已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一、如何上好第一节课?注重仪表美,使学生感到你是位可亲的老师。充分注重自己情感的发挥,在教学的每一个环节上都应包含“情。注重业务水平的发挥一一使学生感到你是位可信老师给学生留下一个好的第一印象,建立良好的师生情感。培养学生对本课程学习的兴趣利用“第一堂课消除学生的自卑心理,树立自信心 “第一节课提出明确的要求、增强学生学习的自觉性除了正面引导、激发学生学习的主观能动性外。还应对学生提出一些要求。从客观上来促使学生认真学习。增强学生学习本课程的自觉性,如提出上课时必须认真听课、认真做笔记等要求。pay attention to the beauty of appearance, so that

2、students feel you are a kind teacher. fully pay attention to the exertion of their emotions, in every link of teaching should include "emotion".pay attentionto the developmentof professional level to make students feel that you are a credible teacher. make a good first impression on studen

3、ts, and establish good teacher-student emotions.develop students'interest in this courseuse "thefirstlesson" toeliminatestudents'inferioritycomplexandbuildup self-confidence"the first lesson" puts forward clear requirements and enhances students'learning consciousness

4、in additionto positively guidingand stimulatingstudents'subjectiveinitiative in learning.some requirementsshouldalso beputforwardforstudents.from an objectivepointof view, students are urged tostudy conscientiously.enhance the students'consciousness of learning this course, such as the requi

5、rement that they must listen to the lesson carefully and take notes carefully in class.四、如何开好家长会?根据本班学生的具体情况,有方案地、系统地设计组织不同内容、不同形式的家 长会,将对家庭教育工作起到推动作用。要精心筹划,细致安排,突出主题,形式多样,注重效果。架起学校和家庭教育的桥梁,为学生的开展及学校教育奠定良好的.根底。according to the specific situation of the students in this class, the systematic design a

6、nd organization of parents'meetings with different contents and forms will play a rolein promotingfamilyeducation.careful planning,carefularrangement,prominentthemes, diverse forms and results shouldbe emphasized. build a bridgebetween school and family education to lay a good foundation for stu

7、dents'development andschool education.五、如何对待学困生?真心关爱与耐心辅导。建立良好的师生关系。关爱学困生,对他们的辅导做到心中有数。为学生着想,改良教学方式和方法。张扬他们的自主性,进行适当评价与鼓励。与家长及时取得联系,请家长配合教师检查学生当天的学习内容。sincerecareandpatientcounseling.establishagoodteacher-studentrelationship. care for the students with learning difficulties, and have a good idea

8、 oftheir counseling. for the sake of students, improve teaching methods and methods. promote their autonomy and properly evaluate and motivate them. get in touch with parents in time. ask parents to cooperatewithteachers to check students'learning content on the same day.六、如何培养后进生?培养学生的自尊心。培养学生的

9、自信心。鼓励学生的上进心。develop students'self-esteem.develop students'self-confidence.encourage students to be ambitious.七、如何培养后进生的学习兴趣?利用直观形象的教学激发后进生的好奇心,探索事物求知欲和浓厚的学习兴趣。给后进生创设更多时机,展示自我。善于发现后进生身上的闪光点,充分开掘他们的潜能,引导他们把注意力转移到学习上来,从而激发他们学习的积极性和主动性。the use of visual image of teaching to stimulate the curios

10、ity of underachievers, explore the desire for knowledge and strong interest in learning.create more opportunities for underachievers to show themselves.be good at discovering the shining points on the underachievers, fully exploring their potential,guidingthem to shift their attentionto learning, so

11、 as to stimulate their enthusiasm and initiative in learning.八、 学生打瞌睡,“呼噜声一下子把全班同学的目光吸引了过去,教师如何处理?首先要稳定自己的情绪,千万不能在学生面前发脾气,可以让他的同桌把他叫醒, 用平和的语气对说:“现在这个天气比拟容易使人想睡觉,但睡着的话容易着凉,着凉可能就会生病,生病就不好了。你觉得想睡觉得话,可以站起来,等到不困了在坐下 来。first of all, we must stabilize our emotions. we must not lose our temper in front of t

12、he students. we can wake him up at his desk and say in a calm tone, "now this weather is easier to make people want to sleep, but if we fall asleep, we will catch cold easily. if we catch cold, we may get sick and get sick. if you feel like sleeping, you can stand up and sit down until you are

