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1、The most obvious purpose of advertising is to inform the consumer of available products or services . The second (31) is to sell the product The second purpose might be more important to the manufacturers than the (32). The manufacturers go beyond only telling consumersabout their products They also

2、 try to persuade customers to buy the(33) by creating a desire(34)it . Because of advertisement , consumers think that they want something that they do not need After buying somethin9 , the purchaser cannot always explain why it was(35)_Even(36) the purchaser probably does not know why he or she bou

3、ght something , the manufacturers (37). Manufacturers haveanalyzed the business of(38)and buyin9 . They know all thedifferentmotives that inf luence a consumer s purchase -some rationaland(39) emotional . Furthermore , they take advantage of this(40) Why(41) so many products displayed at the checkou

4、t counters in grocery stores? The store management has some good(42) . By the time the customer is(43)to pay for a purchase , he or she hasalready made rational , thought out decisions(44) what he or she needs and wants to buy . The(45) feels that he or she has done a good job of choosing the items

5、The shopper is especially vulnerable at this point . The(46) of candy , chewing gum , and magazines are very attractive They persuade the purchaser to buy something for emotional , not(47) motives . For example , the customer neither needs nor plans to buy candy but while the customer is standing ,

6、waiting to pay money , he or she may suddenly decide to buy(48). This is exactly(49) the store and the manufacturer hope that the customer will(50) .The customer follows his or her plan“ Down-to- earth ” means someone or something that is honest realistic and easy to deal with . It is a pleasure to

7、find(31) who is down-to-earth . A person who is down to-earth is easy to talk(32)and accepts other people as equals . A down-to-earth person is justthe(33) of someone who acts important or proudDown-to-earth persons may be(34)members of society , ofcourse . But they do not let theirimportance "

8、(35)to theirheads”They do not consider themselves to be better persons than(36)of less importance . Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride , (37) without cause , is said to have “his nose in the air ” There is(38) way a person with his nose in the air can be down- to-earthAmericans(

9、39) another expression that means almost the same as“ down to- earth ” The expression is “ both feet on-the ground" Someone(40)bothfeet onthe-groundis a personwith a good understanding(41) realityHe has what iscalled “common sense " he may have dreams , (42) he does not allow them to block

10、 his knowledge of(43) is realThe opposite kind of(44)is one who has his ”head in-the clouds ” . A man with his head-in-the clouds is a dreamer(45) mind is not in the real world (46) , such a dreamer can be brought back to earth . Sharp words from teacher can usually(47) a day-dreaming student down-t

11、o-earth Usually . me person who is down to-earth is very(48) to have both feet on the ground . (49)we have both our feet on theground , when we are down-t0 earth , we act honestly and openly(50) others . Our lives are like the ground below us , solid and strongWalking-like swimming , bicycling and r

12、unning-is an aerobic exercise,(31)builds the capacity for energy output and physical endurance by increasing the supply of oxygen to skin and muscles Such exercisesmay be a primary factor in the(32)0f heart and circulatorydiseaseAs probably the least strenuous , safest aerobic activity , walking is

13、the(33)acceptable exercise for the largest number of people .Walking(34)comfortable speed improves the efficiency of thecardio respiratory system(35) stimulating the lungs and heart , but at a more gradual rate(36)most other forms of exerciseIn one test , a group of men 40 t0 57 years of age , (37)

14、at a fast pace for 40 minutes four days a week , showed improvement(38) to men the same age on a 30 minute , three day a week jogging program in the same period Their resting heart rate and body fat decreased(39). These changes suggest(40) benefits walking can(41) Walking(42) burns calories or(43)0n

15、e pound. Since awill(44) up 300 t0 360 caloriesof the important-even vital- about . It takes 3, 500 calories to gainone hour walk at a moderate pace By walking one hour every otherday, you Can burn up a pound andahalf monthly, or l8 pounds(45) -providing there is no change in your in-take of food. T

16、o(46) . weight faster, walk an hour every day and bum up 3 pounds a month , or36pounds(47)your age, rightwell-being as much thought as you(48) Walking is a vital defense(49) diseases and aging It is natureyearnow is the time to give your physicalto pensions or insurancethe ravages of degeneratives (

17、50)of giving you a tuneup(四)Pollution is a something by unclean to usedirty ” wordTo pollute means to contaminate-topsoil orintroducing impurities whichPollution comes in many forms it , drink it breathe pollutionand stumble through itand(33)surprisinglyour health , our happiness ,Once we thought of

18、 pollution(35) choking , stinging , dirty(36) pollution , while it is(37) contamination among several(38) functionsmake(31)unfit or We see it , smell it , (32) We literally lived in and,it is beginning to(34)and our civilizationmeaning simply the smog-thethathoversover cities But airthe most dangero

