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1、题型加练二单项填空(一)1.( 2018 -江西模拟二)Why not buy a small house first if you dont have enough money?Thats a good . Thank you.A. wishB. suggestionC. competitionD. trade2.(2018 -安徽合肥三模) It isaccepted by everyo ne thatkno wledge is the most forhuma n bein gs.A. standardB. treasureC. inventionD. instruction3.( 20

2、18 -安徽安庆桐城四模 )Which hat would you like, the blue one or the red one?.I like the yellow one in stead.A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. All4.( 2018 -江西宜春模拟)一 Has John done the dishes yet?You cannot him to do such a thing.A. wantB. expectC. hopeD. wish5.(2017 湖北武汉中考)1 footballquite well, but I have nt had t

3、ime to playnew year.A. will playB. have playedC. playedD. play6.( 2018 浙江温州中考 )Ive ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrivetwo hours.A. inB. afterC. overD. forvaluablesince the27.( 2018 安徽池州贵池三模)The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip tothe moon.A. give upB. turn upC. cut

4、 upD. make up8.( 2018 安徽合肥三模)Life is becomi ng convenient with the In ternet.Thats true! Almost everyth ing be done online.9.( 2018 安徽滁州明光二模)Ben, could you tell meChinese skater Wu Dajing won themens 500-meter eve nt at the 2018 Pye on gCha ng Win ter Olympics?On February 22n d.A. howB. whenC. ifD.

5、why10. (2018 安徽滁州明光二模 )Have you seen the movieYouth(芳华)which is directed by FengXiaoga ng?Yeah, its sothat I want to see it aga in.A. meaningfulB. privateC. boringD. terrible11. (2019 - 原仓 U )The boy wan ted to be an engin eer whe n he was a child, in the end he became an actor.A.andB. soC. orD. but

6、12. (2018 安徽合肥三模)Would you like to take a walk in the Baohe Park with me tonight? Certa in ly, Im toobusy.A. untilB. ifC. unless D . or13. (2019 - 预测)I can see the words clearly on the blackboard without my glasses.Thats too bad. Youd better protect your eyes.A. hardlyB. reallyC. shouldD. canA. must

7、B. would3C. fin allyD. actually14._ (2018 安徽马鞍山二模)HongKong Zhuhai Macao Bridge _already. However, we dont know what time it will be open to traffic.A. is builtB. was builtC. will be built D . has been built15. (2018 安徽合肥三模)Do you th ink that Kate can win the writi ng competitio n?.Every dog has its

8、day, right?A. I am afraid notB. You got itC. Yes, I think soD. Sounds impossible(二)21.( 2018 安徽滁州明光二模)Mom, can I go to the theater with my friends tonight?.You will have an important exam tomorrow. You must prepare for it.A. I think soB. Of courseC. No wayD. Not at all2. (2018 安徽马鞍山二模)Why are you st

9、ill wait ing in line?Ive missed my _A. placeB. orderC. turnD. time3._(2018 江苏盐城模拟)The bookThree Days To Seeis well worth reading, so he advised me to buy_ .A. itB. thatC. oneD. this4.( 2018 -安徽滁州明光二模)一 What do you kn ow about the Ho ng Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, Kose?Its the worlds Iongest sea bridge

10、, and it Chinesepeople about eight years to buildit.A. costB. paidC. tookD. spent5.( 2018 -上海黄浦二模)lt is still unknown how AI(人工智能)theway of our life as well44as the world.A. changeB. changedC. will changeD. was changing6.( 2019 -预测)Remember to spend some time yourloved ones. Because they are not goi

11、ngto be around forever.A. fromB. withC. onD. in7.( 2018 -安徽马鞍山二模)Do more exercise and fromsugar and fat food, then youll befitter.A. send awayB. stay awayC. give awayD. take away8.( 2018 山东潍坊模拟)Listen! Is Lily singing in the classroom?No. It be Lily. She has gone to Paris.A. may notB. need nt51.( 20

12、18 -安徽池州贵池三模 )Im sorry I broke the glass.Be careful n ext time, please.A. You careless manB. How can you be so carelessC. cantD. wont9. ( 2018 -安徽安庆桐城四模)一 do you th ink of the book I bought yesterday?I thi nk it is worth read ing.A. WhatB. HowC. WhichD. Who10. (2018 天津月考)Are you satisfied with the r

13、esult of the exam?Not at all. I cant haveA. a worse oneB. abetterC. the worse oneD. the best one11. (2018 甘肃白银中考)Never put off tomorrow what you can do today.A. before B . untilC. whenD. as12. (2018 上海虹口二模)the man ager isnt here, may I leave him a message?A. IfB.As soon asC. AlthoughD. Sinee13. (201

14、8 重庆中考 A 卷)I cant hear the teacherwith so much noise outside.A. clearlyB. slowlyC. warmlyD. bravely14. (2019- 预测)What do you think of the latest docume ntaryAmazing China?Its won derful. Milli ons of familiesby it during that time.A. attractedB. are attractedC. were attracted D . were attracting15.

