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1、ASMEfi范产品金属材料和焊件着色液体渗透检验1 概述1. 1本规程适用于ASM规范产品金属材料和焊件着色液体渗透检验。1 2 本规程仅适用于探测材料或焊件表面开口类缺陷。1 . 3 本规程在执行之前,须演示至 AI 满意。?2. 人员?2.1从事液体渗透检验的人员必须是根据南京定色钛业有限公司VVNDE人员培训、考试、资格认证实施细则(资料号:QCD-011进行考试和资格任命的合格人员。?3.?渗透材料?3.1 渗透材料包括检验过程中使用的所有渗透剂、溶剂或清洗剂、显像剂等。?3.2 液体渗透探伤材料,必须是指定的和推荐的,见表 3.2。检验使用的材料必须是同一类 型的。不允许用不同类型的

2、或不同制造厂的渗透材料混合使用表 3.23.3当检验奥氏体不锈钢或钛材时,必须根据ASMEffi范第V卷T-641(b)中的程序,对所有材料分别分析氯和氟的含量。 残留氯和氟总含量不得超过残留物重量的1%,必须有制造厂相应的合格证。3.4当检查镍基合金时,必须按照 ASM规范第V卷T-641(a)中的程序,对所有材料分别分析硫含量。硫含量不得超过残留物重量的1%。必须有制造厂相应的合格证。? ? ? ? ?4. 检验程序4.1 检验程序流程图见图 4.1? ? ? ? ? 图 4.14.2 表面制备所有渗透检验前,被检工件表面及其附近至少为1英寸(25.4mm)的区域内都应干燥清洗干净,不得有

3、任何脏物、纤维屑、氧化皮、焊剂、油和其它外来物。必要时,应对表面进行打磨或机加工。4.3 预清洗4.3.1在施加渗透剂之前,被检区域及其附近至少为1英寸(25.4mm)的区域内均需用清洁剂进 行清洗。4.3.2 清洗后,通过适当的方法 (自然挥发或人工通风 ) ,对被检表面进行干燥;最少干燥的时 间以保证在施加渗透剂之前清洁剂已完全挥发为界。4.4 施加渗透剂4.4.1 可以用浸渍、涂刷或喷涂等任一合适的方法,在被检工件NJBST Co.,Ltd.? ? ? ? QCD-015? ? ? ? Rev.:0? ? ? ? Page:5 of 8Title: PROCEDURE FOR LIQUI

4、D PENETRANT EXAMINATIONof workpieces to be examined by any suitable means such as dipping, brushing or spraying.4.4.2 The temperature of the penetrant and the surface to be examined shall not be below 500F(100C) nor above 1250F(520C) throughout the examination period. When it is not practical to con

5、duct a liquid penetrant examination within above temperature the examination procedure at the proposed lower or higher temperature range shall be qualified using a quench cracked aluminum block according ?4.4.3 Penetration time is critical. The minimum dwellto ASMECodeSection V,time is shown in Tabl

6、erange,T-653.4.4.3.remain wetted by the penetrantFor suitable temperature, the area being examined shall for the dwell time.Table 4.4.3?Recommended minimum dwell times?4.5 Excess Penetrant Removal?Excess solvent removable penetrant shall be removed by wiping with a cloth or absorbent paper. The rema

7、ining traces shall be removed by lightly wiping the surface with a cloth or absorbent paper moistened with solvent. To avoid over removing, flushing the surface with solvent shall be prohibited.?4.6 Developer Application?4.6.1 The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after excess penetrant

8、removal and drying surface. The surface may be dried by normal evaporation before the developer is applied. The drying time shall be within 5 to 20 min.?4.6.2 The developer shall be applied by spraying. A uniform thin coating shall beprovided and the coating thickness shall be suitable.4.6.3 Prior t

9、o applying wet developer to the surface, the developer must be thoroughly agitated.4.6.4 Dipping or flooding the part with non-aqueous developer is prohibited, sinceit will dissolve the penetrant in the discontinuities through its solvent action.4.7 Interpretation4.7.1 Developing time for final inte

10、rpretation begins? ? ? ? 表面施加渗透剂。4.4.2 在整个检验期间,渗透剂和被检表面的温度不得低于500F(100C),不得高于 1250F(520C)。当在上述温度范围内不能满足时,贝y按照ASMEffi范第V卷T-653 ,对提议采用的温度 范围,使用有淬火裂纹的铝试块进行验证。4.4.3 严格控制渗透时间,最小滞留时间见表 4.4.3 。适当的温度条件下,在滞留时间内,被 检区域必须用渗透剂保持潮湿。表 4.4.3 推荐的最少滞留时间4.5 多余渗透剂的清除?多余渗透剂必须用布或吸纸擦去,剩下的痕迹必须用蘸有溶剂的布或纸在表面轻轻地擦去。 为了防止清洗过分,禁止

