



1、En glish中文?Date日期?Name姓名?Nurse护士?Sex性别?Medical Record NO.病历号?Birth Date出生年月?Oral Exam口腔检查?Oral Exam口腔普通检查?Cli nicai tour (orai camer)数字内窥镜检查?Oral Exam+Cli ni cai tour口腔普通检查+内窥镜检查? +? (? )Emerge ncy Oral Exam in ati on急诊检查?In tra - Oral -Periapical per piece根尖片?Pano rama曲面断层?Ceph P-A头颅正位?Ceph Lateral

2、头颅侧位?Oral Exam +Cli ni cal tour + Pano rama口腔检查+内窥镜甘白片?Dress ing & Check检查上药? & ?Gin giva treatme nt牙周治疗?Subgi ngival Curettage龈下刮治/牙?Root pla nti ng,per quadra nt翻瓣龈下刮治(区域)?Pericoronal irrigation牙周冲洗上药?Guided Tissue Rege nerati on引导组织再生术/牙?Alloplasts牙周植骨?Crow n Len gthe ning牙冠延长术/牙Fixati on

3、 of loos ing teeth松牙固定术/单颌? ? ?Ye Scali ng + Polishi ng全口洁治+抛光? ? + ?Ye Scali ng + Polishi ng (1/2)全口洁治 + 抛光 /半口???+?(1/2)Air Pla ning (full)全口喷沙Curettage (3/1) + mino cli ne牙周刮治/牙?(3/1) +?Root pla ning根部修正/牙?gi ngivacfomis牙龈切除修整术/牙?Root pla ning +Curettage牙周刮治+根部修整/牙? + ?Periocli nePeriod on tal-ab

4、scessIn cisi on牙周脓肿切开Periapical-abscess In cisi on根尖脓肿切开Preve nti on Treatme nt牙体牙髓Seala nt/Seala nt + tx窝沟封闭/牙?Fluoride applicati on氟化防龋?Dese nsitizati on脱敏/牙?En do Root 1单根根管治疗? 1 ?Endo Root 2双根根管充填? 2 ?Endo Root 34三根根管充填?34 ?Abrasi on楔缺充填(树脂)?Glass lono mer玻璃离子充填/只?Space maintainer间隙维持器?Resin fil

5、ling/simple cavity树脂充填/单面? /?Res in filli ng/simplexcavity树脂充填/复面? /?Apexificati on根尖诱导成型术?Mummifi ng Treatme nt干尸治疗/只RCT of Milk tooth/Posterior tooth乳牙根管治疗/后牙? / ?RCT of Milk tooth/An terior tooth乳牙根管治疗/前牙? / ?Diastema closure关闭间隙(树脂)?Child Res in Filli ng儿里前牙树脂填充?Prosthetic修复治疗Remov ing Post - co

6、re拆支台/拆桩核?Remov ing Crow n拆冠?Occulusal adjustme nt调牙合?S.S Crow n乳牙金属冠P.F.G (collarless)贵金属烤瓷冠(加边缘瓷)?P.F.M普通金属烤瓷冠All Ceramic全瓷冠?Ye Gold Crow n铸金冠?Ye Gold inlay金嵌体?Ye Resi n in lay树脂嵌体?Ye Lam in ate烤瓷贴面?Full Den ture(Resi n)全口义齿(树脂)? / ?Full Den ture(P.Ti)全口义齿(纯钛)? / ?Post (casti ng)铸造桩核?Para Post (DT

7、.post)预成纤维桩核?Screw Post预成金属桩核?R.P.D活动义齿(双侧,树脂)???/ ?, ?R.P.D活动义齿(双侧,纯钛)? / ? , ?R.P.D活动义齿(单侧,树脂)???/ ?, ?R.P.D活动义齿(单侧,纯钛)?/ ?, ?Telescopic den ture/ ni ckel非贵金属套同冠Telescopic den tureAu/Pt88.7%贵金属套同冠Precesio n attachme nt精密附着体Magnet attachme nt磁性固位体Tempory Crow n临时冠?Surgical Operati on齿槽外科清创缝合Anti -

8、Extracti on前牙拔除?Post - Extracti on后牙拔除?Child Extracti on乳牙拔除?Orth - Extractio n正畸拔除?Wisdom - Extractio n普通阻生齿?Surgical - Extractio n复杂阻生齿?Complex Surgical -Extractio n复杂阻生齿?Gin giva plasty (1ea/6ea)牙龈美容术?(1ea,6ea)Apicetomy根尖切除术Epulis removal牙龈瘤切除术Ere no tomy系带修整Alveoplasty per quadra nt牙槽骨修整术/区间隙感染切

9、开Impla nt种植Impla nt种植修复?Si nus Lift上颌窦提升?Autografts自体骨移植?Non - autografts人工骨移植?牙美白Scali ng + Office (3) + home冷光美白?Office bleachi ng (1) + home冷光美白+药物美白? + ?home bleach ing药物美白?口腔正畸Otho - desig n矫正设计?Mixed Den tition Period混合牙列期正畸Fixed applia nee therapy(Adolece nt)青少年期固定正畸(金属)?Fixed applia nee therapy, ceramic(Adolece nt)青少年期固定正畸(陶瓷)? (? )Fixed applia nee therapy, Bracketless(Adolece nt)青少年期固定正畸(无拖槽)?(? )Fixed applia nee therapy(Adult)成人固定正畸(金属)?Fixed applia nee therapy, ceramic(Adult)成人固定正畸(陶瓷)?


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