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1、八年级英语上册期中测试卷时间 : 100 分钟满分: 120 分分数一、听力部分( 25 分)笔试部分( 100 分):二、单项选择 (20 分)() 1. How often does your sister surf the internet?About.A. three timeB. three timesC. three time every dayD. three times a day()2. Thank you forme find my little cat yesterday.A. helpB. helpsC. helpedD. helping()3.Are you good

2、 at?A. swimB. swimmingC. to swimD. swam()4.Could I please use your computer?.A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, you cant C. Sorry, you cantD. No, I cant.()5.does it take you to watch TV?About forty minutes.A. How longB. How muchC. How oftenD. How many()6. My friend likes singing and talking with others. But I o

3、ftenstay at home to watch TV. So my friend isthan me.A. seriouserB. more serious C. calmerD. more outgoing()7. Im short, so I want to be.A. heavierB. largerC. tallerD. bigger()8. When it rains, Ia taxi.A. takeB. rideC. byD. sit()9. He isfat because he eatsjunk food.A.much too,too muchB.too much,much

4、 tooC.too much,too muchD.much too,much too()10. Look atpicture;man in the bus is Mr Li.A.a,theB.the,theC.the,aD. /, the()11 Li Mei iscleverest of the fourA aB anC the D ()12 Whats _movie theater in your town?AbetterB the betterC the worst Dworse()13 No3 Bus has_ seats and italso has _serviceAthe mos

5、t comfortable;goodB comfortable :betterCthe most comfortable;the friendliestDmore comfortable;the friendlier()14 In Harbin ,touristsneed _warm clothesin winter A wearB put onCto wear Dto put on()15 Her handwriting is much better than_Aher B himCher brother D her brothers()16. Gina _ to a party last

6、night.A. goB. to goC. goingD. went()17. Mike _ to school this morning.A. walksB. walkC. walkingD. walked()18. Lets _the classroom together.A. cleanB. cleaningC. cleanedD. to clean()19. His brother is notas you.A. so outgoingB. more outgoingC. outgoingD. most outgoing()20. Could you tell usto do next

7、 week?A. whichB. howC. whatD. that三、完形填空( 15 分):When Mr Smith retired(退休 ), he bought a small 1in a village nearthe sea. He2 it and hoped to live a quiet life in this house.But to hisgreatsurprise,manytouristscametosee his house in summerholidays,foritwas themost3 buildinginthevillage.From morningto

8、 night there were4outside the house. They kept looking into therooms throughthe windows and 5 ofthem even went intoMr Smith s garden.This was too much for Mr Smith. He decided to ask the visitors to 6 .So he put a notice on the window. The notice said,“ If you want 7 yourcuriosity( 好奇心 ) , come in a

9、nd look round. Price: twenty dollars.” MrSmith was sure thatthe visitorswould8coming,buthe was wrong. Moreand more visitors came and Mr Smith had to 9every day showing themaround his house. “ I came here to10nottowork as a guide (导游) , ”he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.(

10、) 1.A. gardenB. shopC. houseD. school() 2.A. likedB. hatedC. soldD. built() 3.A. bigB. interestingC. smallD. clean() 4.A. childrenB. studentsC. parentsD. tourists() 5.A. noB. noneC. manyD. much() 6.A. comeB. leaveC. stayD. play() 7.A. to satisfyB. satisfyC. to satisfyingD. satisfying() 8.A. go onB.

11、stopC. continueD. not() 9.A. takeB. costC. spendD. pay() 10. A. playB. workC. watchD. retire四补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项(5 分)Reporter:Hi!I m a reporter.( 1)canyou tellme which restaurantisthebest?Boy:I think Health Restaurant is the best.Reporter:(2)Boy:Because it has the healthiest

12、food .And its service is the .bestReporter:(3)Boy: Well ,I think Happiness Restaurant is very bad ,The service is the worst.Reporter: I went there before .The food was expensive,too.Boy: Yes.(4)Reporter: Oh ,really ?Boy: Yes. There are lots of childrenthere every day .Tomorrow Restaurant has fastfoo

13、d (快餐 ) , like hamburgers and chips (薯条)。(5)Reporter: Thanks for telling me .Boy : No problem.A. As for children,theyliketo go to Tomorrow Restaurant.B. I m doing a survey about the restaurants inour city.C. How do you like it?D. Why do you think so?E. Is the food good ?F. What about other restauran

14、ts?G. Theyre children s favorites五、阅读理解( 40 分,每小题 2 分)(A)Bruno was a boy of eight.His fatherworked in a cinema and his motherworked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walkedthere and walked home. Onhis way to school,he had to pass a playground.Itwas very wet afteritrained.One day

15、, when he got home, his clotheswere all wet. His mother became angry(生气的 )and said,“Don t playin the water on your way home from school!”On the next day Bruno came home with wet and dirty(脏的 )clothes.His mother became even angrier.“ I ll tell your father if you comeback wet again, ” saidhis mother.“

