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1、形容词的比较级和最高级英语中的形容词通常用三种形式来表达事物的等级差别,分别是原级、比较级和最高级。大 部分形容词的比较级和最高级是通过变化词尾来实现的,属于规则变化,但也有少数是不规则变 化。英语中有些形容词说明形状、材质等,还有形容词没有程度可分或其本身就表示某种程度, 故而没有比较级和最高级。常见的有:right正确的 last最后 的 empty空的 rou nd圆的wrong错误的 P ossible可能的 woode n木制的 golden金色的excelle nt最好的 first第一的 imp ossible不可能 的 square方的final最后的 east东方的 favo

2、urite最喜欢的一、比较级和最高级的构成1规则变化单音节和少数双音节形容词变化规则如吓:1)单音节词末尾加-er (比较级),-est (最高级)【例】原级great small clea n比较级 greater smaller clea ner最咼级greatest smallest clea nest2)单音节如以e结尾,只加-r'(比较级),【例】finefin erfin estnicen icernicestwidewiderwidest3)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单音节词加-er (比较级),-est (最高级)【例】bigbiggerbiggesthothott

3、erhottestfatfatterfattest-st (最咼级),须先双写这个辅音字母,再4)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,将y变为i,加-er (比较级),-est (最 咼级)【例】happyhapp ierhapp iesteasyeasiereasiestheavyheavierheaviestfunnyfunnierfunni est5)以-er, OW,【例】clever-ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加 -er (比较级),-est (最高级) cleverercleverestn arrown arrowerableabler(2)其他双音节词和多音节词在词前加 【例】ti

4、redin terest ing difficultn arrowest ablestmoremore tired more in terest ing more difficult(比较级),most (最高级)most tiredmost in terest ing most difficult(注意:A :有词根加级)女口 friendly-friend+ly 构成,friendlyly构成的形容词,在词前加 more (比较级),most (最高more friendlymost friendly;B :以形容前缀un构成的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unha ppy-unha pp

5、 ier-unha pp iest,untidy-untidier-untidiest )2不规则变化形容词的不规则变化如下:原级比较级最咼级good/wellbetterbestbad/illworseworstlittle/ fewlessleastmuch/manymoremostfarfarther更远的(只指距离)further更远的(指距离); 更深入的(指程度)farthest; furthestoldolder较老的,较旧的;长辈 的(指年龄、新旧、血缘); elder长辈的(只指血缘)oldest; eldest二、比较级的用法物体B.她比我的姐姐漂亮。 这瓶子比那瓶子大。(

6、1)高于或低于另一方的比较 运用“比较级+than”的结构可以表达一方超过或低于另一方的情况。 即: 物体 A + am / are / is + 形比 + than +She is more beautiful tha n my sister. This bottle is bigger tha n that one.比较级+and+比较级这种结构表示事物本身程度的逐渐增长,意为“越来越.”。She is beco ming fatter and fatter.她变得越来越胖。It is gett ing warmer and warmer.天气变得越来越暖和。三、最高级的用法1.表示在三者

7、或三者以上中程度最高+比较范围(of +人/物,in +地方) 露西是她学校最漂亮的女孩。吉姆是这三个男孩中最瘦的。最高级是表示在三者或更多者中程度最高的比较形式。此时应运用形容词的最 高级,其句式为:the+形容词最高级+ (名词)+表示范围的短语或从句,即:物体 A + am / are / is + the + 形最高级 + (名词)Lucy is the most beautiful girl in her school.Jim is the thinn est of the three boys.2.“最.”的其他表达方法。(1)运用比较级表达最高级的概念。Ann is taller

8、 tha n any other girl in her class.Ann is taller tha n the other girls in her class.Ann is taller tha n the rest of girls in her class.以上三句表达的意思等同于最高级的含义:Ann is the tallest of the girls in her class.安是她们班上最高的女生。四、比较级和最高级的修饰语1. 比较级的修饰语修饰比较级的常用语和短语主要有:much(.得多),a lot (.得多),a little (.一点),a bit(.一点), t

9、wice(.两倍),five times (.五倍)等。Do you feel much better today tha n yesterday?你今天感觉比昨天好很多了吗?2. 最高级的修饰语常用的最高级的修饰语有序数词 the first,the seconc等以及almost(差不多,几 乎)nearly (差不多,几乎)。Africa is the sec ond largest continent.非洲是第二大洲。Amy 'writi ng is almost the best of all the stude nts.在所有学生中,艾米的书写几乎是最好的。五、需要注意的情

