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1、组织结构管理办法第一章:适用范围Chapter I Coverage1.1本管理办法规定了公司范围内的所有组织结构调整的流程及规则。This policy regulates & con trols the orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt in xinfei1, 2本管理办法适用于公司内各种组织的结构调整及部门内部人员的岗位变动。The policy is available to all orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nts and redesig nati on within the dep

2、artme nt第二章:目的ChapterPurpose2. 1规范目前公司的组织结构管理,使公司组织结构的调整规范化、合理化、程序化。Stan dardize the policy & procedures of all orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt in xinfei2. 2加强对各部门内部结构调整及部门内部人员变动的管理。Stre ngthenthe man ageme nbf orga ni zatio nalstructure adjustme ntand redesig natiorwith in each departme

3、 nt第三章:办理程序ChapterIH Policy & Procedures3. 1组织结构调整分为三级调整,分别为:Orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt can be divided as follows:3. 1. 1公司级组织结构调整。Orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt of the compa ny3. 1. 2职能模块级组织结构调整,以各副总所管理模块区域为单位。Orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt of fun cti on module, t

4、ake DGM admi nistrati on module as the unit3. 1. 3部门级组织结构调整。Orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt of the departme nt3. 2组织结构的调整包括工作模块或工作团队的增加/减少/合并/分裂;工作职责及工作分工的变动;人员配置的变动。Organizational structure adjustment includes: increase/decrease/combination/split of workmodule or team; alterati on of job re

5、sp on sibility/work distributi on/pers onnel deployme nt3. 3公司级组织结构调整:Orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt of the compa ny:3. 3. 1由董事/首席营运官提出调整意见。Adjustme nt suggesti ons should be proposed by director or COO3. 3. 2人力资源部按照董事/首席营运官的意见,整理汇总出调整方案,并明确相关的 职责变动/工作分工/人员配置。HR dept. will compile the adjus

6、tment plan according to suggestionsof director or COO andconfirm related resp on sibility alterati on/work distributi on/ pers onnel deployme nt3. 3. 3调整方案报董事长(董事会)批准。Adjustme nt pla n should be submitted to director (the board) for approval3. 3. 4对调整方案中涉及到的人事调整问题,参照公司的人事调整相关规定。Redesig nati on in th

7、e adjustme nt pla n should follow related redesig nati on policy of the compa ny3. 3. 5经批准的新组织结构及相关的人事调整(属于中层以上人事调整,由公司级文件 通知发布)在公司内颁布实施。New organizational structure and related redesignation(redesignation of post above middle man ageme nt will be no ticed by compa ny files) will be published in the

8、 compa ny3. 4各主管副总所管理的职能模块级组织结构调整:DGM admi nistrati on module orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt:3. 4. 1由各主管副总/分管总经理提出调整意见。Adjustme nt suggesti ons should be proposed by DGM/function module GM 3. 4. 2人力资源部按照各主管副总的意见,整理汇总出调整方案,并明确相关的职责变 动/工作分工/人员配置。HR dept. will compile the adjustme nt pla n acc

9、ord in gto suggesti onsof the DGM and confirm related resp on sibility alteratio n/work distributi on/ pers onnel deployme nt3. 4. 3调整方案报首席营运官批准。Adjustme nt pla n should be submitted to COO for approval3. 4. 4对调整方案中涉及到的人事调整问题,参照公司的人事调整相关规定。Redesig nati on in the adjustme nt pla n should follow relat

10、ed redesig nati on policy of the compa ny3. 4. 5经批准的新组织结构及相关的人事调整(属于中层以上人事调整,由公司级文件 通知发布)在公司内颁布实施。New organizational structure and related redesignation(redesignation of post above middle man ageme nt will be no ticed by compa ny files) will be published in the compa ny3. 5部门级组织结构调整:Orga ni zati ona

