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1、Unit 2 My Favourite Season嘉兴市秀洲区友谊小学 曹 瑾一、 单元教学内容话题:My Favourite Season功能:询问四季天气及不同季节能参加何种运动;表述自己最喜欢的季节及理由。语言结构:1 句型:Which season do you like best? I like best. Why do you like? Because I can .2 词汇:season, summer, fall, winter, swim, fly kites, make a snowman, plant trees.二、 单元教学目标 1能力目标 (1)能够向别人询问四

2、季天气,并能对此进行回答。(2)能够询问及表达最喜欢的季节,并说明其理由。 (3)了解不同国家、地区的四季天气及不同运动。 (4)能根据Make a survey, group work中的要求进行对话。 (5)会唱歌曲:Whats Your Favourite Season? 会说Lets chant中的内容。2知识目标(1) 听、说、读、写单词及短语:season, spring, summer, fall, winter, swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees.句型:Which season do you like bes

3、t? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season. Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.(2) 能够听、说、读Part A, Part B Lets learn和Lets talk中的单词和句子。(3) 了解Story time, Good to know等部分的内容。(4) 了解字母组合air, ear, sp, s

4、k在单词中的基本读音。3 情感目标(1) 培养学生细心观察、热爱科学、热爱大自然的情感。(2) 培养学生积极锻炼,增强体质的意识。(3) 了解南、北半球在季节、天气上的不同。三、 单元课时安排:六课时第一课时:A. Lets learn. Lets find out. Lets chant.第二课时:A. Lets try. Lets talk. Make a survey. C. Lets sing.第三课时:A. Read and write. Lets play. C. Pronunciation.第四课时:B. Lets learn. Group work. C. Task time.

5、第五课时:B. Lets try. Lets talk. Lets find out. C. Lets check. Good to know.第六课时:B. Read and write. Lets find out. C. Story time.四、 设计思路用单元备课的方式,围绕单元话题,层层设计活动,把单元难点逐一解决。活动设计力求趣味性、可操作性、实效性和层次性,体现学科整合。充分考虑高段年龄特点和小初衔接,渗透学习策略指导,增加理性思维的内容。试图有所突破较难设计的几个课时。五、 各课时教学建议第一课时 一、教学目标及要求1 能听、说、读、写本课时四会单词season, sprin

6、g, summer, winter.2 能听、说、认读句子Whats your favourite season?并能在实际情景中运用。3 能说唱歌谣。二、教学重点、难点分析1 重点掌握关于季节的五个单词season, spring, summer, fall, winter.及句型Whats your favourite season?2 难点即四会单词的拼写。三、课前准备教学挂图、蜡笔、四季图片、单词卡、录音机、录音磁带四、教学步骤及建议1 Warm-up学生用书第四册P47,Lets chant.Mmm! Its warm today! Take off your jacket!Phew

7、! Its hot today! Put on your T-shirt!Oooh! Its cool today! Put on your sweater!Brrr! Its cold today! Put on your coat!2 Presentation(1) 运用气候引入Whats your favourite ? 设计如下:T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its . T: I like warm. What weather do you like best? S: I like .T: Which season is warm? Sprin

8、g. / Which season is hot? Summer. / (2)用四首表示季节的歌曲分别引出四个季节的单词 T: Listen to the song. Which season is it? Do you know? 建议歌曲:铃儿响叮当、春天在哪里、知了、八月桂花遍地开。呈现单词spring, summer, fall, winter.板书并领读。 T: Spring, summer, fall and winter. These are the four seasons in a year. 引出单词season。 3Practice 活动一:Listen, point a

9、nd say. 教具:单词卡 简介:教师将season, spring, summer, fall, winter的图片贴在教室的各个位置,让学生快速地找到它,用手指点向它的方向,并跟读两遍。 活动二:Lets chant 简介:把四季的单词编成一个小诗。如: Winter, spring, summer, fall. Winter, spring, summer, fall. Windy winter. Brrr Sunny summer. Phew Winter, spring, summer, fall. Winter, spring, summer, fall. I like spri

