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1、Unit 9非谓语动词-动名词一、动名词定义动名词是由动词转化而来,在句中起名词的作用,但有保持动词的特征,可以有自己的宾语或状语,构成动名词短语。动名词既具有动词的特征,又具有名词的句法功能。其形式是:doing;否定式是:not doing。二. 动名词的形式: (1)一般式: Seeing is believing. (2)被动式: He came to the party without being invited. (3)完成式: We remembered having seen the film. (4)完成被动式: He forgot having been taken to

2、Guangzhou when he was five years old. 语态时态主 动被 动一般式 doing being done完成式having donehaving been done(5)否定式: 动名词否定式直接在动名词前加not。(not + 动名词)I regret not following his advice.Dont be angry with me for not having write to you. (我没给你写信请别生我的气。)She was angry about not having been invited. (她没被邀请很生气。)三、动名词的句法功

3、能动名词在句子中起名词的作用,可单独或引起短语作主语、表语、宾语、介词的宾语或定语。1.作主语: Reading aloud is very helpful.Collecting stamps is interesting.当动名词短语作主语时常用it作形式主语。如:It's no use/no good/not any good/not any use/useless/a waste of time/fun quarrelling. Its no use reading the book.注意:There is no十 动名词短语 = It is impossible to doTh

4、ere is no saying what may happen.不可能说将会发生什么事。There is no holding back the wheel of history.历史车轮不可阻挡。2.作表语My favorite sport is swimming.我最喜爱的运动是游泳。Her job is teaching English.她的工作是教英语。3.作宾语I enjoy listening to music我喜欢听音乐。Have yon finished reading the book?你看完了这本书没有?Would you mind opening the window?

5、 打开窗户好吗?常见的只能用动词动名词作宾语的动词suggest, risk, devote oneself to(建议冒险去献身)finish, imagine, bear/stand, look forward to(完成想象忍盼望)give up, delay/put off, regret, miss(放弃延期悔失去)insist on/stick to, enjoy/appreciate, feel like, practice(坚持欣赏要实践)pay attention to, excuse, escape/avoid, object to(注意原谅逃/避反对)keep, be/g

6、et used to/be accustomed to, mind(保持习惯勿介意)be worth, set about/burst out/get down to, be busy(值得开始将忙乎)注意下列词组的区别remember to do sth. 记住要做remember doing sth.记得过去做过forget to do sth. 忘了已做过的事forget doing sth. 忘记要做某事 regret to do sth.对马上要或不做的事表示遗憾 regret doing sth.对已发生的事表示遗憾或后悔mean to do sth.打算,想要mean doing

7、 意味着,意思是try to do sth. 努力做某事try doing sth. 尝试做某事cant help doing sth.情不自禁,忍不住cant help (to) do sth.不能帮忙做某事be considered to have done被认为已经做了considerto be认为是consider doing考虑做某事stop to do停下来,要做另一件事(不定式作目的状语)stop doing停止做(动名词作宾语)go on to do接着做另一件事 go on doing继续做同一件事如果动名词作宾语时,若跟有宾语补足语,则常用形式宾语it,例如: We fou

8、nd it no good making fun of others. 我们发现取笑他人不好。 think consider no useS + find + it + no good + V-ingfeel like useless I found it useless (no use) arguing about it.我发现争论这事没有用。Do you consider it any good trying again?你觉得再试会有好处吗?4.作介词的宾语He insisted on watching the football game.他坚持要看足球比赛。Thank you for

9、helping me谢谢你帮助了我。We must prevent them from making trouble我们必须防止他们惹麻烦。 The children are fond of listening to stories.孩子们喜欢听故事。在下面这类句子中,介词in常可省 (1)Shave + trouble/difficulty/a problem /a struggle/a good time/ a hard time +(in) +V-ing(2)S+ spend timemoney(in)V-ing(3)sbe busy(in)V-ing(4)lose no time(in

10、)V-ing(立即做)They are busy(in)preparing for the examination.他们忙于准备考试。Do you have any difficulty(in)understanding spoken English? 你听懂英语口语有困难吗?I spent two hours(in) writing my composition.我花了两小时写作文。He lost no time(in) telling me the good news.他立即把这个关消息告诉了我。5.作定语There is a swimming pool in our school.我们学

