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1、David Fosterwas among the most commercially successful producers and composers in all ofpopular music, lending his sig nature sweep ingpowerballad aesthetic to smash hits fromCeli neDion , Chicago and Whitney Houstonand in the process virtuallydefi ning the adult con temporary format. Born in Victor

2、ia,British Columbia, Foster bega n study ing pia no at the age of five, and just eight yearslater en rolled in the Un iversity of Wash ingtonsjoined Chuck Berry s back ing band,keyboardist, appeari ng on record ings from superstars in clud ingJoh n Lennon , Barbra Streisa nd , Diana Ross and Rod Ste

3、wart .Foster s product ioncareerbega n whe n he helmed the 1976eponym ous debut from his groupAttitudes ; he soon tur ned tooutside projects as well, writi ng and produc ing material forHall& Oates , Deni ece Williams , Carole Bayer Sager , Boz Scaggs and the AverageWhite Ba nd. In 1979, he earn

4、ed his first GrammyAward for penningEarth, Wind and Fires After the Love HasGon e. From thereFoster s career exploded, and he was soonwritingand producing for artists including Kenny Rogers , themusic program. At 16, heand in 1971 relocatedto Los Angeleswith his group Skylarkscoringa majorhit thefol

5、lowi ngyear with the sin gleWildflower.Foster also becamea sought-aftersessionTubes and Kenny Loggins.In 1982, he won a second Grammy forgen erati ng the hitHave a Heart.A year later, he teamed withsuccess to date, with the smashearning him a Grammy for Producerof the Year.Love Me, but also with the

6、 groupssin ger,Peter Cetera , forwhom he wrote the chart-topp ingThe Glory of Love.By nowFoster was among the most successful producers in pop -though reviled by critics, hiswork was eno rmously successfulon the charts, with doze ns of Top 40 hits. However, he was atypically quiet duri ng thelatter

7、half of the 1980s, most no tablyteam ing withNeil Diam ond on his 1988 album The Best Years ofOur Livesand worki ng on a variety of film projects and on e-offstudio dates. In 1990 Foster bega n his collaborati on withCeli neDion , writing and producing material for herUnison album andproduci ngthe o

8、rigi nalcast albumtotheBroadwayhitDreamgirls;he also composedandproducedChicagos hitHard toSay Im Sorry,followedin1983bywork onLionelRichie s blockbuster Cant Slow Dow n.With 1984s Chicago 17Foster scored his greatestsin gle Hard Habit to BreakA year later, Foster wroteand producedJohn Parr s hit St

9、.Elmos Fire (Ma n in Motion),and in 1986 reu nited withChicagonot only for their18 LP , which launched the hitWill You StillNatalie Cole for her mega-hitUn forgettable, winning three moreGrammys: Record of the Year, Album of the Year, and Producerof the Year.In 1992, Foster collaborated withWhit ney

10、Houst onon thesoundtrack to her hit film The Bodyguard , whichnettedhimanother Album of the Year Grammy at the following years award cerem oni es,with the blockbuster sin gleI Will AlwaysLove You, also wi nning Record of the Year. Agai n, he took homeProducer of the Year honors as well; additi on al

11、ly,Whe n I Fall inLove, the theme to Sleepless in Seattle performed by Celine Dio n and CliveGriffin , garn eredFoster ano ther trophy asarranger. ForDion , he next produced 1993sThe Colour of MyLove , whichspawnedthe smash The Power of Love, and ayear later, he helmedAll-4-One s I Swear . With Dion

12、 s 1996Falli ng Into You, Foster aga in took home the Album of the YearGrammy; the blockbusterBecause You Loved Me , with the titletrack the main theme song fromUp Close & Pers onal , was alsoa nominee in the Record of the Year category. A major hit fromthat same year was Toni Braxtons Un-Break

13、My Heart.Thesolo Love Lights the World followed in the spring of 2000.Jas on Ankeny, RoviMel Columcille Gerard GibsonMel Columcille Gerard Gibson (bornJa nuary3 1956) is anAcademy Award-wi nningAmerica n-born,Australia n-raisedactor, director, and producer. After establishing himself as a household

14、n ame withthe Mad Max and Lethal Weap on series,Gibson wen t o n to direct and star in 1993s The Man Without aFace and 1995s Academy Award-w inning Braveheart. Gibs ons directi on ofBraveheart made him on ly the sixth actor-turned-filmmaker to garner an Oscar forBest Director. I n2004, he directed a