19、us , is only one type ofattackthe most basic lifeThrough the uncontrolled use of insecticides , man has polluted the land , (39) the wildlife . By(40) sewage and chemicals into rivers and lakes , we have contaminated our(41)water . We arepolluting the oceans , too , killing the fish and(42)depriving

20、ourselves(43) an invaluable food supplyPart of the problem is our exploding(44). More and more peopleare producing more wastes But this problem is intensified by our “throwaway/' technology . Each year Americans(45) of 7 million25 million pounds of toothpasteautos , 20 million tons of waste pape

21、rtubes and 48 million cans We throw away gum wrappers , newspapers, and paper plates . It is no longer wise to(46)anything . Today almosteverything is disposable .(47)of repairing a toaster or aradi0 , it is easier and cheaper to buy another one and discard the old,even(48) 95 percent of its parts m

22、ay still be functioning. Babydiapers , which used to be made of reusable cloth , are now paper throwaways. Soon we will wear clothing made of(49): “ Wear it once andthrow it away” will be the slogan of the fashionable consciousness Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world into a gigantic d

23、ump or is there hope that we can solve the pollution problem?(50) ,solutions are in sight . A few of them are positively ingenious (五) Impatience characterizes young intellectual workers They want to maketheir mark(31) . So it ' s important to get(32) to them in achallenging manner the idea(33)b

24、ig achievements rarely comeeasily and quickly Point out that the little successes are essentialShow that they(34)turn become the foundation on(35)reputations are built and from which mole important tasks can be accomphishedA variety of job assignments , including job Or project rotation , also keep

25、a job(36)becoming dull . Whereas it ' s natural for someindividuals to want to move ahead immediately to more difficult assignments , (37) proper guidance they call continue to learn and to gain versatility by working on a number of jobs that are essentially(38) the same complexity This way they

26、 gain breadth , if notdepthProbably the greatest offense to guard(39)when dealing with younger specialists is to reject ideas out of hand You must listen-andlisten objectivelyto their suggestions. Avoid(40)0vercritical . Youwant to nurture an inquiring mind with a fresh approach You llfrustrate it q

27、uickly if you revert too often(41)"We ve tried that before and itwon' t(42) here”One sure way to disenchant(43) college graduates is flagrantly misusing their talents Expect them to do some routine work , of course But don ' t make their(44) work just one long series of errands This in

28、eludes such break in assignments(45) performing routinecalculations , digging up(46)material , (47)Operatingreproduction equipment One large manufacturing company recently interviewed a number of(48)engineers who had left them. Thecompany found that the overwhelming complaint was that the company no

29、t only did not offer work that(49)challenging but also expected(50)too little from them in the way of performance(六)Children who grip their pens too close to the writing point are likelyto be at a disadvantage in examinations , (31) to the first serious investigation into the way in which writing te

30、chnique Can dramaticallyaffecteducationalachievementThe survey of 643 children and adults , ranking from pre-school t0 40- plus , also suggests(32) penholding techniques have deteriorated sharply over one generation , with teachers now paying far(33)_ attention to correct pen grip and handwriting st

31、ylefindings haveStephanie Thomas , a learning support teacher(34)been published , was inspired to investigate this area(35)henoticed that those students who had the most trouble with spelling(36) had a poor pen grip . While Mr. Thomas could not establish a significant statistical link(37)penholing s

32、tyle and accuracy inspelling , he(38)findhuge differences in technique between theyoung children and the mature adults , and a definite(39) between near point gripping and slow , illegible writing People who(40)theirpens at the writing point also showother characteristics(41) inhibit learning , (42)

33、as poorposture , leaning too(43) to the desk , using four fingers to grip the pen(44) than three , and clumsy positioning of the thumb(which canobscure(45) isbeingwritten)Mr. Thomas believes that the(46)between elder and youngerwriters is(47)too dramatic to be accounted for simply by thepossibility

34、that people get better at writing as they grow(48).He attributes it to a failure to teach the most effective methods, pointing out that the differences between(49)groups coincideswith the abandonment of formal handwriting instruction in classrooms in the sixties “ The 30 -year- old showed a huge div

35、ersity of grips, (50)me over 40s group all had a uniform 'tripod ' grip . ”(七), from(31) and creativity actions andperformance at workpsychologists take contrastive views of how external rewardspraise to cold cash , affect motivation Behaviorists , (32)research the relation(33) their consequ

36、ences argue that rewards Can improveand school Cognitive researchers , who study various aspects of mental life , maintain(34)rewards often destroy creativity(35) encouraging dependence(36)approval and gifts from othersThe latter view has gained many supporters , especially(37)educators . But the ca

