1、大学毕 业 设 计(论 文)外文文献翻译系别:专业:班级:管理工程学院物流管理学生姓名:导师姓名:职称:起止时间:2012 年 3 月 10 日 至 2012 年 6 月 11 日An analysis of supply chain risk assessmenttechniquesAuthor:George A.Zsidisin,Lisa M.Ellram and Joseph R.Carter,JosephL.Cavinato,Glendale,ArizonaNationality:USA(Michigan State University,East Lansing,Michigan)D
2、erivatio:Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; February2004, Vol. 34 No 5, p397-413IntroductionEvery organization needs to obtain goods and services in order to carry outits objectives and goals. Risk exists in obtaining these items, whether it isexplicitly acknowledged and managed, i
3、nvestigated in a cursory manner, orignored altogether.However, there has been minimal research conducted onhow purchasing organizations assess the risk that exists with inbound supply.This paper focuses on inbound supply risk, which we dene in this research as“the potential occurrence of an incident
4、 associated with inbound supply fromindividual supplier failures or the supply market, in which its outcomes result inthe inability of the purchasing rm to meet customer demand or cause threatsto customer life and safety”.Two explicit concepts within this denition ofinbound supply risk are probabili
5、ty and impact.Probability, within a supply management context, is a measure of how oftena detrimental event that results in a loss occurs. Impact, on the other hand,refers to the signicance of that loss to the organization. Therefore, asdiscussed in prior research,Hallikas et al., 2002; Luce and Rai
6、ffa, 1957;Shapira, 1995; Yates and Stone, 1992 risk is perceived to exist when there isa relatively high likelihood that a detrimental event can occur and that eventhas a signicant associated impact or cost.It is critical to an organizations success to understand the supply risk thatexists. A upplie
7、rs failure to deliver inbound purchased goods or services canhave a detrimental effect for the purchasing rm and subsequently throughoutthe downstream supply chain. The purchasing rm will usually sufferimmediate damage from production delays when a loss associated with criticalsupplies occurs, or wh
8、en a supplier provides supplies or components that donot meet quality specications. For example, the quality problems discoveredwith the Wilderness AT tire in 2000 resulted in 174 reported deaths and anestimated cost of $2.1B for their recall (Truett, 2001.Assessing supply risk, including appraising
9、 its likelihood of occurrence,stage in the product life cycle, exposure, likely triggers, and likely loss, is acritical step in managing the risk inherent in a rms overall supply network(Harland et al., 2003. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examinetools and techniques that purchasing o
10、rganizations implement for assessingsupply risk. The paper begins with a review of prior research on supply riskand supply risk assessment within an agency theory context. Next, case studyndings on supply risk assessment techniques are summarized. This isfollowed by a discussion of the research ndin
11、gs, conclusions,and futureresearch directions.Risk assessment frameworksThe nature of risk assessments can be formal to informal, as well asquantitative or qualitative. In one example, Steele and Court (1996 provide aconceptual approach for supply risk assessment. The rst step in their supplyrisk as
12、sessment approach is determining the probability of a risk eventoccurring, which can be classied as high, medium, and low chance. Thesecond step consists of estimating the likely problem duration, which can bebased on past experience. The third step is investigating the business impactof the risk ev
13、ent. Use of a multi-functional team is recommended to quantifythe size of the potential problem and its effect on business protability.A second example of a supply risk assessment process is thecomprehensive outsource risk evaluation (CORE system, which is a tooldeveloped by Microsoft and Arthur And
14、erson to prevent supply problems fromarising (Michalski,2000.This assessment process identies 9 risk factorscategorized into four families:(1 Infrastructure.(2 Business controls.(3 Business value.(4 Relationships.Each family is weighted based on its importance to the companyslong-term business strat