15、nd produced The Passionof the Christ, ablockbuster movie that portrayed the last hours of Christs life.Film CareerGibs on graduated from the Nati onal In stitute of Dramatic Art inSydney in 1977. Those who knew him as a student there describe him as some onewho n ever took himself too seriously.His

16、in structors at NIDA viewed him with con tempt as a ern ati onalprofilein creasedthrough Peter Weirs Gallipoli.His acti ngcareer bega nin Australiawithappeara ncesintelevisi onseries,in cludingThe Sulliva ns,CopShop andPuni shme nt.He madehisAustralia nfilm debutastheleather-cladpost-apoca

17、lypticsurvivorin George MillersMadMax, whichlater became a cult hitandlaun chedtwo sequels. HisGibs ons han dsome boyish good looks made him a n atural forleadi ng male roles.In 1984, he made his U.S. film debut as Fletcher Christian in TheBoun ty. Reportedly, Gibs on and Anthony Hopk ins, his costa

18、r on the film, did not getalong duri ng the shoot. At the time, AnthonyHopk ins was a teetotaler, and Mel Gibs on was struggli ng withalcoholism. Gibs onfreque ntlyspe nthis eve nings in localsalo ons and took to mix ing two shots of Scotch with his beer.He dubbed the concoctionLiquidViolenee.In one

19、 incident,Gibs ons face was severely cut up in a bar room brawl and thefilmsshootingschedule had to be rearrangedwhile he wasflow n to a hospital in Papeete.BraveheartGibs on stated that whe n the Braveheart script arrived and was recomme nded by hisage nts, he rejected it outright because he though

20、t he was too old to play the part.After careful thought, he decided to not only act in the film, but to direct it as well.Gibs on received two Academy Awards, Best Director and BestPicture, for his 1995direct ionof Braveheart. In the movie,Gibs onstarred as Sir William Wallace, a thirtee nth-ce ntur

21、yScottish freedom fighter.He said in in terviewsthat he was attempti ng to make a filmsimilar to the epics he had loved as a child, such as Stanley Kubricks Spartacus andThe Big Coun try. The filmi ng bega n in the Scottish Highla nds. After lear ning thatthe inten ded filmi ng locati ons were among

22、 the raini est spots in Europe, the shooting was moved to Irela nd, where members of theIrish ArmyReserve worked as extras in the battle sce nes.Diane Keat onOscar-wi nner Dia ne Keat on plays the meddli ng mother to pop music star MandyMoore in a relati on ship comedy about family, love and happ in

23、 ess.It arrives atAmerica n theaters timed topick up the audie nee that might choose roma nee over the SuperBow lpro footballchampi on shipgame this weeke nd.Ala nSilverma n has a look at Because I Said So.Diane Keaton and Mandy Moore in UniversalPictures Because I Said SoDaph ne is a widowed mom wh

24、o has devoted her en tire life to her three daughters.The two oldest are married and now Daph ne - played by comic vetera n Dia ne Keaton - is determ ined to find a match for her youn gest, Millie, played by Mandy Moore.Frustrated that Millies relati on ships seem all-too brief and not headed for th

25、e altar,Daph ne tur ns to an Internet dati ng service.But the guy that mom thinks is perfect is not n early as right for Millie as the guy thedaughter finds on her own .a nd it takes most of the movie for stron g-willed Daph neto figure that out.Diane Keatonsays she knows the meddlingmom is a stockc

26、haracter in roma ntic comedies, but she believes thats because they really existoff-scree n too. I n ever imagi ned in my life that this would be someth ing I would beplay ing. My mother was nt like that at all, but I do remember some frie nds hav ingmeddli ng mothers and thinking how weird is that?

27、 Appare ntly, they are all over theplace in life and so now rve played one and it was fun because she was more wacky.This woman was wacky, she say.She adds Whe n I was playi ng it I thought Im sure rm not like this asa mother, but the more you thi nk about you realize its really hard for you to look

28、 atyourself and see who you are from your daughters point of view .or from your sonspoint of view, for that matter. The n I started to thi nk well, maybe I am .but just in adiffere ntway. Being a pare nt is really a humbli ngif youre willi ngto see who you are in that relatio nship. You know, thewor

29、ry .I worry all the time aboutmy kids. I am con sumed bythem (and) whe n you do thatyouhave a tendency to want to guide them too much.As Millie, Mandy Moore says she tappedin to that mixture ofexperienee,frustrati on and love that is a familiar part of many young adultrelatio nshipswithpare nts.It a

30、lso helped that Moore wasin spired to become an actress by Keat on and her sig nature role,Annie Hall. I tried to harness a little of thatadorationbecause I could use it for the character. I really think she is just so in love with hermother, so I tried to find the parallels and use them a little bi