11、校有一个游泳池。His father works in a printing shop. 他父亲在一家印刷厂工作。Our teacher uses a very good teaching method我们老师的教学方法很好。四、动名词的复合结构 物主代词或名词所有格加动名词构成动名词的复合结构。在这个结构中,物主代词或名词所有格是逻辑上的主语。动名词的复合结构在句子中可以作主语、宾语等。如:Do you mind my smoking?我可以抽烟吗?Your going there will help a lot你到那里对事情将大有帮助。 I remember Wei Fangs going

12、 there我记得魏芳去那里了。如果不是在句子开头,这个结构常可以用名词的普通格(或人称代词的宾格),这比用所有格更自然些。如:I dont mind Xiao Li(him) going小李(他)去我没意见。Lao Lis(不用“Li”) going wont be of much help老李去不会有多大帮助。如果动名词的逻辑土语是无生命的东西,就多用普通格,不用所有格。如:The doctors are afraid of a relapse occurring in a few minutes医生们担心旧病复发。五.动名词和动词不定式的区别1.动名词和不定式都可以作主语或表语一般来说,

13、在表示比较抽象的一般行为时多用动名词;在表示具体的动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式。如:Their job is building houses他们的工作是盖房子。Our task now is to increase food production我们现在的任务是增产粮食。Smoking is prohibited.此地禁止吸烟。Its not good for you to smoke so much.你抽这么多烟不好。2.在 like,hate,prefer等动词后如果表示一般倾向,多用动名词作宾语,如指特定或具体某次行动,用不定式时更多一些。如;I like reading boo

14、ks of this kind我喜欢看这类书。Id like to read that book我想看那本书。They prefer walking to cycling. 他们宁愿走路,不愿骑车。He prefers to stay at home today.今天他宁愿呆在家里。She hates smoking.她不喜欢吸烟。She hates to trouble you.她不愿意麻烦你。3.在begin,start后面 如果表示有意识地开始(停止)做某事,多用动名词,否则用不定式更多一些。如:We started working at eight.我们是八点开始工作的。Suddenl

15、y it started to rain.突然下起雨来。They began building the dam in 1969.他们于1969年开始建造那个堤坝。I began to realize I had been wrong.我开始明白我错了。 The factory has ceased making bicycles. 这个工厂已经停止制造自行车。This has ceased to interest us.这已经不再使我们感兴趣了。注1:在某些情况下动词的性质可以决定用不定式还是动名词。一般来说,不能用于进行时态的动词多不用动名词的形式。如realize,see,lose等这类动

16、词一般不宜用于进行时态。Only recently he began to realize that he was wrong只是到了最近他才开始认识到他错了。I hate to lose this chance我不愿意失去这个机会。注2:当谓语动词已用于进行体时,通常用不定式。如:It is beginning to rain开始下雨了。We are proposing to start at eight我们建议 8:00出发。注3:当begin后所接的宾语是表示心理活动的动词时,通常用不定式。如:I began to understand我开始懂得你的意思了。4.有些动词后既可以用动名词作

17、宾语也可以用不定式作宾语常见的有:love,like,hate,prefer,dislike,begin,start,intend,continue,want,need,stop,remember,forget,try,regret,deserve,attempt,propose等。如:How long will you continue working (to work)?你的工作还要继续多久?When did you begin learning (to learn) typewriting? 你什么时候开始学打字的?5.在want, need, require, deserve 等动词后

18、可以用不定式的被动形式,也可以用动名词的主动形式来表示被动含义。6.在allow, advise, like, permit, recommend, consider, forbid 等动词后可以用动名词做宾语,用动词不定式做宾语补足语。如:We dont allow smoking here.我们不许在这里抽烟。We dont allow students to smoke.我们不许学生抽烟。7. 在“It is no use/no good/not any use/good/useless/senseless/fun/enjoyabletiringnicea waste of timea

19、good pleasure”等结构后需要用动名词作主语 Its no use trying again再试也没有用。六 动名词和现在分词在句法上的区别1.作定语时的比较现在分词作定语表示它所修饰的名词(人或事物)的动作,被修饰名词与现在分词在逻辑上是主谓关系;动名词作定语时往往表示被修饰的名词的作用、目的等。试比较: sleeping child = the child who is sleeping 酣睡的孩子(sleeping是现在分词)reading room = the room is used for reading 阅览室(reading是动名词)这时两种结构的读音不同:分词作定语

