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1、are many mThen I can kill them. ”As soon as he finished, four workers began to cry, “Oh, dear! ”W“hat 's w you?”asked Mr. Smith. “We ate the bread when you were out. We are going to d_ “Don 't w,”Mr. Smith said with a smile. “Ionly play a t on1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. (B)Do you know there are

2、two kinds of football games? One is American football, the o is soccer.In China, many young men like playing soccer. It is very p . But the Chinese donWe call it f . There are eleven players in a team. And the ball is r goalkeeper(守门员)plays the ball with his h. The other phands.In the USA, soccer is

3、 not very popular. They like playing American football b There are a _ players can play soccer.1.6. 'tcall it soccer._ .Only the can't play the ball with theirthan playing soccer.eleven players in a team. The ball is not round. It is oval-shaped(椭圆形的).All the the ball with their hands and f

4、. American football is quite d from.4.9.5. _10.首字母填空复习七(A)Mr. Smith lived in a village. He had a few farms and about twenty people worked for him. He often tthem to work hard and be hard-working. One day he went to a farm and worked with the workers there. Soon after that it was time f lunch.

5、 He put some pieces of nice b on the table and went out. A fewminutes later he came back again, but couldn 'tfind them. “Who ate the bread on the table? ”he shouted. Some of the workers answered. “We didn't.”The osaid, “We saw n.”W“ell,”said Mr. Smith, “therein the rooms, you know. So I put

6、some poison( 毒药)in the bread. If they eat, they must die.”Assoon as he finished, four workers began to cry, “Oh, dear!”W“hat's wwith. ”One of them cried. you. Use your head. ”5. 10. (C)We c_1_ the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival, There is a n_2_ for e_3_ Chinese year. We may call it the yea

7、r of the s_4_ , the year of the m_5_ or the year of the pig. And this year is the year of the t_6_.Before New Year 's Day, people are busy s_7_ and cleaning their houses. On New Year'sEve, there is a big family d_8_. After dinner, all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the f

8、_9_ day of the New year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends. They say “Good l_10_ “and some other greetings to each other. People usually have a very good time during the festival.5. _10.1. 2. 3. 4.6. 7. 8. 9.(D)A young man was going to spend his holiday in a mountain vill

9、age. That night he s_1_at a small hotel near the railway station. B_2_ going to bed, he went to the owner of the hotel and said, “Excuse me, sir. Will you please w_3_ me up at a quarter to five tomorrow morning ? I 'lltake the five o'clock t_4.“oh, sorry, ”the owner said i_5_ a hurry, “I 

10、9;m afraid I can 't, I wont 'be able to get up s_6_ early.”The young man was about to return to his r_7 when he stopped and asked,“Have you got an alarm -clock? M_8_ it can help me. ”“Yes, here you are, young man.”The young man thanked the owner happily. But when he looked at the alarm-clock

11、 closely, it seemed there was something w_9_ with it.“Will it ring o_10_ time? ” he asked.“Sure! You just give it a good shake at a quarter to five. And it will ring. ”1.6.2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. (E)American schools b in September after the long s holidays. There are two t in a schoolyear: the firs

12、t term is from September to J, and the second is from F to June. Most Americanchildre n go to p ublic schools.High school stude nts study only four of five sat a time. They usually go to the same classes every day, andthey have an assignment(课外作业 )for every class. After class they do many a.After lh

13、igh school, many stude nts go to college. They can go to a small one or a large one. They usuallyhave to pa lot of money for college education. But there re scholarships(奖学金)for good students, andmany of them work part time in order to ( 为了 ) gmoney for their education.1. 2. 3. 4. .9.10.“(F)

14、”“ Sheng Li ” -yeiaraDftv舉anda. This female panda wabout 60 kg and isThere is a panda c90 cm long.On the morning of August 8th this year, people sent her to the ani mal cen ter. However, on Sep tember 16th, she left the ani mal cen tre of the city aand even stood in the busy street. Maybe she wan te

