已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、七年级英语期末复习方案、重难点分析:1.单词的复习七年级新教材的突出特点是词汇量大,词汇是英语学习的根底,不熟练掌握单词,英语的学习将无从说起.因此要想方设法的搞好词汇的复习,在全面复习单词默写的根底上,对每单元的重点单词,按测试题型根据中文写单词、根据音标写单词、用所给单词的正确形式填空,按单元顺序,以学案形式进行复习.对于错题及时反应将错题改正后重做,做到天天清,课课清.2、语法知识的复习测试前需要复习的语法知识有:一般现在时、现在进行时、情态动词等.方案对语法知识进行全 面的总结,并配适宜量练习,让学生到达懂语法并且会用语法.对“动词填空这一题型进行强 化练习,在测试中保证大局部同学不失

2、分.复习语法时,要注重引导学生记住结构,能灵活运用 到实际生活中去,运用学过的语法写句子,写简单的文章.3 .作文的复习每单元给学生提供两篇与课文题材相关的作文,让学生背诵,并提供类似题材,让学生进行写作 练习.4 .听力和阅读的复习以?同步听力与阅读?为主,每天利用15分钟进行听力或者阅读的当堂练习,注重阅读和听力技巧的指导.、复习目标:本次复习时间紧、任务重,仍然采取以单元为单位进行复习.复习时以课本知识为主,兼顾习题.单词、语法、作文、听力和阅读各项要彼此兼顾,提升学生的综合水平 三、时间安排:12月26日结束新课12 月 29 日-12 月 31 日 Unit61 月 4 日-1 月

3、5 日 Unit5复习重点和作文默写早读、复习复习重点和作文默写早读、复习Unit 6 两份学案课上Unit 5 两份学案课上1 月 6 日-1 月 7 日 Unit4复习重点和作文默写早读、复习 Unit 4 两份学案课上Unit1-3单词默写早读、综合练习卷检测及讲评课上附Unit5复习重点、作文、默写检测卷及学案7A Unit5复习重点、词汇 1.必记词汇walletideaalreadyshopkeeperminutecostdiscountmatchalsohighbookshopinvitevisitturnpaystaypoorareacollectraisegreylargec

4、entrehowevermoreoutsideinsidelittlecrynote2.通常情况下用复数jeans牛仔裤boots靴子3 . 变形词 electric-electric al cheap cheaper wait-wait ing(ing)write-writ ing paper4 .易错词qui te 相当pretty漂亮的enough足够的expensive昂贵的before在一以前5 .复数的构成 country-countr ies 国家 Walkman Walkmans 随身听二、重要搭配1.call 110 for help 打 110 求救3.be coming

5、up 临近5.want (sb) to do sth 想要(某人)做某事7. come with me 跟我来2. an idea /a good idea 一个主意/一个 好主意4. buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 买东西给某人6. need (sb) to do sth需要(某人)做某事10. go shopping with me 和我去购物13.there is a discount on sth 在某物上打折15. never mind 没关系17.the same as 和 一样19. write (a letter) to sb 写信给某人21.at th

6、e moment 目前,此刻23 . donate money to sb.捐钱给某人24 .fit sb very well (尺寸/大小)很合身26. one/ two/some+ more 再来一个/两个/一些28. Simon's birthday is coming up. Simon11 . just a minute 稍等12 .take a look 看一看14. have money to do sth 有钱做某事16.ask sb (not) to do sth叫某人(不要)做某事18.different kind s of books 不同种类的书20. wait

7、 for sb 等某人22. make a wish 许一个愿为某人筹钱 raise money for sb25. collect writ ing paper 收集书写纸27. call sb on 1234567 打 1234567 叫某人的生日临近了.8.be free 有空9 .over here 在这里我能帮助吗/我要买29. Can I help you?=What can I do for you?30. I'm looking for = I want to buy 31. How much does this card cost?= How much is this