10、况1.使用比较级时常见的错误(1)more不可修饰比较级,但是 much可以用来加强比较级,意为“.的多” “更.”She looks more youn ger tha n I.She looks much youn ger tha n I.(2)比较的对象或范围出现错误。The weather of Shanghai is hotter than Beijing.(比较的对象应该是北京的天气,而不是北京)The weather of Sha nghai is hotter tha n that of Beiji ng.紡 上海的天气比北京的热。Chi na is larger than a

11、ny cou ntry in Asia.()(出现了逻辑上的错误,中国就是亚洲 的一个国家,应当排除在外)China is larger than any other country in Asia. (vj)中国比亚洲别的国家要大。2形容词最高级前通常要加定冠词 the,而以下几种情况一般不需要加定冠词the:(1)形容词最高级前有序数词、物主代词、指示代词或名词所有格等限定词修 饰时,最高级前不用the。如:The Yellow River is the sec ond Ion gest river in China黄河是中国第二长河。(2)形容词最高级在句中作表语而比较范围又不明确时,最

12、高级前不用the。如:They are happi est on Saturday他 们在星期六最快乐。(3) 如果两个形容词最高级并列修饰同一个名词时,第二个形容词最高级前不加 the。如:He is the youn gest and tallest boy in his class.是班上年龄最小、个子最高的男孩。练习 形容词比较级和最高级(一) 一、写出下列单词的反义词1. hot2.new3. clea n4. high5. heavy6.cold7. bad12. Mr. LinMr. Brow n. (sad)二、写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级1. old2. busy3. th

13、in4. many三、用适当形式填空:5. slow6. delicious1. Bob is(young ) than Fred but(tall) thanFred.2. Yin gtia n is not as(tall) asY on gxia n.3. Almost all the stude nts' faces are the same but Li Demi ng looks(fat) thanbefore .4. Which is(heavy), a hen or a chicke n?5.- How(tall) is Sally?She' s 1.55 me

14、tres(tall). What about Xiaoli ng?-She' s only 1.40 metres(tall). She is much(short) than Sally. Sheis also the(short)girl in the class.6. He is(bad) at lear ning maths. He is much(bad) at Chin ese and heis the(bad) at En glish.7. Annie says Sally is the(kind) person in the world.8.He is one of t

15、he(frien dly) people in the class, I thi nk.9. A dictio nary is much(expen sive) tha n a story-book.10. An orange ia a little(big) tha n an app le, but much(small) tha na watermelo n.11.Miss Che n isthan Mr. Wang. (popu lar)13. The basketballthe baseball. (big)14. Question AQuesti on B. (im porta nt

16、)15. A rosea weeid(草).(beautiful)16. Toro nto iscity in Can ada. (large)17. P layi ng compu ter games isof all the activities.( in teresti ng).18. The Nile(尼羅河)isriver in the world. (lo ng)19. Good health isthing life. (imp orta nt)20. Taking a taxi isway to get to the air port. (easy)21. Test 1 iso

17、f all the tests. (difficult ) 22. He isthan any other boy in the class< clever)23. She isthan all the other stude nts. (young)24. The wi ndow isof the two. (n arrow)25. Where is thebus-stop? (n ear)26. He is one ofPoliticians. (famous)27. Tom drives muchthan Joh n. (careful)28. The white flower i

18、s(beautiful). The yellow flower is(beautiful)tha n the white flower. The red flower is theof the three.四、选择题1. She istha nA. busier / us B. busier / we C. more busy / us D. more busy / we2. Jane isthan Betty.A. less taller B. less tallest C. less tall D. not as tall3. Chi na iscountry in the world.A

19、. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third largest4. -Which isseas on in Beiji ng?-I thi nk it's autu mn.A.goodB.betterC.bestD.the best5. - Which is,the sun, the moon or the earth?-Of course, the moon is.A.smallB.smallerC.smallestD.the smallest6.The air in Beiji ng is

20、 gett ing muchnow tha n a few years ago.A. clea nB. clea nerC. clea nestD. the clea nest7. Mobile phones are very popu lar now and they arethan before.A.cheapB.cheaperC.cheapestD. the chea pest8. I study English asas my brother.9. Which isA.hard B. harder C. hardest,a bicycle or a compu ter?A. expen

21、 sive B.more expen sive C.the most expen siverivers in Chi na.10. The Yellow River is one ofA long B Ion ger C the Ion gest11.She is the seco ndstude nt in our class.A. tall B. taller C. talles形容词比较级和最高级(二)、用括号里的词的适当形式填空。1. Tom can jump(high). He jumps(high) tha n the other boys inhis class.2. Janet

