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1、人版新起点小学英语四年级下册课文Unit 1 My neighbourhoodExcuse me. Where is the hospital? 不好意思.医院在哪里Go straight. It's on your right. 直走.在你右手边.It's next to the restaurant. 紧挨餐厅.Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?不好意思.请问怎么去邮局Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.直走,在第一个十字路口左转.It's betw

2、een the bookshop and the grocery.它在书店和杂货店之间.Lesson 1 第一课A Look, Listen and repeat. 看,听并重复.restaurant 餐馆post office 邮局bank银行grocery 食品杂货店across from 对面next to 紧邻between 在之间Yaoyao is showing her around the neighbourhood.瑶瑶带着她参观街坊."Look, this is a post office. Our school is next to it.""

3、看,这有一间邮局.我们学校在它旁边.""Oh, I see. What's that?"" 哦,我看到啦.那是什么 "That's a restaurant. We can eat Beijing duck there."那是一家餐厅.我们可以在那吃北京烤鸭.We often have a grocery in the neibourhood.我们小区还有一间杂货店.It's across from the park.就在公园对面.Mum often buys fruit and vegetables ther

4、e."妈妈总在那买水果和蔬菜.""I want to buy some gifts. Is there a supermarket here?""我想买一些礼物.这有超市吗""Yes, of course. It is between the bank and the park.""当然.就在银行和公园中间."B Look and say.看和说.Where is the bank?银行在哪里It's between the supermarket and Sunday Park.在超市

5、和周日公园中间.Lesson 2 第二课A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复.turn left 向左转go straight 直行turn right 向右转Man: Excuse me. Is there a post office in the neighbourhood?不好意思.这附近有邮局吗?Lily: Yes, there is. 是的,有.Man: How can I get there?怎样能到那里呢Lily: Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.直走在第一个十字路口左转.It

6、9;s between the bookshop and the grocery.在书店和杂货店之间.Man: Thank you. 谢谢.B Let's play. 一起玩吧.Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?不好一起.我怎么走能到邮局呢Go straight and turn right at the first crossroads.直走在第一个十字路口右转.It's on your right. 在你右手边.Thank you.谢谢.Lesson 3 第三课A Read and draw the route.读并画出

7、路线.Bill asks Lucky to send a book to his friend. "Lucky, get some money from the bank, and then get to the post office before 4:30. Lucky leaves at 3: 30.卢奇三点半出门.比尔让卢奇给他的朋友送一本书.“卢奇,从银行取些钱,然后在四点半前到邮局.He goes straight and turns left at the second crossroads.他直走后在第二个十字路口左转.He sees the bank next to

8、 a restaurant.他看到餐厅旁的银行.He gets some money and then goes into the restaurant.他取了 些钱然后走进餐厅.There he eats a hamburger.他吃了一个汉堡.Then he sees a toy shop across from the restaurant.然后他看至 V餐厅对面有加玩具店.Lucky wants a toy, so he buys a ball.他想要一个玩具,所以他买了一个球.Finally, Lucky gets to the post office, but it's 5

9、:00.最后,卢奇到达邮局,但是已经五点了.Oh no!哦不!Let's Spell一起拼读吧.A Listen, point and repeat.听,指并重复.aitrain 火车rain 雨mail邮件ayday夭say说May五月B Read aloud. Then listen and check.大声读.rain 雨jail监狱raid突袭fail失败day夭ray光线bay海湾hay饲料然后听并检查.C Listen and write. 听并写.It is a day in May.这是五月的一天.There is a mail on the train.火车上有一圭寸

10、邮件.They say it will rain.他们说将会下雨.D Listen and repeat.听并重复.Rain, rain, go away. 雨、雨、停吧.Today, today is a holiday. 今天,今天是假日.Rain, rain, go away. 雨、雨、停吧.It's time for fun. It's time to play.是时候开心了.是时候玩耍了 OLet's Check一起检查吧A Listen and fill in the blanks.听并填空.Excuse me. How can I get to the g

11、rocery? 不好意思.怎么去杂货店Go straight. Then turn right at the first crossroads.直走,然后在第一个十字路口右转.It's across from the supermarket.在超市对面.Excuse me. Where is the bank? 不好意思.银行在哪里It's next to Happy Shop.在开心超市对面.Excuse me. How can I get to the restaurant?不好意思.怎么去餐厅Go straight. Turn left at the second cro

12、ssroads.直走.在第二个十字路口左转.It's on your right.在你右边.It's between the park and the school. 在超市和学校中间.Excuse me. Where is the post office? 不好意思.邮局在哪里It's next to Joy's home.在乔伊家旁边.Fun Time欢笑时间A Good to know. 了 解一下.Drugstore 药店Are you sick?你生病了吗You can go to the drugstore to buy medicine.你可以去药