8、 card?这张卡片多少钱?32. I m waiting for my turn.我在等轮到我.33. What's your size? -I'm a size 8.你的尺寸多少?-我的尺寸是 8.34. Can I try them on?我可以试穿 它们吗?35. Do you have a cheaper pair of jeans ? 有更廉价的牛仔裤吗?36. It's easy to find.它很容易找到.37. It is a good place to meet friends.它是会友的好地方.38. It's a really fun

9、place to go.它确实是值得去的地方.39. 花费这条短裙花了我100元.(3种)物 + costThis skirt costs me ¥100人+- spendon sthI spend ¥100 on this skirt.L pay. for sthI pay ¥100 for this skirt.7A Unit 5复习重点测试Name一"、词汇1.必记词汇相当漂亮的足够的昂贵的钱包已经店主折扣邀请拜访贫穷的地区收集筹集灰色的中央国家复数 随身听复数 靴子复数 哭 在一以前然而更多高分钟2.变形词electric- cheap- wai

10、t- (ing)二、重要搭配1.打110求救 2.一个主意/一个好主意 idea / good idea3.临近4.买东西给某人 = 5.想要某人做某事 6.需要某人做某事 7.跟我来 8.有空 9 .在这里 11.稍等 12.看一看 10.和我去购物 13.在某物上打折 14.有钱做某事15.没关系 16.叫某人不要做某事 17.和一样 18.不同种类的书 19.写信给某人 20.等某人21.目前,此刻 22.许一个愿23.收集书写纸 24.捐钱给某人25 .尺寸/大小很合身为某人筹钱26 .再来一个/两个/一些 27.打1234567叫某人28 . Simon的生日临近了.29 .我能帮助

11、吗/?30 .我要买Simon's birthday Can I help you?=I'm looking= I want to buy 31 .这张卡片多少钱?How much this card ?= How much is this card?32 .我在等轮到我.I 'm my turn.33 .你的尺寸多少?-我的尺寸是8.What's your size? -8.34 .我可以试穿它们吗?35 .有更廉价的牛仔裤吗?36 .它很容易找到.37 .它是会友的好地方.38 .它确实是值得去的地方.39 .花费物+Can I try on?Do you

12、have a _jeans?It's easyIt is a good place It's a really fun place 这条短裙花了我100兀.(3种) 人 +on sth (2) pay . sth(3) 7A Unit 5 Welcome -VocabularyName一、根据中文及句意,写出正确的单词.1. There is much money in my( 钱包).2. I want to buy these hair(卡子).They look very(漂亮).3. Do you have any good(主意)?4. I think he has

13、a football( 已经).5. This album is(相当)(昂贵).6. She doesn't have(足够的)food to eat.7. Whose(随身听)are these?8. The price of this CD is too(贵).9. Is there a(折扣)on it?10. Are you(有空)today ?二、选词填空.1. I don't know what to buy him. (for/to/of)2. Is there a discount these cards? ( of/on/in)3. I don't

14、want to buy the same things Daniel. (as/with/and)4. My trousers are old. I want to buy a new. (it/one/pair)5. He is his book. But he can 't it. (look for /looking for/find/finding)三、用所给词的正确形式填空.1. She wants me(go)(shop) with her.2. Please(give) me the money. /(not come) with me, please.3. My mot

15、her(need) me(carry) all the bags.4. He often goes to school without(have) breakfast.5. If you want to buy an MP3, you can go to an(electric) shop.6. The shopkeeper asked me(pay) money for the things I bought.7. There are different(kind) of(sticker) here.8. He(not have) much money(buy) it.9. This pai

16、r of boots(fit) him well.10. I don't want to buy last(year) cards.11. There(be) some beef, tomatoes and carrots in the fridge.四、句型转换.1. This book costs me ¥ 10.(改为同义句)I ¥ 10 this book.I ¥ 10 this book.2. My father often buys me a present.(改为同义句)My father often buys.3. How much do

