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1、课题Un it 7 How much?课型新授课授课者徐玲玲教学重点教学难点教学准备教学环节Ste P 11.2.3.I can read the new words.I can try to talk about the p rices.I can un dersta nd, read and act out the story.1. Can read the new words:shoes, socks, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty2. Can understand, read and act out the story.3. Can try to talk

2、about the p rices.1 .单词 shoe, twenty, thirty, fifty的读音。2 .句型 How much is it? How much are they?1.学生准备:听磁带,模仿语音读课文。2 .教师准备:多媒体课件、图片Warming up中单复数的正确使用。教学 过 程 设 计教师活动1. Sing a song about numbers.2.Free talk3.Good eyes.(shoes, socks 带读)4.Look and guessWow, there're so many clothes, butthese are my

3、favourite clothes.教学方法学生活动(快闪形式对服饰进行展示,学生快速读图)jacket, dress, skirt, sweater,blouse , T-shirts, coats, caps,socks, shoes设计意图I bought them at the charity sale. I alsoSte p 2bought an umbrella and a book.Prese ntati on&Theyre very chea p. 1 just p aid oneP racticehun dred yua n for them. How much i

4、seach thing? Can you guess? Here aresome p rices for you. Maybe they can helpyou.Let' read. One yua n, fiftee n yua n.(twe nty, thirty, forty, fifty 重点教读)It r s .yuan.Well, can you guess now?How much is it ?师生示范。(umbrella, bookY1, W,也2,弱0,学生互问蚩7,Y40,Y)0)A : How much is it?How much are they?B : I

5、t r s .(socks, shoes 1, Y, Y22, Y30,A : How much are they?Y37,Y40,Y)0)B : They 'e.Who ' right? You can say Bingo ” .Wow,you did a good job! Well done!I can say some new words and try to talkabout the p rice. Can you ?Ticki ng TimeStude nts tick on the paper.You have got the p rices, they 

6、9;e veryI can see a fan, an umbrella, a p airchea p. Because I bought them at theof shoes, a p air of socks, acharity sale. Look, our frien ds, Su Haicashbox.and Su Yang are at the charity sale. Theywant to sell somethi ng.Learn the story(1)Ca n you say someth ing about thep icture? What can you see

7、 in thepicture.(shoes, socks, umbrella, fanLook, here are theWho're they?(2)watch and chooseWhat would they like? Letthe cartoon and choose.带读)customers.r s watchPI ease takeout your pencil and write dow n thean swer. Have you done? Put dow nyour pencil. Whowants to be Liu Tao?Let r s ask “ Liu

8、Tao, what would youlike? ” (引导学生问)Who wants to be Yang Ling? 。(3)liste n and matchThey would like the shoes, the socksand the umbrella. How much?Let r s liste nand match. PI ease takeout your pen cil. Liste n! Have youfound the an swers? You can talkabout the p rices with your partnerand use the sen

9、ten ces:How much is .?It r s .How much are .?They' re .Liu Tao, Yang Ling and Mike.三个人物,四样东西,学生讨论将东西的序号填入方框里面Liu Tao: I d like the shoes.(两两问答)How much is the umbrella?It r s nineteen yuan.How much are the shoes?They' re five yuan.How much are the socks?They' re four yuan.(4)Th ink and a

10、n swerThey have twen ty-eight yua n.So , how much money do Su Haiand Su Yang have?Let '幅图)Let 'We have twen ty-eight yua n.s check the an swer.(出示第Let s read.Try to imitates read the story after the CD.Try to imitate. Whe n you read,p lease pay atte nti on to yourpronun ciati on and inton at

11、i on. Areyou ready?Wow, you read very well.(6) Read in roles.Six stude nts in one group. Letread in roles. Ready, go!Which group wants to have a try?Won derful, big hand for them.(7) Let ' s read in roles together.You can sit and read with themicrophone. Now let ' s read inroles together.Wel

12、l done.Read the story after the CD.Try to imitate.Read in roles.(8) Memory king.You read very well. Now close yourbook.Ca n you remember the story? Youcan talk in groups. Ready, go!小组讨论答案。小组和个人展示答案。Ste p 3:Con solidati onHomework(9) Retell the story.(板书)Can you retell the story?Let' s have a try

13、.Su Hai and Su Yang are at the charitysale. They want to sale the shoes, thesocks , the umbrella and the fan. Liu Tao,Yang Ling and Mike are coming. SuHai says “Good morning. Can I helpyou? ”" Yes, I' d like these shoes.How much are they? ”“ Five yua n,please.” .(在学生背诵课文的过程中贴板书)(10) Let'

14、; s act.Now, I thi nk you can remember the storyvery well. So, let 'act out the story.Please p ractice in groups.OK, time is up. The shoes, the socks andthe umbrella are for you. Whe n you actyou can use them.Which group wants toact.Who ' the best actor or actress?Big hand for them. Well done!(11) Make a new


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