13、店买一些药.You can also buy some food and drinks there.你还可以在那里买一些吃的和喝的.Hairdressers 理发店Do you like long hair or short hair?你喜欢长发还是短发Do you want to look special?你想看起来特别一些吗Go to the hairdressers for a haircut.去找理发师剪一个发型.Coffee Shop 咖啡店You can drink coffee in a coffee shop.你可以在咖啡店喝一杯咖啡.You don't like co

14、ffee? You can also drink hot chocolate.你不喝咖啡吗你还可以喝一杯热巧克力.It is delicious!好美味!Gas Station 加油站Does your car need gas? 你的车需要加油吗You can buy gas in the gas station.你能在加油站加油.You can also buy some candy and drinks there, too.你还能卖些吃的和喝的.C Let's sing. 一起唱吧.Excuse me. Can you please help me?不好意思.你能帮帮我吗How

15、 can I get to the bank?我怎么去银行呢?Go straight. Turn right. 直走.右转.It's on your left.在你左边.That's how you get to the bank!那是我去银行的方法.Excuse me. Can you please help me?不好意思.你能帮帮我吗?How can I get to the grocery?我怎么去杂货店呢?Go straight. Turn left. 直走.左转.It's on your right.在你右边.That's how you get t

16、o the grocery!那是我去杂货店的方法.Excuse me. Can you please help me?不好意思.你能帮帮我吗?How can I get to the post office? 我怎么去邮局呢?I'm sorry. I'm sorry.对不起.对不起.I cannot help you.我不能帮你.I've never been to the post office.我从来没去过邮局.Story Time故事时间A Let's read.起读吧.David and Bob want to visit the museum toge

17、ther.大卫和鲍勃想一起去餐馆博物馆.David calls Bob for directions.大卫给鲍勃打 问路.Where are you? 你在哪I'm in front of the museum.我在博物馆前.Where are you? 你在哪I'm in front of the restaurant.我在餐馆前.Bob gives him some directions.鲍勃给他指路.How can I get to the museum?我怎么到博物馆?Go straight. Turn left at the second crossroads.直走.

18、在第二个十字路口左转.David follows the directions, but he is not at the museum.大卫遵循指示,但是他没到博物馆.He is at a bank! He calls.I'm in front of a bank now.How can I get to the museum? Go straight. 直走.Now David is at the post office. Is Bob playing a trick on David? I'm in front of the post office now. How ca

19、n I get to the museum? Can you see a grocery?他在银行!他打 .我现在在银行前.我怎么去博物馆?现在大卫到了邮局.鲍勃在耍大卫吗我现在在邮局前面.我怎么去博物馆你能看到杂货店吗?它在邮局对面.It's across from the post office. Go there. 去那里.David is very upset.大卫非常沮丧.He calls Bob again.他又给鲍勃打 .Bob gives him more directions.鲍勃给他更多指示.I'm in front of the grocery now.我

20、现在在杂货店前.How can I get to the museum?我怎么去博物馆?Go straight. 直走.David has finally arrived at the museum. But where is Bob?He calls him again.他又给他打 .I'm in front of the museum.我在博物馆前.Where are you? 你在哪I'm right behind you.我就在你后面.大卫终于到了博物馆.但是鲍勃在哪里?Unit 2Unit 2 Cities 城市How can I get to the sports

21、centre?我怎么去体育中央You can take the subway.你可以坐地铁.Excuse me. Where is the toy shop?不好意思.玩具店在哪?How can I get there?我怎么去那It's on Banana Street.我在香蕉街.You can take a bus.你可以坐公交.Lesson 1 第一课A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听和重复.city城市sports centre体育中央hotel宾馆street 街道square 广场Excuse me. Where is the sports ce

22、ntre?不好意思.体育中央在哪It's on Apple Street. It's quite far. 在苹果街.有些远.Is there a square in the city?城市里有广场吗Yes, there is. It's just across from the hotel.有.就在酒店对面.A lot of people sing and dance there every evening.每晚好多人在那里唱歌跳舞.You can have a walk there in the evening.你可以晚上去那里散步.Thank you very m

23、uch. 谢谢.B Ask and answer. 问和答.Excuse me. Where is the square?在酒店对面.不好意思.广场在哪?It's across from the hotel.Lesson 2 第二课A Look, listen and repeat.看,听并重复.Girl: Excuse me. Where is the toy shop? I want to buy some toys.不好意思.玩具店在哪我想买一些玩具.Bill: It's on Banana Street. There are a lot of interesting t

