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1、阅读理解1Do you know from what English people get their family names? Finish the sentences after you read the story. 你知道英国人的姓是怎么来的吗?阅读下面的短文,完成句子。 (2 min. 107 words )Everyone has a family name. But what does it mean? From what do family names come? First, some family names come from the place of their ho

2、mes. If a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. In England peoples names may be Wood, Lake, because they live near the wood or lake. Second, family names come from a persons job. If a person is a cook, he may be Cook. Third, many people get their family names from their fathers g

3、iven name. If you hear the name “Jackson”, you know that he is the son of Jack. 1. English people usually have _ ways to get their family names. 2. Some people get their family names from _. 3. Some people get their family names from_. 4. Some people get their family names from_.5. A persons family

4、name is Jackson, because he is_.Keys: 1.three 2.the place of their homes 3.a persons job 4.their fathers given name 5.the son of Jack阅读理解2I am Tony Smith. I am twelve. I am in No.101 Middle School. Im in Class 2, Grade 7. My good friend is Jim Green. He is an English boy. He is twelve, too. He is in

5、 my class. He can speak good Chinese. Jane is in Class 2, too. I think she is a good girl. My Chinese teacher is Mr. Wang. His students like him. He is very cool.根据短文填空,每空一词。1. Tony _ twelve. His last name is _.2. Tony and Jim are _ the same _. Jane is _ Class 2, too.3. Tony and Jim _ good _.4. Jims

6、 _ is very good.5. Mr. Wang is their _ teacher. He is _. His students him very much.Key: 1.is, Smith 2.in, class, in 3.are, friends 4.Chinese 5.Chinese, cool阅读理解 3First nameWangIhone numbe139055112345AddressRoom 203, 18 Huangshan Road根据表格所提供的有关王老师的信息,选择最正确答案。1. My E

7、nglish teacher is _.A. young B. old C. tall D. short2. My English teacher is from _.A. China B. the USA C. England D. Australia3. _ is my English teacher.A. Miss Wang B. Mrs. Wang C. Ms. Wang D. Mr. Wang4. My English teacher is on a bus. You can call him /her at _.A. Room 2003 B.C. 18

8、Huangshan Road D. 139055123455. My English teacher lives in the city市of _.A. Huangshan B. Hefei C. Wuhu D. AnqingKey: 1-5 A A D D B阅读理解4foreign外国的 doctor医生language语言 taxi出租车college学院 company公司professor教授 driver司机century世纪 computer电脑center中心 manager经理childrens hospital儿童医院根据上边四张名片,选择最正确答案。1. _ can te

9、ach教us English.A. Li Hong B. Zhao Bi C. Xie Zhongqing D. Liu Huifang2. You should call _ if your daughter女儿is ill病.A. Li Hong B. Zhao Bi C. Xie Zhongqing D. Liu Huifang3. You call _ when you want to take a taxi to New Century Computer Center.A. 199230163 B.C.D. 1270803704.

10、_ is a merchant商人.A. Li Hong B. Zhao Bi C. Xie Zhongqing D. Liu Huifang5. We cant send a fax to the _.A. professor B. manager C. doctor D. driverKey: 1-5 B A A D B阅读理解 5Linda:Hello, Paul, is this your pencil?Paul:Yes, it is. Thank you.Linda:Is this your book?Paul:No, it isnt. Maybe也许its Marys.Linda:

11、Mary, is this your book?Mary:No, it isnt. My book is here. Ask问Bill. Maybe its his.Linda:Bill, is this your book?Bill:Yes, it is.Linda:Here you are.Bill:Thank you very much. But where is my bag?根据对话判断正T误F。1. This is Lindas pencil.2. Bill is a student.3. The book is Bills.4. Mary cant find找到her book.

12、5. Paul knows认识Linda and Mary.Key: 1-5 FTTFT阅读理解6Look at these things. This is Mr. Wangs ID card. And this is Jims watch, thats Marys key. Ginas notebook is over there. Look! Whats that on the floor? Oh, its gold ring. Its Jennys ring. Its very nice.根据短文选择最正确答案。1. This is Mr. Wangs _.A. notebook B.