11、l structure adjustme nt of the departme nt:3. 5. 1由各部门负责人提出调整意见。Adjustme nt suggesti ons should be proposed by HOD3. 5. 2由各部门内部安排人员,整理汇总出调整方案,并明确相关的职责变动 /工作分工/人员配置HOD should arrangestaff to compile the adjustment plan and confirm related responsibility alterati on /work distributi on/ pers onnel dep

12、loyme nt3. 5. 3调整方案报人力资源部审核。Adjustme nt pla n should be submitted to HR dept. for audit ing3. 5. 4调整方案报调整部门主管副总审核/审批。Adjustme nt pla n should be submitted to DGM in charge for approval3. 5. 5对调整过程中涉及到的管理/技术人员增加及主管级以上人事变动的调整须报首 席营运官审批。In crease of man ageme nt/tech nique staff & redesig nati on o

13、f post above supervisor level should be approved by COO3. 5. 6对调整方案中涉及到的人事调整问题,参照公司的人事调整相关规定。但对于属 于部门内部除升职外的人事变动的,请填写部门内部人事变动审批表。Redesig nati on in the adjustme nt pla n should follow related redesig nati on policy of the compa ny.However, redesig natio n with in the departme nt (promoti on excluded

14、) should fill iDepartme nt Internal Redesig nati on Audit ing Form3. 6对经审批的组织结构及相关资料原件由人力资源部归档保存。Origi nal files of the approved orga ni zati onal structure & related materials should be filed and kept by HR dept.第四章:权责分配Chapter IV: En titleme nt & Resp on sibility4. 1董事/首席营运官Director/COO4.

15、1. 1负责对公司级组织结构调整提出意见并责成相关部门组织相关人员进行讨论。Provide suggestio ns of compa ny orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt and make discussi on4. 1. 2负责把公司级组织结构调整上报董事长(董事会)以获得批准。Submit the adjustme nt pla n to board chairma n (the board) for approval4. 1. 3负责对职能模块级组织结构调整的审批。Adjust orga ni zatio nal structure ad

16、justme nt by fun ctio n module4. 1. 4负责对涉及到的管理/技术人员增加及主管级以上人事变动的部门级组织结构调整的审批。Approve the in crease of man ageme nt/tech nique staff & redesig nati on of post above supervisor level4. 2各主管副总/分管总经理DGM/fu nction module GM4. 2. 1负责对所管理的职能模块的组织结构调整提出意见并组织相关人员进行讨论。Provide suggesti ons of fun ctio n mo

17、dule orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt and make discussi on4. 2. 2负责把职能模块级组织结构调整上报首席营运官以获得批准。Submit the adjustme nt pla n to COO for approval4. 2. 3负责对所属部门的部门级组织结构调整的审核/审批。Adjust orga ni zatio nal structure adjustme nt by departme nt4. 3各部门负责人HOD4. 3. 1负责对本部门的组织结构调整提出意见并组织相关人员进行讨论。Provide sugg

18、estions of organizational structure adjustment of own department and make discussi on4. 3. 2负责把本部门的组织结构调整上报主管副总和首席营运官(涉及到管理 /技术人 员增加及主管级以上人事变动的)批准。Submit the adjustment plan (increaseof management/techniquestaff & redesignationof post above supervisor level) to DGM & COO for approval4. 3. 2负

19、责组织结构调整后涉及到本部门的相关人事变动的申请流程的履行。Adjust applicatio n proceduresof redesig nati on after orga ni zati onal structure adjustme nt of the departme nt4. 4人力资源部HR departme nt4. 4. 1负责各种调整方案的分析/整理,并提供专业意见。An alyze /compile adjustme nt pla n and provide advices4. 4. 2对出现的不符合公司发展要求的调整需求有权予以否决。Reject any adjustme nt dema nd that not comply with compa ny developme nt4. 4. 3负责对职能模块及部门的职能职责的整合和审核后公布。Confirm function/resp on sibility of each module/departme nt & publish after adjust ing4. 4. 4负责对涉及到相关人事变动手续的办理。Adm ini strate accord ing to procedures4. 4. 5负责对审批的组织结构及相关资料原件的归档保存。The orig inal files of the


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