15、d to stop traffic. Alot of people were sto see the panda walk ing in the street. She wa long way. At last, she was tootto go on. She climbed a tree. She couldn t go down. A few minutes later, the policemen came. Theywere a that the panda might be frightened when she saw too many people. They asked p

16、eople not tomake too much no ise and not to take p hotos. All the people did their best to pthe panda and make herkee p calm. With the help of the people , the p oliceme n saved her from the tree. They found the panda was bill, so they took her to the ani mal centre at once. Twenty days later, she b

17、ecame well aga in. The workers in the ani mal centre dto send her to n ature aga in.1. 2. 3.,4.,9.5. _10.(G)Mr. and Mrs. King lived in a big c, and one summer theyThey enjoyed it very much because it was a qand clea n p lace.One day they went for a walk early in the morni ng and met an old man. He l

18、ived on a farm, and he was sitting in front of his house. Mr. King asked him,“ Do you like to live in th?ciuiet pThe old man said,“ Yes, I do. ” Mr. King asked a What are the gooidings aboutit? The old man a ,“ Well, the people here know each other. They often come and voften go and visit them. And

19、there are alots of child ren here. ”Mr. King said,“ That ' s interesting. And what are the bad t ?”The old man thought and thought and the n said,“Well, thinags, really.1. 2. 3. 4. .9.10.went to the country for their hme, and I4.,.(H)A hobby is an interesting way of spending your f

20、ree time. There are so m_1_ different hobbies for differe nt people to choose. Some hobbies are very popu lar, but o_2一 are quite unu sual you may choose one that you are in terested i_3_. You may enjoy collect ing things such as sta mps, ston es, foreig n coins and so on.If you _4_ to work with you

21、r han ds, you may enjoy model making and paper cutt ing. Or you may e_5_ _ creative (有创造力的)hobbies, like painting and w_6_. Many people like outdoor activities better t_7_ in door activities. They get great pl easure(快乐)from s_8_, cycli ng and so on, which they can enjoy with others.Wherever you liv

22、e, there i_9_ always a hobby for you to choose. The hobby can help you relax after your daily work. The hobby can give you many hours of pleasue and make your free t_10 inleresting and creative. The hobby can bring you happin ess, kno wledge and frien dsh ip.4.,9.5. _10.1. 2. 3.,6.7.8.(I)In the long

23、 summer holidays, Jack and Peter spentwthe wood from a dead tree. They cooked and a_they stayed in side. One day, Jack said, 'Shall we bring some bed clothes f So they brought the bed clothes, made beds and w_ Then it got d. The sounds of ni ght b. At eleven o 'clock, they got up and went bt

24、he forest. They built a house rain ed, home and sleep here tonight? ” _ to bed in the forest. It was all right at the beg inning,lot of t inthe meals in the house. Whe n iand ani mals were loud and n ear. The two boys were a home soon.1.,6.2.,7.3.,8.4.,9.5. _10.(J)Mr. Smith works in a hospital. He i

25、s very f and people like to go to him. He is often b _day time. So he n to have a good rest at home. He lives in a building outside the city. All his nkee p quiet exce pt Mike, who moved there last mon th. The young man just lives up stairs( 楼上).He likes music and he ba piano last week. He works in

26、an office and always p lays the piano after supper. He cannotp lay it well, so he pa lot. Mr. Smith cannot fall aslee p. It makes him u. He ofte n goes up stairsand tells Mike about it. But the young man usually fit soon. One day Mike was ill. He had to go tohospital. Mr. Smith looked him over and s

27、,“ you stop playing the piano at night, you 'ls be allright. ”1.,6.in the2.,7.3.,8.4.,9.5. _10.Penguins(企鹅)are l birds.sand they like to eat fish.expIoration(探险)for oil(油)mto live. And many penguins will dwe will n ever see them in the f1. 2.6.7.(K)They have short wings(翅膀)but they can' f Bu