13、key C. ID card D. watch2. _ notebook is over there.A. Jims B. Ginas C. Jennys D. Marys3. Is this Jims watch? _A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, he is. D. No, he isnt.4. Is Jennys ring very nice? _A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isnt.5. Mr. Wangs name is on his _.A. rin

14、g B. watch C. key D. ID cardKey: 1-5 CBACD阅读理解 7看图,选择最正确答案。1. This is _.A. Motorola 8008 B. Siemens A55 C. Nokia 8210 D. Panasonic 21282. Is it a small radio? _A. Yes, it is. B. A radio. C. No, it isnt. D. A video.3. Is that a good way of exchanging交流by phone? _A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, i

15、t isnt. D. No, it isnt.Key: 1-3 CCA阅读理解 8阅读短文,判断正T误(F)This is my friend John Wilson and his family. This is his grandfather. . His name is Fritz. This is his grandmother. Her name is Evenly. This is his mother. . Her name is Anna. This is his father. His name is Earl. These are his sisters, Christie

16、 and Carina. ( )1.Fritz is Johns grandfather.( )2.Anna is his grandmother.( )3.John has two sisters.( )4.Earl is his father.( )5.Christie is Annas daughter.阅读理解 9Do you know what a family tree is? Read the following passage and fill in the family tree. 你知道什么是族谱吗?读下面这段文章,然后填写下面的族谱。(2 min.)Kate White

17、has a large family. There are nine people in her family. Her grandfathers name is James White. He is a doctor. Her grandmothers name is Alice White. She is a housewife. They have a son and a daughter. Her fathers name is Thomas White and he is a policeman. Her mothers name is Jenny White and she is

18、a nurse. Kate is 13 and she is a middle school student. She has a little brother, Jimmy. Jimmy is only three. Charles is her uncle, and Casey is her aunt. They are both teachers. They have a little baby. His name is Tommy. Kate loves her family very much.Key:阅读理解10Write the names and ages on the fam

19、ily tree on the next page. 读下面短文,然后在下面的家庭成员图里填上相应的名字和年龄。This is a photo (照片) of the Street family.Len Street is Bens father.Pam Street is Bens mother.Allie is Bens sister. Shes thirteen.Charlie is Bens brother. Hes eleven.Bens fifteen.Aggy is Allies cat andBaggy is Charlies cat.Aggys five and Baggys

20、 two.Kark is Bens bird.阅读理解 11Read the following sentences and the given choices and then pick out the most appropriate one.The Skyscrapers in New York CityNew York is the most exciting city in the United States. It is not only the center of commerce and business for the United States, but also one

21、of the three “world cities”. Together with London and Tokyo, it controls the worlds finance. There are many high-rise business buildings in this city. People call them skyscrapers. The tallest skyscraper was the World Trade Center. It had 110 floors. Sadly, this building was destroyed被摧毁by the terro

22、rist attack on Sep. 11, 2001, and yet, the glory and image of it still remain vividly生动地in the memory of the world people. The Empire State Building is not as tall as the World Trade Center, but it is the tallest building in New York City now. It has 102 floors. The skyscrapers in New York City are

23、world-famous for their grandeur and their beautiful architecture建筑. Every year millions of people come to visit them.1.What kind of city is New York? It is_. A. the biggest city B. the most beautiful city C. the most exciting city D. the hottest city2. Why is New York very important? Because _. A. i

24、ts in the middle B. it controls the worlds finance C. it controls the worlds banks D. it has many people3. How do people call those high-rise buildings? They call them _. A. skycrapers B. skyscrapers C. skys D. scrapers4. How many floors did the World Trade Center have? It had _. A. 112 B. 92 C. 102

