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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外研版精装修正版七年级下册全部课文翻译1 初一下册Module 1 Lost and foundM1U1 Whose bag is this? 这是谁的书包?Ms Li: Welcome back to school, everyone! First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this? 李老师:欢迎大家回到学校!首先,来看看失物招领箱!里面有好多东西。这是谁的书包? Lingling: Oh sorry!

2、 Its mine. Are my crayons there too? 玲 玲:哦,对不起!是我的。我的蜡笔也在里面吗?Ms Li: Are these crayons yours? 李老师:这些蜡笔是你的吗? Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. 玲 玲:是的,是我的,还有这块橡皮也是。谢谢你。Ms Li: Whose tapes are these? 李老师:这些磁带是谁的?Daming: Theyre mine. 大 明:是我的。 Ms Li: Heres a purple wallet! 李老师:这里有一个紫色

3、的钱包。 Tony: Its mine. Look! Heres my name “Tony”! Thank you. 托 尼:它是我的。看!这里有我的名字“托尼”!谢谢。 Ms Li: Youre welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming?李老师:不客气!看这块不错的表,也是你的吗,大明? Daming: No, it isnt. I think its Bettys. 大 明:不,不是。我想它是贝蒂的。 Lingling: Yes, its hers. 玲 玲:是的,是她的。 Ms Li: Everyone, ple

4、ase be careful with your things from now on. 李老师:同学们,从现在开始,请大家注意保管好自己的物品。Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? 大 明:这里有一些漂亮的手套。他们是谁的?Ms Li: Let me see Oh, theyre mine! Thank you! 李老师:让我看看 哦,他们是我的!谢谢你! 2 M1U2 Are they yours? 他们是你的吗?The lost and found office in New York City 纽约市失物招领

5、处Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office. 欢迎来到纽约市失物招领处。People often lose things when theyre travelling or when theyre in a hurry.人们在旅行时或者是匆忙之间经常会丢弃东西。 They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. 他们把东西落在飞机上、火车上、汽车上或出租车上。 Thats why there are lost and found offices at airp

6、orts and stations. 那就是为什么机场和车站会设有失物招领处。 The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. 纽约市失物招领处非常大。 Hundreds of people come here every day. 每天会有上百人来到这里。 They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. 他们来找他们的电话机、照相机、手表、计算机和许多其他东西。We usually have about two

7、thousand mobile phones and one thousand cameras. 我们通常大约有两千部手机和一千部照相机。 At the moment, there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and Found Office.此时此刻,在纽约市失物招领处还有一些不同寻常的东西。 There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat. 那里大约有一百辆自行车和一艘大船。 There are also a lot of animals. 还有许多动物。Th

8、is week, there are three dogs, two ducks and a pig! 本周有三只狗,两只鸭子和一头猪!Whose are they? 它们是谁的? Are they yours? 它们是你的吗?We dont know! 我们不知道。Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages? 你正在寻找十五公斤重的香肠吗?Theyre here too! 它们也在这里! 3 Module 2 What can you do? 你会做什么?M2U1 I can play the piano. 我会弹钢琴。Daming: Look

9、!The new clubs for this term are on the board. Id like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. What about you, Betty? 大 明:看,本学期的新社团公布在布告栏里了。我想参加音乐社团,因为我会 弹钢琴。你呢,贝蒂? Betty: I like cooking, so I can join the Food and Drink Club. Can you cook, Daming? 贝 蒂:我喜欢烹饪,所以我能参加吃喝社团。你会做饭吗,大明? Daming:

10、 No, I cant. Well, I can cook eggs, but thats all. What about Lingling?Which club can she join? 大 明:不,我不太会。嗯,我会做鸡蛋,不过仅此而已。玲玲呢?她能参加哪个社团? Betty: I think shed like to join the Dance Club because she can dance really well. Tony, how about you? 贝 蒂:我想她会参加舞蹈社团,因为她跳舞跳得很好。托尼,你呢?Tony: Id like to join the Chi

11、nese Club. I cant speak Chinese very well. 托 尼:我想参加汉语社团。我的汉语说不好。Daming: Dont worry about Chinese. We can teach you Chinese! So choose your favourite club. 大 明:别担心你的汉语。我们可以教你汉语!所以选个你最喜欢的社团吧!Tony: OK then. I play table tennis, so I choose the Table Tennis Club. Thats my favourite! 托 尼:那好吧。我打乒乓球,所以我选择乒

12、乓球社团。那是我最喜欢的。 4 Module 2 What can you do? 你会做什么?M2U2 I can run really fast.Its the start of the new term and were choosing our new monitors. 现在是新学期的开始,我们正在选新一届的班委。(choose: v. 选择) Id like to be the class monitor. 我想当班长。 I get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. 我和每个人,无论同学还是老师都相处得很融洽。 I wo

