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1、精锐教育 1 对 1 辅导讲义学员姓名:学科教师:年级:八年级辅导科目:英语授课日期时间主题8A 综合复习及测试(上)1. 复习已学的语法知识点;学习目标2. 综合测试进行查漏补缺;教学内容知识名称:语法复习【知识梳理1】特殊疑问句意思用法who谁问人的身份,姓名等what什么问人的职业,事物是什么which哪一个问一定范围内特指的人或物whose谁的问所属关系what color什么颜色问颜色(表语)What time几点问点时间when什么时候问时间where什么地方问地点(状语)why为什么问原因how怎样问健康状况、做事的方式等how old多大几岁问年龄how many多少跟复数名词

2、,问数量how much多少跟不可数名词,问数量或价钱how far多远问路程how soon多久问 in+ 一段时间how long多久问一段时间,问物体的长短1/12how often多久(一次)问频率【例题精讲】例 1. - _ have you ever been to Guilin?- Twice.A. How muchB. How oftenC. How many timesD. How much time例 2. _ is it from here to the cinema?A. How longB. How farC. How oftenD. How many【巩固练习】1.

3、Mr. Brown had to sit down and rest every ten minutes. (对划线提问 )_ _ did Mr. Brown have to sit down and rest?2.Thousands and thousands of people will come to Shanghai to attend the World Expo next year. (对划线部分提问)_ _ people will come to Shanghai to attend the World Expo next year?3.The golden beach is o

4、nly fifteen minutes' ride from our School.(对划线部分提问 )_ _ is the golden beach from your school?4.The film "Harry Potter and the Half -Blood Prince "lasted about two hours. ( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ did the film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" last?5.Susan sometimes goes to buy ne

5、w clothes. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ does Susan go to buy new clothes?【知识梳理2】冠词固定搭配、a辅音音素前不定冠词an元音音素前特指、独一、序数词乐器、 same、冠词定冠词最高级固定搭配三餐、球类、棋牌类、官职零冠词by + 交通工具【例题精讲】例 1. Alice is _ honest girl. Now she is _ university student. She will be made monitor ofher class.A. a, an, theB. an, a, theC. an, a, /D. /, a, /2/12例

6、 2. She is _ European girl, but she lives in Japan.A. aB. anC. /D. the【巩固练习】1. Is that _ uniform for the student? Yes, but it s _ unusual one.A. a, anB. an, aC. a, aD. an, an2.Mum looked sadly at Mcdull because he achieved _“ H” in spelling.A. aB. theC. anD. /3._ is more popular in western countries

7、.A. Playing rugbyB. Playing the rugbyC. Play rugbyD. Play the rugby4.Her brother needs to wear _ uniform every day.A. anB. aC. theD. /5.Do you know _ honest boy at the meeting?A. aB. anC. theD. /【知识梳理3】时态以动词 do 为例语法项目构成用 法表示经常反复性的动一般现在时do / does作较长期存在的状态科学事实,客观真理一般过去时did /be was,表示过去某个点、段were时间内动作及状

8、态现在进行时be(am/is/are) 表示此时此刻正进行doing的动作或状态标志词例句Every,onSundays,Always,often, usually, often He goes to school every day.sometimesI often have lunch at home.ago / just now / in 1998/ He wrote a letter yesterday.last/ yesterday等I was born in 1979.Listen!/ Look! / nowTom is writing now.At the momentThey

9、are lying on the bed.主语 +have / has +发生在过去影响在现现在完成时动词过去分词在的动作或状态等表在过去某时间正在.过去进行时was / were +doing进行的动作该动作发生在过去的过去完成时had +done过去Already / just / never / ever /yet( 句末,否定和疑问句式) He has slept for two days.Before / twiceI have been teaching for 8Since+时间点for+ 时间段years.at this time/ 6 o clockyesterdayHe w

10、as reading at that timelast FridayWhen + 一般过去式by the time 过去时We had learnt 2000 wordsby the end of last year.3/12【例题精讲】例 1. Miss LiEnglish in this school since she moved to this city from her hometown.A. taughtB. has taughtC. was teachingD. had taught例 2. You have been to Beijing. How long _ you _ t