10、ng best of all. 活动三:四季的颜色 简介:1)让学生说说,在他们的心目中,四季是什么颜色的。 2)学说P14 Lets chant。 活动四:交朋友 教具:写有单词的头饰,单词卡 简介:让学生戴上分别写有单词spring, summer, fall, winter的头饰(相同单词准备多个头饰),请一位学生从教师手中抽取单词卡,问:Whats your favourite season?抽卡的学生根据所抽的卡片回答:I like .下面戴有所回答季节的单词头饰的学生到抽卡的学生身边握手交朋友,并一起拼出该单词。 活动五:Chain work. 简介:小组连续问答,操练句子。比一比

11、哪组快。 S1: Whats your favourite season? S2: Spring. Whats your favourite season? S3: Summer. Whats your favourite season? 小组最后一位学生跑上来问老师。 活动六:Talk and draw 教师问学生:Whats your favourite season? S: I like spring / summer /f all / winter. T: Whats the weather like in spring / summer /fall /winter? S: Its .

12、 T: Can you draw the tree in spring / summer / fall / winter? 引出Lets find out. I can draw the tree in spring. It has young leaves. You can see .(教师边画边描述。再让学生自己动笔) 3 Consolidation and extension.1)完成活动手册的配套练习。2)布置作业a) 把歌谣说给父母听。b) 说说自己最喜欢的季节,并把这个季节具有代表性的东西画出来。第二课时 一、教学目标及要求1 能听、说、读、写Which season do you

13、 like best? Why? 并能在实际情景中运用。2 能够说出自己喜欢这个季节的理由。3 会唱歌曲 Whats Your Favourite Season? 二、教学重点、难点分析1 重点:掌握 Which season do you like best?2 难点:能用一些简单的句子描述喜欢的理由。I can play with snow.三、课前准备盒子、单词卡、录音机、录音磁带四、教学步骤及建议1 Warm-up1) Lets chant. (P14)2) Guessing game. T: I describe and you guess. Which season is it?

14、It is warm. Many trees are not green. You can see white snow. You can play with snow. Which season is it? Its not cold. The trees are green. You can see many flowers. I can wear my skirt. We always use fans and eat ice-cream. Which season is it?2 Presentation1) T: Oh, spring, summer, fall and winter

15、. Which season do you like best? I like spring. I like summer better. I like fall best. Which season do you like best? T: Which season do Mike, Chen Jie and Amy like best? Lets listen to the tape to find the answers. Listen and match2) T: Amy likes spring best. Mike likes summer best. Which season d

16、o you like best? Yes. Its always. T: But I dont like summer. I cant swim. I like winter. I can play with snow.3 Practice活动一:Make a rhyme.Which season do you like best? Spring, spring, I like spring. Windy and warm. Its so warm.Summer, summer, I dont like summer. Sunny and hot. Its too hot.Which seas

17、on do you like best? Fall, fall, I like fall. Windy and cool. Its so cool.Winter, winter, I dont like winter. Windy and cold. Its too cold.活动二:快乐对对碰教具:盒子、四季单词卡、天气单词卡简介:请两个学生上台,分别从两个盒子里抽出季节的卡片和天气的卡片,其他学生集体问:Which season do you like best? A学生根据手上的卡片回答:I like . B学生回答: Its .由于季节及天气可能对不上,回答可能会很离谱。活动三:Mak

18、e a survey1)听录音,回答问题:Which season does Zhang Peng like best? Why?2)调查。要求学生在规定时间里至少调查4人。NamespringweathersummerweatherfallweatherwinterweatherMikesunny cool4Consolidation and extension1)学唱歌曲 Whats Your Favourite Season?2)完成活动手册配套练习。第三课时一、教学目标及要求1 能听、说、读、写句子:Which season do you like best? I like winte

