1、西安交通大学口腔医学院Depatment of Orthodontics,school of dentistry,xian Jiaotong university教 案Lesson plans教 研 室:口腔正畸学教研室 授 课 人:周 洪 教授The office of Teaching and Research: the Department of OrthodonticsTeacher:Professor Zhou Hong授课日期:2007年 月 日 授课方式: 大 课Instruction date: Teaching methods: Theory Course学生类别:03级本科
2、生 授课时间: 4个学时Student category: 03 undergraduatesTeaching time:4 hours题目: 口腔正畸学概述和生长发育Subject: The description of Orthodontics,growth and development教学目的Teaching purpose1. 掌握口腔正畸学的基本概念grasp the basic concepts of Orthodontics2. 掌握生长发育的基本理论和概念master the basic theory and concepts of Growth and developmen
3、t3. 了解上颌骨发育的方式和生长方向Understanding the way of maxillary development and growth direction4. 了解下颌骨发育的方式和生长方向Understanding the way of mandibular development and growth direction 5. 了解的发育特点和临床意义To understand the characteristics of Craniofacial development of and clinical significance重点与难点Key and difficult
4、 points1. 理想正常与个别正常的不同,及正畸治疗的目标。The difference between Ideal normal occlusion and individual normal occlusion,and the object of orthodontic treatment.2. 颅面生长发育的方式和发育的时间性。The style of Craniofacial Growth and Development and timing of development3. 上颌骨生长发育的特点。The characteristics of Maxillary Growth 4.
5、 下颌骨生长发育的特点The characteristics of Mandibular Growth 5. 的发育特点和剩余间隙的临床意义。the characteristics of Craniofacial development and the clinical significance of leeway space教材与参考Textbooks and reference books书教 材: 傅民魁 主编口腔正畸学第三版人民卫生出版社1999年6月Textbooks: "oral Orthodontics" edited by FU MinkuiThe thir
6、d edition The people's medical publishing house in June 1999参考书:reference books William R. Proffit Contemporary Orthodontics Third Edition 2000罗颂椒 主编当代实用口腔正畸技术和理论北京医科大学协和医科大学联合出版社 1998年7月"Contemporary Orthodontics practical techniques and theory" Luo,SongshuPeking Union Medical College
7、, Beijing Medical University Joint Publishing House in July 1998教具: 电脑、多媒体投影仪Aids: computer, multimedia projector教学主要内容、程序和时间分配the main content, procedures and time allocation of teaching第一节:口腔正畸学概论Section I: Introduction to Orthodontics(一) 正畸治疗目标的变更 (The changing goals of Orthodontic treatment ) (1
8、0分)正畸学的发展史History of the development of Orthodontics现代正畸学与以往正畸学的不同之处the difference between Modern and previous Orthodontics多学科治疗和治疗小组(Interdisciplinary Treatment and Team Member)(二) 牙颌畸形的表现 (display of the malocclusion) (15分)个别牙错位、牙弓形态和牙齿排列异常 3分Dislocation of individual teeth dental arch and teeth w
9、ith abnormal morphology上下颌关系异常 The relationship between upper and lower is not harmony 8分上颌发育异常,下颌发育异常maxillary Dysplasia, mandibular dysplasia上下颌骨与颅骨的关系异常 the relationship of Upper and lower jaw with the skull is abnormal 4分(三) 牙颌畸形的流行病学 ( Epidemiology of malocclusion) (5分)我国的牙颌畸形发病率为29.33- 48.87%
10、the incidence rate of Dental malformation in China is 29.33-48.87%个别正常 (Individual normal occlusion)理想正常 (Idea normal occlusion)切牙拥挤指数(Incisor Irregularity Index)(四) 错畸形的危害性 The danger of Dental malformation Local hazards Body against (5分) 局部危害 全身危害(五) 矫治的标准和目标 (The criteria and aim of treatment) (5
11、分) 正常的六要素 (Six keys of normal occlusion)正畸矫治的目标 (Aim of orthodontic treatment)(六) 常用的矫治方法 ( Methods of orthodontic treatment ) (5分)预防性矫治 (Preventive orthodontic treatment)阻断性矫治 (Interceptive orthodontic treatment)一般性矫治 (corrective orthodontics) 正畸-正颌外科矫治 (surgical orthodontics)小 结: Summary: (3 point
12、s) The basic concept of Orthodontics the incidence of malformations, individual normal occlusion, ideal normal occlusionTreatment goals and standards Commonly used treatment methods (3分)正畸学的基本概念牙颌畸形的发病率,个别正常、理想正常矫治的目标和标准常用的矫治方法第二节:颅面部的生长发育 Craniofacial growth and development 一、生长发育的资料收集方法 First, dat
