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1、人教新课标必修4核心词汇梳理并重点训练必修 4 13Unit 1 Women of achievementbehave, worthwhile, observe, argue, intend, deliver, look down on / upon, refer to1. behave vt.&vi. 举动;举止;行为表现behave well / badly towards sb 对某人态度好 / 恶劣behave oneself (某人)规矩点;老实点 Do behave! 规矩点!be on your best behaviour 尽量表现得体eg: I want you to

2、 behave yourself while Im away.She has been behaving rather oddly.Im sorry about what I did last nightI behaved like a child.注:在口语中,behave as if常用behave like代替。Behave yourself!用在口语交际中表示“规矩点!”。另外,behave可与某些副词构成形容词,如well-behaved(表现好的),badly-behaved(表现差的)。2. worthwhile adj. 值得的,值得出力的词条搭配意义和用法worthwhile

3、Its worthwhile doingIts worthwhile to do值得做某事worthbe + worth + n.值得,值be worth doing“某事值得被做”要用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。另外its worth it表示“是值得的”worthybe worthy of + n. 应得某事物be worthy of being donebe worthy to bedone“某事值得被做”,接动名词时of后要用动名词的被动式,接不定式时,worthy后要用不定式的被动式。表示“很值得做”要用副词well来修饰。worth一般只作表语;而worthy和worthwhil

4、e既可作表语又可作定语。worthy表示“有价值的,值得尊敬的”。eg: The “Water Cube” is worth a visit / visiting.= The “Water Cube” is worthy of being visited.= The “Water Cube” is worthy to be visited.= Its worthwhile to visit / visiting the “Water Cube”.The lecture is well worth listening to, though it is rather long.The new ne

5、cklace is worth $ 1, 500.Helping the disabled is a worthwhile activity.3. observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守;庆祝observe sth 观察某物observe sb do sth 观察某人做某事(全过程)observe sb doing sth 观察某人正在做某事eg: She has observed the stars all her life.He observed a stranger hanging around the store.We must observe the rules of the ro

6、ad.4. argue vi.&vt. 争论,争辩,说服,用辩论证明argue for 为而争论,为而辩护argue against 争辩(反对)argue with 与争辩argue with sb on / about / over sth 与某人争辩某事argue sb into / out of doing sth 说服某人做 / 不做某事argument n. 争论,争辩,论点eg: We decided to argue for the peasant free of charge the moment we finished hearing his story.He ar

7、gued with Mary over the best place for a holiday.They were arguing about how to spend the money.Mary argued Tom into buying a new car.5. intend vt. 计划;打算intend sb to do sth 打算让某人做某事 to do sthintend doing sth 打算做某事intend sb / sth for 打算使成为;想让从事某事be intended to do sth / for sth 是用来intend that 打算,想had

8、intended to do sth = intended to have done sth 过去本打算做intention n. 意图;打算;目的by intention 故意have no intention of doing 无意做with the intention of 抱有目的,打算without intention 无意中,不是故意地eg: Do you intend making / to make a long stay here?This gift is intended for you.I intended to have gone to Beijing, but I d

9、idnt get the ticket.6. deliver v. 投递,发表,宣布,接生,生(小孩)(仅限于被动语态)deliver sth (to sb) 投递 / 传送某物(给某人)deliver a speech 发表演说be delivered of a child = give birth to a child 生孩子deliver sb / sth over to sb 把移交给某人eg: Would you deliver my message to your mother?She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineeri

10、ng.Im having some flowers delivered for her birthday.She was delivered of a healthy baby.7. look down on / upon 蔑视,轻视,瞧不起look forward to 盼望,期待look into 调查,观察,窥视look up 抬头看;查阅look on 旁观look on / uponas 把看作look out (for) 注意,留意,留神look sb up and down 上下打量某人look though 浏览;看穿;审查eg: You mustnt look down up

11、on the disabled.Im looking forward to working with you.Most people look on the governments promises with complete belief.As I looked through the newspapers, I found some useful information.8. refer to 提到,说到,参考,参阅referto 把提交给(以求获得帮助)reference n. 言及,提及,参考,查阅in / with reference to = in connection with

12、关于without reference to 与无关,不管eg: You may refer to your notes if you want.My doctor referred me to a specialist.Did you hear all the nasty references to me that Janet kept making?I am writing with reference to your job application.注:refer to和consult后直接带书籍、词典等名词,而look up(查阅)后面跟所要查找的词作宾语,如look up a wor

