已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、工作创新在您所解决的问题中,有多少是没有明确的解决方案或过去案例作为参考的?您是如何解决这些问题的?请举例。您认为您最好的创新创意是什么?为什么?描述一下由您发起的最大的项目是什么?结果如何?您比较喜欢的解决问题的方式是什么?当您在做决定时,您所愿意承担的最大和最小风险是什么? 工作动力您希望从工作中获得什么?您的短期和长期目标是什么?就您所申请的职位而言,最吸引您的是什么?您会如何面对您的上级给您的压力?请描述一个您经历过的需要同一个与您有不同意见的人合作的最具挑战性的例子。您如何来决定您的职业选择?就工作而言,对您来说最有价值的是什么? 综合素质您的最大的优势和劣势是什么?这些因素将会如何

2、影响您在这里的表现?在您的大学生活中最大的成就是什么?为什么?对您来说,做什么样的决定是很困难的?为什么?您是如何来管理您的职业发展计划的? 团队协助你在学校参加了哪些活动?为什么?在这些活动中你最喜欢什么?请介绍您曾与他人密切合作过的一个课程工作经验活动。您是如何克服合作中的一些困难的?请描述一个您所在的团队曾面临严重问题的例子,您是如何帮助您的团队克服这些困难的?您比较喜欢的沟通方式是什么?当面对不同的人,您的沟通方式会有什么不同?您通常如何来处理团队中的不同意见?现在需要你和一个不太容易接近的人打交道,你会怎样去做? 自主主动请举例描述您在团队中的责任。为了做好你工作份外之事,你该怎样获

3、得他人的支持和帮助?请描述您的一次坚持计划直到达到预期目标的经历,是怎样的一件事情?实施过程中你得到的最大的帮助是什么?你是怎样获得帮助的?请举例说明,您在学习上是如何通过改进学习方法提高学习成绩?在您所解决的问题中,有多少是没有明确的解决方案或过去案例作为参考的?您是如何解决这些问题的?请举例。请列举在您曾经参与的项目工作中,因为你的努力而使整个项目发生了什么样的变化?请告诉我你在什么情况下工作最有效率?Behavior Interview QuestionsCommunication & Interpersonal EffectivenessHave you ever had to

4、 “sell” an idea to your classmate? How did you do it? Did they accept your idea? Tell me about a recent successful experience in making a speech. How did you prepare? What obstacles did you face? How did you handle them? Give me an example of a time when you were able to successfully communicate wit

5、h another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you. Tell me about a time when you had misunderstanding with your friends/parents. What actions did you take? Tell me a time when you had conflicts with others and what you did to solve the conflicts. InitiativeDescribe a situa

6、tion in which you recognized a potential problem as an opportunity. What did you do? What was the result? Tell me about a project you initiated. What did you do? What was the outcome? Tell me about a pretty good idea you had in your life. What did that idea bring about? Give me an example that you g

7、ot a very challenging target and you finally achieved the target through your hard work. Tell me about a case where you improved the current work process. TeamworkDescribe a situation where others you were working with on a project disagreed with your idea. What did you do? Tell me a time when you w

8、orked in a team for a project. What were the most important things you learned from that experience? Describe a situation when your personal goal conflicted with the team goal. What did you do on that? Tell me a time when you had to work on a team that did not get along. What happened? What role did

9、 you take? What was the result? IntegrityDescribe a time when you carelessly hurt someones feeling in the public. What did you do then? Tell me a situation when someone you respected or liked was cheating in the public. What was your feeling and what did you do? Discuss a time when your integrity wa

10、s challenged. How did you handle it? Tell me a time when others cheated you? What did you do then? LeadershipWhat leadership roles did you take in the university? What did you learn from that experience? Tell me a time when you were in a position to make a decision. What did you do? Tell me about one of the best monitors you have had in your school life.


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