15、egies. Risk is analyzed objectively through measuressuch as nancial data, subjectively with measures such as the strength of therelationship between the rms, or through a combination of objective andsubjective measures.The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA of the US federalgovernment has also
16、 developed a supply risk assessment tool that isdisseminated throughout its agency The risk assessment is performed for allsuppliers, and includes three key areas of performance, schedule, and cost. Arisk rating is assigned by an operations team or functional specialist based ondata such as product
17、audits, system evaluations, and performance. Eachsystem or keyprocess is classied as a high, moderate, or low risk.Several common themes emerge from reviewing the risk assessmenttechniques previously described. First, all of the supply risk assessmentsconsist of procedures to investigate the probabi
18、lity and impact of detrimentalevents that can occur with inbound supply. This concurs with ndings fromHarland et al. (2003, Hallikas et al. (2002, and Yates and Stone (1992. Asecond commonality among these assessment tools concerns purchasingorganization use of techniques for obtaining risk informat
19、ion associated withsuppliers or the supplier market. Within the framework presented by Harlandetal. (2003, risk assessment is a necessary and critical facet for purchasingorganizations to prioritize the usage of resources for managing the riskinherent with inbound supply. Because effective supply ri
20、sk managementdeals with the interface between the buyer and supplier rm, one theory that isappropriate for understanding the implications of assessing supply risk isagency theory.Supply risk assessment and agency theorySeveral principles of agency theory can provide a theoretical foundation forunder
21、standing how and why organizations conduct supply risk assessments.Agency theory applies to the study of problems arising when one party, theprincipal, delegates work to another party, the agent (Eisenhardt,1989a;Lassar and Kerr, 1996. The unit of analysis is the metaphor of a contractbetween the ag
22、ent and the principal. In the buyer-supplier relationship, thepurchasing organization serves as the principal and the supplier as the agent.Some of the variables that inuence the “contract” or relationship between thebuyer and supplier include information systems, outcome uncertainty, goalconict, re
23、lationship length, adverse selection and moral hazard (Eisenhardt,1989a; Logan, 2000. Descriptions and citations for these variables can befound in Table I.each of the agency theory variables may have an inuence on the extent towhich purchasing organizations need to assess supply risk. For example,s
24、upply risk assessments can be used by purchasing organizations formonitoring the activities of supplier organizations. This monitoring can lead toa clearer understanding by purchasing organizations into the likelihood andimpact of supplier risk from moral hazard and adverse selection. Likewise, ther
25、elationship length between a supplier and purchasing organization caninuence the extent to which supply risk assessment processes areimplemented. Assessing supply risk may be vital when sourcing from newsuppliers or when evaluating potential supplier rms that provide criticalinbound supply (Kraljic,
26、 1983. On the other hand, the extensiveimplementation of risk assessment for established supplier alliance partnerscan result in inefcient resource allocation.The need for research on assessing supply riskAs presented above, several frameworks have been proposed to guidepurchasing organizations in t
27、heir assessment of the risk that exists withinbound supply. However,few studies exist that explore the key constructsnecessary for assessing supply risk. In addition, these prior frameworks focuson formalized tools for supply risk assessment. Additional tools may also existin purchasing organization
28、s that are not classied as “risk assessment,” butnonetheless provide those organizations insight for understanding the riskinherent with inbound supply. To address this gap in the literature, theresearchers in this study derived a case study research protocol andconducted multiple case studies for u
29、nderstanding how and why purchasingorganizations assess supply risk.Research methodThe case study research method was chosen in this research due to thenewness of the topic of supply risk and to obtain insights into how and whyorganizations assess supply risk (Eisenhardt, 1989b; Ellram, 1996; Straus
