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1、冠词语法讲解冠词是置于名词前,帮助说明名词所指的人或事物是泛指还是特指的一种虚词。冠词不能离开名词而单独存在。冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。the是定冠词,a和an是不定冠词。定冠词定冠词the用以特指人或事物,表示名词所指的人或事物是同类中的特定的一 个,以区别于同类中其他的人或事物,相当于“那个”或“这个”意思。它可 以和单数可数名词、复数可数名词或不可数名词连用。1. 基本用法:The通常有明确的所指,可以用在上文提到过的人或事物,例如:I have abird .The bird is white.还可以用在谈话双方都知道的人或者事物前面,可以和单词可数名词,复数可数名词或不可数名词放在一

2、起使用。例如:What do you think of the movie?Where are the keys ? The milk is on the table.2.拓展用法用法实例1)用在单词可数名词前面,表示某一 类人或事物,这和不定冠词的用法相 似The steel workers make steel.The horse is a useful ani mal.2)用在世界上独一无二的事物或方位 等名词前面Which is bigger,the earth or the moon?I live to the west of the Summer Palace.3)用在乐器前面He

3、 can play the pia no.4)表示两者中“较的一个”He is the taller of the two boys.5)用在序数词、形容词最高级及only所修饰的名词前面January is the first month of the year.Win ter is the coldest seas on of the year.He is the only person who wontcome.6)用在江河湖海、山川群岛的名称前 面The West Lake ;the Pacific Ocea n; theAlps7)用在由普通名词和另外一些词构成 的专有名词前面the

4、 Beijing Railway Stationthe Peoples Republic of China the United states8)表示“一家人”或“夫妇二人”The Brow ns are ki nd to us.9)用在形容词或分词前表示一类人或the rich , the poor ,the old ,the事物young, the disabled, the woun ded10)用在固定结构“动词+sb.+介词the+某一部位”My teacher ofte n pats me on the shoulderand en courages me to work hard

5、.The policema n caught the thief by thearm.必备词组(1)与时间相关的短语all the time 一直in the day 在白天in the past 在过去the n ext day 第二天at the same time 同时in the morni ng 在上午the day before yesterday 前天in the 1990 s /1990s 在 20 世纪 90 年代(2)与地点相关的短语at the foot of在 的脚下in the front of在的前边on the way to在去的路上in/on/to the ea

6、st of在的东部on the right / left在右边/左边in the sky在空中in the world在世界上in/on the street在街道上at the back of在 的后边in the middle of在-的中间(3)其他固定短语make the bed铺床on the whole总之all the time完全一样by the way顺便问一下with the help of在.的帮助下go to the cin ema去看电影不定冠词不定冠词有a和an两种形式,用于单数名词前,表示微弱的“一”的概念,用 来泛指事物,但并不强调数目。a用于辅音音素开头的词前

7、,an用于元音音素开 头的词前。用法实例1)用来表示数量“一”,意思和one差 不多,但数量概念比one弱There is a table and four chairs in the room.We are going to have an En glish less ontomorrow.2)用于可数名词的单数形式前,指人或 事物的某一类A child needs love.(指孩子这一类人)A horse is much smaller tha n anelepha nt.(指马这一类动物和大象这一 类动物)3)泛指某人或某物,但不具体说明是何 人或何物A boy is wait ing

8、 for you at the school gate.I am reading an interesting story.4)用在表示“单位”,如时间、速度、 价格等意义的名词前,表示“每一”I love junk food too, and I eat it two or threetimes a week.He drove his car along the highway eightkilometers an hour.5)用在序数词前,表示“再一,又一”You will have to do it a sec ond time.I have three books, I want t

9、o buy a fourthone.6)用在一些专有名词前表示泛指的“一 个”A Mr White rang you this morni ng. She is aChinese now working as an engin eer inAmerica.7)用来表示某种身份、职业、地位、国 籍。在这种用法中,几乎没有“一”的 概念,只是强调一种身份、职业、地 位,a /an常不翻译。I want to be an engin eer.The duty of a doctor is to try to save peoples lives.8)用于表示动作意义的名词前。具有动 作意义的名词与动

10、词have,take,make give等构成短语,表示一种短暂have a look have a walk have a resttake a look take a walk take a半小时刚才从前微笑着零冠词零冠词主要指不使用冠词的情况,不包括冠词省略的情况用法实例1)物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词前不 用冠词Music is a uni versal la nguage. Beijing is thecapital of China.2)表示泛指的复数可数名词前不用冠词Teleph ones are still play ing an important rolein people