31、t for the character. Itshard to get past work ingwith some one like that .(she is) such an icon who has had suchIon gevity in this bus in ess. You cant really get away from it, so Itried to use it to my adva ntage, she says.Director MichaelLehman,whose hits date back to the 1988thriller Heathers, sa

32、ys the mother-daughter relati on ship at the core of this film issometh ing of a mystery to men. One of the things in the script that was so interestingwas the sort ofope nn ess of wome n talk ing about how they dress and what they do .sort of beingin the woma ns world. That, as a man, to me was in

33、terest ing, because were n-o-treally allowed in there that way, he says.So, does that make it a chick flick i nten ded mai nly for wome n?I definitely think this is a movie that is going to have direct appeal to wome n,hean swers. Its about a mother-daughterrelati on ship.Gen erallyin movies roma ne

34、e appeals more towome n tha n to men. This is conven ti onal wisdom. I dont thinkthe conven ti onal wisdom is wrong.Because I Said So also features Lauren Graham and Piper Perabo as Daph nesmarried daughters. Tom Everett Scott andGabriel Macht play the men vying for Millies affecti on; and Stephe n

35、Colli ns rek indles a spark of roma nee in the moms life.Alexa nder Hamilt onHe was one of the giants of Americanhistory: a hero in theAmerica n Revoluti on; the new n ati ons first Treasury secretary;architect of the n ati onsmon etarysystem; an early andvociferous opponent of slavery. Yet recent h

36、istory has often bypassed Alexa nderHamilt ons con tributi ons to the formati onof Americansociety. Now, on the bicentennialof his death, anew multi-media exhibiti on aims to reassess the reputati on ofone the Un ited States founding fathers.The New York Historical Society is calli ngitsexhibiti onA

37、lexa nderHamilto n:The Man Who Made Modern America.Docume ntary filmmaker Ric Burns, a member of the HistoricalSocietysboard,says noneof thefoundingfathersislesswell-knownor more releva ntto thecon temporaryworldtha nHamilt on.He wasin manyways thefirstmoder nAmerica n.He was abastardfrom theCaribbe

38、a nand animmigra nt,a manwhobelieved in and thrived on flux and cha nge and new New Yorkwas the capital of those thin gs. He was the ultimate upstart inthe ultimate upstart city. He was a man who came to epitomize the spirit of the societythat was coming to teach itself that who you were and where y

39、ou came from,mattered far less tha n what you could do and where you were goin g.The New York Historical Society buildi ng is wrapped in a gia nt$10 bill, the denomin ati on that carriesHamilt onsportrait.Hamilt on and Benjamin Fran kli n are the on ly two non-preside ntsdepicted on America n curre

40、ncy.Richard Brookhiser, the author of a biography simply called Alexa nder Hamilto n,America n, served as curator historia n for the exhibiti on. He says Hamilto ns importanee in develop ing theU.S. finan cial system cannot be overestimated.He was thefirstTreasurysecretary.Mostpeople know that.They

41、knowthat he wasthe moneyguy,the guy that putAmericasfinanceson a firmfooting.I do not think theyun dersta nd how importa nt that was or how difficult that was or how little it wasunderstoodby Hamiltons great peers. Thefounding fathers who un derstood the emergi ng world of moder n finance could real

42、lybe coun ted on one han d.Display cases throughout the exhibit show artifactstrac ingHamiltons life, from his early years working as a clerk at a mercha nt house in theWest In dies to his death at the age of 47 in duel with his bitter en emy, Vice President Aaro n Burr.Artifacts, videos and an audi

43、o guide also explain Hamiltons relati on shipswithother founding fathers,in cludi ngGeorgeWashi ngton. During the Revoluti onary War, he served as a top aide to Gen eralWash ington. When Washi ngton became the new n ati onsfirstpreside nt,he appo in tedHamilt onsecretary ofTreasury. After he left go

44、ver nment, Hamilt on rema ined a close confidante ofWashingtons and wrote much of his famousfarewell address in 1796. The speech, which became a classic, warns aga instsect ion alismand partisa nship at home andperma nent allia nces abroad. A proof in Hamilt ons han dwrit ing is on display.The n ati

45、 on which in dulges towards others an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is a slave, (an audio guide expla in s)lt is a slave to its animosityor to itsaffection,either of which issufficie nt to lead it astray from its duty and in terest.The exhibitsorga ni zersleave no doubt that they believeHa

46、milt ons reputatio n has suffered because he was ahead of his time. Ric Burnsattributes the neglect partly to a general disillusi onment with urba n life duri ng muchof the 20th cen tury and an idealized image of agraria n society. Now, Mr. Bur ns says,cities are recog ni zed as great achieveme nts.