30、sand Corbin, 1998; Yin, 1994.Multiple sources of evidence were gathered inthe research, to include archival records such as supplier developmentchecklists and supplier certication standards, and interviews with keypersonnel from supply management, materials management, engineering,quality, and corpo
31、rate strategy.The researchers contacted organizations with strong reputations for havingproactive supply management functions, as recommended by knowledgeablepurchasing professionals and found in the popular press. Purchasingprofessionals were contacted via telephone or e-mail and asked severalquest
32、ions about their involvement in supply risk assessment and supply riskmanagement. Respondents from approximately ten organizations that eitherdid not engage in any management activities related to supply risk, or that didnot want to participate in the study were removed from the contact list.However
33、, several of the initial contacts that were unable to participate in thestudy provided the researchers with additional leads. Data generated in thecase studies was subject to open, axial, and selective coding analysis, as perthe guidelines set by Miles and Huberman (1984, Strauss and Corbin (1998,an
34、d Yin (1994. In addition, construct, internal and external validity, andreliability, were addressed throughout the investigation by creating and utilizinga case study research protocol (Ellram, 1996; Yin, 1994. Brief descriptions ofeach of the case study rms can be found in the Appendix.Research ndi
35、ngsThe following section provides a synthesis of how the purchasingdepartments of the organizations discover supply risk. The cases included twocomputer manufacturers (Comp1 and Comp2, two suppliers in the aerospaceindustry (Aero1 and Aero2, two semi-conductor manufacturers (Chip1 andChip2, and a ce
36、llular phone manufacturer (Cell. The unit of analysis was atthe corporate level for the computer manufacturers, and the business unit levelfor the remainder of the cases. Two of the rms, Chip1 and Cell, have formal,stand-alone supply risk assessment processes in place. The other rms do nothave speci
37、c, stand-alone risk assessment processes established, but insteaduse a variety of proactive supply management techniques to assess supplyrisk, as shown in Table II. The formal risk assessment tools are discussed rst,followed by the supply management techniques that facilitate supply riskassessment a
38、nalysis.Formal risk assessment techniquesTwo of the rms studied in this research have standardized, formal riskassessment techniques in place at their rms. The rst rm, Cell, has had aformal risk assessment process in place since February 2000. There are twofactors that inuenced the decision to creat
39、e a formal assessment tool. First,the supply risk assessment and measurement process was created to meetthe legal requirements of “KonTraG,” which is a German law implemented inMay 1998 to make investors aware of corporate risk (Kirk, 1999. Thisamendment to German corporate law requires companies to
40、 treat riskmanagement information similar to nancial information. KonTraG specicallyrequires companies to inform shareholders of the steps they take to managerisk. The second reason for initiating the supply risk assessment process is toachieve greater control of inbound supply and proactively reduc
41、e theoccurrence and impact of that supply risk. The supply risk measurementprocess is one facet reported to top management as part of an overall“balanced scorecard.”供应链风险评估技术分析作者:George A.Zsidisin,Lisa M.Ellram and Joseph R.Carter,JosephL.Cavinato,Glendale,Arizona国籍:美国(密歇根州立大学,密歇根州东兰辛)出处:营销和供应链管理,20
42、04,第5期卷34,P397-413介绍每个组织都需要获得商品和服务,以履行其目的和目标。风险存在于取得这些项目,无论是明确承认和管理,在粗略地调查,或干脆忽略。然而,已经微乎其微如何购买进行的研究组织评估入库供应中存在的风险。本文重点访港供应的风险,这是我们在本研究中定义为“一个潜在的发生访港供应从单个供应商的失败或与事件供应市场,其结果导致在采购公司无法在这满足客户的需求或客户的生命和安全造成的威胁 两个明确在此入境供应风险的定义概念是概率和影响。“。概率,在供应链管理方面,是衡量往往发生不利事件,导致亏损。的影响,另一方面,是指该组织损失的意义。因此,在以前的研究讨论,(Hallikas
43、等,2002;,卢斯和瑞发,1957年;沙皮拉,1995; Yates和石,1992年)的风险被认为存在的可能性相对较高,不利事件时有可能会出现与该事件有一个显着的影响或成本。它是一个组织的成功至关重要,了解存在的供应风险。一供应商未能提供入境购买的商品或服务,可以有采购公司的不利影响,并随后在整个下游供应链。采购公司通常会受到立即生产延误的损害与关键供应相关的损失发生时,或当供应商提供用品或部件不符合质量规范。例如,发现质量问题与荒野轮胎在2000年导致174人死亡,2.1B美元,估计其成本召回(Truett,2001年)。供应风险评估,包括评价其发生的可能性,在舞台上产品生命周期,曝光,可
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