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1、大学英语六级真题 2017 年 12 月-(2)(总分:710.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PartIWriting (总题数:1,分数:106.50)1. Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essaycommentingon the saying Help others, and you will be helped when you are inneed. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at

2、least150 words but no more tha n 200 words._(分数:106.50)正确答案:()解析: A famous proverb goes like this: Help others, and you will be helped when youare in need. Simple as the saying is, its implication is inspiring. This saying, in my pointof view, highlights the role of mutual help in our daily life and

3、 the principles peopleshould uphold.It is known to all that the world today is getting more closely connected than ever before,which demands our mutual help in addressing regional or international issues. Put itanother way, inthis ever-changing world, mutual help is to us what water is to fish. To t

4、ake thefriendship between my desk mate and me as an example, we treat each other as truebrothers. When he is in trouble,I always offer a helping hand, and vice versa. Whats more, helping others in need hasalwaysbeen a virtue in traditional Chinese culture. As we build our country based on suchcultur

5、alfoundation, we cannot afford to lie idle such moral guide.To sum up, Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need does makesense nowadays.The changing world makes it impossible to live alone, and we need mutual help to thrive.Thecultural essence makes helping others tenable. And by doi

6、ng so, we believe we canbuild a harmonious community with shared future.二、PartnListening Comprehension (总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Section A (总题数:2,分数:104.00)Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:52.00 )A. Say a

7、 few words to thank the speaker.VB. In troduce the speaker to the audience.C. Give a lecture on the history of the town.D. Host a talk on how to give a good speech.解析:听力原文W: You are going to give a short speech of thanks for the speaker this evening, arentyou, Bill? M: Yes.W: You dont sound very ent

8、husiastic. Its not very bad, is it?M: No, I dont mind really. But I can never forget the first speech of thanks I did.W: Why? What happened?M: Well, I was in my early twenties. I joined the local history society.W: Yes.M: Anyway, I went along to a lecture by a Miss Bligh.W: Oh, do go on.M: She was g

9、oing to talk with slides about a town in the 18th century. She just publisheda bookon the subject which is reckoned to be quite good. So, I went along. WhenI arrived,the secretaryasked me if I could give the speech of thanks. Rather stupidly, I said yes.W: Weve all done it.M: Anyway, from that point

10、 on, I was scared. What should I say? Id start to make notesduring the lecture, and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.In fact, by the time Miss Bligh stood up to talk, I was feeling much better. But she was sonervous that she kept forgetting what to say, and she spoke

11、 almost in a whisper. Peopleat the back kept calling out We cant hear. It was embarrassing.W: I can imagine it.M: At least the slides were good, that is, until the bulb in the projector blew, and she hadto finish the talk with no illustrations.W: So what did you say in your speech of thanks?M: What

12、can you say? You have to be polite, and mention the interesting facts, refer tothe excellent slides and then finish it by saying wed all like to thank Miss Bligh forblowing extra slides. W: Oh, no!M: I thought terrible. I tried to apologize, not very successfully.W: And the speech of thanks this eve

13、ning?M: Ill write down exactly what Im going to say and read it carefully.Q: What is the man asked to do this evening? 解析 听前预测: 1四项均以动词原形开头,可能以 what 提问。2四项提到的内容均与演讲有关。 3两项提到的内容与演讲者有关,两项提到的内容与演讲的内容有关。 结论:该题可能考查与演讲有关的内容,或与演讲者有关,或与演讲的内容有关。听音时要仔细听与演讲 有关的内容,然后结合选项做出判断。对话中女士提到:“比尔,你今天晚上要对演讲者做一个简短的感谢致辞,是吗?

14、”接着男士给出了回答:“是的。”因此 A 项与对话内容相符,故为正确答案。其他三项在对话中均未提到,因此排除。A. He was the founder of the local history society.B. He has worked with Miss Bligh for 20 years.C. He has published a book on public speaking.D.He joined the localhistory society when young.V解析: 听力原文 Q: What do we learn about the man? 解析 听前预测:

15、1四项均以 he 开头。 2四项均与 he 的工作相关。 3两项提到了与当地历史学会 (local history society) 有关的内容。 结论:该题可能考查与 he 的工作有关的内容,而 he 的工作可能与当地历史学会有关。听音时首先要注 j 听与当地历史学会有关的内容,然后结合选项做出判断。对话中男士提到:“我那时才二十几岁,加入了当地的历史学会。”因此D 项与对话内容相符,故为正确单。对话中男士提到:“当时她刚刚出版了一本相同主题的书”,此前他还提到了布莱女士,所以出书的 是布莱女士,而不是男士,故 C 项错误;A 项和 B 项在对话中均未提及,故排除。A. She was ob

