



1、一篇完整的读写任务型写作,应该包括三部分,即概括、正文、结尾。1、 概括:文章第一段为概括段,根据阅读材料的体裁和内容,一般用一两句话,约30个 词进行提炼归纳原材料的中心主题。2、正文:这部分要根据写作内容要点来分段,一般写作内容有几个要点就分几段,而且,每段的主题句最好放在段首,然后用一些支撑句进行必要的拓展,即主题句+拓展内容。3、结尾:可以是总结,也可以是强调主题中心句等。(一)如何写好概括记叙文的概括先通过阅读材料,找出所给材料的六要素,再按一定的逻辑关系将六要素串联起来,组成能体现文章中心的一两句话,女口 :何时(when)何地(where)谁(who)做了什么事情 (what),

2、结果怎样(how)或为什么会这样(why)。用最简练的语言来说明故事讲述了什么,不能拖 泥带水讲细节,而且最好讲出故事给你的启示或其中的一个道理。注意人称和时态(一般原文用是什么时态,概括就用什么时态)的使用。切忌罗列细节或掺入个人思想。例1:阅读下面短文,然后以约30个词概括其内容要点。After graduat ing from college, I decided to try for a job at a radio stati on,and the n I would become a sports announ cer. I went to Chicago and kn ocked

3、 on thedoor of every station, but got turned down every time.Seeing I was disappo in ted, my mother said,“ Everyth ing happe ns for the best.If you keep on trying, one day something good will happen. You' II realize that itwouldn' t have happen if not for that previous disappointment.”In one

4、 studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn' t risk hiring anin experie needpers on.“ Go to small tow ns to find a small stati on that ' l l give youa chanee, ” she suggest.So I tried WOCRadio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired

5、 an announcer. So I was refused. As I left his office, Iask aloud, “How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can' t get a jobin a radio stati on? ”Suddenly MacArthur asked, “What did you say about sports? Do you know anything about football? ” The n he let me sta nd before a microph o

6、ne and asked me to broadcast an imag inary game.The program director was satisfied with me and I became a sports announcer the n ext day. When ever I faced disappo in tme nt,mymother' s words would come to my mind.分析:1、这是一篇记叙文,概括前需找出:(1)谁? the writer/author(2)干了什么事? failed lots of times in look

7、ing for a job(3)结果如何? felt very disappointed(4)经验教训 his mother in spired him to keep on, and he succeeded at last2、然后用自己的话将上述要点表达出来,便是本文概要。Summary:While look ing for a job, the author suffered one failure after ano ther,which madehim feel very disappo in ted. It was his mother' s en couragi ng w

8、ords that in spired him to go on trying un til he succeeded.3、记叙文读写任务写作模板:第一段: The writer mainly tells us that,which 第二段: After reading the story, I am deeply moved by the hero, who reminds meof /The story reminds me of ano ther story that happe ned to第三段:I subsc ribe to the view that the whole soci

9、ety should attach importanee to Only when we raise people ' s awareness of ,can we 夹叙夹议的概括夹叙夹议文,先按照记叙文的概括方法,然后加上作者的看法或观点,指出该故事说明了一个什么道理或给人有什么启示或从中得出的哲理。例2:To many people even the word “work”sounds unpleasant,not necessarilybecausethey are lazy. The same man, who dislikes his job in the factory o

10、r even in the office, may work hard at the weeke nd, painting the house or diggi ng the garde n.What is the reas on, the n? In most case, it is because these people simply donot enjoy the job they are doin g. It does not give them any real satisfact ion .It may be quite easy, like making up woode n

11、boxes, but it is very bori ng. Very ofte n they are doing a job which is just a small part of a much larger one, such as attaching a door handle to a car. But the part they play in actually making the car is so small that they can n ever say: I have made someth ing!Yet in modern society somebody has

12、 to do ordinary jobs such as cleaning streets because this is the way society is orga ni zed. No matter how ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our due respect. Society cannot function a single day without the“dull and boring ” jobs.分析:1这是一篇夹叙夹议文,概括前需找出:(1)文章叙述了什么? I

13、n modern society, many people ' s jobs, like cleaningstreets, may be bori ng, small and un satisfy ing, but they are necessary.(2)有什么启示? Ordinary jobs like clea ning streets are worth respecting.2、然后用自己的话将上述要点表达出来,便是本文概要。Summary:Though many people find their jobs bori ng, small and un satisfy in