25、 D. 1105. What is the Empire State Building famous for? It is _. A. the tallest B. beautiful and majestic C. the greatest D. the oldestKeys: 1-5 C B B D B阅读理解12判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 This is a picture of the twins room. It is a nice room. Lucys books are on the desk. Her schoolbag is on the floor. Li

26、lys pencils are on the books. Her bag is behind her chair. Their coats are behind the door. We cant see Lucy and Lily in the picture. They are not at home.( ) 1. This is a picture of Lily and Lucys room.( ) 2. Lucys schoolbag is behind the chair.( )3. Lucys and Lilys coats are on the chair.( )4. Luc

27、y and Lily are not at home.( )5. Their room is nice.Keys: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T阅读理解13This is Jims room. Its not big, but its very clean. There is a bed in the room. Its near the door. Under在下the bed, there are two balls. There is a desk and a chair near the window. There is a bookcase beside the desk.

28、 On the bookcase, there are many books and newspaper报纸. There are two pictures in the room, too. They are on the wall.根据短文选择最正确答案。1. The balls are _.A. near the window B. on the desk C. under the bed D. beside the desk2. Jims bed is _.A. near the door B. near the window C. on the bookcase D. on the

29、wall3. _ are on the wall of Jims room.A. The books B. The balls C. The newspapers D. The pictures4. Jims _ are on his bookcase.A. books B. newspaper C. pictures D. A and B5. Jims room is _.A. big B. not clean C. dirty脏的 D. not bigKey: 1-5 CADDD阅读理解14WHERE IS THE CAT?The cat is very lovely. Its name

30、is Mimi. One day, she plays with a big tub桶. Please look at the pictures. Just tell us where Mimi is.In Picture A:_In Picture B:_In Picture C:_Can you draw another one, Picture D? Show where Mimi is in Picture D.In Picture D:_Key: Picture A In the tub. Picture B On the tub. Picture C Under the tub.

31、Picture D略阅读理解 15My Favorite Picture I am a student. I go jogging every morning, and I go swimming twice a week. I spent a lot of time playing all kinds of ball games. I like football, volleyball, and ping pong. I am very good at football, so I play on the school team. After school, I like playing p

32、ing pong with my friend, Liu Ming. Liu Ming is not only good at sports but also good at his studies.阅读短文和句子,正确的写T,错误的写F。_1. I often go jogging in the morning._2. I go swimming once a week._3. I spend very little time playing ball games._4. I like to go swimming in my free time._5. Liu Ming is intere

33、sted in his studies but not good at sports.答案:15 T F F T F阅读理解16Namehave /hasdontdoesnthavePaula baseball, a soccer balla tennis racketGinaa backpack, a watcha baseball batJima basketball, a TVa pair of baseball glovesKatean alarm clocka watch, a ballTommya math book, CDsa video cassette根据表格所提供信息,选择

34、最正确答案。1. Gina has _, but she doesnt have _.A. a watch; a ball B. a clock; a watchC. a clock; a ball D. a watch; a baseball bat2. Kate has _, but she doesnt have _.A. a watch; a ball B. a ball; a clockC. a book; CDs D. a clock; a watch3. Paul and Jim have _.A. books B. CDs C. balls D. tennis rackets4

35、. Tommy has a _ and some _.A. watch; balls B. book; CDs C. baseball; CDs D. video cassette; booksKey: 1-4 DDCB阅读理解17My name is Diana, my sister is Gina. We have a volleyball, and we like it very much. We play volleyball after school. And at night, we often watch it on TV. But my father doesnt like i

36、t. He is a writer, he likes to read books. 答复以下问题:(1) What is her sisters name?(2) What do they like?(3) Do they have a football?(4) Do they watch TV?(5) What does her father like? 答案: (1) Her names Gina. (2) They like volleyball.(3)No, they dont.(4)Yes, they do.(5)Her father likes to read books.阅读理

37、解18阅读短文,判断正误,在正确的后面写T, 在错误的后面写F。My name is Mary and I have a brother and a sister, David and Helen. For breakfast, we all like hamburgers. Helen and I like milk, but David doesnt. I dont like eggs for breakfast, but David and Helen do. I like them for lunch. I like fruit for supper. We really like c

