1、module 4 library题目library (图书馆)题材(主要)内容语言amy 的妈妈给 amy 和 lingling 买了一台新电脑,可她们不会使用,于是她们到图书馆借书学习怎样使用电脑。第二天,她们学会了使用电脑并做了一张电子贺卡送给妈妈。教学目标功能如何在图书馆借书,询问和寻找相关信息。知识语法目标(结构、句子)学 习如 何询问物 品的 方位: where are the books about computers, please? they?re on shelf.c学习如何询问和寻找相关信息: where can you find out about animals? yo
2、u can find out about animals in the library.听能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出单词:library, find,词汇cd-rom,bring,use,card,easy, dictionary,newspaper, information, timetable说能在句子中正确使用单词: library, find, cd-rom, card, use,dictionary, newspaper, computer读能在图片的提示下, 跟着录音在语句中正确朗读出单词: find, library, cd-rom, card, dictionary, n
3、ewspaper写能够抄写单词: library, use, card, easy语言听能听懂询问和寻找相关信息的句子:where are the books技能about computers, please? they?re on sheclf.目标说能在创设的情境中练习对话,运用句子: where are., please?they are 读能够看图读出询问物品方位、询问和寻找信息的句子,体会字母组合 ie, igh, ir 在单词中的发音。写能用课文中所学语言看图完成句子: where are? where can you find out about?学习策略对所学内容能主动练习和实
4、践,积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。文化意识了解电脑在现代生活中的作用。情感态度提高学生自主获取信息的能力,培养关心帮助他人的美好情感。任务自行设计百货超市,运用 where are , please? they are找到某物,组织学生制作电子贺卡送给父母、老师或同学。练习如何在某地unit 1 where are the books about computers, please?学习任务where are the about please?,in two week?s time.功能如何在图书馆借书运用任务1.sb 第一单元活动 32、自行设计百货超市,运用where are, plea
5、se? they are,练习如何在某地找到某物教学程序step1 :warming up(热身复习)1 、sing a song、play a guessing gamestep2 :presentation(介绍)t: i need a book about english food. what can i do? ss: you can buy the book.t: i can have it in the library.学生可能不知道 library 这个词,这时教师板书该单词,领读单词,请学生跟读。t: amy 和 lingling昨天也去了图书馆,我们一起来听听她们为什么借书,
6、是怎样借的。step3 teach new lesso(n 课文教学)1、 教师将本课的挂图贴在黑板上, 播放课文录音, 请学生边听边理解课文大意。2、 教师再次播放录音,请学生边听边用笔勾画出课文中的生词、短语以及不熟悉的句子,并根据上下文和图片猜生词的意思。3、 教师将生词写在黑板上,为同学示范发音,并逐个讲解。4、 教师播放录音,请学生跟读、模仿语音语调step4: practice(练习)1、 让学生四人一组,分别扮演 amy, lingling, librarian, 和 ms smart,进行对话表演。教师请几组学生上台表演, 比一比哪组表演的最生动, 并发给每人一个小贴纸以奖励。
7、2、完成运用任务 1:sb第一单元活动 33、完成运用任务 2:自行设计百货超市, 运用 whereare,please? they are,练习如何在某地找到某物step5 summary and homework1、请同学们看课文挂图,大体描述课文中在图书馆的对话内容。2、熟读课文并记忆重点单词和句型。3、ask them to make up a dialogue with the new drills and new words.板书设计:unit 1 where are the books about computers, please?where are the about ple
8、ase?,in two week ?s time.练习 :按要求写单词 .find( 过去式 )lady(复数 )bring(过去式 ) dance(名词)study(现在分词 )use过( easy(反义词 )write(现在分词 ) too( 同 音 词 ) . i( 同 音 词 )3 翻译下列短语。去式 ) 传统的中国食物有关计算机的书 列车信息图书证带回来 make an e-cardin two week ?s time be good atlisten to musicfind out 4 用动词的正确形式填空( 5 分)1)sam( get up) early this morn
9、ing. 2)lingling(drink) some milk now.3)we(live) in a small house last year.4)-what(do ) you do tomorrow?-i(work) in the office. 5)she(want) to help students.教后记:短文介绍了: amy 的妈妈给 amy 和 lingling 买了一台新电脑, 可她们不会使用, 于是她们到图书馆借书学习怎样使用电脑。 第二天,她们学会了使用电脑并做了一张电子贺卡送给妈妈。通过学习,学生的积极性较高,能学会用英语询问物品的位置及回答。但是,学生的掌握不牢固,
10、需加强操练。unit 2 where can you find out about animals?学习任务where can you find out about.? you can find out about in/ on功能询问和寻找相关信息运用任务1.sb 第二单元活动 52、组织学生制作电子贺卡送给父母、老师或同学教学程序step1 warming up(热身复习)1、 sing a song2、 show the pictures, ask the students to make up dialogues.step2 presentation(介绍)t: today we wi
11、ll learn how to research the message what we nee学d.完之后,大家要试着通过各种途径来查询信息。step3 teach new lesso(n课文教学)1、 t: take out a dictionary and say:“ this is a dictionarys”sa.yasthkethe studentword one by one. tell the student we can find out about words in a dictionary. as the same way, teach them the other ne