16、viously better at talking than writing.B. She had a good knowledge of the towns history.VC. Her speech was so funny as to amuse the audience.D. Her ancestors came to the town in the 18th century.解析: 听力原文 Q: What does the man say about Miss Bligh? 解析 听前预测:1四项内容均与 she 相关。2两项提到的内容与她的演讲相关,两项内容与她和城镇的关系相关

17、。结论:该题考查的内容可能与 she 的演讲相关或与城镇的关系相关。听音时首先要明确she 的指代对象, 然后结合选项做出判断。对话中男士提到:“她准备用幻灯片讲述18 世纪一个城镇的历史。当时她刚刚出版了一本相同主题的书,而且人们认为这本书相当不错。”由此得知, B 项与对话内容相符,故为正确答案。对话中,她准备用幻 灯片讲述 18 世纪一个城镇的历史,而不是她的祖先在18 世纪来到这座城镇,故 D 项错误;A C两项与对话中描述的情况相反,故排除。A.He read exactly what was written in his notes.B.He kept forgetting wha

18、t he was going to say.C. He made an embarrassing remark.VD. He was too nervous to speak up.解析: 听力原文 Q: What does the man say about the first time he gave a speech of thanks? 解析 听前预测:1 四项均以 he 开头。2四项提到的内容均与he 的演讲情况相关。结论:该题考查的内容可能与 he 的演讲情况相关。听音时应留意与演讲情况相关的语句。对话中男士提到: “我必须要有礼貌, 提一下有趣的事实, 讲一下精彩的幻灯片, 然后

19、结束时我说道: 我 们要感谢布莱女士爆掉多余的幻灯片。”对于这句话女士的反应是:“哦,不。”后面又提到男士道歉 但不是很成功,说明男士这句话让布莱女士很尴尬。由此可知,C 项正确。由对话内容可知,是布莱女士总忘记要说的话,而不是男士,因此B 项错误;A、 D 两项在对话中未提及, 故排除。Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数: 52.00 )A. What t

20、heir retailers demand.B. What their rivals are doing.VC. How they are going to beat their rivals.D. How dramatically the market is changing.解析: 听力原文 W: Another cup of tea, Paul?M: No, thanks. Well, whats new, Lorry?W: Nothing dramatic, but theres something you should know about.M: Whats that?W: Well

21、, our rivals are offering extended credit terms to some of the retailers in the area.M: Oh? Which rival is this? We only have two.W: Baras company.M: Oh, damn! Well, the harder threat.W: I know they are smaller than us. But we cant afford to ignore them.M: Yes, youre right, Lorry. But I dont like it

22、s extended credit. It ties up cash we couldputto better use elsewhere. But Ill look into it on Monday.W: Yes, and there is something else.M: Dont tell me. The letter from the tax revenue office?W: Right. How did you know?M: Terra told me. Whats the problem?W: Well, Tom got this letter late yesterday

23、 and then went frantic trying to find copies oflastyears accounts.M: Did he find them?W: No, and he was away before I could get hold of the letter.M: Howabout a drive down to the office now? And well see if everythings alright. Thereis another reason why I want to chat with you before Monday.W: I th

24、ought its much. Well, go on surprise me.M: How about selling that new motor cycle of yours in Indonesia?W: What? You mean export? Paul, I think youve been away too long. This is JayalMotors. Weve never sold a bike abroad.M: Dont worry, Lorry. Im not crazy. Ive been studying the possibility. And I th

25、ink weshouldgive it a go.W: Its not as easy as that, though, is it? Wed have to reorganize the whole company.M: Dont be silly. I dont intend to start it next week. Wehave to plan it properly, and ofcourse therell be a few problems.W: A few problems? I can see hundreds. For one thing, transport. I ha

26、ve enough troubledelivering bikes to shops only forty miles away, never mind five thousand miles.M: Thats what forwarding agents are for.Q: What does the woman think the man should know? 解析 听前预测:1四项均以特殊疑问词开头。2两项提到的内容与市场需求及变化相关(retailersdemand, market ischanging) ,两项提到的内容与企业的竞争对手相关。结论:该题考查的内容可能与市场或商业

27、有关,涉及企业的竞争对手。听音时要留意与选项中提到的可能 与企业竞争对手相关的内容。对话开头女士说:“但是有些你应该知道的事。”男士问是什么事,接下来女士回答说:“我们的竞争对 手正在向该地区的一些零售商提供长期信贷条款。”由此可知,女士想告诉男士的是竞争对手正在做的事 情,B 项与对话内容相符,故为正确答案。其他三项对话中均未提及,故排除。A. They should be taken seriously.VB. They are rapidly catching up.C. Their business strategy is quite effective.D. Their potent

