字作为标题,而正文从第二行顶格处接着往下写。如用 “今收到 ”、“现收到 ”、 “已收到 ”作标题。(二)正文正文一般是在第二行空两格处开始写,但以 “今收到 ”为标题的收条是不空格的。正文一般要写明下列内容,即写明收到的钱物的数量、物品的种类、规格等情况。(三)落款落款一般要求写上收钱物的个人或单位的名称姓名,署上收到的具体日期,一般还要加盖公章。是某人经手的一般要在姓名前署上“经手人: ”的字样。 是代别人收的,则要在姓名前加上“代收人: ”字样。有关收条写作的要求一、什么是收条?收条是收到东西的个人或单位写给发送东西的个人或单位的一
15、种凭据。它是简单的然而却是经常使用的一种应用文样式每位同志都应该会写,而且写得合乎要求。二、怎样写好收条?(一)要点清收到的东西的种类、数量,绝对做到准确无误,不出差错。这是写好收条要做的第一项工作。(二)要熟悉收条的写作格式。一个完整的收条,由标题、正文、署名和日期四部分组成。1.标题。写在正上方,字要大一,写法有两种:( 1 )只写 “收条 ”二字; (2)写 “今收到 ”三个字2正文。写法有两种:( 1 )如果标题写成“收条 ”正文写在标题下面一行。空两格。( 2)如果标题写成“今收到 ”三个字,正文写在标题下,顶格写3署名。写在正文下靠右边一点要是发送的人或单位同你很熟悉,只署上自己的
16、姓名就行了,假如收到东西的个人或单位同发送东西的个人或单位生疏,要在姓名的前面写上单位名称,以便找查找。如果收到东西的个人或单位很多,收到东西的个人或单位亦应既写单位名称又写个人娃名。必要时盖章或按指印4日期写在署名的下面,独占一行,写年月日请看下面不同类型的收条范文例一:收条今收到高山公社铁匠沟大队马胜田、牛兴旺二同志送来的棉花技术承包合同奖金叁千元整pal regulathe re cepti on conditi ons, more human -ori ented, personassary to a ccuratelyimplementi. . prov ethe quality _
17、 I-. II I 1.1I 一 一he daily w orkofthe other Office System.Confidential一 J - .一 , I 一一 一 一I. _ . , _ I- 一I I- 1.1. I.I L 一 I -I oadva nceprivaI I. -一out city created,a ndcaremasses life,focuswork,i n-dept hinvestigation,moreout bouti quemaster pie ce, makesweofreseOnthe negative informationa nd emerg
18、e ncyi nformation,ra pide scalati on instrict a ccorda nce withthe procedures,firm,newspapearch rere sultsmor etointole d of decisi onvi sion,more to i n nati onalsome ha s effectofnewspaperShangpublished,fora dvan cework, and publicity changde play dueofrole.Third,information submittedto be pragmat
19、i c. Quicka ndtimel y.T he ancients said:forthe timesystem;statemer, ne wspa pers, neverlate,failto re port,false claim a nd skimmi ng.Investe e2.supervision andinsiston, around a nd pr otecti ng theiri nterests to touchthe tr uth, see k practicalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,themostimportant
20、 thing is to re alize, safeguard a nd developthefthe problem.The purovetheasses dint backfort he time bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,theundamentalintere sts ofthe overwhelming majoritysubmi ssion ofinformation to do "four",that is,findthe problemfaster,editorialwriting,se nd and rea dfaster ap
21、pr ovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.Tobetrofthe people.Wecarry out inspe ction,so must go dee pamongt he masses,go dee p intot he realitie s,always payattention to the people's livel ihood,tograsp tntadding burde n to grass -roots.Tothi s end, the supervisi on De partmentofthe Party Committ
22、eeofsupervision mustbeunder cityandCountypartyCommittee Secretary-Gey safeguardtcture ofevents,oneis one ,two,thi s isthe life oftheinformation.Accuracyis primarily qualitativea nd qua ntitativeque stions,quantitative obje ctiveofpubli cQualitative logi c.To be reliablea nd useful. Wesubmitinformati