17、the cards cost?(改为同义句)How much?4. He is playing football on the playground.(划线提问)he on the playground?五、情景选项.B. OK. Let ' s goD. I will not go with you.1 .-Are you free today? I want you to go shopping with me.A. Have a good time.C. You go there.2 .-How about buying him a basketball?A. Good idea

18、.C. I don t know.3.-Hello, can I help you?A. How do you do?C. Good morning, you can t.4. -Can you carry this bag for me?A. Certainly. I am very busy now.C. Sure.B. No, you can ' t.D. Do you like it?B. I want to buy some cards.D. How can you help me?B. Sorry, let s go.D. No, I can t.5. -Would you

19、 like to come to my birthday party?A. Yes, please.C. Yes, I ' d love to.6. ?-1 ' d like to buy some pencils.A. Can you help meC. Can you give me a hand7. -You look so cool in this pretty skirt.A. No, you can ' t say so C. You are right.8. -Would you like some food?A. Yes, I' d like s

20、omilee.C. Yes, I d love to.9. - Miss Wang. I ' m sorry I8. No, thanks.D. I don ' t know.B. What can I do for youD. What do you want to buyB. Thanks.D. Please don ' t say like this.B. No, thanks.D. I don t know.late.A. SureB. Of course10. -does Simon play football?A. How longC. How muchJu

21、st come here on time next time.C. Never mindD. That ' s OK.-Seldom.B. How oftenD. How soon7A Unit 5 Grammar -Main task Name六、根据中文及句意,写出正确的单词.1. Thank you for(邀请)me to your birthday party.2. Is it your(轮次)to play this game?3. Would you like to help the children in(贫穷)(地区)?4. Could you give me som

22、e(书写)paper, please?5. People in different(国家)drink different kinds of tea.6. May I look at another( 双)of(靴子)?7. What(尺寸)do you want?8. This shirt matches my(牛仔裤)very well.9. There are many shopping(大卖场)in Beijing.10. I live in the(中央)of Changzhou.11. I want to see a film.(然而),I don ' t have enou

23、gh money.12. Mother is(付钱)for her new shoes.13. This pair of shoes is too expensive. Do you have a(cheap) pair?14. This candy is so delicious. Could I have one(many)?七、选词填空.1. You can wait me the bus stop. (for/at/in)2. If you plan to donate money them, please call us 38765923. (on/to/for/in)3. We w

24、ould like to raise money them. (on/to/for/in)4. This pair of shoes is not too big or too small. They fit me very. (nice/well/much)5. I like this pair of shoes. Can I? (try on them/try them on/try it on/try on it)6. When you are in danger, you can call 110 help. (to/for/of)八、用所给动词的适当形式填空.1. Listen! T

25、he boy with his friends(chat) under the tree.2. Look. They(have) cold drinks there.3. the baby(cry) at the moment?4. I(wait) for my turn now.5. What your mother at present?6. I'm not free now because my cousin(visit) me right now.7. What is your mother doing? She(make) the bed. She(make) the bed

26、 every day.8. My brother is playing football, and Jim(run).9. It's four. The students(lie) on the playground.10. May I(speak) to Lin Tao? No, he(speak) to his mother.11. Where is your father? He(eat) an apple in the living room.12. She(spend) one hour a day(chat) with his mother.13. There is a c

27、inema near my home. It is easy(find).14. The park is a good place(meet) friends.15. Sometimes she(go) to work by bus.16. Don' t make noise. The baby(sleep).九、根据句意及所给音标,写出正确的单词.1. They don't have/In?f/ food to eat.2. It's/'? :ls?u / important to drink much water every day.3. These stu

28、dents come from different/ 'k?nt门z/.4. Their son often/k ? 'lekt/ a lot of stamps.5. This hair clip looks so/ 'prItM.6. What/saIz/ do you want?7. I want to buy this CD but it/k ?sts/¥ 10.8. I/ ?:l 'redI/ know this piece of good news.9. Chinese people like making/ wi?iz/ on their birthday.10. A/ 'litl/ girl is looking for her mother in the mall.十、根据中文


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