16、Hellpunish( 惩罚 )you, you know.”The third day the little boy was dry when he came home.“Youre a good boy today”, his mother said happily.“ You didn t play in the water.”“No,” the boy said unhappily.“ There were too many older boys inthe water when I got there this afternoon. There wasnt any room(空地方

17、)for me at all!”根据文章内容选择正确答案()1.Bruno went to schoolevery day.A. by bikeB. by busC. by carD. on foot()2.The playground was between(在 之间 )。A. two classroomsB. the cinema and shopC. Bruno s house and schoolD. the shop and Brunos school()3. The little boy liked to play on theplayground.A. when it snowe

18、dB. when there was some water thereC. when the children played football thereD. when hisfather was busy with his work()4.Bruno was afraid ofthe most.A. his father B. his mother C. his teacherD. the older boys()5. That afternoon,the boys clotheswere dry because.A. nobody made room (地方) for him in the

19、 waterB. there was no water on the playgroundC. he took off his clothes before he played thereD. he played in the water carefully(B)Please look at the Flight Timetable and choose the right answers.Flight No. Departure Arrival FromToStopCA90707:4512:10Beijing MoscowChengduCA98101:5818:35Beijing New Y

20、orkShanghaiCA15810:2023:10Beijing LondonChengduCA14911:3522:10Beijing SydneyHong KongCA92312:3517:10Beijing Moscow/CA16713:1502:40Beijing ParisMoscowCA14715:5510:15Beijing SydneyGuangzhouCA94917:2507:35Beijing ParisShanghaiCA17319:2001:50Beijing MoscowUrumqiCA937 21:25 08:10 Beijing London Hong Kong

21、(departure=leaving)6.You ll go to Australia. You can only take when you reach Beijing Airport at eleven forty.A.CA923 B.CA149 C. CA147 D. CA167 7. If you spend fourteen hours and ten minutes going to France,you must stay inon the way.A. Hong KongB. ShanghaiC. Moscow D. Chengdu 8. Itwilltake youtorea

22、ch England ifyou stop in Hong Kong.A. nine hours and twentyB. ten hours and thirty-fiveC. twelve hours and fiftyD. ten hours and forty-five 9.You mayin Beijing if you want to go to America.A. take one planeB. take two planesC. take three planeD. not take any planes 10. How many planes may you take i

23、n Beijing if you want to go toAustralia?A. OneB. Two C. ThreeD. Four.(C)One afternoon, Kate and her brother, Bob went out to play. Kate was eight, and Bob was ten. “ Let s go to the bridge and we can see fish in the river. ” said Kate.“I dont know ” Bob said. “Mumtold us, Dont go on the bridge. She

24、said it s dangerous. ”Kate said,“ I am not afraid. Are you?”They walked onto thebridgeand began looking for fishin the river.The bridge was a train bridge. Trains went over the bridge three timesa day.The childrenwere standingin the middle of the bridgewhen they hearda loud noise.“ A trainis coming!

25、 ” Bob shouted.“Run!” He ran to theend of the bridge. He was safe.Kate ran, too, but she fell. The train was coming fast. Kate rantowards Bob. She fell again right on the train tracks (铁轨 ). There wasno time to leave. She had to lie down between the tracks. A few secondslater,the trainwent over the

26、girl,but she was not hurt at all.She stoodup and said to Bob,“ Dont tell Mum! Dont tell Mum!”At lasttheirmother found out about the story.She was angry becausethey went on the bridge. But she was happy that Kate was all right.( )11. Bob and Kate were _.A. twinsB. brothersC. sistersD. brother and sis

27、ter( ) 12. One afternoon they went to the bridge to see _.A. their motherB. fishC. the trainD. the river( ) 13. When the train came, the children were _.A. in the middle of the bridgeB. at the end of the bridgeC. on their way to the bridgeD. away from the bridge( ) 14. Where was Kate when the train

28、was going over her?A.She fellagain righton the traintracks( 铁轨 ).B. Kate rantowards Bob.C. She had to lie down between the tracks.D. She stood upand cried.( ) 15. When their mother knew about the story, she was _.A. happyB. angryC. sorryD. both angry and happy(D)Alice has no job, so she stays at hom

29、e to cook the meals,. Pedro isher husband. He works in a factory. He is often very tired after a days work. every day, he can have dinnerwhen he gets homefrom hisfactory.One day, Pedro came home very late because he was very busy in the factory. He was very hungry when he got home .He was not happy

30、when he found his dinner was not ready. He was veryangry with his wife. He shouted at her, ” I m going out to eat in a restaurant. ”“ wait for five minutes, ” said his wife. “ Why? Do you think that dinner will be ready in five minutes? ” asked Pedro.“Of coursenot.”sheanswered. ”ButI canbe ready tog

31、o withyouin five minutes.”( ) 16. Pedro is _.A. a factory workerB. an office workerC. a teacher in a schoolD. a doctor in a hospital() 17.Alice stays at home because _.A .she likes cooking B. she loves her husband very muchC. she doesn t have a jobD .she doesnt want to work( )18.One day, Pedro came home very late because _.A. he was hungry B. he had a lot of work to doC. he was angry


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