13、not sleepy.九、 对于性格孤僻、胆小、不爱说话的孩子,教师如何处理?首先,应该在感情上关心和信任他们,多接近他们,善于走进他们的心灵。其次,要给他们创造与别人交往,在集体说话的时机,使他们体会到人间和集体的温暖,从而克服忧郁、多疑、多愁善感的消极心理。最后,批评这些学生时,不要再公共场合批评他们,防止伤了他们的自尊心。first of all, we should care about and trust them emotionally, get close to them and be goodat enteringtheir hearts. secondly, we shoul

14、d create opportunitiesfor them to communicatewithothersand speak collectively,so thatthey can experience the warmth of the world and the collective, so as to overcome the negative psychology of depression, suspicion and sentimentality. finally, when criticizing these students, stop criticizing them

15、in public and avoid hurting their self-esteem.十、对于开朗、活泼、爱说话的孩子,教师如何处理?采用和风细雨、轻描淡写式的批评已经不能让其警惕,对其严重的错误必须要严厉指出。措词要锋利,语调要剧烈一些,但绝不能挖苦和挖苦。同时,应该采取高标准、严要求的方法,教他们认真地做每一件事,并善始善终,培养他们坚韧、耐力等个性品质。the use of gentle criticism and understatement can no longer keep them on guard, and serious mistakes must be pointe

16、d out severely. the wording should be sharp and the intonation should be more intense, but no irony or sarcasm should be allowed. at the same time, we should adopt a high standard and strict method to teach them to do everything conscientiously, to start and finish well, and to cultivate their perse

17、verance, endurance and other personality traits.十一、 对于性格淘气、专横、大大咧咧的孩子,教师如何处理?要用情去感化他们,要从学生切身利益出发,渐进式的交谈。当他们情绪冲动时, 应该避其锋芒,想方法稳定他们的情绪,引导他们认识自己的错误和缺点,把批评信 息渐进传递给他。to influence them with emotion, we should start from students'personal interests and talk gradually. when they are emotionally excited,

18、they should avoid their sharp edge, find ways to stabilize their emotions, guide them to recognize their mistakes and shortcomings, and gradually pass on the critical information to him.十二、如何处理迟到的学生?首先,要了解孩子迟到的原因,是不是有特殊的情况。在处理迟到的问题上分两种情况来看。对于偶尔迟到的学生,不要小题大做,让他们明白迟到是不对的,有事要提前让家长或同学帮助请假;对于连续迟到的学生,教师要引起

19、注意,调查迟到的原因,和家长及时沟通,安排好同学做好监督,不让他迟到。first of all, we need to understand the reasons why children are late, whether there are special circumstances. there are two ways to deal with lateness. for students who are occasionally late, don't make a fuss about it. let them understand that it's wrong

20、 to be late. let parents or classmates help them to take leave in advance. for students who are continuously late, teachers should pay attention to them, investigate the reasons forbeing late, communicatewith parents in time, arrange goodsupervision from their classmates, and don't let them be l

21、ate.十三、如何处理有矛盾的两个学生?教师应该及时到场,向当事人询问事情的前因后果,有时也可以从旁观的学生那里得到信息。然后应该让当事人双方冷静下来,并且回避其他同学,以免激化矛盾。在学生冷静后,让学生先反省,先谈自己的过失。因为孩子大多开口就会说“他怎样怎样把责任推在别人身上。让学生说说自己,可以是他自己意识到在矛盾中自己应负 的责任,然后引导学生、主动成认错去、主动地向对方表示歉意,化解双方的矛盾。teachers should be present in time, ask the parties about the causes and consequences of the inc

22、ident, and sometimes get information from the students watching. then the parties should calm down and avoid other classmates in order toavoid intensifying contradictions.after the students calm down, let the students first reflect, first talk about their own mistakes. because most of the children w

23、ill say "howdid he do" and put the blame on others. let the students say themselves, it can be that he is aware of his own responsibility in the contradiction, and then guide the students, take the initiative to admit mistakes, take the initiative to apologize to each other, to resolve the