47、What I really hope takes place now is a recog niti on that we livein the world he made.Whe n ThomasJeffers onwas waxingphilosophical and the pla nters were talk ing about the beauty ofthe America ncoun tryside,this guy wasputt ingtogetherthetheoryandthe practicalbluepri ntfor creat ingan urba n,comm

48、ercial,democraticsociety.He thought onthat kind ofglobal scale. That was an ast onishing geni us.Surprisingly,Hamiltonsrole as a leadingopponentof slaveryhas also bee n largely forgotte n. Richard Brookhiser comme nts.At the mome nt of in depe nden ce, every one of the 13 states hadslaves. The found

49、ers were aware of this as a problem.Theyknew that this was a con tradictio n to their own prin ciples. Whatdid they do about it? Jeffers on agoni zed about it. Wash ington, inthe last act of his life, frees all his slaves in his will. What Hamilt on does is he joi nsother New Yorkers and he founds t

50、heNew YorkManumissionSociety to try to end slavery in hisstate.Hamilt ons legacy is still very much alive in in stituti ons that hefoun ded.The Ba nkof New York and The New York Postn ewspaper still exist. Among those atte nding the ope ning of the exhibiti on were 30of Hamilt ons desce ndan ts, in

51、clud ing a fifth great grandson, Douglas Hamilt on andhis son, Alexa nder. Alex says his father is the family historia n.He had me memorize Hamilt ons biography by the time I was about five or six yearsold. So I have always grow n up with an appreciati on but to see this exhibit here, it ispretty un

52、 believable.LettersexchangedbetweenHamiltonand Aaron Burr can besee n in the exhibiti on along with the pistols used in the duel,which the historical society is showing for the first time. In additi on, James Basker,the project director for the exhibiti on, says 280 previously unknown docume nts wer

53、ediscovered while prepari ng for the show.There is one in the exhibition,a letter from his sister-in-law,An gelicaChurch, writte nhe daythatHamilt onwas shotin aduel. Shehas just heardabout it.Sheis describingwhathashappened.It is very rushed. Youcansee theemoti on inherhan dwrit in g.After it close

54、s in New York in February, the Alexa nder Hamilt on multi-media exhibition will travel to 40 venues across the Un ited States for three years.Barbara Schoetzau, VOA n ews, New York.注释:vociferous 大声喊叫的,猛烈抗议的bice ntennial二百周年纪念con temporary 同时代的bastard 私生子curator 馆长con fida nte红粉知己,知心女友secti on alism地

55、方主义,地方偏见disillusi onment觉醒desce ndant子孙,后代ven ue 集合地点,展示地点Albert SchweitzerAlbert Schweitzer (14 Jan uary 1875-4 September 1965) was aFran co-Germa n (Alsatia n) theologia n, orga ni st, philosopher, and physicia n. Hewas born in Kaysersberg in the province of Alsace-Lorra ine, in the Germa n Empire

56、.Schweitzer challe nged both the secular view of Jesus as depicted byhistorical-critical methodology curre nt at his time in certa in academic circles, as wellas the traditi onal Christia n view, depict ing a Jesus Christ who expected andpredicted the imminent end of the world. Hereceived the 1952 N

57、obel Peace Prize for his philosophy of Revere nee for Life,1expressed in many ways, but most famously in founding and susta ining the AlbertSchweitzerHospital in Lambaren, now in Gabon, west central Africa (thenFrench Equatorial Africa). As a music scholar and orga ni st, he studied the music ofGerm

58、a n composer Joha nn Sebastia n Bach and in flue need the Orga n reformmoveme nt (Orgelbewegu ng).Schweitzerspassi on atequest was to discover a uni versalethical philosophy, an chored in a uni versal reality, and make it directly available toall of huma nityBorn in Kaysersberg, Schweitzerspent his

59、childhood in thevillage of Gunsbach, Alsace (German: Gunsbach), where his father, the localLuthera n-Eva ngelical pastor, taught him how toIntern ati on ale Albert Schweitzer (AIAS).5 The medieval parishchurch of Gun sbach was of a special Protesta nt-Catholic ki ndfound in various places in Germa n

60、y eve n today. It was shared bythe twocongregations,which held their prayers in differentareas of the same church at differe nt times on Sun days. Thiscompromise arose after the Protesta nt Reformati on and theThirty Years War. Schweitzer, the pastors son, grew up in this exceptio nal en vironment of religi


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