13、rk very hard, and I do well at school. 我学习刻苦,成绩优秀。 Im kind and Im always ready to help others. I can even help teachers too. 我很善良,总乐于助人,甚至还能帮老师的忙。(be ready to do sth. 乐于助人) Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help YOU! 选我做你们的班长吧,我保证会帮助你们的!(promise to do sth. 承诺做某事) I want to be the PE m

14、onitor. 我想当体育委员。 I enjoy sport, and I can run really fast. Im really fit and healthy. 我喜欢运动,跑的很快,非常强健。 Just watch me in the playground between lessons! (between lessons:课间) 就看看课间我在操场上的样子吧! I play most ball games well. 大部分的球类运动我都很擅长。 But Im really good at football, and I play basketball in the school

15、 team. 但是我的确很擅长足球,而且我还是学校篮球队的队员。(be good at:擅长) I usually get the best score in every match. 通常,我在每场比赛都得最高分。 Choose me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score too! 选我做体育委员吧,你们也能取得最好的成绩。 Id like to be the cleaning monitor. 我希望成为卫生委员。 I often help my mother do cleaning at home and I like a c

16、lean and tidy house. 我在家经常帮妈妈打扫房间,我喜欢又干净又整洁的房子。 Im sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home. 我相信每个人都想要一个干干净净的教室,就像家一样。 Choose me and we can make our classroom beautiful. 选我吧,我们可以把教室装扮的更漂亮。 Module 3 Making plans 制定计划Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend? 你周末打算做什么?Betty: Wha

17、t are you going to do at the weekend, Daming? 贝 蒂:大明,你周末打算做什么? Daming: On Saturday morning, Im going to check my email and do my homework. Then Im going to help with the housework. What are you going to do, Betty? 大 明:周六早上我打算常看一下电子邮件、写作业,然后帮忙干家务。你打算做什么,贝 蒂? Betty: Im going to see a movie in the afte

18、rnoon. You can come too. 贝 蒂:我打算下午去看电影。你也可以一起去。 Daming: Sure! Who else is going to be there? 大 明:当然了!谁还会一起去那里? Betty: Nobody. Lingling is going to have a piano lesson, so she cant come with us, but on Sunday afternoon, Lingling and I are going to have a picnic. Would you like to join us? 贝 蒂:没人了。玲玲要

19、去上钢琴课,所以她不能和我们一起去。但是周日下午,玲玲和我 要去野餐。你想和我们一起去吗? Daming: Yes, Id love to. Are we going to meet here? 大 明:是的,我很想跟你们一起去。我们在这见面吗? Betty: No, we arent. Were going to meet in the park at one oclock. 贝 蒂:不,不在这里。我们打算一点钟在公园里见面。 Tony: Hi, everyone! 托 尼:喂,大家好! Betty: Hi, Tony. What are your plans for the weekend

20、? 贝 蒂: 你好,托尼!你周末有什么计划吗? Tony: Nothing. Im going to stay at home alone. 托 尼:没有。我将一个人在家呆着。 Betty: Dont be silly! Youre going to come with us. Its going to be a fantastic weekend! 贝 蒂:别傻了!跟我们一起吧。这将会是个精彩的周末。 6 Module 3 Making plans 制定计划Unit2 Were going to cheer the players. 我们将为运动员加油。What are you going

21、to do?你们打算做什么?Im looking forward to the football match tomorrow. 我期待着明天的足球比赛。 My friends and I are going to watch our favourite team. 我和朋友们将会观看我们最喜爱的球队的比赛。 Were going to meet other fans, and make some new friends. 我们将会见到其他球迷,并结交一些新朋友。 Were all going to wear the team shirt, and were going to cheer th

22、e players. 我们都将会穿上我们队的队服,为运动员加油。 I hope they win the match! 我希望他们会赢得这场比赛。Im going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday. 五一期间我将好好地玩一玩。On the morning of 1st May, Im going to get up late and then read a book. 五月一日早晨我会晚点起床,然后看书。In the afternoon Im going out with my family and friends. 下午我打算和家人、朋友一

23、起外出。Were going to take a walk in the country or go swimming. 我们将在乡村散步,或者游泳。 And on 2nd May were going to collect litter in the park near my friends house. 五月二日我们打算在我朋友家附近的公园里捡垃圾。 Its going to be a great holiday-busy but good fun! 这将会是一个很棒的假期,忙碌而有趣! Usually I spend the summer holiday at home, but thi

24、s year is going to be very different because Im going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia. 通常我都是在家过暑假,但是今年将完全不同,因为我将要参加一个在澳大利亚悉尼举办的夏令营。Im going to stay with an Australian family and speak English. 我将和一个澳大利亚家庭住在一起,并用英语沟通。Were also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach. 我们还好好地游览一

25、番,并且在海滩上野餐。7 M4 Life in the future未来的生活Unit 1 Everyone will study at home. 每个人都会在家里学习。Ms Li: Will schools be different in the future, Daming?李老师:未来的学校会不一样吗,大明? Daming: Yes, they will! In twenty years time, maybe there wont be any schools! 大 明:是的,会不一样!也许二十年后就没有学校了!Ms Li: How will students learn then?