11、here?A. didstayB. havestayedC. dostayD. willstay例 3. I don t know if he _tomorrow.A. Will comeB. comesC. cameD. has come例 4. Would you like to go and have some coffee with me?-I d like to, but my father _ for me outside now.A. waitsB. is waitingC. will waitD. waited例 5. Helen, I called you yesterday

12、 evening, but nobody answered the phone.-Oh, I _ a walk with my sister at that time.A. takeB. tookC. am takingD. was taking【巩固练习】1.Simon is interested in American culture. He _ English at Trojan University next year.A studyB studiedC will studyD would study2.Nancy _ many famous places since she came

13、 to live in China last year.A has visitedB will visitC was visitingD had visited3.Mr. Smith _ in Shanghai since he left the army.A livesB livedC has livedD will live4.Bill _ progress if he studies harder than before.A will makeB has madeC madeD would make5.Linda can t go shopping because she _ some

14、foreigners around our school.A showsB was showingC is showingD has shown6.Mike _ as a chemistry teacher for over twenty years.A. has workedB. workedC. workingD. works7.Catherine _ her boyfriend when her mother came into the room.A. calledB. callsC. is callingD. was calling8.The old house with a gard

15、en _ 80 years ago.A. builtB. buildC. was builtD. is built9.John and Maryeach other pretty well before they got married.A. knows B. knowC. had knownD. have known10. It s quite late. We d better _ home by taxi right now.A. to goB. wentC. goingD. go11. My father _ to attend our school Open Day last wee

16、k.A invitedB was invitedC invitesD has invited12. Look! Jenny _ a kite for her son. She s really a good mother.4/12A makesB madeC is makingD was making13.They _ to that shopping mall many times since they moved here.A will goB wentC have goneD have been14.Let John _ milk and bread for breakfast hims

17、elf. He s ten years old now.A buyB buysC boughtD is buying15.Tommy _ to the flash show last Sunday. He was very happy.A has invitedB was invitedC was invitingD invited【知识梳理4】数词【巩固练习】1.About _ students in our school have passed the P.E. test.A. three hundredB. hundreds ofC. several hundredD. three hu

18、ndred of2. Jack will hold a party to celebrate his grandfather s _ birthday.A. eightiesB. eightyC. eightiethD. the eightieth3.There was no bus in that small town. We had _ walk.A. nine milesB. a nine-mileC. nine milesD. ninth mile4.There were about six _ students in the school buildin g during the e

19、arthquake.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundreds ofD. hundred of5.About _ of my classmates will go to work as tourist guides in a month.A. two -threeB. two -thirdC. two -thirdsD. second-thirds6.It is reported that _ people in the world are suffering from the H1N1 flu.A. hundredsB. hundreds ofC. ten hundre

20、dsD. ten hundreds of7.It is said that two _ students are going to enter the contest this Sunday afternoon. )A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of5/128. A report says that about _ of the English teachers in Shanghai are under the age of 35.A. three -fifthB. third -fifthsC. thirds -fift

21、hD. three-fifths9. Shanghai Art Museum holds more thanart collections.A. four thousandsB. four thousandC. thousands ofD. four thousand of10. “9 3 6” can be read as“ _ ”.A. Nine times three is six.B. Nine divided by three is six.C. Nine plus three is six.D. Nine minus three is six.I. Choose the best

22、answer1. He wears _ uniform and goes to _ university.A. anaB. aaC. ananD. aan2. Tom is playing _ football in the garden and his sister Mary is playing _ piano in the sitting room.A. the.theB././C./.theD. the./3._ the morning of July 5, 1992, they arrived in Washington.A. OnB. ByC. InD. At4.Mr. Wang

23、is responsible _ our class.A. ofB. forC. inD. with5.Sandy's ambition is _ an astronaut.A. /B. beC. to beD. to being6.A computer can do a calculation _ you could not do in your whole lifetime.A. whatB. thatC. whenD. where7.Would you like _ my pen -friend?A. doB. to doC. beD. to be8.We _ any help.