14、g, ordinary jobs like clea ning streets are n ecessary in moder n society. And these jobs are worth respect ing.说明文的概括说明文通常会有明确的主题句,先抓住关键词,并根据各段落的主题,有序地组织语言,完整表达出文章的中心内容。如果是分析型说明文,概括时要找出文章所说明的现象、产生该现象的原因及解决问题的方法或建议,然后用自己的话重组信息点。例3:You maynot be very familiar with “eco-tou rism ”一 a new term in today

15、 ' s tourism in dustry but in an era of grow ing environmen tal con scious ness, it is not too difficult for us to imag ine and work out the meaning of this new form of holiday.Eco-tourism is typically defined as travel to places where the unique flowers, pla nts,ani mals and the cultural herita

16、ge are the primary attract ions.It is considered as a kind of responsible tourism which seriously takes ecology and culture into consideration. Therefore, programs involving the conservation and preservation of some natural and cultural sites also form a part of eco-tourism.Eco-tourism is develop in

17、g at great speed. Accord ing to a report by the World Tourism Orga ni zati on, eco-tourism in rece nt years has enjoyed an annual growth of about 5% worldwide. Over 80 activities have been listed for eco-tourism, such as bird watching, hiking, photography, mountaineering and participating in various

18、 kinds of local cultural even ts.Although big cities are still the major places that absorb tourists in our society today, it looks like some smaller tow ns and rural areas in ecological, cultural and historical resources may well become the new desti nati ons for people to visit tomorrow.分析: 1这篇文章的

19、主题段在第二段及最后一段,主要告诉人们什么是生态旅游。因此,在概括 时要把文章的主题段的中心话题" cultural heritage, takes ecology and culture into con sideratio n, historical resources”用自己的话表述出来。为避免抄袭嫌疑,原文的takes ecology and culture into consideration可以用 attracts tourists by naturalandcultural heritage进行平行互换。2、建议模板:建议用“一个主句+个非限制性定语从句/分词短语”,即

20、:写作对象+is,which 1不必提及具体数字;2、不能出现个人观点字眼。如:I thi nk/l agree with/I feel sorry forSummary:Eco-tourism is a new fast develop ing form of holiday which attracts tourists by natural and cultural heritage as well as historical resources. It can be a way to protect the environment.议论文的概括议论文一般包括“观点(或问题)、论据、结论

21、”三个方面,所以,议论文的概括需要先弄 清楚文章的论点、论据、 结论,然后用一两句话将这三部分有机地结合起来,使之能反映文 章的中心内容。概括对方观点首先是要转换视角,即以“第三人称”或“无人称”来概括。 关注文章的首尾句、首尾段及每段的首尾句。如果文中有一分为二的观点,两种观点都要概括,不要漏掉其中一方的观点。注意:议论文的主体部分是论证的过程,论据占有很大的部分,但在写概括的时候,不需要详细写论证的过程,一切细节信息,都应该剔除,所以议论文的概括应当将“观点、论据、 结论”三个方面同等对待。例4:Students should think now about what extracurri

22、cular(课夕卜)activities theywould like to participate in may help them deepen their physical, creative, social, political, and career in terests by bringing them into com muni cati on with other like-minded( 志趣相投的)people they didn ' t previously know.You can join groups as a way to get support from

23、 other students. A club or group can also be a great way to meet people who are differe nt from you. Lots of youth programs bring people together with those who are differe nt as a way to break dow n the barriers betwee n people.Participating in extracurricular activities helps you in other ways, to

24、o. It looks good on college and job applications and shows admissions officers and employers you ' re well rounded andresponsible. Specific activities help withspecific goals.The most basic reason for joininga club or team is that it gives you somethingbetter to do tha n stari ng at the wall, wa

25、n deri ng the hall, or sleep ing all after noon. People who are participat ing are less likely to pick up bad habits, like smok ing or drinking.分析:1、这篇议论文主要论述了参加课外活动的好处,一个段落说到一个好处(may help youdeepe n your in terests, break dow n the barriers, helps you in other ways, are lesslikely to pick up bad ha

26、bits),在概括时只需把这几个段落的大意用自己的话转述出来。第一、二段: widen social circle and improve com muni cati on skills第三、四段: prepare for their future and form good habits然后运用定语从句和一些并列连词and, as well as把信息点合并成一个句子。2、建议模板:用一个句子阐述文章的中心论题或作者的观点,再用分词短语或非限制性定语从句作补充说明。如:The writer argues+中心论点, which+分论点/ The writer told us t hat 3、

27、然后用自己的话将上述要点表达出来,便是本文概要。Summary:The writer argues for the stre ngths of extracurricular activities, which helpstude ntsbetter themselves in wide ningtheirsocialcircleand improvi ngcom muni cati on skills,making preparati onsfor theirfutureas wellas forming a goodhabit.4、议论文读写任务写作模板第一段:From what is m