11、 s life.3)月份、星期、节日、季节等名词前不 用冠词注意:当谈论具体的季节、日期和中国传 统节日时常用定冠词。I have bee n work ing for this compa ny sinceSeptember 2010.Valentine s Day is a special day on whichpeople show their love to those they love.I don t like the spring of Beijing. The Mid-Autumn Festival, The Spr ing Festival and theLantern F

12、estival are three importa nt traditi onalChin ese festivals.4)表示三餐或球类运动的名词前注意:如果有定语修饰表示三餐的名词或 者是特指某一顿饭,则要加冠词Do you like play ing ice hockey or rugby?At weeke nds, 1 ofte n help my mum cookbreakfast.Because I had a heavy breakfast ,I don t wantto eat anything now. The breakfast I had thismorning was

13、too light.5)表示学科、语言的名词前不用冠词We lear ned arithmetic at eleme ntary school.Chin ese is spoke n by the largest nu mber ofpeople and En glish is spoke n the most widely.性动作时,此名词前的不定冠词一般不 可缺少。turngive a smile give a shout take a break必备词组因此a great deal 大量in a mome nt 立刻in a hurry急匆匆地in a word总之in a loud v

14、oice 大声地as a resulthalf an houra mome nt agoonce upon a timewith a smile6)表示职位、头衔、称呼的名词前不用 冠词Doctor, I m not feeling myself today.George Smith was just assig nedpreside nt of the compa ny.7)单数名词相对应使用时不用冠词arm in arm 臂弯着臂 day and ni ght日日夜夜day after day日复一日地day by day 一天天地 hand in hand 手拉手地8)不可数名词前不用冠

15、词Health is the nu mber one factor that people areconcerned about.9)名词前已有指示代词、形容词性物主 代词或限定词时My pen is much more expe nsive tha n yours.He went to some place in France.10) by 与表示交通工具的名词连用表示 一种交通方式时,名词前不用冠词I go to school by bike every day. Now manypeople want to travel by pla ne.温馨提示零冠词的使用口诀月、季、星期、节假、洲

16、、称呼、头衔、职务前;三餐、球类、惯用语;学科、棋类 名词前必备词组at best 充其量at breakfast 早早餐时at ni ght 在晚上at college在上大学at dusk 在黄昏时at dawn 在拂晓时at first 起初at first sight 乍一看ask for advice 征求建议ask for help 寻求帮助ask for trouble找麻烦catch fire 着火come back to life苏醒do good/harm to . 对.有好处/害处冠词真题1.(2015 甘肃省,语法与情景会话) Danny s grandmother i

17、s ill in /hospital. He will to there to see her after school.2.(2015 甘肃) Staying with families and friends is one of the happiest_things in the world.3.(2014 甘肃,词汇)He has already tried a third time and I am sure he will make it.4.(2014 甘肃,语法与情景会话) -What s the matter with you? -I have atoothache.5.(2

18、013 甘肃,语法与会话)This is the book I told you about yesterday.6 (2012 甘肃,语法与会话) Middle school students don t need to go to /_school on weeke nds. They can go to a park for fun with their pare nts or frien ds.7.(2016 兰州市,单词填空)Cheer up ! You will get an A in the listeningtest.&( 2015 兰州市,完形填空)Once ther

19、e lived an unhappy king who slept badlyand didn t feel like eating anything. This made the queen and his people worried.9. (2016 甘南,语法与会话)There is a book in my backpack. The book is veryheavy.10.(2014 兰州,单选)play ing / basketball.She likes play ing the pia no; her brother likes11.(2014 兰州,任务完形) One d

20、ay, all feelings were on vacation on anisla nd, each was hav ing a good time.12.(2016 甘南,单选)uni versity.I study very hard so that I can get into a_13.(2015 甘南,单选) It s a fine day today . Let s play / soccer.14.(2015 甘南,单选) Our Chinese teacher told us an interesting story andthe story was about Thomas Edis on.15.(2014 甘南,单选) Do you know a UFO Ian ded on Beiji ng yesterday.16 ( 2013 西北师大附中,单选) What do you think of this grammar book?17.(2014 西北师大附中,单选) Before I watched the 3-D film


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