13、d in a dictionary。9. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. only在句首修饰作状语的副词或介词短语时,句子要倒装。 only在句首修饰状语从句时,主句要用倒装语序,从句不用倒装语序。 only在句首修饰句子的主语时,不用倒装语序。eg: Only then did I realize the importance of communication.Only in this way can we improve

14、 our English.Only after you have reached eighteen can you join the army.Only he can answer the question.练习:1. Paul, do . Did you forget the college rules? A. conduct B. perform C. react D. behave2. Cheng Fei is most gymnast and she proved to be to have a place in the womens gymnastic team. A. worth;

15、 worth B. worthy; worthy C. worthy; worth D. worth; worthy3. Do they Christmas Day in that country? A. congratulate B. support C. watch D. observe4. He argued smoking, and insisted that it was argument that smoking was harmful to health. A. for; beyond B. against; over C. for; over D. against; beyon

16、d5. She went out with the door unlocked by although she knew early that it would result in theft. A. accident B. intention C. chance D. purpose6. We can goods to your door. A. pass B. relay C. deliver D. release7. Heads from Asia and Europe attended the conference and President Hu speech on the firs

17、t day. A. stated B. issued C. addressed D. delivered8. this proposal for me, and tell me what you think of it. A. Look out B. Look back C. Look through D. Look up9. -Please dont take the books out of the reading room. -No, I wont. I just want to them for some figures. A. mention B. refer to C. look

18、up D. look into10. The coach asked his staff to the large group of journalists, waiting for him to announce his training plans. A. adapt to B. attend to C. refer to D. appeal to11. a mobile phone can you ring you want to talk with anywhere. A. Using; whoever B. Only on; whomever C. Only by; whatever

19、 D. With; anyone12. Only by following this method . A. we can study English well B. can we be able to study English well C. can we study English well D. study English well can we13. Only when he returned from the exchange program how much he enjoyed it. A. he realized B. he had realized C. did he re

20、alize D. had he realizedUnit 2 Working the landstruggle, expand, equip, regret, reduce, ridof, would rather, lead to, what is / was called1. struggle vt.&vi.&n. 斗争;拼搏;努力;挣扎struggle to do sth 艰难地做某事;挣扎着做某事 struggle for 为而斗争struggle with (against) 与作斗争;同搏斗struggle on 挣扎着;坚持下去struggle to ones f

21、eet 挣扎着站起来 eg: He has been struggling to succeed in his business.= He has been struggling for success in his business.It was a real struggle to be ready on time.Weve lost two of our best players, but were struggling on.We have to struggle with / against all kinds of difficulties.2. expand vi. 扩大;增加;

22、增强 vt. 使变大;使增强;阐述expand into 把扩展(发展、膨胀)expand on / upon 阐述;详谈expansion n. 扩大;扩张;扩展expansive adj. 广阔的;易扩张的;易膨胀的辨析expand / extend / spread / stretch: expand展开,扩大,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。 extend伸出,延伸,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度、宽度的向为延伸,也可指时间的延长。 spread伸开,传播,一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病)、散布(信息)等。 stretch伸展,拉长,一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展,

23、不是加长。eg: A childs vocabulary expands through reading.Why not try to expand your story into a novel?You mentioned the need for extra funding. Would you expand on that?3. equip v. 装备;配备equipwith 用装备equipfor sth / to do sth 为了而装备well / poorly equipped 设备精良的 / 较差的equipment n. 装备;设备(不可数名词)a piece of equi

24、pment 一件设备eg: Well have to equip our office with word processors, wont we?It was a modern, bright, well equipped hospital.We want our son to have an education that will equip him for later lift.Our school has been given some new equipment.4. regret vt. 遗憾;惋惜 n. 遗憾;懊悔regret doing sth 后悔做了某事regret to

25、do sth (常和tell,say,inform等词连用) 对将要做某事表示遗憾regret that 遗憾with great / deep regret 很遗憾to ones regret 让某人感到遗憾的是It is to be regretted that 使人遗憾的是eg: If you dont do it now, youll only regret it.He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.She expressed her regret at the decision.注:regret后既可用动名词作宾语又可用不定式

26、作宾语,但二者有一定的区别。当表示“后悔做了谋事”时应用regret doing sth(动作已做);当表示“遗憾要去做某事”时应用regret to do sth(动作未做)。5. reduce vt. 缩减;减少;降低;使陷入某种更坏的状态(常用于被动语态)be reduced to 沦落为reduce sth to 减少到reduce sth by 减少了reduction n. 缩小;减少make a reduction 减价eg: He was reduced to tears / despair at the sight.The reform has reduced us to s