26、 李老师:那时候学生们怎样学习呢? Daming: Everyone will study at home. Students will use computers and get information on the Internet. They can ask their teachers questions by Internet, telephone or email. 大 明:每个人都会在家学习。学生们将会使用电脑,并且从网上获取信息。他 们可以通过上网、打电话或发邮件问老师问题。 Betty: Well, Im not sure. Yes, students will use co

27、mputers, but school is good fun, and you can make friends there. And teachers can check the students level and will help them. Computers wont be able to do that. 贝 蒂:我不太确定。是的,学生们会使用电脑,但是学校还是很有趣的,你可 以在那里交朋友。而且老师也可以检查学生们的学习水平,并帮助他们。电脑可做不了。 Tony: Yes. Teachers wont use chalk on a blackboard and student

28、s wont use pens and paper, or erasers any more! 托 尼:是的,老师们将不会再用粉笔在黑板上写字,学生们也不会再用钢笔、 纸张或橡皮了。 Lingling: Great! Will students have a lot of homework to do? 玲 玲:太棒了!那学生们还会有很多作业要做吗?Tony: No, they wont. Theyll have a lot of free time! 托 尼:不,不会了。他们会有更多的空闲时间! Daming: Thatll be great! 大 明:那太棒了. 8 M4 Life in

29、the future未来的生活Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane. 每个家庭都会有一架小飞机。Life in the future未来的生活What will life be like in the future? 未来的生活会怎样? How will things change? 将会发生怎样的变化? Here are some ideas. 这里有一些想法。 Which ones will come true? 其中哪些会成现实呢? In the future, a change of weather wont mean a change

30、 of clothes.未来,天气的变化不一定意味着更换衣服。 Well wear a new kind of clothes.我们将会穿一种新型的衣服。 Theyll be warm when were cold, and cool when were hot. 当我们觉得冷的时候他们就会变暖和,当我们感觉热的时候他们就会变凉爽。Therell be no more light rain and cold wind in spring. 在春天,不再有小雨和寒风。 The weather will be quite warm or even hot all year, with heavy

31、rain and wind. 天气将整年都变得十分温暖甚至炎热,并伴有强风和暴雨。The sea level will rise as well. 海平面也会升高。We wont travel by bus or bike any more. 我们将不会再坐公共汽车或骑自行车去旅行。 Every family will have a small plane. 每个家庭都会有一架小飞机。 No more expensive cars-itll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane, not only over land, but also over the

32、 sea or even into space. 不会再有昂贵的汽车了坐飞机旅行将会变得非常便宜,不仅可以在陆地上空飞行,而且还可以飞到海上甚至进入太空。 Maybe therell be traffic jams in the air. 也许空中会出现交通堵塞。 Do you like long holidays? 你喜欢漫长的假期么? Well, youre going to like the future because machines and robots will do all the heavy and difficult jobs, and well only do light

33、 and easy work. 那么,你会喜欢未来,因为机器和机器人将会完成所有繁重和困难的工作,而我们只需要做点轻松容易的工作就可以了。 Working hours will be short so people will have long holidays. 工作时间将会很短,因此人们将会拥有很长的假期。 9 M5 Shopping购物Unit 1 What can I do for you? 我能帮你做些什么?(In the shop) (在服装店里) Shop worker: What can I do for you? 售货员:我能帮你做些什么?/你想买点什么?Lingling:

34、Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum. 玲玲:我想为我妈妈买件T恤衫。 Shop worker: What colour does she like?售货员:她喜欢什么颜色?Lingling: Purple. 玲玲:紫色。 Shop worker: All right. What size does she take? 售货员:好的。她穿多大码?Lingling: Small. 玲玲:小号. Shop worker: What about this one? 售货员:这件怎么样? Lingling: May I try it on? 玲玲:我能试穿一下吗? S