12、w words.2 、 play the tape the student should read the text after the tape. then they shouldpractice the text in groups or pairs. help the student to grasp the sentence: “ you should find out about in / on” ask some groups to read in pairs.step4 practice (练习)1、教师请几组学生自主上台表演对话,比比看哪组表达的最流利,交流的最自如,好的予以奖
13、励。2、完成运用任务 1:sb第二单元活动 53、完成运用任务 2:组织学生制作电子贺卡送给父母、老师或同学4、学说字母组合的发音。首先,听音学说,找出共同发音 .再让学生试着找出其他学过的单词,如果没有, 教师可以写出一些生词, 让他们大胆试读,以加深他们对这种拼读规则的理解。stpe5 summary(小结)t: what have we learnt this class?step6 homework(家庭作业)according to this class, do activity book practice 1.板书设计:unit 2 where can you find out a
14、bout animals?a: where can you find out about .?b:ican find out about in/ onieighirdiehighgirl练习:单项选择。lienightshirt1()the timetablethe wall. a are, onb is, inc is, on2 () please bring the book two wee?ks time.a back, in b on, in c about, after3 () it ?s easya computer. a on b inc with 4 () let?sto th
15、e library. a gob going c went5 ()wherethe books about food? a is b arecwere6 () thereany cars or buses. a .wereb. weren?t c wasn?t 7 () here?s a cardyou. a on b toc for8 ()she didn?ta radio. a. hadb. have c has9() he gave a presenthis mum. a in b forc to 10() can i have your library card, please? a
16、yes, i can. b no, i cant c yes, here you are.教后记:本单元主要的学习任务是学会 where can you find out about.?和 you can find out about in/ on 句型的使用,学生能通过自己的经验较快的学会本课内容。积极性较高。题目decisions(决定)module 5 decisions题材(主要) 内容语言lingling 要回中国了,可是她的旅行包坏了,所以ms smart 要给她买一个新包。通过选择和比较,最后买到了一个称心的旅行包。教学目标功能描述事物的特征,表达自己的看法。知识语法目标(结构、
17、句子)词汇学习描述物品的特征:it?s big and light.学习表达对某物的看法:it?s too big for you. it?ll be easy for you.听能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出单词:light,broken, heavy, pocket, hard, easy, big, small说能在句子中正确使用单词: easy, hard, heavy, light, big, small读能在图片的提示下,跟着录音在语句中正确朗读单词:light, broken ,heavy, pocket, hard写能够抄写单词: light, hard, heavy语言听能
18、听懂描述事物特征及表达对其看法的句子:this black big is技能nice. it?s easy for him.目标说能在创设的情境中描述物品的特征并表达自己的看法:it?sbig and light. it?s too big for you.读能够看图读出描述物品特征及表达看法的句子,体会字母组合 oa, oy, oo在单词中的发音。写能用课文中所学语言看图完成句子:it?s heavy. it?s easy forhim.学习策略在词语与相应事物之间建立联想;积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。文化意识情感态度培养学生的自主意识和创新意识。任务创设一个购物情境,用不同的形容词来
19、描述事物的特征。unit 1 itbisg and light.学习任务it?sbig and light.it?sgot two pockets功能描述事物的特征运用任务1. sb 第一单元活动 32、创设一个购物情境,用不同的形容词来描述事物的特征。教学程序step1 warming up(热身复习)1、sing a song2、show the pictures, ask the students to make up dialogues.stept2. leading and new word(s导入和新单词)today we?regoing to learn how to descr
20、ibe something use big, small, tall, short, fat, thin and so on. take out your bag .whose bag is big? (students answer)whose bag is heavy? whose bag is light? whose bag is broken? whose bag has pockets? in this way, show the new words. have the students understand and remember them. at last, try to m
21、ake sentences with these words.step3. text teaching(课文教学 )open the book and listen to the tape recorder , listen again and repeat, (show ppt= power point) look at the screen and read the questions:(1).what does lingling need?(2).where are lingling and ms smart?(3).what?sthe black bag like?(4).what?s
22、 thegreen baglike?(5).whichbaghas gotpockets?(6).whichbaghas got wheels?(7).whichbagdoeslinglinglike?(8).whichbagdoesms.smart like?(9).which bag did they buy? read the text for several times then answer the questions. at last give the answers on the screen .read the text in groups, in pairs, one by