24、 We can do it ourselves.A. needn'tB. don't needC. needD. don't need to9._ is a decimal number.A. 0.1B. 1C. 10D. 100%10. All the numbers are nearly counted in the same way - _.A. in tenB. in tensC. in tenthD. in tenths11. Computer is a modern _. Sometimes we use it as a machine.A. calcula

25、tor.calculatingB. calculating.calculatorC. calculating.calculatingD. calculator.calculator12. Jason, do you know _ to deal with the rubbish?A. whereB. whenC. whatD. how13. There are more _ than before in China.6/12A. woman doctorsB. women doctorC. woman doctorD. women doctors14.I met my friend when

26、I was _.A. on the way to homeB. by the way to homeC. on the way homeD. at the way home15.Our monitor is one of the _ in our school.A. good studentB. best studentC. good studentsD. best students16.The bus driver asked the old man _.A. where will he get offB. where he will get offC. where would he get

27、 offD. where he would get offII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.1. The husband and the wife had a big _. (argue)2. Our teachers are _ to us. (friend)3. Mr. Wang started his business 10 years ago and now he is really _. (success)4. _, he found his key under the bed.

28、 (luck)5.It's _ for him to get up so early on weekends.(usual)6.I bought an _ dictionary for Tom as a birthday present.(electric)III. Rewrite the following sentences as required.1.They have to finish the work before five o'clock. (改成否定句 )They _ _ to finish the work before five o'clock.2.

29、The crowd stared at these three people. (改成一般疑问句 )_ the crowd _ at the these three people?3.Alice seldom goes to bed before 10 p.m. ( 改成反意疑问句 )Alice seldom goes to bed before 10 p.m., _ _?4.They clean the classroom twice a day. ( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ do they clean the classroom?5.It's ten minutes' w

30、alk from his home to school. (对划线部分提问 )_ _is it from his home to school?IV . Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper words.Reading for p1is the easiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the most important wayfor the students. Some students say they don't want t

31、o read for pleasure. They say they want to use their time to learnthe r2of the language and new words. They say that pleasure reading is too e3Manyexpertssaypleasure reading is very important for learning English. Dr. Stephen Krashen, a famous expert on learning languages,says that pleasure reading

32、h4you learn many important things about English. Students learn more grammarand more words w5they read for pleasure. They also learn more about good w6. Dr. Krashen tells usthat pleasure reading helps each student in a different w7. Each student needs to learn something different.7/12Pleasure readin

33、g makes it p8for each student to learn what he or she needs.1. 特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词引导的问句叫特殊疑问句。口诀:什么什么用 what,年龄要用 how old , who who 你是谁, where where 在哪里, whose 谁的, how 如何, which 是问哪一个, when when 问时间, what time 几点了, how long 问多长, how many ,how much 问多少, how often 问频率, what color 问颜色, what class 问班级, what gra

34、de 问年级。2. 冠词:冠词记住定冠不定冠,不定冠词a 和 an,它的含义是泛指,表示特指使用the,方位次序最高级,世上事物独一个,人或事物再次谈,以下情况冠词免,学科球类三餐饭,节日星期月份前。3. 时态:四种时间各四式, 联想对比便于记。 时间现在和过去, 各自还有将来时。 一般、完成、进行式, 完成进行是四式。 四四共有十六种, 看来复杂掌握易;除去 have be 以外, 动词变化有规律。4. 数词:( 1)基数词,表数量, 1 到 12 记心上, 13, 14 到 19,用 teen 结尾记心头, 20,30 到 90,ty 结尾整数词,百位十位 +and,一切都按单数看。( 2

35、)基数词, 1 到 12 整数记, 13,14 到 19,后 +teen,teen teen teen,20,30 到 90,后加 ty 别忘记, ty ty ty,个位到十位,中间连字符别忘记。十位到百位中间and 别忘记。( 3)英语分数巧记:英语分数不费事, “母序子基”四个字;分子若是大于一,分母还须加-s。I. Choose the best answer.1. Many university graduates want to work in _ west part of China _ next year.A. the./B. a.theC./.theD. the.the8/12