27、ervant of the State.She reduced her weight by 6 kilos / to 50 kilos.6. ridof 摆脱;除去get rid of 免除;摆脱rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事inform sb of sth 通知某人某事cure sb of a disease 医好某人的病eg: You should rid yourself of that bad habit.You are supposed to get rid of carelessness.Please remind me of

28、 the date at this time tomorrow.7. would rather 宁愿;宁可would rather do 宁愿做would rather dothan do 宁愿(而)不愿wouldrather than do / 与其rather than dowould 倒不如 过去时,表示现在或将来(虚拟)would rather + 从句 过去完成时,表示过去(虚拟)would rather have done 本来想而未实现I would rather you didnt. 常用来表示委婉拒绝别人的请求prefer to do sth rather than do s

29、th 宁愿也不eg: He would rather walk than take a bus.Rather than refuse to help you, I would borrow money from my friends.I would rather you went right now.Id rather you hadnt told him the news that day.8. lead to 导致;造成(后果);通往,通向lead sb to do sth 使某人做某事lead / live / have alife 过样的生活lead sb into 带某人进入lead

30、 the way 引路,带路eg: All roads lead to Rome.What led you to think so?The cigarette end led to the fire.9. Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.what is / was called或what people call / called是习惯用法,意为“所谓的;人们常说的”,相当于so-called。其中引导词what在此句中相当于“the + n. + that”结构。本句可改为Dr Yuan Longping grow

31、s the rice that is called super hybrid rice.eg: At last, they reached what is called the New America.He graduated from what was called a key high school.练习:1. We all should have confidence in ourselves in the of life. A. struggle B. battle C. fight D. war2. In order to prevent the disease to other d

32、istricts, the authorized organization killed thousands and thousands of cows. A. extending B. spreading C. expanding D. stretching3. Your education will you to earn a good living. Work hard from now on. A. associate B. equip C. relate D. feed4. -What you said made her unhappy. -I regret that. A. say

33、ing B. to say C. said D. to have said5. Finally the farmer was reduced his land. A. to sell B. to have sold C. to selling D. selling6. I tried various ways to (驱除厨房中的苍蝇).7. I debt now. 现在我已经还清债务了。8. I would rather the football match last night with my friends. Otherwise, I would have finished my pap

34、e- rwork by now. A. not have watched B. not watch C. hadnt watched D. havent watched9. -Would you rather there tomorrow? -No, Id rather he there instead of me. A. to go; will go B. go; went C. go; will go D. going; shall go10. What led you the conclusion? A. from B. to C. for D. in11. Just as sound

35、travels through the air in waves, so electricity travels through the air in radio waves. A. what is called B. which is called C. what it is called D. which it is calledUnit 3 A taste of English humourcontent, astonish, entertain, direct, particular, badly off, pick out, cut off1. content adj. 满足的;满意

36、的 n. 内容;目录;容量;满足 vt. 使满足be content to do sth 乐于做某事be content with 对满足 / 满意do sth to ones hearts content 心满意足地、尽情地做某事content oneself with 满足于;使(某人)自己对感到满足eg: That rich man is tired of city life, so he is content to live in the country.He got a new job in a hotel and he is content with it.As he had to

37、 drive home after the party, he contented himself with two glasses of beer.We can swim in the river to our hearts content.注:content作形容词,通常作表语、后置定语或状语,作前置定语时要用contented,如a contented expression满足的表情;在充当表语表示“非常满意”时,用be well content而不能用be very content。2. astonish vt. 使惊诧astonish sb with / by sth 用某事使某人惊

38、讶be astonished at / by sth 对某事感到惊讶be astonished to do sth 惊讶地做某事astonished adj. 感到吃惊的astonishment n. 惊讶astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的at ones astonishment 使某人惊讶的是in astonishment 吃惊的eg: That he passed the English test astonished everyone.They were all astonished to hear China won 51 gold medals in the Beijing

39、 Olympics.To our astonishment, he actually arrived punctually.= What astonished us was that he actually arrived punctually.3. entertain vt.&vi. 使欢乐;款待entertain sb (to sth) 宴客;招待;款待(尤指在自己家中)entertain sb (with sth) (用)使某人快乐entertain sb as 把某人当招待entertaining adj. 愉快的;有趣的entertainment n. 招待;款待;娱乐片;演

40、出eg: I entertained my friends to dinner yesterday evening.He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.The man entertained the children with all kinds of tricks.Its not a very serious film, but a good entertainment.4. direct vt.&vi. 导演;指挥;指示 adj. 径直的;直接的;直率的 adv. 直接地direct sb to do sth