15、(2019 -预测)Would you like to come over for dinner?A. Yes, I wouldB. Sorry, I would ntC. My pleasureD. Ill be glad to46C. rm afraid not7D. It does nt matter2.( 2018 -广西南宁月考 )He feels Ionely because has visited him since he moved to thetow n.A. everybodyB. nobodyC. somebodyD. anybody3.( 2018 -安徽池州贵池三模)

16、一 How do you like the of the restaura nt?Great. The waiter is really frien dly.A. adviceB. foodC. serviceD. menu4.( 2018 贵州黔西南州兴义模拟 )Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of good news. IAmerica tomorrow.Wow, have a good trip!A. will leave toB. leaves forC. am leaving forD. going leaving for5.(2018 -安徽马鞍山二模)1 c

17、ant tellyou how fantastic the filmSecret Superstaris! Its the one Ihave ever see n.A. betterB. bestC. worseD. worst6.( 2019 预测)The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear her.A. becauseB. so thatC. si neeD. when7.(2019 -预测)As the story _, the secret of the castle is discovered little by

18、 little.A.developsB. beginsC. endsD. happens&( 2019 预测)Mr. Right had to sell the house even though it was his own wishes.48A. below B . over C. above D. against9.( 2018 - 江西模拟一 )You failed in the exam again. I think youspend more time onstudy ing.I think so. I will put my heart into En glish from no

19、w on.A. needB. canC. shouldD. mightC. the otherD. all910. (2019 -原创)一 You look today.Yes. I stayed up late last ni ght to study for my test.A.happyB. excitedC. tiredD. smart11. (2019 湖北襄阳襄州模拟改编)一 Dad, could you tell me _ I can use the watch-phone?Sorry. You can read the in struct ions.B. whenC.where

20、D. why12. (2018 安徽合肥三模)lf more treesA.were plantedB. are planted13. (2018 黑龙江哈尔滨道外模拟改编)一 How can we forgive( us?We n eed time and un dersta nding.A.possibleB. possiblyC. mainlyD. main14. (2018 江苏徐州测试)Whos the most modest boy in your class?Jack. He n everin public.A. shows offB. gets offC. takes offD

21、. turns off15. (2018 安徽安庆桐城四模)一 Can you lend me some pocket money?.You have nt give n back the money you borrowed last mon th.A. No problem B . No doubtC. No wayD. No hurry(四)1.( 2018 -安徽马鞍山二模)I will give you a gift if you keep the secret for me.OK. _ .A. Its a dealB. Just so-soC. Of course notD. rm

22、 afraid soA. how_, our city will be more beautiful.C. will be plantedD. have been planted原谅)some one who has hurt102.( 2018 江苏苏州常熟一模)ln some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in knives and forks.C. the otherD. all11A. another3.( 2019 -原创)Nancy was born in Australia,B. othersshe was raised

23、 in China.A. soB. ifC. orD. but4.(2018 -湖北襄阳襄州模拟)一 PleaseSandyto turnoffice. She always forgets to do that.OK. I will.A.allowB. agreeC.encourageD. remind5.( 2018 -湖北黄石 4 月调研)Johnson wont answer the phone if hethe number.A.knewB. does ntknowC.will knowD. did nt know6.( 2017 湖北鄂州中考)一What do you often

24、doclasses to relax yourselves?A. inB. throughC. betweenD. among7. ( 2019 -预测)Look! Here comes Cindy! She is always full ofSo she is. Because she takes a lot of exercise every day.A. courageB. prideC. energyD. knowledge& ( 2018 -安徽池州贵池三模)一 The latest traffic rule shows that carscross the road un til

25、all the people have passed by.Yeah, I got it from the n ewspaper this morning.A. cantB. must ntC. need ntD. could nt9. (2018 -安徽池州贵池三模)Mary, could you tell usyour brother is?Certa inly, he is a doctor.A. whoB. whatC. whenD. where10.(2019 -预测)一 How do you like the documentaryA Bite of China川?Won derf

