



1、功能对等理论视角下的广告翻译研究【摘要】 随着中国商品经济的高速发展、科技的进步、大众传媒的普及和全球经济一体化进程的加快,广告越来越成为现代人生活不可或缺或无法逃避的一部分。中国加入世贸组织以及全球化已经影响到广告领域。频繁的国际贸易和激烈的市场竞争使得广告的作用越来越明显,广告翻译的地位也随之越来越重要。但是中英语言和文化的诸多差异决定了广告翻译是一项非常灵活而且复杂的工作。作为翻译学中的一个分支和跨文化交际研究的一个新领域,广告翻译因其独特的内在规律,越来越得到翻译者的重视而成为一个新的值得研究的领域。目前,人们已经对广告翻译进行了大量的研究和实践活动,但这些翻译探索仍远不能满足广告发展

2、的现状和需求。对广告翻译领域的理论研究也远远不能让人满意,就广告翻译应当采用的理论依据,不同的学派持有不同的观点。广告作为一种有明确商业目的的应用文体,在进行翻译时必须把广告的特殊目的与翻译理论结合起来。在众多的翻译理论中的,尤金·奈达的功能对等翻译理论为广告翻译的理论研究开辟了一个新视角。奈达的功能对等理论指的是“目的语读者对目的语的反应与原语读者对原语的反应在一定程度上是一样的”,重心在读者的反应。这一理论正好符合了广告翻译的特殊目的. 更多还原【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Chinese commodity econ

3、omy, the progress of science and technology, the popularity of mass media, as well as the acceleration of globalization, advertisement is becoming more and more an indispensable and inextricable part of our modern mens daily life. Chinas successes in becoming a member of WTO and the globalization al

4、l together have affected advertising field. The intensification of international commercial exchanges and the fierce competition make a growing ne. 更多还原 【关键词】 功能对等理论; 广告; 广告翻译; 语言; 文化; 翻译原则; 【Key words】 Functional equivalence theory; Advertisement; Advertisement translation; Language; Culture;

5、Translation principle; 【索购硕士论文全文】Q联系Q:138113721 139938848 即付即发目录摘要 5-9 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 9-13 1.1 Background of the study 9-10 1.2 Significance of the study 10-11 1.3 Arrangement of the thesis 11-13 CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 13-24 2.1 Previous studies on advertisement translation abroad 13-15 2.2

6、 Previous studies on advertisement translation at home 15-21 revious studies on theory and strategy of advertisement translation at home 18-19 2.2.2 A critical comment of the previous studies on advertisement translation at home 19-21 2.3 Inadequacy of traditional translation theory and principle 21

7、-24 CHAPTER ON ADVERTISEMENT AND ADVERTISEMENTTRANSLATION 24-37 3.1 General description of advertisement 24-33 Definition of advertisement 24-26 Classifications of advertisement 26-28 urpose and functions of advertisement 28-31 Formation of advertisement 31-33 3.2 On advertisement translation 33-37

8、The nature and properties of advertisement translation 34 Importance and necessary of advertisement translation 34-35 Requirements and criteria of advertisement translation 35-37 CHAPTER NIDA'S FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE THEORY 37-48 4.1 Introduction of Nida's functional equivalence translation

9、theory 37-43 Nida's concept of equivalence 37-39 Functional equivalence-development of dynamic equivalence 39-41 Core concepts of Nida's functional equivalence theory 41-43 4.2 Feasibility of functional equivalence in advertisement translation 43-48 CHAPTER NIDA'S FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE

10、INADVERTISEMENT TRANSLATION 48-69 5.1 Functional equivalence at linguistic level 48-62 daptation strategy at lexical level to achieve functional equivalence 49-52 daptation strategy at syntactical level to achieve functional equivalence 52-56 daptation strategy at rhetorical level to achieve functio

11、nal equivalence 56-62 5.2 Functional equivalence at cultural level 62-69 Cultural equivalence 64-65 Cultural clash 65-66 Cultural vacuum 66-67 Cultural substitute 67-69 CHAPTER PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISEMENT TRANSLATIONBASED ON NIDA'S FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENCE THEORY 69-74 6.1 The priority of content over form in advertisement translation 69-70 6.2 Employing the creative translation strategy in advertisement translation 70-72 6.3 Principle of "s


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