41、 指示(令)某人做某事direct + that从句 (谓语动词用虚拟语气)direct sb to a place 告诉某人去某地in the direction of 朝方向under the direction of 在指导下in all directions (= in every direction) 朝四面八方directly adv. “直接地”,也可作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”辨析direct / directly: direct指行进中不停步,不绕道,直奔目的地。 directly指以一种直接的方式。表时间时,指“立刻,不拖延”之意。eg: The police o

42、fficers had been directed to search the building.Can you direct me to the post office?At the sound of the gun, the birds flew in all directions.Directly the teacher came in, everyone was quiet.The next flight doesnt go direct to Rome. It goes by way of Pairs.5. particular adj. 特殊的,特别的;挑剔的 n. 细节,细目be

43、 particular about / over sth 对讲究,挑剔in particular 尤其,特别;格外辨析especially / specially / particularly: especially指某事超乎一般的重要,强调“超过其他”;常用于一些强调需要得到特别注意或特别待遇的场合,含有对比的意味。 specially多指为了某一特定目的而专门做某事。 particularly表示“特别地,尤其地”,可以与especially互换,但particularly还可作“详细地,细致地”讲,侧重指从同类中把特例选出,强调在某一方面表现尤为突出。eg: The girl is ve

44、ry particular about her food.She loves the song in particular / particularly, because her mother used to sing it.I have nothing particular to do today.This kind of bike is specially designed for children.6. badly off 穷的;缺乏的be well off 境况很好;富裕be better off 境况较好be worse off 更穷的worse and worse 越来越坏;每况愈

45、下go from bad to worse to make matters worse = (and) what is worse而更糟糕的是eg: Ive got quite a big room so Im not too badly off.The school is rather badly off for books and equipment.We shouldnt complain about being poor because many families are much worse off.7. pick out 挑出;辨别出pick up 拾起,捡起;收拾,整理;(偶然)

46、学会;用车接某人;收听到;身体好转pick oneself up 跌倒后站起来pick up with sb 结识某人pick and choose 挑三拣四eg: Read the play again and pick out the major theme.See if you can pick me out in this photo.The bus picks up passengers outside the airport.8. cut off 切掉,割掉;分离,隔离(常跟from);中断cut across 抄近路穿过;径直穿过cut away 切掉;剪掉cut down 砍倒

47、;杀死;削减;缩短cut in 插嘴;突然插入cut into halves / pieces 切成两半 / 碎块cut out 切掉;删掉cut up 切碎;使丧气;使痛心eg: The countrys economy would collapse if oil supplies were cut off.She kept cutting in on our conversation.Lets cut out the unimportant details.The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.9. Charlie first pi

48、cks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.本句as if引导方式状语从句,表示与当时状况不相符的状况,故用虚拟语气。 as if引导从句用陈述语气的情况: 当说话者认为句子所陈述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时,从句用陈述语气。 as if引导从句用虚拟语气的情况:a. 从句动词表示的动作在时间上与主句动词表示的动作同时发生,从句动词用过去式。b. 从句动词表示的动作在时间上比主句动词表示的动作早发生,从句动词用had done。c. 从句动词表示的动作在时间上比主句动词表示的动作晚发生,从句动词用would /

49、could / might + do。eg: It looks as if it is going to rain.He talks as if he knew where she was.He talks about Rome as if he had been there before.练习:1. 她目前对自己的工作非常满意。 2. To our , the boss wasnt at the news at all. A. astonishment; astonish; astonished B. astonishment; astonished; astonishing C. asto

50、nish; astonished; astonishing D. astonishment; astonishing; astonished3. My wife them as honoured guests. A. entertained B. interested C. amused D. encouraged4. , I had no difficulty in finding the famous actors house. A. Directing by Jack B. I was directed by Jack C. With Jack directing me D. Jack

51、directed me5. On Teachers Day, we all went to school to see our teachers. A. especially B. specially C. particularly D. attentively6. 使事情更糟的是,在我们行进过程中,天下起了雨。 7. Youll soon health when you get to the seaside. A. pick out B. pick up C. pick on D. pick at8. -Any suggestion? -Youd better the last senten

52、ce as it is rather misleading. -Sounds reasonable. Then could you a good ending to it? A. put out; increase B. leave out; add C. pick out; find D. knock out; choose9. He had his finger in an accident at work. A. cut off B. broken in C. hung up D. put down10. -So strange, I got in the middle of the conver- sation. I


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