23、onto haveaccesst o de cisoin-making,tog uide and promote t he work a nd solve practica lproblems. Mixedcum.he be nefit,addressi ng themasses arem ostconcerne d about a nd refle ctingthe stronge st issues,effortsto solve t hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emented a nd not implemented. One istostick to pri
24、ncipl es. Rightof i nspecti on is oneofthemost importantpowersofthe Office,should not only dare to use, but alsowith cauti on.So -calle- - - .L II- .1 -一 . 一 一 I- . I. .11一. 一 - 一 . . - I _ II - I . L . I - . II - - - - 一 一 一- - -一.-. - . . Ill- - -. L . ,nor, those relatedtothe gl obalEve nt,Gover
25、northe protracted diff icult,strong Governor duri ngemergency urgent. Not havi ng specialdepartments incharge ofthe Ge neralGover nor,undert he normalprocedure can do g ood thing s not Governor,xxf农业科学研究院经手人:张三山一九八六年十月七日例二:收条今收到幸福印刷社王庆、刘永昌二同志送来的打印讲义五捆。 每捆各一百份。每五份一套,每套价格为壹元伍角捌分。共计壹百伍拾捌元整近日内付款。中州大学法律系
26、办公室(盖章 )经手人高大明武伟林一九八三年四月二十八日借条、欠条和收条有哪些区别和异同点借条、 欠条、 收条, 在现实生活中使用是非常广泛的。不过, 因为各种不规范的做法,借条、欠条、收条经常会惹来麻烦,甚至惹来官司。本人提醒,“ 条子 ” 要谨慎,避免落入他人的陷阱,写“ 条子 ” 还要注意用规范的格式和规范的语言,避免发生不必要的麻烦。案例 1 借条丢了险失15 万2006 年 3 月,王某朋友刘某说急需用钱,想向王某借15 万应急,3 个月就还。王某是个豪爽的人,就一口答应了下来。刘某拿到15 万时,给王某打了一张借条。3 个月不到,刘某就还了借款,并付给了王某一些利息,刘某并要求把借
27、条拿出来撕毁。但当时王某的钱包丢了,那张借条也一起丢了。刘某就要求王某写了一张收条给刘某,上面写明“ 收到刘某15 万元 ” 。王某以为借贷关系就这样结束了,但没过几天,刘某竟拿着收条要王某还钱, 王某气疯了。半月后王某收到了法院传票。法院审理认为,收条并非借条,不是债权的凭证。即便王某签名的收条,证明王某收到了刘某 15 万元,也不能证明这笔钱就是王某所欠的债务。最后,法院驳回了刘某姐夫的起诉。本人提醒:借条收条法律效力不同借款时一定要打借条,不能用收条来代替。借条与收条的法律效力不同。借条是一份简化了的借款合同,其法律后果是在当事人之间确立了债权债务关系,借款人应依照约定向出借人归还借款或
28、物品,否则将承担相应的违约责任。收条只能证明当事人之间发生给付与收取财产的事实,但不能证明当事人之间存在债权债务关系,即收条并非是债的必然凭证。案例 2 “ 爱情欠条” 要不要还黄君和小娟相识了两年多,感情不错。但前段时间,黄君结识了新女友,突然提出分手,这让小娟难以接受。就在小娟整理两人交往的书信材料时,突然发现了一张欠条。小娟眼前一亮。去年5 月一个阳光灿烂的上午,小娟和黄君相约到玄武湖游玩,两人聊起将来在一起生活的情景,开心得不得了。但是,小娟生怕自己受伤,便提出了一项要求。小娟拿出一张纸,唰唰唰写好放在黄君面前,黄君一看,愣了。这是一张“ 欠条 ” 。 上面写着:我黄君, 与小娟感情甚
29、好,将在明年与其完婚,结为伉俪。假如我不珍惜小娟,与其分手,将向其支付20 万元的欠款,特此声明。看完,黄君笑了起来,二话不说,当即签上了自己的名字,“ 放心,我绝对不会辜负你!”the problem.The pur poseofsupervi sion,toresolve theproblem. To a dher e toand furtherimpr ovetheout city created,a ndcaremasses life,focuswork,i n-dept hinvestigation,moreout bouti quemaster pie ce, makesweofr
30、ese arch re sultsmor etointole d of decisi onvi sion,more to i n nati onalsome ha s effectofnewspaperShangpublished,fora dvance work, and publicity changde play dueofrole.Third,information submitted tobe pragmati c. Quicka ndtimel y.The ancients said:forthe timesystem;statement backfort he time bei
31、ng, nothi ng.Therefore,thesubmi ssion ofinformation to do "four",that is,findthe problemfaster,editorialwriting,se nd and rea dfaster appr ovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.Tobetr ue and accurate.True mainlyreflect thefull picture ofevents,oneis one, two,thi s isthe life oftheinformati