19、r best. Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.2 能够用Which season do you like best? I like best.询问最喜欢的季节,并能说明其原因。3 了解字母组合air, ear, sp, sk的发音规则。二、教学重点、难点分析1 重点:四会句子的掌握2 难点:I like best. is good, but is my favourite season.的表达运用。三、课前准备教学图片、录音机、录音磁带四、教学步骤及建议1 Warm-up.1) Lets sing.2) 日常用语问答。如: T:

20、 Whats the weather like today? S: Its . T: What season is it now? S: Its . T: Which season do you like best? Why? S: I like summer. Its hot. I can . T: Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.2 Presentation.T: We have learned Zhang Peng likes best and Mike likes best. Then which season does

21、Amy like best? Why? Lets listen to the tape and find answer.3Practice活动一:理解练习1)听对话,口头回答问题:Which season does Amy like best? Why?2)阅读对话并将答案写在横线上。提醒学生likes的写法,教师巡查。3)学生再读后教师问:Which season is the best in Canada? Why?(教师用图示意),Why does Amy like winter?活动二:看图填空教具:CAI简介:教师用CAI呈现要操练的句型,要求学生填写本单元四会单词。用图片来提醒学生

22、需要填写的季节单词。如:T: Which season do you like best? Do you know? OK! Complete the sentences and you will know the answer.课件呈现:-Which do you like best?-I like and . But is my favourite season. I dont like . . Its too cold. 活动三:连词成句教具:CAI简介:教师用课件呈现本单元的四会句型。鼠标点击后,该句子中的单词顺序打乱,让学生连词成句,并工整地在练习本上书写。活动四:大家猜简介:小组活

23、动,其中一名学生在纸上写下自己最喜欢的季节的单词。纸片的反面朝其他同学,自己描述这个季节的特征,让小组其他同学猜。3 Consolidation and extension.1) Pronunciation.方法一:教师教会学生字母组合的发音规则,让学生按这个规则去认读含有这个组合的单词。方法二:教师逐个教会这些单词,让学生自己去总结字母组合的发音规则。教师再出示几个含有这些字母组合的单词,让学生按读音规则来认读。2) 完成活动手册中的配套练习。3)布置作业:抄写四会句型。第四课时一、教学目标及要求1 能听、说、读、写四会单词及词组swim, fly kites, skate, make a

24、snowman, plant trees.2 能听、说、认读句子I can make a snowman.二、教学重点、难点分析1 重点:掌握关于活动的五个单词及词组swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees.2 难点:四会单词和词组的拼写。三、课前准备图片、单词卡片、录音机、录音磁带四、教学步骤及建议1 Warm-up.T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its .T: Which season do you like best? S: I like .2Presentation.引出单词及词组教

25、师出示一张冬泳图,用白纸遮去冰层。问:Look at this picture. Which season is it?S: Its summer. T: Why?S: They swim in the river. 教授单词swim.教师把白纸拿掉,露出冰层。T: Look carefully. Which season is it? S: Oh, its winter.T: Yes, its winter. And they swim in the river. Can you swim? S: Yeah, I can.T: I can swim like this. (做动作) S: I

26、 can swim like this. (做不同的动作)T: But in winter, we dont always swim. We can skate and make a snowman. 教授单词skate,词组make a snowman.T:I dont like summer. Its too hot. I dont like winter. Its too cold. I like spring. Its warm. What can you do in spring?当学生说到fly kites和plant trees的时候,板书并教这两个词组。3Practice.活动

27、一:小小侦察兵教具:单词卡片简介:教师把单词卡片藏在班级里的一个学生的抽屉,让另一个学生当侦察兵,去找这张卡片。其他同学齐声读这张单词卡上的单词,并用声音的强弱来提醒侦察兵。当侦察兵离卡片越来越近时,其他学生读得越来越响,反之,声音越来越弱。活动二:遥控机器人 简介:学生两人一组,一人扮演机器人,另一人发命令。机器人服从命令完成动作。活动三:黄金搭档简介:学生两人一组。S1: I like winter best. I can .(故意停顿,做滑雪动作)S2: 马上接口 I can skate.活动四:Group workT: Well go out together tomorrow. Bu