37、reful use of small monetary rewards sparks(38) in grade-school children , suggesting(39)properly presentedinducements indeed aid inventiveness , (40) to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychol-ogy “If kids know they ' re working for a(41) and can focus(42)a relatively chall

38、enging task , they show the most creativity ” , says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark“ But it Seasy to kill creativity by giving rewards for(43) performance orcreating too (44) anticipation for re wards ”A teacher(45)continually draws attention to rewards or whohands(46) hi

39、gh grades for ordinary achievement ends up(47) discouraged students , Eisenberger holds . (48) an example of the latter point , he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore failing(49).In earlier grades , theuse of so-calledtoken economies , in(50)students

40、handlechallenging problems and receive performance-based points toward valued rewards , shows promise in raising effort and creativity, the Dela warepsychologist claims (八 ) You may say that the business of marking books is going to slow down your reading. (31 )probably will. That.s one of the(32)fo

41、r doing it. Most of us have been taken in by the notionlhai speed of 33)is a measure of our intelligence. There is(34)such things as the right (35)for intelligentreading. Some things should be (36)quickly and effortlessly,and some should be read(37)and even laboriously. The sign ofintelligence (38)r

42、eading is the ability toreaddifferently according to their worth. In the(40)of good books, the point is not to see how many ofthem can you get through, (41)how many can you get throughthemhow many you can (42)own. A few friends are(43) lhan a thousand acquaintances. If this be your goal,(44) should

43、be. you will ncx be impalicnt if it takes more limeand effort to read a great book than a news - paper (4*>). You mayhave another objection to (46)boolcs. You can*l lend them toyour friends(47)can't I notes.nobody else can 9Ad them(48) being disiractcd by your notes. What's more, you won*

44、i wantto lend them bccausc a (49)copy is a kind of intellectual diary,and (50)it is almost like giving your mind away. If your friendhopes to read your tell him, gently but firmly, (o buy a copy. You willlend him your car or your coat 一 but your books arc as much a part of you as your head or your h

45、eart.答案:(一)31 purpose 【解析】从文中的第一句话“The most obvio us purpose ”可以看出后面还有别的目的,而不是仅仅有最明显的目的。故答案为purpose。32 first 【解析】根据题意,作者想在这里做一个比较,而比较的对象是目的。这里作者仅仅给出了两个目的,所以这里是和第一个目的进行比较。故答案为first。33 production 【 解 析 】 从 前 一 句 话 “ The manufacturers go beyond only telling consumers about their products ”可以看出,一方面广告要介绍

46、自己 的产品,而第二个目的就是卖掉自己的产品。所以这里作者想要表达的意思是“广告要使得顾客有一种购买的欲望去购买自己的产品。”故答案为 production 34 for 【解析】解析见上题。desire 后面用介词for 。故答案为for ,表示“的欲望”。35 bought 【解析】本句的前一句话说“顾客认为他们需要一些他们其实不需要的商品。”这就是广告的作用。但是买完之后,“他们却不知道当时为什么买了这种 商 品 。” 这 里 是 被 动 的 句 式 。 故 答 案 为 bought 。36 though 【解析】本句话的意思是“尽管知道顾客们可能不知道自己为什么买了 这 些 商 品 ,

47、 但 是 卖 家 却 知 道 怎 么 去 做 。 ” 故 答 案 为 though 。 37. do【解析】解析见上题,为了避免与前面的 know重复,这里可以换做d。故 答案为do。38 selling 【解析】关键是看and 后面的 buying 。本句话的意思是“商家分析市 场 的 供 需 情 况 。” 故 答 案 为 selling 。39 some 【解析】关键是注意and 前后一致。“some rational and emotional ”,前面说促使顾客购买的动机有很多,有的是理性的,有的却是冲动 。 所 以 这 里 应 该 是 some 。 故 答 案 为 some 。40

48、knowledge【解析】前面讲商家正确的分析市场的供需信息,知道是什么因素影响顾客的购买欲望。这就是他们利用的信息知识。故答案为knowledge。41 are 【解析】分析句子结构,这里缺少系动词be 来构成动词的被动形式。故答案为ale。42 reasons 【解析】本段的第一句话提出问题,问为什么在结算处摆设了那么多的商品。很明显,后面的文章对这个问题进行回答,并列举了原因。故答案为reasons。43 ready 【解析】顾客来到结算处,说明他们准备好了要付账。be ready to的 意 思 是 “ 准 备 好 了 做 某 事 ” 。 故 答 案 为 ready 。44 on【解析

49、】“的决定”英语表达为“ decision on sth .这里介词需要用on 。故答案为on 。45 customer【解析】从这个句子的宾语“that he or she has done a goodjob of choosing the items ”可以看出,这里说的是顾客的行为,他们认为自己 买 这 些 商 品 是 很 理 性 的 。 故 答 案 为 customer 。46 display 【解析】这里要回应本段第一句话中的“displayed ”。在出口结算处展示的这些小商品无疑是一种诱惑。这里需要用名词形式。故答案为display 。47 rational 【解析】从文章的后