24、 contradiction between the two sides.十六、你最尊敬的教育家是谁?为什么?我崇拜的教育家很多,在这里我想想说说陶行知先生。我之所以崇拜陶行知,就在于他担任校长期间与教师通劳动、同生活、共同探索中国 教育的心新路。他曾经倡导“解放眼睛、解放头脑、解放双手、解放嘴巴、解放时间、解放空间的方法。我们在实践素质教育的过程中,就是要创设民主、平等、开放的 教育气氛,为孩子的健康、快乐成长营造良好的教学环境。i admire many educators. here i want to talk about mr. tao xingzhi.the reason why

25、i admire tao xingzhi is that he worked with teachers, lived together and explored a new way of chinese education during his tenure. he once advocatedthe methodof "emancipatingeyes, mind,hands, mouth,timeand space". in theprocess of practicing quality education, we should create a democrati

26、c, equal and open educational atmosphere and create a good teaching environment for the healthy and happy growth of children.十九、如何规划未来十年的职业生涯?由于人的知识有限、社会经验缺乏。随着年龄的增长,阅历增多,我想人生的很多规划都要改变。我十年前和十年后的世界观跟现在完全不一样,所以人生的目标总得要调整。但是我觉得十年不变的是我对工作的热爱,不变的是对教师的热爱。我想,在今后的十年里,我会全心全意做好我的工作,为祖国培养更多栋梁。在工作之余,我继续深化学习,吸取新

27、的养分。because of limited knowledge and lack of social experience. with the growth of age and experience, i think many of life's plans will change. my world outlook ten years ago and ten years later is totally different from what it is now, so the goal of life has to be adjusted. but i think ten ye

28、ars of constant is my love of work, constant is the love ofteachers. i thinkthat in the next ten years, i will do my workwholeheartedlyand cultivate more pillars forthe motherland.after work, i continue to deepen my study and absorb new nutrients.二十三、班主任应该如何协调任课教师与学生之间的矛盾冲突?班主任应该及时主动与任课教师沟通,向教师介绍班级学

29、生的情况,特别是个性较强、表现较突出的学生,让任课教师对学生的性格有一个全面的了解,以便更好地开展教学工作。班主任应该在学生中树立任课教师的威信。班主任要主动为任课教师排忧解难。每一个任课教师都有可能遇到工作、生活中的困难,甚至挫折。班主任要主动关心任课教师,尽量为任课教师排忧解难。teachers in charge of classes shouldtake the initiativeto communicatewith teachers in time and introducethe situationof class students, especially those with

30、strong personality and outstanding performance. teachers in charge of classes should have a comprehensive understanding ofstudents'personalityin order to better carry out teaching work.teachers in charge of classes should establish the prestige of teachers amongstudents.the head teacher should t

31、ake the initiative to solve the problems for the teachers. every teacher in class may encounter difficulties or even setbacks in his work and life. teachers in charge of classes should take the initiative to care for their teachers and try their best to solve their problems.二十五、教学是一门技术还是一门艺术,你倾向那一种看

32、法,假设两者都不同意,请谈谈你的看法我认为教学既是一门技术,也是一门艺术。教师是一种专业性很强的职业,教学需要有很深的专业知识功底,因此,教学自然是一门技术。而整个教学过程的设计和安排,需要智慧,整节课就是一场在教师指导下,学生进行的演出,所以说,教学是一门艺术。i think teaching isboth a technology and an art. teachers are a profession with strong specialty. teaching needs deep professional knowledge. therefore, teaching is nat

33、urally a technology. the design and arrangementof the whole teaching process needs wisdom. the whole class is a performanceconductedby students under the guidance of teachers. so teaching is an art.二十七、 .如果有学生在课堂上成心刁难,你该如何应对?有过硬的专业知识,对于知识上的问题,不轻易被难住。做一名聪明的教师,冷静思考,巧妙处理。面对成心刁难自己的学生,首先不可以正面回击,不可以着急,先冷处

34、理一段时间, 然后可以找其谈话, 甚至可以告诉他: “老师需要你的支持和帮助, 就像你也需要别人的支持一样,用真诚打动他,并在今后的日子里,逐渐树立威信。having excellent professional knowledge, it is not easy to be stuck with knowledge problems. be a smart teacher, think calmly and handle skillfully. faced with the students who deliberately make trouble of themselves, first

35、, they should not respond positivelyor be anxious. first, they should deal with it coldly for a period of time. then they can talk to them. they can even tell him, "the teacher needs your support and help, just like you need the support of others." they should be moved by their sincerity a