28、ial has been underestimated.解析: 听力原文 Q: What does the women think of Baras Company? 解析 听前预测:1四项均与 they 相关。2三项提到的内容与they 目前的状况相关。结论:该题考查的内容可能与 they 目前的状况相关。听音时要明确 they 的指代对象,然后结合选项做出 判断。对话中女士提到:“我知道他们没我们公司大,但是我们也不能忽视他们。”由此可知,女士认为应该重 视该公司,A 项与对话内容相符,故为正确答案。其他三项在对话中未提及,故排除。A. She had given it to Tom.B.

29、 It simply made her go frantic.C. She had not seen it yet.VD. It was not much of a big concern.解析: 听力原文 Q: What did the woman say about the letter from the tax revenue office? 解析 听前预测: 1四项都提到 it 。2两项以 she 开头,两项以 it 开头。 结论:该题考查的内容可能与女士对 it 的处理相关。听音时要留意与此相关的语句。 对话中女士提到:“没有,我还没有拿到那封信他就已经离开了。”由此可知,女士还没见

30、过那封来自税 收办公室的信, C 项与对话内容相符, 故为正确答案。 女士提到: “汤姆昨天下午晚些时候拿到的这封信, 然后开始疯狂地找去年账目的复印件。”由此可知,并不是女士将信件给了汤姆,而且发疯地找复印件的 也是汤姆,不是女士,因此A、B 两项错误,故排除;D 项在对话中未提及,故排除。A.Restructuring the whole company.B.Employing more forwarding agents.C. Promoting cooperation with Jayal Motors.D.Exporting their motorbikesto Indonesia.

31、V解析: 听力原文 Q: What is the man thinking of doing? 解析 听前预测:1四项均为动名词短语,本题可能以what 提问。2四项提到的内容均与公司的政策调整有关。 结论:该题考查的内容可能与公司的政策调整相关。听音时要留意与这四项内容相关的句子。 对话中男士提到: “把你们的新款摩托车卖到印度尼西亚怎么样 ?”由此可得知,男士考虑的是出口摩托车到印度尼西亚,因此 D 项为正确答案。女士提到:“我们必须要重组整个公司。”可知,重组公司是女士 提出的,而不是男士,因此A 项错误;其他两项在对话中均未提及,故排除。四、 Section B ( 总题数: 0,分数

32、: 0.00)五、 Passage One( 总题数: 1,分数: 31.50)Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数: 31.50 )A. It makes claims in conflict with the existing research.B. It focuses on the link between bedtime and nutrition.VC. It c

33、autions against the overuse of coffee and alcohol.D. It shows that night owls work much less efficiently.解析: 听力原文 A report on sleep and nutrition released this month found that people who consistentlywent to bed earlier than 11 p.m. took in fewer calories and ate more healthy food. Incontrast, night

34、 owls who go to bed between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. tend to consume morecoffee, alcohol, refined sugars and processed meats than early risers.This report corresponds with the existing scientific literature on bedtime and wellness.Therelationship between getting more sleep and making better food choices i

35、swell-documented. A study published last year inThe American Journal of ClinicalNutritionfound that people who sleep more tend to eat less unhealthy food than theirpeers who dont get as much rest. And a 2015 study from the University of California,Berkeley, found that teens who go to bed late are mo

36、re likely to gain weight over afive-year period.As a group, night owl types tend to eat less healthy food and take in more caloriesoverall than early risers. The later one goes to bed, the more calories one records thenext day. It as yet a challenge to explain the cause-and-effect relationship betwe

37、ensleep and nutrition. There may be a third factor that impacts both of them, or therelationship could be reversed, that is people who eat less fall asleep earlier. Still, if latesleepers want to lose a few pounds, they can go to bed earlier than they usually do,thereby reducing their chances of tak

38、ing snacks beforebedtime.Q: What do we learn about the report released this month? 解析 解题思路:1四项都以 it 开头。2其中一项说的是 it 的具体细节,其他三项说的是 it 的结论。 结论:本题考查的内容可能是文章的某处细节,也可能是文章的主题,听音时首先要确定 it 指代的对象, 然后将听音重点放在四个选项的关键信息上 (in conflict with the existing research, linkbetween bedtime and nutrition, overuse of coffee