50、面可以知道,顾客们已经要结算了,认为都买了该买的商品。但是售货员在他们等着付账的过程中巧妙的利用顾客们的购物冲动向 他 们 推 销 , 而 不 是 理 性 购 物 。 故 答 案 为 rational 。48 some 【解析】这里需要填写的是商品的名称,就是说摆在出口结算处的那些小 商 品 。 泛 指 时 用 some 。 故 答 案 为 some 。49 what 【解析】这句话的意思是“这就是商家和卖者希望顾客们做的事情”,what 引 导 的 是 一 个 表 语 从 句 , 故 答 案 为 what 。50 do 【解析】分析见上题。故答案为do。(二)31 someone 【解析】由

51、本文的第一句话“ Down-to- earth means some one or something that is honest , realistic and easy to deal with ” 可 知“Down-toearth ”指的是诚实,现实、平易近人的那些人。这里的 someone和后 面 是 相 对 应 的 。 故 答 案 为 someone 。32 to 【解析】 talk to 的意思是“和某人聊天”, talk 这里不及物动词,后面需要接一个介词。在从句中介词不能省略。作者这里要表达的意思是“和那些诚实的平易近人的人聊天是很 惬 意 的 。” 故 答 案 为 to 。

52、33 opposite 【解析】从文章第二段的内容可以看出,A down to earthperson 和那些表面上装的很重要的人物正好相反。所以这里应填“相反的”,故 答案为opposite。34 important 【解析】从本句后面的一句话可以看出,A down to earthperson 就算是重要的人物,他们也不会把这种显赫写在脸上。所以前面应填 important 。 故 答 案为important 。35 go 【解析】 go to one s heads 的意思是“展现、表现”,俗语。用在文中表示“把写在脸上”,生怕别人不知道的显摆。故答案为go。36 those 【解析】本

53、句的意思是“他们不认为自己比别的不重要的人更好、更优秀。”这里比较的是down to earth persons 和别人。故答案为those 。37 often 【解析】本句话的意思是“那些自我感觉很了不起、内心充满骄傲的人,总是不需要理由的就被人认为是趾高气扬的人。”故这里答案为 often 。38 n0 【解析】本句话的意思是“那些趾高气扬的人不可能是那些平易近人的人 ”。 这 是 否 定 的 意 思 , 故 答 案 为 no 。39 use 【解析】后面的一句话“The expression is both feet on the ground.' " 表示 down

54、to earth 的另种表达方法是 both feet . onthe ground。而后一种说法是美国人的用法,常常被美国人使用。故答案为use。40 with 【解析】根据对等关系,这里应该与后面的部分“a pe rson with agood understanding ”相对应。意思是“那些脚踏实地的人往往是那些很了解现实的 人 。” 故 答 案 为with 。41 of 【 解 析 】 “ 对 现 实 的 了 解 ” 的 英 文 表 达 是 “ the understanding of reality ”, 这 里 的 介 词 用 of 。 故 答 案 为 of 。42 but 【解

55、析】这里表达的前后句意是一种转折关系。前面说“he may havedreams, ” 而后面 “ he does not allow them to block his knowledge .”的意思却是“但是他也不会让这些梦想阻挡自己对什么是现实的理解。”故答案为but。43 what 【解析】解析同上。这里是一个名词性从句,what 在句中做主语。故答案为what。44 person 【解析】本句话的意思是“与此相反的一类人是那些想入非非的人。”根据上下文的要求这里应该填入 man 的同义词。故答案为person 。45 whose 【解析】这是一个后置定语从句,用whose 来引导,表

56、示mind 与dreamer 的 所 属 关 系 。 故 答 案 为 whose 。46 Sometime【解析】通过对后面句子的分析,我们可以知道那些想人非非、飘飘欲 仙 的 人有 朝 一 日 也 是 可 以 “ 双 脚 落地的 ”, 那 就 是 “ sharpwords fromteacher ”, 所 以 这 里 表 示 的 是 “ 有朝 一 日” , 故 答 案 为sometime。47 bring 【解析】通过前一句话“such a dreamer Can be brought back toearth .”中的brought可以知道,这里应该填 bring ,表示“把带到"。故答案为bring。48 1ikely 【解析】前面所说的the person who is down to earth 与 theperson whose both feet on the ground 大体是一类人,所以这里表达的意思是“很有可能就是一类人 ”。 be likely to do 就表达了这种意思。故答案为likely。49 When 【解析】这里的一句话其实与下一


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