36、2.We have worked for a long time. Let's have _ break.A. theB. aC.anD./3.Last Friday our science teacher introduced _ useful book to us.A .aB.anC./D. the4.So many people got injured in the accident. It's time for us to make _ wise decision.A. aB. anC. theD. /5.Do you see _ young man standing

37、near the entrance? He is oar class teacher.A. aB.anC. theD./6. _ policemen took part in the search for the students lost in Yellow Mountain.A. Hundred ofB. Two hundredsC. Two hundredD. Two hundreds of7. I paid avisit to Athens. I was attracted by those famous historical places.A. five daysB. five -d

38、ayC. five -daysD. five -days'8. The classroom building in our school is about.A. 20 -metre highB. 20 metres highC. 20 metre highD. 20 -metres high9. One of my friends learnt driving in _.A. sixtyB. the sixtiethC. her sixtiesD. her sixtieth10.The new couple spent fiveyuan on these electrical appl

39、iances.A. thousandsB. thousands ofC. thousand ofD. thousand11.By 2010 we _around ten countries in Asia.A. have traveledB. had traveledC. are travelingD. travel12.Look! Two beautiful birds _in our garden. )A. flyB. fliedC. have flyD. are flying13.Marty big ships, houses, trucks and cars_ in the terri

40、ble tsunami (海啸 ) in Japan on March11. 2011.A. washed awayB. are washed awayC. were washed awayD. have been washed away14.The 30th Olympic Games will_ in 2012 in London.A. holdB.be heldC.be takenD. happen15.Most of our classmates _ to college in a couple of years.A. goB. will goC. have goneD. went16

41、.I _basketball with my friends form three to four o clock yesterday afternoon.A. had playedB. playedC. was playingD. play17.Li Na _the second gold medal( 奖章 ) in the Australian Open Tennis Championship in Frbrubrary,2011.A. winsB. will winC. wonD. had won18.There _a Disneyland Park in Shanghai Pudon

42、g New Area in the near future.A. isB. will beC. wasD. would be19.By the age of twelve, the little girl _her first collection of poems.A. publishedB. has publishedC. was publishingD. had published9/1220. The man was seriously hurt in the accident and he _to hospital at once.A. tookB. would takeC. was

43、 takenD. would be takenII. Rewrite the following sentences as required.1.The atmosphere keeps changing because we are polluting it. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ the atmosphere keep changing?2.They like to go for walks in the fields and forests. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ they like to go for walks?3.He interviewed some neighbou

44、rs of hers in order to get information. ( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ he interview some neighbours of hers?4.Jack s uncle will come back from America in a few days. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ will Jack s uncle come back from America?5.He will fly to London to have a meeting. ( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ he go to London to have a meeting?6.M

45、r. Black goes to Shanghai Library once a week. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ does Mr. Black go to Shanghai Library?7.Mr. Smith has worked in that factory for five years.(对划线部分提问 )_ _ has Mr. Smith worked in that factory?8.The girl dancing over there is my uncle's daughter (对划线部分提问 )_ daughter_ the girl dancing

46、over there?9. The huge stone weighs 2000 kilograms. ( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ does the huge stone weigh?10. My mother goes to the health club once a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does your mother go to the health club?11.Tony had written several books by the time he graduated from the university. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ books had

47、Tony written by the time he graduated from the university?12.Jackie feeds his pet dog twice a day.(就划线部分提问 )_ _ does Jackie feed his pet dog?13.Tony feeds his pet dog twice a day.(就划线部分提问 )_ _ does Tony feed his pet dog?14.It is about 3000 kilometers from Shanghai to Tibet .(划线部分提问 )_ _ is it from S

48、hanghai to Tibet?15. Mother hasn t heard from hersinceson he went abroad for study. ( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ hasn t Mother heard from her son?III. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(阅读短文,选择适当的词填空)English is spoken by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zeal


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