39、 and alcohol, night owls work) 。 题目问的是关于本月发表的研究报告,我们得知什么。文章开头处即指出,本月发表的一份有关睡眠和营 养的报告发现,也就是说,本月发表的这份报告的研究主题是睡眠与营养的关系,故选项B 正确。文章提到,这份报告(的发现)与现存的有关睡眠和健康的科学文献相符,选项 A 的表述与此相反,是错误的,故排除;选项 C 和 D 在文章中均未提及,故排除。A. They pay greater attention to food choice.B. They tend to achieve less than their peers.C. They

40、run a higher risk of gaining weight.VD. They stand a greater chance to fall sick.解析: 听力原文 Q: What does the study from the University of California, Berkeley, find about teenswho go to bed late? 解析 解题思路:1四项都以 they 开头,都含有比较成分。2其中三项都是消极结果。 结论:通过对选项内容的理解可知,本题考查的内容应该与结果或影响有关,并且很有可能是消极结果或 影响, 听音时应首先确定 the

41、y 的指代对象, 并将重点放在四项的关键信息上 (food choice , achieve less, gaining weight,fall sick)。题目问的是对于睡觉晚的青少年,加利福亚大学伯克利分校的研究发现了什么。文章中间部分提到,一项 来自加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的 2015 年的研究发现, 睡觉晚的青少年更有可能在五年内长胖, 即这些青 少年体重增加的风险更高,由此得知选项 C正确。 文章关于加州大学伯克利分校的研究只讲到了这一点,其他三项在文中均未提及,故排除。A. Get up late.B. Sleep 8 hours a day.C. Exercise more.D.

42、 Go to bed earlier.V解析: 听力原文 Q: What should night owls do to reduce their consumption of unhealthy food? 解析 解题思路:1四项都以动词原形开头。 2四项都是针对健康提出的建议。 结论:通过对选项内容的理解,本题考查的内容应该是对健康提出的某项建议,听音时应首先确定这个建 议是对谁提出的,并将重点放在四项的关键信息上。题目问的是为了减少对不健康食物的消耗量,“夜猫子”应该做什么。文章最后提到,如果晚睡者想减掉 几磅体重, 他们可以比平时早睡, 从而减少睡前吃零食的几率。 睡得晚的人就是题目中

43、提到的“夜猫子”, 由此可知选项 D 正确。其他几个建议文章均未提及,故排除。六、 Passage Two( 总题数: 1,分数: 42.00)Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数: 42.00 )A. AII of the acting nominees are white.VB. It has got too much publicity on TV.C. It is

44、 prejudiced against foreign fiIms.D. OnIy 7% of the nominees are femaIe.解析: 听力原文 Researchers have found not just a diversity probIem in HoIIywood, but actuaIIy anincIusion crisis. With Iess than a week before an Oscars ceremony that has aIreadybeen criticizedfor an aII-whiteIist of acting nominees,

45、a study shows the fiIm industry does worse than teIevision. Just3.4 percent of fiIm directors were femaIe, and onIy 7 percent of fiIms had a cast whosebaIance of race and ethnicity refIected the countrys diversity. When researchersIooked at aII TV shows, they aIso found that womenof coIor over 40 we

46、re regarded asIargeIy invisibIe and just 22 percent of TV series creators were femaIe.OveraII, the study found haIf the fiIms and TV shows had no Asian speaking charactersand more than one-fifth of them had no bIack characters with diaIogue. The fiImindustry stiII functions as a straight, White, boy

47、s cIub. When Iooking at how women aredepicted, the study found femaIe characters were four times more IikeIy to be shown insexy cIothing, and nearIy four times as IikeIy to be referred to as physicaIIy attractive.But their resuIts aIso indicated fiIms and TV shows with womenor peopIe of coIor in the

48、important jobs behind the scenesdirector, producer orwritertended to have better diversity numbers.Across TV and fiIm, the underrepresentation of non-white characters faIIs mostIy onHispanics.Among more than 10,000 characters proportions of white, bIack and Asian characterscame cIose to U.S. popuIat

49、ion figures. But Hispanics were just 5.8 percent ofcharacters, despite being about 17 percent of the U.S. popuIation.Q: Why has the Oscars ceremony been criticized? 解析 解题思路:1两项以 it 开头。2两项提到了获奖提名者 (nominees) 。 结论:通过对选项内容的理解,本题考查的内容应该是某种现象,而且有可能是某种不良现象,听音时应 首先确定 it 的指代对象,并将重点放在四项的关键信息上 (white, too muc