23、one, boy and girl. try to retell.step4. practice(练习)1 、 show the pictures: elephant, bird, panda dog, tiger, pencils, shoes, kites, bags. practice to describe the pictures, using the words: fat, thin, heavy, light, beautiful, big, small, cute, new, old, broken, nice.2. 完成运用任务 1: sb第一单元活动 33、完成运用任务 2
24、:创设一个购物情境,用不同的形容词来描述事物的特征。stept5. homework(家庭作业)1.画一个你喜欢的包,然后用英语描述它2.describe animals.3、games: draw yourself.(draw a picture of yourself and try to describe.)板书设计:module 5 unit1 it bsig and light.p1porcketp2brokenp3 heavyp4 lightit s got it has练习:为 i 栏找出正确的答语i()1 who are they ?()2 is he your grandpa
25、? ()3 how do you do?()4 what did she do ?()5 what ?s the weather like? ()6 can i see your photos?()7 here is a card for you.()8 nice to meet you.()9 when did you go to hainan? ()10 see you tomorrow.iia i went there in may. b how do you do!c it ?s cloudy.d nice to meet you, too. e of course.f she wen
26、t to xinjing. g no, he isn ?t.h see you.i thank you.j they my counsins.教后记:本课主要学会描述事物的特征,通过 lingling 准备回国,去买书包这件事,让学生学会句型: its big and light. 和 its got two pockets 等,让学生在操练中学会描述事物特征。在教学中让学生自己根据生活经验进行操练,效果较好。unit 2 ittoso big for you.学习任务it ?s for;it ?s too big for you.try this one in whiter.功能如何表达自己
27、的看法运用任务1、sb第二单元活动 52、创设一个购物情境,用不同的形容词来描述事物的特征。教学程序step1.warmer (热身活动)(look at the screen) can you use it? review the words and make sentences with them.iyouweshehetheyitmeyouusherhimthemitstep2. words and leading(单词和导入)take out a picture of a coat, and say: i have got a red coat and a blue coat. poi
28、nt to the picture and: the red one is too big for me, the blue one is too small for me. have the students make sentences with you, we, she, he, they, it. they can use have got and has got .explain hard is difficult(hard = not easy).what does lingling want to buy?step3.test teachin.g(课文教学 )play the t
29、ape. listen and answer the questions (show ppt)1. what does lingling want to buy?2. what can you see on it?3. what color does lingling buy at last?4. what color does lingling like?5. why does she change her mind to buy another color? at last, please the students act the dialogue.step4. practice(练习)1
30、. show the pictures. have the students look, say and write. make sentences with: it?s for. draw it on the board. then the students write the sentences on their exercise book.2. show the ppt. play the tape. have the students listen and underline the same pronounce, and then do the ab.3. 完成运用任务 1:sb第二
31、单元活动 54、完成运用任务 2:创设一个购物情境,用不同的形容词来描述事物的特征。5、学说字母组合的发音。首先,听音学说,找出共同发音 .再让学生试着找出其他学过的单词,如果没有, 教师可以写出一些生词, 让他们大胆试读,以加深他们对这种拼读规则的理解。step5. learn to sing. (学习歌曲)listen to the tape for several times. try to sing and do the actions.step6.homework:(家庭作业)describe your bag.板书设计:练习:按所给单词的适当形式填空。unit 2 ittoso b
32、ig for you.it s for ;it s too big for you. try this one in whiter.1)there are lots of(bus). 2)thank you for(dance) to us. 3)she danced in lots of(cities).4) he(teach) english now.5 )ten years ago, he(teach) chinese. 6 )he(live) there with his three children. 7 )he should(study) hard.教后记:本单元主要让学生学会用英
33、语表达自己的看法,常用的句型有its for;it s too big for you. try this one in whiter.在教学中充分利用学生的现有经验,发挥学生的特长进行教学。 但在实际操练中, 学生可能存在一些问题, 教师应及时进行纠正和补充。module 6 travel题目travel(旅行)题材(主要) 内容语言amy 看到了 lingling 所带的相片,于是 lingling 便向 amy 和 ms smart介绍相册上她所去过的中国几个著名风景区及其地理位置。教学目标功能谈论旅游见闻,描述某个地方的方位。知识语法目标(结构、句子)学习谈论过去的事情: i went