24、oys there.在香蕉街.那里有很多好玩的玩且.Girl: How can I get there? 我怎么去那?Bill: You can take a bus. The toy shop is between a cinema and a park.电影院和公园中间.你可以坐公交.玩具店就在Girl: Great! Then I can see a film and go boating too.哇!你要有忙碌的一天啦.Bill: Wow! You'll have a busy day.B Let's talk.起说吧.太棒了!那样的话我可以看电影也可以划船啦.不好意思

25、.怎么去体育中央?地铁站就在酒店旁边.Excuse me. How can I get to the sports centre?You can take the subway.你可以坐地铁.The subway station is next to the hotel.Thank you.谢谢.Lesson 3 第三课A Read and fill in the chart. 读并填表.This city is very interesting.这个城市彳艮有趣.There are many fun places to see and things to do.有很多有趣的地方可以看,也有很

26、多事情做.Our hotel is in the centre of the city.我们酒店在城市中央.The sports centre is on King Street. 体育中央在国王街.You can play ball games and swim there.你可以在那里打球和游泳.You can go there by subway.你可以坐地铁去那.Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.直走、在第一个十字路口左转.The subway station is right.地铁站在右边.Central Square

27、 is on Hill Street.中央广场在小山街.It is very beautiful. 非常美丽.You can fly kites and take photos there.你可以在那里放风筝和照相.You can go there by bus.你可以坐公交到那.The bus stop is between the hotel and the bookshop.公交站在酒店和书店中间.City Museum is on Dream Street.城市博物馆在梦想街.You can see many interesting old things there.在那里你可以看到许

28、多有趣的老建筑.The museum is near the hotel.博物馆离酒店很近.It is across from the subway station.在地铁站对面.Let's Spell一起拼读吧.A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复.owsnow 雪window 窗户yellow 黄色oaboat 船coat外套goat 山羊B Read aloud. Then listen and check.大声读.然后听并检查.snow 雪bow拥抱blow 吹low低的boat 船load负载toad蟾赊goal目标C Listen and w

29、rite. 听并写.There is a goat next to the window.窗边有一只绵羊.Look at the coat on the snow.看看雪上的大衣.Where is my yellow boat?我的黄色小船在哪D Listen and repeat.听并重复.Outside my window,在我窗外,I see a yellow boat.我看到一艘黄色小船.I see a little toad,我看到一只小蟾赊.And I see a big goat.我还看到一只大绵羊.Let's Check一起检查吧A Listen and match.听

30、和匹配.Hi loey, I'm going to sports centre this Sunday.海,洛伊.我这周日要去体育中央.Will you go with me?你要和我一起去吗?How can we get there?我们怎么去那?We can take a subway.我们可以坐地铁.OK, that's fine I'll go with you.好,那不错.我和你一起去.Hey, Mike. I want to buy some toys this Sunday morning.嘿,迈克.我这周日早上想买一些玩具.I'll go the

31、re by bus. Will you go with me?我坐公交去那.你要和我一起去吗?Sorry, Bill. I'm going to my drawing club.对不起,比尔.我要去画画社.Tomorrow is Saturday. I'm going to see a film.明天周六.我要去看电影.Great. But Joy, how can you get to the cinema?太棒了.但是乔伊,你怎么去电影院?It's a little far. My father will take me there by car.那有点远.我爸爸开

32、车送我去那.Binbin, what are you going to do this weekend?彬彬,你这周末要做什么?I want to go boating in Green Park.我要去绿色公园划船.I will go there on foot.我走路去那.Fun Time 欢笑时间A Good to know. 了 解一下.Bicycle City 自行车城Amsterdam is a bicycle city.阿姆斯特丹是一座自行车城市.There are more bicycles than cars.这里自行车比车多.Many roads are only for

33、bicycles.很多路是专门给自行车建的.Subway City 地铁城London has the biggest subway in the world.伦敦拥有全世界最多的地铁.It has 270 stations. 有 270 座地铁站.It is called the "London Underground".它被称为"伦敦地下.It is also very old, about 150 years old!它也很古老,约有 150年历史.Walking City 步行城Copenhogen is a great city for walking.