32、on.Accuracy isprimarily qualitativea nd qua ntitativeque stions,quantitativeobje ctiveofpubli cQualitative logi c.To be reliablea nd useful.Wesubmit inform ation to haveaccesst o de cisi on -making, to g uide and promote t he work a nd solve practica lproblems. Mixedcum.Onthe negative informationa n
33、d emerge ncyi nformation,ra pide scalati on instrict a ccorda nce withthe procedures,firm,newspaper, ne wspa pers, neverlate,failto re port,false claim a nd skimmi ng.Investe e2.s upervision andinsiston,around a nd pr otecting theiri nterests to touchthe tr uth, see k practicalre sults.Adhere to peo
34、ple -orie nted,themostimportant thing is to re alize, safeguard a nd developthef undamentalintere sts ofthe overwhelming majorityofthe people.Wecarry out inspe ction,so must go dee pamongt he masses,go dee p intot he realitie s,always payattention to thepeople'slivel ihood,tograsp t he publ ic s
35、entiment,a nd e arnestly safeguardt he be nefit,addressi ng themasses arem ostconcerne d about a nd refle ctingthe stronge st issues,effortsto solve t hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emented a nd not implemented. One isto stick to principl es. Rightof i nspecti on is oneofthemost importantpowersofthe Of
36、fice,should not only dare to use, but alsowith cauti on. So-calle ddared to use, i stoholda numberofimportant issue s, bold supervisi on ov ersupervisi on,tra ckinspe ction, problemsare notsolved do not pass,the blame does not hold did notmiss, dissatisfaction ofthemasses did notmiss,the realrightof
37、supervision authority, with the benefits.Callwit h ca uti on, is supervisi ng de partments shouldstre ngthe n the consci ousne ssofaut horizedstrictlya ccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervi sion andexcessiveto preventadding burde n to grass-roots.Tothi s end, the supervisi on De partmentoft
38、he Party Committeeofsupervision mustbeunder cityandCountypartyCommitteeSecretary-General(Office).Second,weshould focuson.Isthe Governor, those relate dtothe gl obalEve nt,Gover northe protra cted difficult,strongGover nor duri ngemergency urgent. Not havi ng special departments in charge ofthe Ge ne
39、ralGover nor,undert he normalproce dure can do g ood thing s not Governor, not a uthorized by Countylea ders, notthe Gover nor. Third i s tosolve但没想到,才半年多时间,黄君便向小娟提出了分手。小娟发现这张欠条后,找到黄君索要欠款,在小娟看来,她并不是真正想要欠款,只是希望以此“ 要挟 ” 其回心转意。但黄君当即拒绝。“ 他确实没有向我借过这笔钱,但这个名字是他签的,他就得认!” 小娟说。本人提醒:“ 爱情欠条” 没有法律效力如果这张欠条中没有写明“
