



1、暑假度假英语作文今年暑假,我去了 4个城市:北京、济南、苏州和丽水。你知道 怎么写一篇暑假度假的英语作文吗?下面是橙子给大家精心挑选的暑 假度假英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!暑假度假英语作文篇 1 During the summer vacation, our family took part in a tour group to visit lushan from quanzhou, fujian province. In the morning, we go to lushan by car at seven, and arrive at the ticket office at

2、 mt. Lushan in two hours.Buying tickets, we took the lushan tour bus to the lake. An hour later, we arrived at the lake, where the guide was in the flow-path, and there was a grass hall where bai was reading.After we came out from the lake like a harp flower diameter, into the valley of jinxiu, peak

3、 road, full of suspension bridge, a bridge, it has been broken, zhu yuanzhang legend and ch ' en yu-liang war here, zhu yuanzhang defeated, an old man told zhu yuanzhang this road, zhu yuanzhang after crossing the bridge, ch ' en yu-liang catch up, zhu yuanzhang commanded the soldiers to ste

4、p down from1/5 the top of the mountain mountain stone, the broken bridge, zhu yuanzhang was able to escape, because of zhu yuanzhang was right, this with broken stones can be called the overpass. We then climbed to the peak of lushan mountain, taking a rest. The peak of mt lushan is the peak of lush

5、an mountain. We walked out of the golden embroidery valley at 11, had lunch, and left for the huanglong temple.We reached the huanglong temple, where there are three treasure trees, one of which has a life span of 1, 600 years, and the other two are 600 years old. We went down to uolongtan, where th

6、e cave was filmed. After coming up, I was so tired that I got on the bus to the bus stop.We had been waiting at the station, not waiting for the car to come down, and at five twenty, there was a car, and I was reluctant to go underground.暑假,我们全家参加了旅游团去从福建泉州来庐山旅游。早上, 我们7点坐车去庐山,2小时后到达庐山南山售票处。买好票,我们坐上庐

7、山旅游观光车前往如琴湖。一小时后,我们 到达了如琴湖,跟导游进入花径,里面有白居易读书的草堂。我们从如琴湖花径出来后,进入锦绣谷,里面全是悬峰栈道,还 有一座天桥,说是天桥,其实它已经断了,传说朱元璋在这里和陈友 谅大战,朱元璋打败了,一位老者跟朱元璋说了这条路,朱元璋过桥 后,陈友谅追上来,朱元璋命令士兵从山顶山退下石头,把桥弄断, 朱元璋才得以逃生,正因为朱元璋是天子,这跟断了的石头才能被称 为天桥。我们之后登上了庐山的险峰,休息一会,险峰是庐山最高峰, 站在这里可以看到九江全景。我们11点走出锦绣谷,吃午饭,之后 往黄龙寺出发。我们到达了黄龙寺,下面有三颗宝树,其中有一颗已经有1620x

8、x 年的寿命了,其余两颗都是620xx年的。我们下去之后到达了乌龙潭, 这里是西游记水帘洞的拍摄地。上来后,我累得气喘吁吁,坐上车去 车站等车。我们在车站一直等,都没有等到下山的车,5点20 了,终于有一 辆车了,我恋恋不舍地下了庐山。暑假度假英语作文篇 2On August 9, 20xx, my mother and Ivisited the dragon mouth. It's very beautiful and fun.We took a bus to the dragon mouth. On the bus I sit in the window seat and look

9、 out the window. The scenery is all kinds of things. At the dragon gate, we take the no. 7 bus to the brightbay hotel. There were long corridors and red walls. There was a garden at the door of our room, and there was a little brook beside it, and a fresh air was coming.After we put our bags, we cam

10、e to the real sea, which had sand in front of the sea, and walked across the beach to the sea. The water in the sea was shallow, and at most it3/5 文章来源网络整理,仅供参考学习had no knee. In the sea, there were small waves of sprayThe next day, we went to the south mountain tourist area.We took a sightseeing bus

11、 to the entrance to the south mountain tourist area and then walked along the road. Along the way, there was a log cabin with hot milk tea and drinks. We had a short rest in a small wooden house, after buying a cup of hot milk tea, I walked on again, until to the end Was reluctant to go back, way co

12、me back again.暑假度假英语作文篇3 On August 9, 20XX, I went to the dragon mouth with my mother. It's very beautiful and fun.We took a bus to the dragon mouth. On the bus I sit in the window seat and look out the window. The scenerv is all kinds of things. At the dragon gate, we take the no. 7 bus to the

13、brightbay hotel.There were long corridors and red walls. There was a garden at the door of our room, and there was a little brook beside it, and a fresh air was coming.After we put our bags, we came to the real sea, which had sand in front of the sea, and walked across the beach to the sea. The water in the sea was shallow, and at most it had no knee. There were small waves in the sea.The next day, we went to the south mountain tourist area.4/5We took a sightseeing bus to the entrance to the south mountain tourist area and then walked along the road. Along the way, there


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