50、h pubIicity, foreign fiIms, femaIe) 。题目问的是为什么这次奥斯卡颁奖典礼遭到了指责。文章开头部分提到,距离奥斯卡颁奖典礼还有不到一 周的时间,该典礼已经因其全白人的获奖提名名单遭到了指责。由此可知此次典礼遭到指责是因为涉嫌种 族歧视,所有的获奖提名者都是白人,故选项A 正确。其他三项在文章中都没有提及,故排除。A. 22 percent of movie directors were peopIe of coIor.B. HaIf of the TV programs were ethnicaIIy baIanced.C. OnIy one-fifth of

51、 TV shows had bIack characters.D. OnIy 3.4 percent of fiIm directors were women.V解析: 听力原文 Q: What do we Iearn from the research? 解析 解题思路: 1四项都含有百分数。2两项提到了导演 (directors) ,两项提到了电视节目 (TV programs, TV shows) 。 结论:本题考查的内容可能是文章的某个细节,可能是某个数据或某种现象,听音时应将重点放在四项的 数据和关键信息上 (peopIe of coIor, ethnicaIIy baIanced,

52、 bIackcharacters, women)。题目问的是从这个调查研究中我们得知什么。文章中提到, 仅有 3.4%的电影导演是女性, 而且仅有 7%的电 影演员阵容的民族和种族平衡反映了国家的种族多样性。由此得知选项 D 正确。根据文章内容,仅有 22% 的电视剧创作者是女性,而不是22%的电影导演是有色人种;有一半的电影和电视节目没有亚裔的有声角色,而不是有一半的电视节目体现了种族平衡;超过五分之一的电影和电视节目中的黑人角色是没有台词的,而不是五分之一的电视节目有黑人角色。故选项A、B、C 不符合原文所述内容。A. Non-white males.B. Program creators

53、.C. Females of color over 40.VD. Asian speaking characters.解析: 听力原文 Q: Who are regarded as largely invisible on TV shows? 解析 解题思路:四项都是名词性短语,指的都是某种人群,可能以who 提问。结论:本题应该是以 who 开头的疑问句,考查的内容可能是文章的某个细节,听音时应将重点放在四项的 关键信息上。题目问的是在电视节目中,谁被认为“基本上是隐形的”。文章中提到,当研究人员查看所有的电视节目时,他们还发现 40 岁以上的有色人种女性被认为“基本上是隐形的”,由此得知选

54、项C 正确。A. They constitute 17% of Hollywood movie characters.B. They are most underrepresented across TV and film.VC. They contribute little to the U.S. film industry.D. They account for 8.5% of the U.S. population.解析: 听力原文 Q: What does the speaker say about Hispanics? 解析 解题思路:1四项都以 they 开头。2两项含有百分比,两

55、项含有表示数量多少的词。 结论:通过对选项内容的理解,本题考查的内容应该是某种现象或者是文章的某处细节信息。听音时应首先确定 they 的指代对象,并将重点放在四项的关键信息上 (constitute 17%, mostunderrepresented, contribute little, account for 8.5%)。题目问的是关于拉美裔,讲话者说了什么。文章提到拉美裔 (Hispanics) 的内容在结尾部分,文章指出,在 电视节目和电影中,非白人角色代表名额不足主要表现在拉美裔,尽管拉美裔占美国人口的17%却仅有 5.8%的角色,由此得知选项B 正确。选项 A 和 D 不符合原文

56、表述;选项C在文章中没有提及,故均排除。七、 Section C ( 总题数: 3,分数: 71.00)Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording yon have just heard.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording yon have just heard.(分数: 21.30 )A. One that can provide for emergency needs.B. One that can pay for their medical expenses.C. One that c

57、overs their debts and burial expenses.VD. One that ensures a healthy life for their later years.解析: 听力原文 Whenpurchasing life insurance, there are many important factors to consider. Oneshould buy the policies to give the most protection at the least cost, ensure the rightfamily membersand consider t

58、he familys financial needs. It is important to buy theinsurance from companies that are financially sound and that are represented byhonest, well trained agents.At various stages in a persons life, different kinds of life insurance are needed forparticular situations. Jerry is single and has no depe

59、ndence. Probably the only lifeinsurance he needs is enough to cover his debts and burial expenses. Insurance canbe purchased at a lower rate during the young years. But by buying while young, thepremiums are paid in for a longer period of time. In the end, the amount paid forpremiums is about the sa

60、me.A person shouldnt buy an insurance protection that really isnt necessary. Supposethat Jerry marries Jennet, whois a college graduate and is working. Perhaps enoughinsurance should be needed to cover their debts and burial expenses. Now Jennet hasquit work and their first child is on the way. They


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