40、与我完婚” 等条件,那么就是一张普通的借条,是有效的。但是,现在欠条中附加了“ 与其完婚” 这样的条件,这张欠条就无效了。因为婚姻关系是一种人身关系,人身关系不可以有强制性,而这样的“ 爱情欠条” 明显违背了婚姻自由的法律原则,是无效的。案例 3? 借钱人状告出借人还钱2007 年 5 月, 王甲朋友李乙因经营饭店缺钱向王甲借款10 万元, 王甲万万没想到李乙在给王甲写借条时设置了圈套:李乙写到:王甲今借李乙10 万元整,借款期限3 个月,本借条一式两份。下面有李乙的签名和日期,同时李乙要求王甲也签名并说是为了给他的合作伙伴看的,王甲也没多想签了字。然后双方各自收起一份借条。3 个月之后,李乙
41、没有还钱,半年之后,还是没还钱的表示。王甲前去察看动静,发现李乙的生意很火爆。王甲找李乙还钱,李乙称暂时没钱,年底再说。王甲一听火冒三丈,心想说好了 3 个月还钱,都半年了还不还,再说你李乙生意这么好还说没钱,鬼才信呢,于是和李乙发生了争吵。王甲回家后越想越生气,便打算起诉李乙,但是心里还是有些顾虑。正犹豫不决的时候,王甲突然接到了法院传票:李乙起诉王甲借款!王甲当时气得晕倒。后王甲聘请律师代理此案。法庭上,王甲律师向法庭提交了借款当天在银行的取款凭证和当时的在场见证人 曾经在李乙饭店打工的会计赵丙(那天是赵某跟着取得钱)。 法庭经审理认为,王甲的陈述、证人赵某的证言和王甲的取款证明,可以证明
42、李乙向王甲借款10 万元, 而非王甲向李乙借款10 万元。 于是依法驳回了李乙的诉讼请求。这起荒唐案到此结束,王甲虽然赢了官司,但是也受到了不小的打击。本人提醒:写借条时要注意格式和语言规范借条是当事人双方为处理财务、物资或事务来往,写给对方作为凭据或有所说明的条据。由于借条一般是民间行为,所以双方当事人最好请没有利益关系的第三人作为证人,并注意借条的写法格式。一般来说,借条的格式为:标题、正文、署名和日期。正文中,最好写明事由和还款日期,涉及到金额的,必须大写。同时要注意的是,最好附带在借条中体现出借人和借款人的身份证号码,这样可避免不必要的纠纷。借款人签名时,出借人必须亲眼看其签名。借条内
43、容的书写人最好是借款人。最后, 在借条的措辞上,也要注意语句的应用,尽量避免使用容易产生分歧的语言,简洁和语义单一的借条才是最标准的借条。避免出现模糊不清的语言。另外,本人提醒,债务纠纷要注意诉讼时效? 借条和欠条都是债权债务关系的证明,但它们之间也存在着明显的差别。借条表明了债权关系是因为借贷而形成,欠条则无法表明债权关系形成的真正原因。? 当借条持有人凭借条向法院起诉时,由于通过借条本身较易于识别和认定当事人之间存在的借款事实,借条持有人一般只需要向法院简单地陈述借款的事实经过即可,对方要抵赖的话一般很困难。但是, 当欠条持有人凭欠条向法院起诉时,欠条持有人必须向法官陈述欠条形成的事实,如
44、果对方否认,欠条持有人须进一步证明存在欠条形成的事实。不管是欠条还是借条,都要注意诉讼的时效性。一般来说,如果借条注明了还款日期,诉讼时效应从还款日期的次日起计算两年;如果没有注明还款日期,诉讼时效应从出借人主张权利的次日起计算两年。对欠条而言,如果有还款日期,则从还款日期挤满之次日起计算两eelings survey, by looki ng uppublicse ntiments tofindpr obl ems. Pr oblemswill increaseits specialsupervisi on, set up accounts,hol d on to it.Weshoul d
45、conscientiouslyimpleme ntthe lea ding contractingmatters, se cured,ha d a nanswertoeverything,t hen settlesrateof100%.Haveanimpact onsomeofthe outstandi ng issues, supervisi on department s and information componentstogethe r,playt he supervisory rol eofthe newsme dia to promoteprobl em solvi ng.Inv
46、estee3.i nsist onadaily run,around the practice oftruthcatchingefficie ncy,focusspe cification.Togive fullplayto thepartyOfficearound connecting,coordinating i nternala ndexter nalfeatures, contact, rallyatalllevels,to motivateeveryaspect,adhere to t hetrut h,strengt hening standardized management t
47、o achieve coherent, efficient andeffectivefunctioningofthe dailywork ofthe PartyCommittee.Isprocessing messages shouldstrive to streamline,standardizeand quality.Streamlining istocontrolthe numberofout city created,a ndcaremasses life,focuswork,i n-dept hinvestigation,moreout bouti quemaster pie ce,
48、 makesweofreseOnthe negative informationa nd emerge ncyi nformation,ra pide scalati on instrict a ccorda nce withthe procedures,firm,newspapearch rere sultsmor etointole d of decisi onvi sion,more to i n nati onalsome ha s effectofnewspaperShangpublished,fora dvan cework, and publicity changde play