26、ul! I like it very much,man y viewers th ink its not so attractive.A. because B . ifC. uni essD. though1211.(2019 预测)Are there any changes in your school?Yes, of course. Football less ons last term.A. are taughtB. were taughtC. has taughtD. had taught12. (2018 安徽马鞍山二模 )The soup tastes terrible becau

27、se I put too much salt into it.A. simplyB. exactlyC. carelesslyD. properly13.(2018 广东深圳宝安二模改编)一 When and where did the accident _ ?It happe ned just opposite the bank. Luckily, only the car was damaged but no body was hurt.A. take upB. take offC. take placeD. take on14.(2019 - 预测)As China grows stro

28、nger and stronger,Chinese inmore and more schoolsout of our coun try.A. teachesB. is taughtC. has taughtD. was taught15.(2018 湖北黄石 4 月调研)一 Have you got yourself ready for the final-term exam, Jane?.Everythi ng is OK, Mum.A. Dont lose heartB. Dont worryC. Dont take careD. Dont give up(五)1. (2018 -安徽合

29、肥三模)Its a little cold. Would you mind closing the door?.I will do it at once.A. Forget itB. No, you cantC. Not at allD. Of course2. (2018 -浙江温州中考)Betty kept sile nt at firstsoon she joined the other girls,chatt ing and laugh ing.A. soB. butC. orD. because3. ( 2018 -江西中考)The food is very delicious in

30、 that restaura nt. We could go andit.A. sellB. help8C. produceD. try134.( 2018 山东滨州中考 )More and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera.Thats true. Its an importa nt part of Chin ese.A. cultureB. inventionC. customD. in flue nee5.( 2019 -原创)一 Bill,you speak Chinese?Yes, but only a l

31、ittle.A. mustB. needC. mayD. can6. ( 2018 -广西贵港港南二模)一 Mr. Rob in son and Mr. Smith will give a speech in the gym in Guiga ng.Really? rm excited. I look forward meeting them.A. atB. fromC. forD. toNo, sir. Imy car.A. washB. washed7.( 2019 - 原仓 U) Did you see a man in black pass by just now?C. am wash

32、ingD. was washing& (2018 -安徽池州贵池三模)the scie ntists hard work, Tian go ng II was lau nchedsuccessfully.A. As forB. Thanks toC. In stead ofD. Accord ing to9. (2018 -广东湛江霞山模拟 )Whos the little baby in the photo, Li Ying?Its me. This photo fourteen years ago.A. is takenB. tookC. takesD. was taken10. (201

33、9 预测)一 What do you think of our performanee on the New Years Evening Party?Perfect! I dont think I can see aone. _A. worseC. betterB. goodD. bad11. (2018 山东东营中考)一 What a mess! The sharing bikes are thrown everywhere.Lets collect and put them in the right placethey can be used convenien tly.C. produc

34、eD. try14C. becauseD. so long as1510B. so that12.(2019 - 预测 9)The match was really fantastic,whenSmith scored in thelast minute.A. probablyB. exactlyC. especiallyD. mostly13. (2018 山东东营中考)The Chinese Skyeye and High-speed Train interest people a lot becauseof them are leadi ng the world in scie nee

35、and tech no logy.A. bothB. eachC. eitherD. neither14. (2018 湖北孝感孝南一模 )Dont you find it hard to realize our dreams?Perhaps, but dreams will come true without doubt as long as we them. _A. turn offB. stick toC. cut downD. show up15. (2019 -原创)Sorry, Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you. _ , but dont d

36、o that aga in!A.Go aheadB.Forget itC. It dependsD. With pleasure(六)1.( 2018 安徽安庆桐城四模)一 I cant go with you today. There will be a test tomorrow.We can make it ano ther time.A.It does nt matterB.My pleasureC. You cant be seriousD. Sorry to hear that2.( 2018 -天津和平模拟)No one can be successful hard work.A

37、. throughB. forC. withoutD. withA. uni essC. becauseD. so long as16103.( 2018 -安徽池州贵池三模)一 Oh, the traffic is so heavy.Lets cha nge way to the airport.17A. otherB.othersC. the otherD.ano ther4. (2019 原创)Hurry up,sta nd in line on the playgro und as soon as possibleA. andB. butC. so D . or5.( 2019 预测)Of the two shirts, Id like to choose the one to save some money fora cap.A. cheaperB. cheapC.expensiveD. more expensive6.( 2018 江西中考)We a party for Kate.Its supposed to bea surprise.A.were havingB. hadC.will haveD. have had7.( 2019 - 原仓 U)Whenhe heard a cry for help, heranout asashe could.A.


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