36、nd gradually build up their prestige in the future.二十九、当在你上课时,一个学生在传纸条,你怎么办?用眼神暗示他,引起他的注意,让他聚精会神的听课。边讲课边走到他的课桌边,用手敲打他的书桌,提示他,让他聚精会神的听课。 课后把他叫到办公室,给他讲清楚,传纸条的危害,让他今后注意上课认真听讲。hint him with his eyes, attract his attention, and let him concentrate on the lecture.while lecturing, he went to his desk and k

37、nocked his desk with his hand, prompting him to concentrate on his lecture.call him to the office after class, explain clearly to him, the harm of passing notes, lethim pay attention to class carefully in the future.三十、学生早恋怎么办?你支持学生早恋吗?先了解学生情况,分析早恋的原因。可以找学生单独谈话,动之以情,晓之以理。first, understand the situat

38、ion of students and analyze the reasons for puppy love.you can talk to the students individually, move them with emotionand understand them with reason."三十一、做班主任的得与失我觉得做老师却不做班主任是人生的遗憾,教师的最大遗憾! 可以能吸取先进的教育理念,提高自己的教学管理水平。可以交流经验,加快自己的成长步伐。可以增强反思精神。做班主任虽然辛苦,但对我快速成长为一名优秀的教师却有些不可估量的作用。i think it is a

39、regret of life to be a teacher but not a head teacher. the greatest regret of a teacher is to be a head teacher.we can absorb advanced educational ideas and improve our teaching management level.we can exchange experience and accelerate our growth. it can enhance the spirit of reflection.although it

40、 is hard to be a head teacher, it has some immeasurable effect on my rapid growth into an excellent teacher.三十二、问答:谈谈你的缺点考官问这个问题,是想测试一个人的成熟度、对自己的判断、和学习改良能力。说出自己有什么缺点,其实一点都不重要。这里重点测评的是面试者是不是真正的对自己有一个正确的评价,而且一般在问这类问题的时候,我喜欢让面试者举出一两件具体事例,这样更具有真实性。the examiner asks this questionin orderto test a person&

41、#39;s maturity,judgmentof himself, and learning improvement ability. it doesn't matterat all what shortcomings you have. the key point here is whether the interviewer really has a correct evaluationof himself, and generally when asked such questions, i like to let the interviewer cite oneor two

42、specific examples, which is more authentic.三十三、你当上班主任老师以后需要做好的几件事是什么?班主任工作是一件复杂而又十分重要的工作。做好班主任工作的一个重要前提, 就是要了解班上每个学生的性格、习惯、兴趣爱好、能力、家庭环境、思维方式、思 想动态、心理状况、人际关系等方面的情况,以便采取针对性教育措施。只有全面了 解学生,摸清了学生的性格特点,心理状况,各方面爱好,才能有的放矢,因材施教。the work of head teacher is a complex and very importantwork. an important prereq

43、uisite fora good head teacher's work isto understand the personality, habits, interests,abilities,familyenvironment,modeofthinking,ideologicaldynamics, psychological status and interpersonal relationships of each student in the class, so asto take targetededucationalmeasures. only by comprehensi

44、vely understandingthe students and their personality characteristics, psychological status and hobbies can we aim at teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.三十四、你认为一种科学的备课方法是什么?平时你是怎样备课的?备课是教师的一项根本功。备出一份好的教案是上好一堂课的重要前提,也能使教师教学更有底气,甚至变得胸有成竹。同时,好的教案设计也直接影响学生的学习兴趣、方式、效率等多个方面,最终对整个课堂课的教学效果起到

45、决定性的作用。我认为无论是哪门学科,教师真正要备好一堂课,就必须脚踏实地,并结合自身和学生的实际,进行创造性地研究和设计。 1、“研读是备课的必要前提; 2、“博学是备课的重要根底; 3、“细致是备课的根本要求、 4、“创新是备课的成功亮点preparing lessons is a basic skill for teachers. preparing a good teaching plan is an important prerequisite for a good lesson, and it can also make teachers more confidentin teach

46、ing, and even become well-rounded.at the same time, good teaching plan design also directly affects students'interestin learning, ways, efficiency and other aspects, andultimatelyplays a decisive rolein theteachingeffectofthewhole classroom. in my opinion, no matter what subject, if a teacher re

47、ally wants to prepare a lesson, he must be down-to-earth and creatively research and design it in combination with his own and students'reality.1. "study" is the necessary prerequisitefor lesson preparation; 2. "erudite" is the important basis for lesson preparation; 3. "