28、entioned above, we know 第二段: Those who are in favor of it state/claim that Opponents of this view argue that 第三段:I hold the view that priorities should be focus on书信的概括如果读写任务所给阅读材料是书信体,那么,作为回信的开头,summary通常是写读信后的感受、回信的目的等书信特点,同时,要能概括原文,正确使用人称,体现出书信交流的功 能,而且要注意写信的格式和语气。例5:Dear David,I am writing you t

29、his email because you're so busy every day with your studiesand after-school activities that we seldom have chances to talk face-to-face. There is something that I am very worried about.You have always bee n an active boy, willi ng to help others and always look ingfor an opport unityto try some

30、th ing new or lear n someth ing differe nt. I thi nk theseare wonderful qualities but I amconcerned that they may be affectingyour studies.In the past three mon ths alone you have joined at least four differe ntstude nt clubs.I see these activities taking up more and more of your time. You're al

31、ways discussing something with your classmates or surfing online. You're also devoting less time to homework and eve n your teachers say you are look ing very sleepy in class.I know that these kinds of activities are fun and can help your developme nt,but I think they have started to damage your

32、 performanee at school. Please remember the most importa nt thing at this stage of your life is your studies. Right now you should do your best in your exam in ati ons as it will give you more choices in your future. I beg you to focus on your main goal and not to throw away all your years of hard w

33、orkYourlov ingmother分析:1按照“我已收到了你的来信/邮件,信中表达了。(信件的内容)”这一种思路组织结构。2、建议模板:I ' ve received your letter/e-mail expressing (信件的内容)Summary:I have just received your e-mail expressing your concern that I am being distracted from mystudies because of my manyafter-schoolactivities and about the consequenc

34、esof this for my future.(二)如何写好正文及结尾写好段落主题句概括后要根据要点来写作,通常按要点分段,每一段的第一句最好是主题句,涵盖整段的内容,条理清晰。常考要点及主题句写作模板如下:1引出经历The story reminds me of my own experie nee.This story reminds me of a similar experience of me.2、分析原因Reas ons for this are varied. Some people thinkwhile other people think 3、说明某事物的重要性Hobbie

35、s and interests play an important role in one' s growing.4、发表看法As far as I amconcerned, I can' t agree more with I hold my view for the reason So it goes without say ing that From my point of view, I oppose the idea/statement that For one thing, For another,5、利弊对比Its advantages can be listed

36、 as follows. For one thing,For another,however, just as a saying goes, “Every coin has two sides. ” is no exception, and in other words, it still has its n egative aspects. To begi n with,In additi on, 6、举例说明Such examples can be see n easily in our daily life. A good case is7、心得体会Having fini shed re

37、adi ng the story, I was deeply touched.8、提建议Suggestions on can be listed as follows.Here are my suggesti on on 9、问题解决The following ways can be adopted to solve the problem.To solve the problem ofeffective measures should be take n. For one thing,Foranother,10、观点对比Differentpeople have different opini

38、ons onSome people think becauseHowever,others think for the reason that 11、说明异同There are somesimilaritiesbetween A and B. Both of themHowever, some differencesare also obvious.12、假设处境If I had/we re I would 掌握结尾技巧1、 常见的总结方式有:(1) 进行总结或概括:用简洁的语言概括中心内容,起画龙点睛的作用。(2) 提出建议或呼吁:就某一社会现象或问题,提出积极正面的建议或呼吁。(3)重申观

39、点,强调重要性。2、总结句前常用的短语有in brief, all in all, to sumup, to summarize, in conclusion,to conclude, in a word, therefore等。南通一 阅读下面短文,并按照要求作文。Deer hunting is the most popular big gamehunting sport in America! This has continued to be a fact over the years for many reasons. Deer are plentiful throughout Amer

40、ica. Despite the fact that they are heavily hunted, deer continue to produce more offspring than are harvested. In fact, they are becoming a trouble in many areas because of over-population.The deer is a challenge to hunt. They can see, hear and smell better than human beings. Hunters find it challe

41、nging to go into the deer's territory (领土) and attempt to outwit (以智取胜) them. A successful hunt means meat on the table, and if properly cared for, deer meat is healthy food with a delightful taste.Almost anyone who hunts can be fortun ateeno ugh to bag (捕获)a deer occasi on ally.However, a consistently successful hunter is a sportsman who can bring home legally taken deer year after year. The more successful hunters are those who spend fewer man-hours bagging a deer. But of course many hunters take great pleasure in just being in the great outdoors.


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