28、t I dont know what you would like to do best. Please ask your group mates: what would you like to do? Then report your result to your monitor. 教师先示范怎么做。小组的调查表设计如下:name Climb mountainsFly kitesHave a picnicPlay sportPlant trees total班长将各组统计数字填入课本中的表格,然后宣布决定干什么。4Consolidation and extension.1)课外完成师生评改后

29、做成墙报。2)完成活动手册中配套的练习。第五课时一、教学目标及要求1 能听懂、会说Why do you like ? Because I can .并能在实际情景中运用。2 了解Good to know中的内容。二、教学重点、难点分析本课时的重点、难点都是句型Why do you like ? Because I can .的掌握和运用。三、课前准备录音机、录音磁带、地图、小卡片四、教学步骤及建议1Warm-up日常口语问答T: Whats your favourite season? Which season do you like best? S: I like best.T: What

30、can you do in ? S: I can .2Presentation1)Lets try.a) 看图说话。What can Zhang Peng do? Which season is it? b) 听录音Listen and tick. 2) Lets talka) Chen Jie and Sarah are talking about their favourite seasons and their favourite activities. Lets listen and fill in the form:Favourite seasonsFavourite activit

31、ySarahChen Jie b) Listen again and check (Whats Sarahs favourite season? / Which season does Chen Jie like best? / Why does she like spring / winter?) c) Open your book, read the dialogue and check your answer. 3. Practice: 活动一:Look for friends 教具:图片 简介: 教师事先将印有文字或图片的小卡片发给每位学生,要求学生在规定时间里找另外三个及自己持有相同

32、卡片的人。必须使用Whats your favourite season? / Which season do you like best? / Why do you like spring/ winter/ fall / summer? 在规定时间内完成。到时间后,教师扮演记者采访其中一组:Whats your favourite season? Why do you like spring/ winter / fall/ summer?然后问另一组What about you? 帮助学生表达We like , because we can . 卡片设计如下:summerwear my sa

33、ndalswinterplay with snowspring see many flowers 活动二:Season castles简介:设计四个城堡,分别标上四季名。如果你想去其中一个城堡,必须通过城堡口令获得通行证。挑选四位学生分别扮演四个城堡的卫士,只有那些能回答卫士提问的人才可以进城堡。如果想出来必须对卫士说一句赞美城堡的话,然后可以再去另外的城堡。3 Consolidation and extension1) (从活动1引入Good to know。)Its winter now. We wear warm clothes. Which season is it now in Sy

34、dney? Do you know? Read “Good to know” and try to find the answer. Can you find other seasons in Sydney? And what about the seasons in Beijing?2) Read the passage again and fill in the form:cityspringsummerfallwinterBeijingSydney3) (Show a map of the world.)T: So when its winter in Beijing, its summ

35、er in Sydney. And when its spring in Beijing, its fall in Sydney. Then which season is it in Canada /UK / New Zealand? If you are planning a trip abroad, when would you go? Why?4) Zoom and Zip are planning a trip too. Where are they going? Read story after class and find the answer.5) 完成活动手册的配套练习。第六

36、课时一、教学目标及要求1 能听、说、读、写句子Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.2 能用Why do you like ? Because I can .来询问、回答喜欢某一季节的理由。3 了解Story time的故事内容。二、教学重点、难点分析1 重点掌握四会句子。2 难点:Why do you like ? Because I can .的运用。三、课前准备教学挂图、录音机、录音磁带、拼图、中国地图四

37、、教学步骤及建议1Warm-up日常口语问答T: Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather like in spring? Whats the weather like in Beijing in March? Which season is it now in Beijing /Australia / Canada?2Revision and presentation1)Story timea) T: Zoom and Zip are going on vocation. Where is zoom going? Where is Zip going? 让学生回答问题,检查预习的情况。b) 听一遍录音,问:Why is


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