34、 there last year.学习如何描述某地方位: it?s in the east/west/south/north.听 能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出单词:photo, stay,词汇week, parent, ride, horse, holiday, climb, east, west, north, south说 能在句子中正确使用单词: photo, parent, ride, holiday,climb, east, west, north, south读 能在图片的提示下,跟着录音在语句中正确朗读出单词: photo, parent, ride, horse, clim
35、b, holiday写 能够抄写单词: photo, week, parent, horse语言听能听懂描述旅游见闻的句子: when didyou go to技能xinjiang? we went there last year.目标描述某地方位的句子: it?s in the east/west/south/north.说能够借助过去旅游的照片, 运用本课句型描述一次旅游活动: last year, i went to qingdao and visited my friend.读能够看图读出谈论旅游见闻和描述某地方位的句子,体会字母组合 or, oor, our/ou, ow/our,
36、ur在单词中的发音。写能用课文中所学语言看图完成句子: last year, i went to. it?s in the.学习策略注意观察生活或媒体中有关旅游见闻的简单英语,积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。文化意识了解祖国的地理知识,知道一些著名城市的位置及其名胜古迹。情感态度培养学生热爱祖国大好河山的美好情感。任务谈谈自己外出旅游的一次经历,向同学们介绍所到城市的方位。unit 1 i went there last year学习任务did you go with , where/when/what/who did you,?功能谈论旅游见闻运用任务1、sb第一单元活动 32、谈谈自己外出
37、旅游的一次经历,向同学们介绍所到城市的方位。教学程序step1.warmer (热身活动)1、sing a song2、show the pictures, ask the students to make up dialogues.step 2: leading(导入)(introduce the english where is beijing? /london /new york /tokyo /moscow) say the names of famous places in china and englandstep 3: take out many photos and new w
38、or(ds出示照片并学习新单词)introduce: this is a photo( 举一张 ).these are photos 举( 全部,多张照片 )then have the students try to describe the photos. the teacher can say: i stay there for one /two weeks.explain: , stayedis the past tense of stayweek: from sunday and saturday is one week.step 4: test teaching. (课文教学 )1、
39、so that the students can listen to the conversations and follow in the books tell each pupil to get a piece of paper and draw a question on it.ask the students to close their booksplay the dialogue part by part and have to listen. if they have a question, they have to hold up their pieces of paper a
40、nd say questions .now tell the students to open their books and underline all the questions in thedialoguehave the students answer the questions2、show the pictures and have the student try to say and write.use the drills.at last give them answers who has got some photos?where is lingling?when did li
41、ngling go there? who did she go with?where does her uncle live?step 4 practice(练习)1、完成运用任务 1:sb第一单元活动 32、完成运用任务 2: 谈谈自己外出旅游的一次经历, 向同学们介绍所到城市的方位。step5homework(家庭作业 )talking about where you went? and write down板书设计 :unit 1 i went there last yeardid you go with,where/when/what/who did you,?练习:单项选择1 whe
42、rethe books about computer? awasbiscare 2 whereyou yesterday? a werebarecis3 lingling,your bad. a lookbseec look at4 the t-shirt has got a pandait. aonbincat 5 try this onewhite. aonbincat6 itgot four wheels. a isb wasc has7 my cousinsbeijing every year. avisitbvisitscvisited 8 it?sthe west of china
43、.aonbincto9 we stayedmy friend.aforbtocwith10 he madee-cardme. a a, toban, forca, to教后记:本单元主要功能是谈论旅游见闻,通过lingling 向 amy 和 ms smart 介绍相册上她所去过的中国几个著名风景区及其地理位置。 让学生学会了如何介绍自己旅游时拍下的照片, 通过让学生带自己的照片向同学们展示的活动,锻炼学生的英语表达能力,更好的学习本单元内容。unit 2 it is in the north of china学习任务where did you go for your holidays? wh