38、hicken and salad for dinner. I like fried chicken and salad with carrots. David likes salad with fruit. Helen thinks everything for salad is fine.1. Mary likes eggs for lunch. ( )2. David likes milk for breakfast. ( )3. Mary and Helen likes fried chicken. ( )4. David likes salad. ( )5. Helen doesnt

39、like carrots for salad. ( ) Keys: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F阅读理解 19NameBobsalad, broccoli, orangesbananas, pearsJillsalad, bananas, pearsoranges, tomatoesBillhamburgers, broccolipears, ice creamJennyice cream, salad, pearstomatoes, French fries根据表格所提供的信息,选择最正确答案。1. _ likes pears, but doesnt like tomat

40、oes or oranges.A. Jill B. Jill or Jenny C. Bob D. Bill2. _ likes salad, but doesnt like pears.A. Jill B. Jenny C. Bob D. Bill3. _ likes oranges. _ likes hamburgers. They dislike pears.A. Bob; jenny B. Bob; Bill C. Jenny; Jill D. Bill; Jill4. _ likes broccoli, but doesnt like ice cream.A. Jill B. Jen

41、ny C. Bob D. Bill5. Bob and the two girls like _.A. ice cream B. salad C. pears D. broccoli Key: 1-5 BCBDB阅读理解 20My name is Jim Green. Im from England. I like salad, oranges and ice cream. I like Chinese food, too. But I dont like pears or bananas. My sister, Kate, likes pears, hamburgers and ice cr

42、eam very much, but she doesnt like salad. My father and mother like French fries and Chinese food, but they dont like ice cream.请根据Jim的表达,完成表格所缺内容。NameJim GreenChinese food, _, _ and _or _Kate Greenpears, _and _saladMr. and Mrs. Green_ and _Key: salad, oranges, ice cream, pears, bananas, hamburgers,

43、 ice cream, French fries, Chinese food, ice cream阅读理解 21Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But dont eat too much chocolate. Its

44、not good for you. But dont eat too much chocolate. Its not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Dont be lazy! Y

45、ou will be healthy and happy.1. Which is right?_A. Everybody is healthy. B. We want to be healthy. C. We are important.2. What are healthy foods? _A. Fruits and vegetables. B. Bananas, apples and chocolate.C. Fruits and chocolate.3. Why are healthy foods good for you? _A. They make you happy. B. The

46、y make you grow strong.C. They make you grow and make you strong and happy.4. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means意思是:_A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.5. What keeps you heal

47、thy? _A. Fruits and vegetables. B. Healthy food.C. Healthy food and sports.Key: 1-5 BACCC阅读理解22Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight oclock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one oclock

48、. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken,

49、turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert.1. Americans have breakfast _.A. after eight oclock B. at eight oclockC. before eight oclock in the morning D. in the morning2. _ is the most important meal in a day.A.

50、Breakfast B. Lunch C. Meals D. Supper3. What does “light” mean in Chinese? _A. 重的B. 有用的C. 轻的D. 不太重要的4. Americans usually have breakfast and supper at _.A. home B. office C. inn D. work place5. When Americans have supper, _ comes last.A. drink B. meat C. dessert D. vegetablesKey:1-5 CDDAC阅读理解23Readin

51、g for words: Read the passage and guess the meaning of the words and expressions in bold type.As Good As New Jim has (1 ) a big money from his father. He doesnt know how to use it. Then one day he sees a post (海报) for brain 大脑in a newspaper. The post says, “ Get a ( 2 )clever brain and have a happy

52、life.” So he goes to have a look. “Please tell me about your post,” he says. “Very well, we have several brains here. You can ( 3 ) have a workers brain for 5.000 dollars.” Jim ( 4 ) shakes his head. “What do you want then? ( 5 ) What about a university professors brain?” the doctor says. “How much i


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