48、;meticulous" isthe basic requirement for lesson preparation; 4. "innovation" is the successful highlight of lesson preparation.三十五、你同意“没有不合格的学生,只有不合格的教师这句话吗?本句话源于教育家陈鹤琴老先生的名言“没有教不好的学生, 只有不会教的老师, "没有不合格的学生 ,只有不合格的教师 "是其衍生出的众多“伟辞中最为著名的一句。我认为,原来是陈老先生的一句勉励之语可能勉励后人,也或是勉励老先生自己, 陈老

49、先生当初写这句话时,断然不会想到在多年以后的今天会引出如此多的讨论吧!this sentence is derived from the famous saying of the educator mr. chen heqin: "no students who can't teach well, only teachers who can't teach", "no unqualified students, only unqualified teachers" is the most famous one among the many

50、 "great words" derived fromit. in my opinion,it was mr. chen's words of encouragement(maybe to encourage future generations, or to encourage himself). when mr. chenwrote this sentence, he certainly did not think that there would be so many discussions in the future today.三十六、一堂好课的标准是什么

51、?以促进学生的开展为根本宗旨。科学合理教学内容是课堂教学质量的根本保证。学生主动地学习现代课堂教学以学生为主体,强调通过学生的主动学习,促进学生的主体性开展。良好的教学根本功教师较强的教学能力也是好的课堂教学的重要特征。to promote the development of students is the fundamental purpose. scientific and reasonable teaching content is the fundamental guarantee of classroom teaching quality. students take the in

52、itiative to learn modern classroom teaching with students asthe main body, emphasizing on promotingthe developmentof students subjectivity through students' initiative learning. good basic teaching skills teachers strong teaching ability is also an important feature of good classroom teaching.三十

53、八、假设你正在讲课突然两位同学在课堂上打起架来,作为教师的你会怎么办?课堂突发事件的处理都通用碰到这样的事,我会停止讲课,用沉默来提醒他们这是课堂。如果他们还不停止, 我会直呼其名要求停止动作,回到自己的位置坐好。然后继续讲课,给他们时间彼此冷静冷静。或许在他们冷静后自己就可以认识到自己的错误,双方和好。接下来,我会及时跟进,了解事情的原委,除了找两个同学单独了解,还有必要找知情人进行询问,得出一致的说法,以为我下一步处理做好准备。在了解了整个事情经过后,分别针对双方所犯的错误及认错态度,力求让学生真正意识到自己打架的不良后果,说服其向对方抱歉。如果性质比拟恶劣的话,会要求其做书面检查,并通知

54、家长,不过不到万不得已, 我不愿意这样做,因为如果做的不妥,很可能让两个学生内心结下怨恨。when such a thing happens, i will stop lecturing and remind them with silence that this is the classroom. if they don't stop, i'll call them by their names and ask them to stop and sit back. then go on with the lecture and give them time to calm d

55、own witheach other. maybe after they calm down, they can realize their mistakes and make peace with each other.next, i will follow up in time to understand the origin of the matter, in addition tofinding two classmates to understand alone, it is necessary to find insiders for inquiry, to arrive at a

56、 consistent statement, in order to prepare me for the next step.after understanding the whole thing, we try to make students truly aware of the bad consequences of their fighting and persuade them to apologize to each other for their mistakes and mistaken attitudes.if the nature is bad, they will be

57、 asked to do a written examination and inform their parents, but i do not want to do so as a last resort, because if it is not done properly, it is likely to cause resentment between the two students.三十九.上课铃响了,你走进教室了,班里还是一团糟。这时你怎么办?这是很正常的事情,没有必要动怒,我会径直走到讲台上,宣布上课。如果学生还是在下面议论纷纷,想必在上节课或课余时间发生了什么事情,我会沉默

58、地注视着学生,用这样的安静来提醒他们上课。讲一个简短的小故事,小笑话,然后对课程做精彩的引入,把他们的注意力引到我的课堂。it's normal.there's no need toget angry.i'll gostraightto the podiumand announce the class. if the students are still talking about what happened in the last class or after class, i will watch the students silently and remind them of the lesson with such silence. tell a short story, a little joke, and then make a wonderful introduction to the course, drawing their attention to my classroom.四十、你的班上有一位同学经常迟到,作为班主任该怎么办?不管是因为什么原因,经常迟到是不


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