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1、初一i英语一般疑问句和特殊疑问句讲解及练习集团标准化小组:LVVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN初一英语一般疑问句和特殊疑问句一般疑问句1 .定义:用be或助动词或情态动词置于句首,并以“Yes,”,或 “No,”或相当于yes / no回答的问句称为一般疑问句.2 .含系动词be的一般疑问句的构成:具体地说,am只能跟在第一人称的单 数I后面,are搭配you,不管是单数还是复数,is跟在第三人称单数he,she后面Eg: r m in Class 2, Grade 1. Are you in Class 2, Grade 1(如遇第一人称,最好将其置换成笫二人称)It&

2、#39;s a map of China. fls it a map of China 这是一幅中国地图吗Am I wrong again (我乂错了)3 .含情态动词的一般疑问句的构成一般疑问句面前人人平等:情态动词与am / is / are一样,也可直接将 它们提至主语前,所以问题迎刃而解了。如:I can spell it. ->Can you spell it你会拼写它吗Will you do that for her?Can she drive4 .含实义动词的一般疑问句的构成含实义动词的一般疑问句的构成稍微有点讲究,要在句首加do;如逢主语 为第三人称单数,谓语动词为一般现

3、在时单数第三人称形式“v-(e)s时,用does,并要将谓语动词变回原形(如has-have, likes-*like等);有时陈述句中的some还要变作any等。如:She lives in Beijing, fDoes she live in BeijingI like English, fDo you like EnglishThere are some books on my desk, fAre there any books on your desk5 . 一般疑问句的应答用yes / no回答,并怎么问怎么答(句首为情态动词/am / is / are还是 do /does),简

4、略回答时要注意缩写(否定的n't)和采用相应的人称代词以避免 重复:即Yes,主语(代词)+情态动词或am / is / are或do / does.表示肯 定;No,主语(代词)+情态动词或am / is / are或者do / does not(n't). 表示否定。回答要完整,如:-Is Mary a Japanese girl玛丽是日本女孩吗-Yes, she is. / No, she isn t. -Can Lily speak Chinese一No, she can t. / Sorry, I don't know.这个地方要注意一点,在一般疑问句的简略回

5、答中使用Yes, it is. / Yes, I am. / Yes, he is. / Yes, we are. / Yes, she is.等时,不能使用 Yes, it* s. / Yes, I' m. / Yes, he, s.等这样的缩略形式。但如果是否 定形式则可用缩略式,如可用No, he* s not.也可用No, he isn' t.另 外,若为完整回答,也可用Yes, he' s之类的,如说Yes, he' s a student. / Yes, shet s busy.等。(这个考试一般不会考,只要求了解)一般疑问句课后练写出下列句子的一般

6、疑问句1. They can sing English songs.2. His birthday is on the twentieth of November.3. Lucy and Amy are learning to skate.4. It is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.5. I believe what he said is true.6. I must stay at home for a whole day.7. There is going to be a meeting this afternoon

7、.特殊疑问句1 .定义:以特殊疑问词开头,对陈述句中的某一部分提出疑问/进行发问, 回答时针对问句中的代词和副词来回答,不用yes或no,的句子叫特殊疑问 句。2 .特殊疑问词全搜索:一句话:wh-开头外加能与之结伴同行的名词; how及它的形容词兄弟姐妹们,即如:what, where, which, what time, when, who, how, how many, how old,等。无论是做疑问代词还是限定词, which和what所指的范围不同。3 .特殊疑问句的构成特殊疑问句山特殊疑问词+一般疑问句构成:How old are you 你多大了What's this

8、in English这个用英语怎么讲语法专项练习一特殊疑问句I.对画线部分1. She is my teacher, 7. They are five yuan .2. It is a coat . 8. I wash it twice a week.3. I am looking for my sister , 9. He will be back in four days.4. I get up at six , 10. I didn' t come to class yesterday5. I am from Hubei .because I was ill.6. I like

9、math best.( I.选择题( )1. Excuseme is the nearestbookshopGodownthestreetand turn left atthe second cornerA.howB.whatC. where D.who( )2. isa tickerfor the film HackerAbout forty Yuan.A. How old )3. A. Wh。()4. It' s eight.B. How many C. How much D. How often are you going? I'm going to the librar

10、y.B. WhichC. What D. WhereB. What' s five and threeD. What' s your telephone numbera cough.A. What day is itC. How old are you)5. -I' ve got a headache andA. What' s your trouble B. What' s wrong with itC. Can I help you D. How are you)6. tea did you have?Two cups.A. How many B.

11、How much C. How soon D. Which )7. shall we meet in the park?What about half past eight?A. What B. When C. Where D., Which)8. a year does your school have sports meetings?Twice a year.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times ()9. The one behind the tree.A. Whose girl B. Who' s that

12、girl C. Which girl D. Where' s the girl ()10. are you going to be in the future?I want to be a person - Yang Lwei.D. What , asA. How , like B. How , as C. What , like )11. will your father be backD How wideA How long B how often C How soonyou up this morning5. They were drawing a horse when I ca

13、me in.they when I came in6. I didn,t go to school because I had a bad cold.III就划线部分提问。1. He often has lunch in the factory. he often lunch2. They will come back in a month.will they come back3. He hurt his leg last Sunday.he hurt his legyou go to school4. I got up at si- this morning .7. You* d bett

14、er take the No. 3 bus.bus I better take8. He's feeling well.hefeeling9. The girl in a red coat is my sister.is your sister10. He comes to China once a year.he to China11. He goes to see his grandma ( twice a week ).(对括号部分提问)16. The students ( went camping ) last week.(对括号部分提问)17. 3 and 9 is 12.(改为特殊疑问句)18. Diogenes came from ( Greece ).(对括号 部分提问) Diogenes 12. My father goes to work by car. 特殊疑问句)(改为19. The way to keep fit is ( to eat food and take morn exercise).(对括号部分提问) the way to 13. It take ( 15 minutes ) for a ferr


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