13、a collection methods of growth and development (5 points) 1. Longitudinal study 2. Horizontal research (5分)1 纵向研究2 横向研究二、研究生长发育的方法 Second, the methods to study the growth and development (5 points) 1. Measurement Study (5分)1 测量研究骨骼测量 (Craniometry) 人体测量 (Anthropometry)X线头影测量 (Cephalometric Radi
14、ology)2实验研究Experimental study活体染色 ( Vital staining )放射性同位素 (Radioactive tracer)种植体研究 (Implant radiography)分子基因学(Molecular genetics)三、生长发育的基本概念 Third, the basic concepts ofgrowth and development (10分)1生长型(Growth Patten)2可变性 (Variability)时间性 (Timing) , 生长发育高峰期 Peak period of growth and development34 生
15、长部位、生长发育中心 ( Growth site and Growth center)四、出生后的颅面部生长发育 Fourth, Craniofacial Growth and Development after the birth (10 points) (10分)1. 颅面分界线 1. Craniofacial dividing line2. 颅面骨的生长发育方式 2. the growth and development style of Craniofacial bone三种生长发育的形式:软骨的间质及表面增生、骨缝的间质增生、骨的表面增生three forms: cartilage
16、and the surface of mesenchymal hyperplasia, suture mesenchymal hyperplasia, hyperplasia of bone surface3. 颅部的生长发育Cranial growth and development 颅腔, the development of the skull base , cranial cavity颅腔、颅底的发育4. 面部的发育 Facial development (10 points) Length, width, height (10分)长度、宽度、高度小结: (5分)生长发育研究的方法、手
17、段,不同的方法对不同的研究对象或不同的样本作用不一样,存在的有缺点是什么,临床应用的选择。生长发育的基本概念:生长型、可变性、时间性的意义是什么?颅部的生长发育面部的生长发育Summary: (5 points) the methods, means about the research on Growth and development,different ways,different subjects or samples,different roles whats the disadvantage,the choice of clinical application the basic
18、concepts of Growth and development : growth pattern, variability, timing, whatre these meaning? Cranial growth and development Facial growth and development思考题:1牙颌畸形的危害有那些?2正畸治疗的目标是什么?3什么是理想正常合、什么是个别正常合4什么是生长型?5什么是生长部位和生长中心?6颅面生长发育的方式有那些? Questions: 1. What are the hazards of Dentofacial deformities
19、? 2. the goal of Orthodontic treatment? 3. What is the ideal normal occlusion, individual normal occlusion?4. What is the growth pattern? 5. Whats the growth site and growth center? 6.How many ways of Craniofacial Growth and Development?第三节 上下颌骨的生长发育Section III The growth and development of jaw bone
20、s1 上颌骨的发育 ( Maxillay growth ) (20分)上颌骨的生长发育方式、方向上颌骨的主动生长、被动生长和长宽高的生长发育长度:上颌结节、齿槽骨、硬腭后缘宽度:腭中缝、上颌骨颊面的表面生长、齿槽骨的生长高度:齿槽骨、骨缝、硬腭下缘、眶底的改建3. 临床意义:The style and the direction of Maxillary growth and development Active growth, passive growth,growth and development in dimensionsLength: maxillary nodular, alveo
21、lar bone, the posterior marginal of hard palateWidth: palatine raphe, the surface growth of maxillary buccal side, the growth of alveolar bone Height: alveolar bone, bone joints, the lower edge of the hard palate ,the adaption of orbital floor Clinical Significance:2 下颌骨的发育 ( Mandible growth ) 下颌骨的生
22、长发育方式、方向下颌骨的生长部位、特点和长宽高的生长发育生长时机临床意义4. Mandibular development (Mandible growth) The style and the direction of Mandibular growth and development The growth site, characteristics ,growth and development in dimensions of mandibleGrowth opportunity Clinical significance3“V”字形生长发育理论 3. The "V"
23、-shaped theory of growth and development (5分)第四节 生长发育理论和的发育Fourth quarter the theory of growth and development, and Craniofacial development1 生长发育理论 ( Concept of Growth and Development ) (10分)骨控制理论 (Bone Theory)软骨控制理论 (Cartilage theory)功能基质控制理论 ( Functional Matrix Theory )2,牙与的生长发育 ( Development Of
24、Occlusion ) (30分) 乳牙列的生长发育特点 混合牙列的生长发育特点 恒牙的替换时间、顺序 剩余间隙、磨牙关系的调整 暂时性错的表现the characteristics of growth and development of primary dentition, Mixed dentition The replacement time, the order of permanent teeth The leeway space, the adjustment of the relationship between mol
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