35、hop worker: Certainly. 售货员:当然可以。 Lingling: Look at the price. Its 198 yuan. Thats too much. 玲玲:看它的价格。198元,太贵了! Shop worker: But wait a minute! Theres a sale on today. Everything is half price. 售货员:但是等一下!今天有打折活动,所有东西都是五折。Lingling: OK! Ill take it. 玲玲:好!我买它了!(In the market)(在市场里) Lingling: Ive got som

36、e food to buy too. 玲玲:我还得买些吃的。Market worker: Can I help you ?售货员:我能帮你吗?/你想买些什么?Lingling: Yes. Id like some sausages. How much are they? 玲玲:是的,我想买些香肠。多少钱?Market worker: Thirty-eight yuan a kilo. How much would you like? 售货员:每公斤38元。你想要多少? Lingling: Half a kilo. 玲玲:半公斤。Market worker: OK. What else woul

37、d you like? 售货员:好的。你还想要些什么? Lingling: A kilo of beans and two lemons. 玲玲:一公斤豆子和两个柠檬。Market worker: Thatll be thirty yuan. 售货员:30元。Betty: Oh, the strawberries look fresh. How much are they? 贝蒂:噢,这些草莓看起来很新鲜。多少钱? Market worker: Ten yuan a kilo. 售货员:每公斤10元。Betty: One kilo, please. Heres fifty-nine yuan.

38、 贝蒂:请称一公斤。这是59元。 10 M5 Shopping购物Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet.Online shopping网上购物There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them. 现在有很多种新型的购物方式,而网上购物就是其中的一种。 You can buy almost everything on the Internet, and its very easy. 你在网上几乎可以买到一切物品,而且非常简单。First, you ch

39、oose something-clothes, tickets, a mobile phone, even a new computer-and pay for it. 首先,你选择某物衣服、票、一部手机,甚至一台新电脑然后付款。 Then you receive it a few days later by post. 几天后你就会通过邮寄的方式收到你买的物品。 Online shopping has several advantages. 网上购物有几个优点。 First, you can shop at any time.首先,你可以随时买东西。The shops are always

40、open. 因为网上商店总是开着的。Second, shopping usually takes a lot of time. 其次,去实体店购物通常需要花很多时间。 But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse! 但是在网上购物,你只需要一台电脑和一个鼠标。 You can also compare the prices of the same product and spend a lot or save money. 你还可以比较相同的产品的价格并且花很多的钱.或者省一些钱。 But many peopl

41、e like going out and shopping with friends. 但是许多人喜欢和朋友一切外出逛街购物。 They dont like shopping on the Internet because they cant see the product or try the clothes on. 他们不喜欢网购,因为他们看不到实物,也不能试穿衣服。 Also paying over the Internet isnt always safe. 而且网上付款也并不总是安全的。 Online shopping is changing our way of life. 网上购

42、物正在改变我们的生活方式。 One day no one will go to the shops any more, because no one will go to the shops any more, because youll be able to buy anything on the Internet, and you will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time! 有一天将没有人再去商店购物,因为你能在网上买到任何东西,并且在全世界的各个地方和任何时间你都可以收到商品。11 M6 Around tow

43、nUnit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium? 你能告诉我去国家体育馆的路吗? (Betty and Lingling are standing in front of Tiananmen Square.)(贝蒂和玲玲正站在天安门广场前) Tourist: Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 游客:打扰一下!你们可以告诉我去王府井大街的路怎么走吗? Betty: Certainly. Go across Dong Changan Jie, go

44、 along the street and turn left at the third street on the left. Its near here, so you can walk there. 贝蒂:当然可以。穿过东长安街,然后沿着马路一直走,在左边的第三条马路向 左拐,就到了。离这里很近,您可以走着过去。 Tourist: Great. And Id like to buy a guidebook about Beijing. Is there a bookshop near here? 游客:太棒了。我还想买本关于北京旅行指南。这附近有书店吗? Lingling: Yes, t

45、here is a big bookshop over there, just along Xi Changan Jie, on the right, opposite the bank. 玲玲:有,那边有个很大的书店,就在西长安街上,在右侧银行对面。 Tourist: Right, OK! I also want to visit the National Stadium. How can I get there? 游客:好的,行!我还想参观国家体育馆。怎么才能到达呢? Lingling: Sorry, Im not sure. Why not ask the policeman over

46、there? 玲玲:对不起。我也不清楚。为什么不问问那边的警察呢? Tourist: Thank you. 游客:谢谢你们。 Betty and Lingling: Youre welcome. 贝蒂和玲玲:不客气。 Tourist: Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium? 游客:你能告诉我去国家体育馆走吗? Policeman: Sure! Go along the street and youll see an underground station. Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre, or you can take a bus or a taxi. 警察:当然了!沿着这条街走,你会看见一个地铁站,坐地铁到奥体中心,你也 可


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