11、用溶剂清洗表面。4.6 施加显像剂4.6.1 多余的渗透剂被清除且工件干燥后,必须尽快地施加显像剂。显像剂施加之前,工件表 面可以自然挥发干燥,干燥时间必须在 5-20 分钟以内。4.6.2 施加显像剂必须采用喷涂法,薄且均匀,涂层厚度适中。4.6.3 在施加湿型显像剂至工件表面之前,显像剂必须充分搅拌。4.6.4 禁用非水湿显像剂浸渍或灌洗工件, 因非水湿显像剂会通过溶解作用将缺陷中的渗透剂 溶解掉。4.7 判断4.7.1 最终判断显像时间应从施加NJBST Co.,Ltd.? ? ? ? QCD-015? ? ? ? Rev.:0? ? ? ? Page:6 of 8Title: PROC

12、EDURE FOR LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMINATIONas soon as a wet developer coating is dry. The minimum developing time shall be 7min. ?4.7.2 Final interpretation shall be made within 7 to 60 min after the requirements of Para. 4.7.1 are satisfied.?4.7.3 The developing trace can be examined either by natural l

13、ight or artificial light. A minumum light intensity of 50 fc (500Lx) is required to ensure adequate sensitivity during the examination and evaluation of indications.?4.7.4 The surface shall be divided into several parts to be examined if the surface is so large that the examination can not be finish

14、ed within the given time. The developing condition can be observed either by eyes or by means of a magnifier.?4.8 Post-cleaning?The penetrant materials shall be clearly removed away from parts after examination. The post cleaning must be performed if remaining penetrant materials can result incorros

15、ion by the combination with other materials during the operation.?The suitable cleaning process shall be adopted for post cleaning such as flushingwith water, mechanical cleaning, solvent soaking, etc.?The developer shall be cleaned as soon as possible after examination if the partrequests the post

16、cleaning so as to avoid it condensed on the part.?5. Evaluation of Indications?5.1 Broad areas of pigmentation which could mask indications of discontinuities are unacceptable and such areas shall be cleaned and reexamined.?5.2 An indication is the evidence of a mechanical imperfection. Only indicat

17、ionswith major dimensions greater than 1/16in (1.6mm) shall be considered relevant.?5.3 Linear indications are those indications in which the length is more than three times the width . Roundedindications are indications which are circular or ellipsoidalwith the length less than three times the widt

18、h.5.4 Any questionable or doubtful indications shall be reexamined to determine whether or not they are relevant. Surface conditioning may proceed before the reexamination.?5.5 The indication of a discontinuitymaybe larger than the discontinuity that causesit; however, the size of the indication is

19、the basis of acceptance or rejection.?6. Acceptance Standards?The following relevant indications are unacceptable:a. ? ? ? ? any cracks or relevant linear indications;?b. relevant rounded indications greater than 3/16in. (4.8mm);or less (edge to edge);? ? ? ?c. four or more relevant rounded indicati

20、ons in a line separated by 1/16 in.?(1.6mm) 干显像剂后或从湿显像剂涂层干燥后立即起算,不得少于 7 分钟。4.7.2 在满足 4.7.1 要求后,最终判断必须在 7-60 分钟内作出。4.7.3 显像痕迹可以通过自然光或人工白光进行检验,要求最小灯光强度为 50fc(500LX) ,以 保证在检验和评价显示过程中有充分的灵敏度。4.7.4 如果受检表面太大,无法在规定时间内完成检验,则应将表面分成几个部进行检验。显 像情况可以用肉眼或放大镜进行观察。4.8 后清洗检验后,必须完全清除工件上的渗透材料,如果残余渗透材料在操作过程中与其它材料混合后会导致

21、腐蚀,则必须进行后清洗。可以采用如用水冲洗、机械清洁、溶剂浸泡等适当的清洁工作 ,来进行后清洗。如果需要后清洗,则检验后必须尽快进行,以免显像剂凝固在工件上。5. 显示评价5.1 大面积颜料沉淀会掩盖缺陷显示,是不合格的,这些区域应清洗干净并重新检验。5.2明显的机械性不连续为其显现特征,只有在显示主要尺寸大于1/16英寸(1.6mm)时,才是缺陷显示。5.3线性缺陷是指长度大于三倍宽度的缺陷。 面形缺陷是指长度小于 3 倍宽度的圆形或椭圆形 缺陷。5.4任何有疑问或难以判断的显示,必须重新检验以确认是否是缺陷显示,重新检验前可先作 表面修整。5.5 缺陷显示可能大于缺陷本身,但是以显示的尺寸作为合格与否的依据。6. 合格标准 下列缺陷显示为不合格:a. 任一裂纹或相应的线性缺陷 ;b. 大于3/16英寸(4.8mm的面形缺陷;c. 一条直线上有4个或4个以上的面形缺陷,其边界到边界间距离等于或小于1/16英寸(1.6mm)


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