28、t they are in dpenguins be in dan ger. Some years l_ because of hun ger(.They are all good of disappearing(了肖失).Why? Too much fishing, ,these birds will have n饥饿).We must do someth ing to pthem, or3.,8.4.,9.5. _10.(L)Two famers were o 1 their way home one evening after a hard day's w 2. Both wer

29、e t 3. They happened to look u 4 at the skyand saw a black cloud overhead. "Ah!" said one farmer, "tomorrow we shall have rain and rice will grow w 5." The second didn t a6,"No, the rain will harm( 伤害)thecrops." So they began to quarrel (争吵)T 7a third farmer came along

30、and a8exp lai ned about the black cloud. "What ?" askedthem what they were quarrelli ng. The farmersthe third farmer. They all l9 at the sky. The cloud was no m 10 there.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _.10.(M)Three rich ladies met every day by the river. They sat there and talked the whole day. Onc

31、e the three ladies quarreled. One of them said, “ Look, how white and beautiful my hare! ” Another one said, "My hands arembeautiful. ” The tone said, "Mine are the most beautiful ones. " An old beggar(乞丐)came up tothem, Beautiful ladies, ” she said, “ am hun gry. PI ease give me sto

32、eat. ”But the three ladies gave her n. They only asked, 'Tell me, old woma n, which one of us has thembeautiful han ds? ”A p easa nt(farmer) woma n was also sitt ing by the river. She was pand her hands were rough( 粗糙)because of hard work. The old woman came up to her and said,"I am hungry.

33、 Please give me something to eat. ”The p easa nt woma n took out her only cake she had and gher a half.The old woma n ait and dra nk some water. Then she took the p easa nt woma n by the hand, broughther before the rich ladies and said, 'Now, I shall tell you whands are the most beautiful. The h

34、ands of thepoor p easa nt woma n are rough because of work, but they give us food. They are hands which have never done anything. ” 1. 2. 3."6.7.8.far more beautiful than your4.,9.5. _10.(N)Many people think that water will n ever be used up ( 用尽)because there are mrain can make us get efresh w

35、ater. Also, we can dig wells (井)to find fresh water uthe ground.In fact , it is wand dan gerous to think son some a, people fight ( 争斗)for fresh water. Thereis little rain there all year round . Let' s look around us . Somefylwaesr pratorr(.Andrivers and lakes. And thesome people drop litter int

36、o rivers. We see p olluted water here and there. We must do s understand the importanee of p.p reve nti ng water being p olluted. It1. .,8.to help peoplerivers, lakes and seas. We should w to newspapers about_ s neveriftooltake actions(采取行动 )right now. 4. 5.9.10.(O)Tom and Fred are talk ing a

37、bout the year 2020.“ What will our 1 be like in the year 202 0? ”thi nk? ”asked Tom. “I don t know, ” “WhaF dolyou“ Wellno one k , but it ' s interesting to guess.“In the year 2(20 every one will carry a po cket compu ter. The compu ter will give people the a to alltheir questions. We shall all

38、have them in our pockets, too, and we ' ll be a to talk to our friends all over the world through them. Perhaps we' ll be able to sthem at the same time. “ A lot of people will l ive and work u the sea. P erha ps there will be big tow ns, factories, and farmsun der the sea, too.“ Machines wi

39、ll do most of the work, and so people will have more free t. Perhaps they' llonlyktwo or three days a week. Theym by spaceship and spend their holidays there,“ I m looking forward to the year 20. I hope to fto the moon.the sea, ” says Fred. “ Won' t that be very interestingf Just 1. 2. 3. .9.'ogcbeoabeB t(“ And I hope I ' ll be able to live under5. _10.(P)Mrs Black is going to give a b party for Mary, her daughter. Mary is going tob14 years old. A lot of Mary ' friends are going to come to the party. They are


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