34、哥本哈根是一座很棒的步行城市.There are no cars on many streets.许多街道都没有车.Walking is safe and healthy there.在那里步行是很平安健康的.People really like it!人们非常喜欢步行!C Let's sing.一起唱吧.I want to see a film.我想去看电影.Do you want to see one, too?你也想看一场吗The cinema is on King Street.电影院在国王街.I want to go with you.我想和你一起去.I want to bu

35、y some toys.我想买一些玩具.Do you want to buy some, too? 你也想买些吗The toy shop is on King Street.玩具店在国王街.I want to go with you.我想和你一起去.I want to row a boat.我想划船.Do you want to do that, too?你也想划吗The park is on King Street.公园在国王街.I want to go with you.我想和你一起去.Story Time故事时间A Let's read.一起读吧.One day Country

36、Mouse goes to the city to see his cousin, City Mouse.一天,乡村去城里看他的表哥,城市鼠.City Mouse meets him at the bus station.城市鼠在公交站接他.Country Mouse wants to see a film first.乡村鼠想先看电影.OK, let's go to the cinema. 好,我们去电影院吧.How can we get there? 我们怎么去那It's not far.不远.We can go there on foot.我们能走路去.The two m

37、ice walk to the cinema, but there are too many people there.两只老师走着去电影院,但是那有太多人了."Oh, there are so many people. We can't get any tickets""哦,有好多人.我们根本买不到票."Let's have some ice cream.我们吃点冰淇淋吧.Then they go to a supermarket for some ice cream.然后他们去超市买冰淇淋.How can we get to the

38、supermarket?我们怎么去超市呢We can take a bus.我们可以坐公交.Country Mouse tries to cross the street by himself, but the street is busy.乡村鼠想自 己过马路,但是路太挤了.Oh no! There are so many cars. 哦不! 车太多了!Be careful!小心!Country Mouse does not like the city. He wants to go home.乡村鼠不喜欢城市.他想回家.Oh, there are so many people, so ma

39、ny cars and so many buses here.哦,这有好多人、好多车和好多公交.Country Mouse gets back home. He is happy again.乡村鼠回家后,再次开心起来.Yeah! I love the country! 耶!我爱乡村!Unit 3Unit 3 Travel Plans旅行方案Where do you want to go?你想去哪里I want to go to West Lake with my parents.我想和父母一起去西湖.What do you want to do there?你想去那做什么?I want to

40、 swim in the sea and eat seafood.我想去海边游泳和吃海鲜.Lesson 1 第一课A Look, listen repeat. 看,听并重复.sea大海ski滑雪eat seafood 吃海鲜visit the Mogao Caves 参观莫高窟West Lake 西湖row a boat 划船the Great Wall 长城take photos 照相There are many beautiful places in China.中国有好多美丽的地方.This is the Great Wall.这是长城.You can see it in Beijing

41、.你能在北京看到它.It's very old and very long.它很古老很长.You can take photos there.你可以在那照相.This is Sanya. It's a beautiful city.这是三亚.是座很美的城市.We can eat good sea food there and swim in the sea.我们能吃到好吃的海鲜和在海里游泳.This is Harbin. We can ski in winter.这是哈尔滨.我们能在冬天滑冰.This is Hangzhou. We can row a boat on West

42、 Lake.这是杭州.我们能在西湖划船.This is Dunhuang. We can visit the Mogao Caves.这是敦煌.我们能餐馆莫高窟.They're fantastic.他们很美妙.B Let's play. 一起玩吧.This is Hangzhou.这是杭州.It's a beautiful city.它是座美丽的城市.We can row a boat on West Lake.我们可以在西湖划船.Lesson 2 第二课A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复.Mother: Where do you wan

43、t to go this summer vacation?你这次暑假想去哪Son: I want to go to Sanya.我想去三亚.Mother: What do you want to do there?你想去那做什么?Son: I want to swim in the sea and eat seafood.我想去海边游泳和吃海鲜.B Do a survey and report.做个调查并报告.Where do you want to go this summer vacation, Bill?比尔,你这次暑假想去哪I want to go to Dunhuang with m

44、y parents.我想和父母起去敦煌.What do you want to do there?你想去那做什么?I want to visit the Mogao Caves.我想去餐馆莫高窟.Lesson 3 第三课A Read and fill in the chart.读并填表.This city is very interesting.这个城市彳艮有趣.There are many fun places to see and things to do.有很多有趣的地方可以看,也有很多事情做.Our hotel is in the centre of the city.我们酒店在城市中

45、央.The sports centre is on King Street.体育中央在国王街.You can play ball games and swim there.你可以在那里打球和游泳.You can go there by subway.你可以坐地铁去那.Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.直走、在第一个十字路口左转.The subway station is right.地铁站在右边.Central Square is on Hill Street.中央广场在小山街.It is very beautiful.非常美丽

46、.You can fly kites and take photos there.你可以在那里放风筝和照相.You can go there by bus.你可以坐公交到那.The bus stop is between the hotel and the bookshop.公交站在酒店和书店中间.City Museum is on Dream Street.城市博物馆在梦想街.You can see many interesting old things there.在那里你可以看到许多有趣的老建筑.The museum is near the hotel.博物馆离酒店很近.It is across from the s


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