44、ere is?it is in the north/south/east/west of china.功能描述某个地方的方位运用任务1、sb第二单元活动 22、sb第二单元活动 53、谈谈自己外出旅游的一次经历,向同学们介绍所到城市的方位。教学程序step1.warmer (热身活动)1、sing a song2、show the pictures, ask the students to make up dialogues.step2.new words (新单词)show the cards of the new word. have the student read and rememb
45、er them then explain the word: parent means mother or father; holiday means the daythat you do not work or study, you are free.step3. test teaching课( 文教学 )1、play the tape, have the students open their books listen and read then answer the questions1. where did lingling go?2. when did she go?3. who d
46、id she go with?4. where is xinjiang?5. what did she ride?6. what mountain did she climb?7. what lake did she visit?8. did she have a good time? at last give answer to the students2、on the blackboard, mark north at the top, south at the bottom, west on the left, east on the right. read and pointshowa
47、 map ofchinaonthe blackboard and ask: where ishaikou?/yinchuan/shanghai/hetian /hong kongpractice: have the students talk about their holiday. if they did not go anywhere,step 4 practice(练习)1、完成运用任务 1:sb第二单元活动 22、完成运用任务 2:sb第二单元活动 53、完成运用任务 3:谈谈自己外出旅游的一次经历,向同学们介绍所到城市的方位。4、学说字母组合的发音。首先,听音学说,找出共同发音 .再
48、让学生试着找出其他学过的单词,如果没有, 教师可以写出一些生词, 让他们大胆试读,以加深他们对这种拼读规则的理解。step5.sing a song(学唱歌曲)play the tape and the student learn to singgame: draw a picture (in the south draw some mountains, in the north draw a river, in the east draw a road, in the west draw a kite )stephomework: (家庭作业)write and draw1. where i
49、s your favourite place?2. when did you go there?3. what did you do there?4. who did you go with?板书设计:unit 2 it is in the north of chinawhere did you go for your holidays? where is?it is in the north/south/east/west of china.练习:阅读短文,回答问题。10 分my name is amy. last autumn, i went to beijing with my pare
50、nts. beijng is in the north of china. it has lots of places of interest. i visited the great wall and took photos with my parents. iwent to tian ?an men square. itis very beautiful.we stayed there fortwoweeks withmygrandparents. we had a lovely time.1 did amy go with her parents to beijing?2 where?s
51、 beijing?3 has beijing got lots of places of interest?4 what did amy do with her parents? 5 how long did they stay there?教后记:本单元主要让学生学会描述方位, 这些内容在第四册英语中有涉及, 学生学习起来难度较小,学习积极性高,主要学会的句型有: where did you go for your holidays? where is? it is in the north/south/east/west ofchina.module 7 communications题目c
52、ommunications(交流)题材(主要) 内容语言amy 教给 tom 发送电子邮件,之后 tom 用电子邮件与 dad 交流。教学目标功能了解如何发送电子邮件,并用电子邮件与人沟通交流。知识语法目标(结构、句子)学习祈使句:let?s send an email. click on“ email ”. write your message.复习现在进行时:i am working very hard.一般将来时:i will be home at seven o?clock.听能够在听录音的过程中辨别出单词:message, another, idea,词汇office, busy说能
53、够在句子中正确使用单词: message, idea, office, busy读能够在图片的帮助下正确认读单词: message, idea, office, busy写能够正确抄写单词: message, idea, office, busy语言听能够听懂如何发送电子邮件的指令: click on“email ”.技能now click on“ write ”. write your message. click on“ send”目标说能够表达如何发送电子邮件,并能够简单说出自己的近况。读能够在图片的帮助下指读课文,理解发送电子邮件的步骤;能够在读词的过程中体会字母组合ch, tch,
54、ck, kn 在单词中的发音。写能够在图片的帮助提示下,写出发送电子邮件的步骤。学习策略积极运用所学的语言进行表达和交流,并通过与同学合作的方式(如:同学相互介绍发送电子邮件) ,进一步巩固所学知识,共同完成学习任务。文化意识让学生了解现代科技电子邮件在现实生活中的使用,激发学生努力学习的热情。情感态度通过积极参与互发电子邮件的活动,培养学生敢于开口、乐于开口、积极参与实践的习惯。任务运用所学语言练习写电子邮件并发送给自己的朋友、同学及亲人,说出自己的近况,提高交流能力。学习任务unit 1 let s send an email.let s send an email to dad. clik onemail .write your message.功能学习如何发送电子邮件运用任务1、sb第一单元活动 32、运用所学语言练习写电子邮
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