22、 sing(well) in her class. She can sing(well) tha n her musicteacher, too.3. My father is(han dsome). But my brother is(han dsome) tha n him.He is(han dsome) in my family.4. I have(many) books in my class. But my teacher has(many) booksthan(I).5.(they) house is much(old) than(we).6.(she) dan ces(well

23、) than(he).7.(he) house are(small) of the four.8. Does(she) mother get up(early) tha n(you)?9. Which eats(many), the mouse, the dog or the horse?10. Are(we) going to p lay football with(they)?写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式:longwidefatheavyslowfewfarhappy_三.用所给词的正确形式填空:unhappy1. Of the two girls, I find Lucy t

24、he(clever).2. Gold(黄金)is(little) useful than iron(铁).3. My sister is two years(old ) than I.4. Joh n s parents have four daughters, and she is the(young) child.5. The(chea p) bags are the not usually the best ones.6. The short one is by farexpen sive of the five.7. The boy is not so(in teresti ng) a

25、s his brother.8. Dick sings(well), she sings(well) than John, but Marysings(well) in her class.9. She will be much(happy) in her mew house.10. This dress isthat.(twice, as as,expensive)四.选择填空:1. He feelstoday tha n yesterday.A. tired B. more tired C. more tireder D. much tired2. Which do you like,co

26、ffee, tea or milk?A. the worst B. worse C. the worse D. worst 3. Of the two toys, the child choseA. the expen sive one B. one most expen siveC. a least expen siveD. the most expen sive of them4. The line isthan that one.A. more Ion ger B. not Ion ger C. much more Ion ger D. many more longer5. The ea

27、rth isthe moon.A. as 49 times big as B. 49 times as bigger asC. 49 times as big as D.as big as 49 times6. The book isof the two.A. thi nner B. the thinner C. more thi nner D. the thi nn est7. She looksthan she does.A. the more older B. very older C. much older D. more older8. The garde n is beco min

28、gA. more beautiful and more B. more beautiful and beautifulC. more and more beautiful D. more beautiful and beautifuler9. They comp eted (比赛)to see who could workA. the fastest and bestB. the faster and the betterC. fastest and betterD. faster and better10.hurry,sp eed.A. More, less B. Much, little

29、C. The more, the less D. The much, the little五.翻译句子:1.本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book isthat one.2.你游泳没有你弟弟好。You can t swimyour brother.3.今天比昨天冷的多。It istodayit was yesterday.4.对这个故事我比另一个喜欢的多。This story isthan thatone.5.他比我大两岁。He isthan I.6.这个故事不如那个有趣。This story isthan that one.7.她的身体状况一天天好起来。He is gett ingever

30、y day.8.他对英语越来越感兴趣。He is becomi ngEn glish.he gets.of two.9.他吃的越多,人越胖。The more he eats, the10.你的问题是两个中比较难的那个Your question is六、用适当形式填空:1. Bob is(young ) tha n Fred, but(tall) than Fred.2. Alice is not as(tall) as Mike.3. Li Deming looks(fat) tha n before after the summer holidays.4.Which is(heavy), a

31、 hen or a chicke n?5.- How(tall) is Sally?is the(dan gerous) ani mal in the world.-She' s only 1.40 metres(tall). She is much(short) than Sally. Sheis also the6. He is(bad) at lear ning maths. He is much(bad) at Chin ese andhe is the(bad) at En glish.7. Annie says Sally is the(kind) person in th

32、e world.(short) girl in the class.8. He is one of the9. A dictio nary is much10. An orange is a little(big) tha n an appi e,but much(small) tha na watermelo n.11. The Chan gjia ng River is the(lo ng) river in China.12. Sue is a little(beautiful) tha n her sister.13. My room is not as(big) as my brot

33、her' s.14. -How difficult is physics?-I' m not sure.-Is it(difficult) than maths?-I don' t thi nk so.15. - Annie p lays the piano very(well).-Sue p lays it(well) than Annie. And Sally p lays it the(well).16. Saturday is my(busy) day in a week.17. Her mother is gett ing(fat) and(fat).18.

34、I think it' s too expen sive. I' d like a(chea p) one.19. He comes to school much(early) tha n I.2O.This book is not as(in teresti ng) as that one.21. Your classroom is(wide)and(bright) tha n ours.22. P ractise as(much) as you can.23. The(much), the(good).(frien dly) people in the class, I think.24. Nowadays(现在)En glish is(important ) than any other subject, Ithi nk.25. Most of the stude nts thi nk a lion is much(dan gerous) tha n a bear and it(expen sive) tha n a story-book.26. The app les in the other shop areand.(chea p; good)27. Many of the stars are s


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