20、时,分词和它所修饰的名词均需重读;动名词作定语时,重音就落在动名词上,后面的名词不重读或只读次重音。2.作表语时的比较动名词作表语是用来说明主语本身的,主语和表语的位置可以互换,不影响意义的表达,但这种结构不能受very,quite等副词修饰。分词作表语着重说明主语的性质和特征,主语和表语的位置是固定的,不能互换,但可受very,quite等副词的修饰。如:My job is raising pigs(= Raising pigs is my job)我的工作是养猪。One of the good exercises is swimming. ( = Swimming is one of th

21、e good exercises)游泳是一种很好的运动。The story sounds(quite) moving那故事听起来很感人。The situation both at home and abroad is very inspiring国内外的形势令人鼓舞。 Unit 9非谓语动词-动名词练习一.单项选择题1. People call that_ two birds with one stones. A. kill B. killed C. killing D. had killed2. Every morning he spends two hours _ papers and m

22、agazines. A. for reading B. on reading C. reading D. to read3. We never listen to Beethoven without _. A. being deeply impressed B. impressed deeply C. having deeply impressed D. to be deeply impressed4. _ no persuading him to buy the car. A. There was B. It was C. Here was D. That was5. Dont forget

23、 _to me . Lets keep in touch. A. to write B. writing C. having written D. to have written6. Unless you both stop _, I will call in the police. A. fighting B. to fight C. having fought D. being fought7. On _our village , we asked him for chocolate. A. him to reach B. his to reach C. for him to reach

24、D. his reaching8. An old friend of mine came near _by the train. A. to kill B. killing C. being killed D. to be killed9.she makes a pound of _ t him once a week. A. writing B. having written C. being written D. having been written10.J.F Kennedy liked _many questions at the press conference. A. being

25、 asked B. asking C. of asking D. ask11. it goes without _that Isaac Stern is among the greatest violinists. A. saying B. being said C. to say D. to be said12.She is very busy _for a journey. A. to prepare B. preparing C. to be preparing D. being prepared13. He went _in the river nearby. A. to fish B

26、. fishing C. to fishing D. for fish14._ones work properly may be worse than not doing it at all. A. Not do B. Do C. Not doing D. Doing15.She didnt seem to mind _TV while she was trying too study. A. their watching B. them to watch C. their watch D. for them to watch16. The bus was so crowed that he

27、had a hard time_. A. got off B. getting off C. too get off D. get off17. We had trouble _the path through the forest. A. to find B. for finding C. finding D. with finding18.Do you have any difficulty_ new mathematics? A. to understand B. to be understanding C. and understand D. in understanding19. H

28、is hair badly needs_.A. to cut B. be cut C. being cut D. cutting20. Can you imagine the best boy in the class _in the examination? A. cheating B. to cheat C. cheat D. cheated21.Please make an effort_. A. of arriving early B. in arriving early C. to arrive early D. early too arrive22. His failure _th

29、e college made him quite disappointed. A. to enter B. in entering C. t arrive early D. entering23.She didnt remember_ him before. A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to having met24. Dont forget _this book to John when you finish reading it. A. returning B. of returning C. having returned D. to

30、return25. He regrets_ his father yesterday. A. having not seen B. not having seen C. not to see D. seeing not26.- You were lost on your way to the lake, werent you? - Yes, we were and had to stop _the way. A. asking B. for asking C. to ask D. having asked 27. She reached the top of the hill and stop

31、ped _on a big rock by the side of the path. A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest28.- There is something wrong with the machine.- What did he want _to this machine? A. doing B. to do C. to be done D. being29. I know you had many ideas, but you need not trouble _them. A. remember B. remembe

32、ring C. remembered D. to remember30.having learned _skillfully, she went on learning _. A. to skate; swimming B. skating; swimming C. to skate; too swim D. skating; to swim31. - Good morning, Bill.- Did you have any trouble _through the snow? A. driving B. to drive C. drive D. drove32.- why were you