49、dueofrole.Third,information submittedto be pragmati c. Quicka ndtimel y.T he ancients said:forthe timesystem;statemer, ne wspa pers, neverlate,failto re port,false claim a nd skimmi ng.Investe e2.supervision andinsiston, around a nd pr otecti ng theiri nterests to touchthe tr uth, see k practicalre
50、sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,themostimportant thing is to re alize, safeguard a nd developthefthe problem.The purovethesion authority, with t he benefits.Callwith ca ution, is supervisi ng de partments shouldstrent backfort he time bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,theundamentalintere sts ofthe overwh
51、elming majoritysubmi ssion ofinformation to do "four",that is,findthe problemfaster,editorialwriting,se nd and rea dfaster appr ovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.Tobetrofthe people.Wecarry out inspe ction,so must go dee pamongt he masses,go dee p intot he realitie s,always payattention
52、 to the people's livel ihood,tograsp tntadding burde n to grass -roots.Tothi s end, the supervisi on De partmentofthe Party Committeeofsupervision mustbeunder cityandCountypartyCommittee Secretary-Gey safeguardtcture ofevents,oneis one ,two,thi s isthe life oftheinformation.Accuracyis primarily
53、qualitativea nd qua ntitativeque stions,quantitative obje ctiveofpubli cQualitative logi c.To be reliablea nd useful. Wesubmitinformationto haveaccesst o de cisoin-making,tog uide and promote t he work a nd solve practica lproblems. Mixedcum.he be nefit,addressi ng themasses arem ostconcerne d about
54、 a nd refle ctingthe stronge st issues,effortsto solve t hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emented a nd not implemented. One istostick to principl es. Rightof i nspecti on is oneofthemost importantpowersofthe Office,should not only dare to use, but alsowith cauti on.So -calle- - - .L II- .1 -一 . 一 一 I- .
55、I. .11一. 一 - 一 . . - I _ II - I . L . I - . II - - - - 一 一 一- - -一.-. - . . Ill- - -. L . ,nor, those relatedtothe gl obalEve nt,Gover northe protracted diff icult,strong Governor duri ngemergency urgent. Not havi ng specialdepartments incharge ofthe Ge neralGover nor,undert he normalprocedure can d
56、o g ood thing s not Governor,年,如果没有还款日期,则从欠条出具之次日起计算两年。收条的写法及收条范本收条一般适用于下列一些场合原来借钱物或欠钱物一方将所欠、借的钱物还回时,借出方当事人不在场,而只能由他人代收时可以写收条。如果当事人在场,则不必再写收条,而只把原来的欠条或借条退回或销毁即可。个人向单位或某一团体上缴一些有关费用或财物时,对方需开据收条,以示证明。单位和单位之间的各种钱物往来,均应开据收条。当然, 在正式的场合下,一般都有国家统一印制的正式的票据,这属于另一类情况。收条的种类收条的种类一般来讲有两类。一类是写给个人的收条,一类是写给某一单位的收条。单位出具的收条通常是由某一个人经手,而以单位的名义开据。一个完整的收条,通常应由标题、正文、落款三部分组成。(一 )标题标题写在正文上方中间位置,字体稍大。标题的写法有两种。一种是直接由文种名构成。即写上“收条 ”或 “收据 ”字样。另一种是把正文的前三个字作为标题,而正文从第二行顶格处接着往下写。如用 “今收到 ”、“现收到 ”、 “已收到 ”作标题。(二 )正文正文一般是在第二行空两格处开始写,但以 “今收到 ”为标题的收条是不空格的。正文一般要写明下列内容,即写明收到的钱物的数量、物品的种类、规格等情况。(三 )落款落款一般要求写上收钱物
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