33、 so late ? - I had a hard time _up this morning. A. to get B. get C. got D. getting 33It is good _him to see you off. A. to expect B. expecting C. of expecting D. for him to expect34.- Im disappointed with the officers elected in our club.- I am too, but theres no point _about it. A. to worry B. in

34、worrying C. with us worrying D. if we worry35. There is no need _. He wont show up. A. to wait B. wait C. waited D. waiting36. No one can help _ Tom, he is such a lovely boy. A. to like B. to liking C. liking D. like37.- Do you mind _?- Go ahead. I dont mind. A. opening the window B. I open the wind

35、ow C. if I open the window D. whether I open the window38.We insisted _by the manager. A. to be seen B. being seen C. on being seen D. on seeing39. Something when I look into the sky, I feel like _a trip somewhere. A. to make B. making C. to go for D. make40.You have no business_ to me the way you d

36、id yesterday. A. to talk B. talking C. talked D. of talking41. Mrs. Harley has a habit of asking questions_ . A. but then not listen to the answers B. and then not listen to the answers C. and then not listening to the answers D. and then doesnt listen to the answer42.- How did the prisoner escape?

37、- By climbing a fence and_ someones car. . A. steal B. from stealing C. to steal D. stealing43.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed_. A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch44. They wouldnt allow him _across the enemy line. A. risk going B. risking to go C. going to risk D. to

38、risk going45.- Its difficult to make money as a artist.- Have you considered_ a course in business for artist? A. to take B. about taking C. your talking D. taking46.We cant understand _ at the poor little match- girl. A. they laugh B. their laughing C. them to laugh D. them way laugh47.Miss Joans b

39、ad habit is _without thorough understanding. A. read B. being read C. to be read D. reading48.- Dont you think a trip to the ocean would be nice? - I dislike _in salt water. A. swimming B. for me to swim C. to swim D. swim49We hoped being there would make the work easier. A. he B. him C. his D. hims

40、elf50.There is _what may happen. A. not saying B. no saying C. not to say D. saying not二.单项选择题1. We can't understand _ a decision until it is too late.A. him to postpone to makeB. his postponing to makeC. him to postpone makingD. his postponing making2. It's no use_ with him. You might as we

41、ll _ with a stone wall.A. arguing, argueB. to argue, arguingC. arguing, arguing D. to argue, argue3. The old man's _ pity on the snake led to his own death.A. takeB. takingC. being takenD. have4. It is no good _ today's work for tomorrow.A. to leaveB. leavingC. that you leaveD. leave5. Some

42、people's greatest pleasure is _.A. fishingB. to fishC. to be fishD. being fishing6. You didn't hear us come back last night. That's good. We tried _ noisy.A. to not beB. not to beC. being notD. not being7. You'll regret _ those words. You may hurt her feelings.A. sayB. to sayC. sayin

43、g D. to have said8. You can keep the book until you _.A. have finished reading B. finish to read C. will finish reading D. have finished to read9. I'd _ the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.A. rather not have B. rather not to have C. not rather had D. rather not having10. Your mother

44、and I are looking forward_ you.A. of seeingB. for seeingC. to seeD. to seeing11. People couldn't help _ the foolish girl.A. laugh atB. to laugh atC. laughing atD. laughing12. Remember _ the book, when you have finished it.A. putting back B. having put backC. to put backD. will put back13. Have y

45、ou forgotten _ $1000 from me last month? Will you please remember _ it tomorrow?A. borrowing; to bring B. to borrow; bring C. borrowed; bringing D. borrowing; bringing14. We are looking forward to _ another chance _ it again.A. be given, to tryB. have, to tryC. giving, tryingD. having, to try15. - &

46、quot;I usually go there by train."- " Why not _ by boat for a change?"A. to try goingB. trying to goC. to try and goD. try going16. - What do you think of the book?- Oh. excellent, it's worth _ a second time.A. to readB. to be readC. readingD. being read17. It is useless _ to come now. He is busy.A. ask himB. to ask himC. that you ask himD. asking him18. The classroom wants _. A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning19. Jack said that he wouldn't mind _ for us.A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. waited20. Keep on _ and you will succeed. A.a try B.try C.triing D.trying


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