



1、用心爱心专心-1 -Unit 2 The Storm Less on Two(二)重点词汇1.名词复数变化:radio-radiosstory-storiesrockrocksnoise-noisesstreetstreetsless on-less ons编故事,记单词:Today, theskyis blue. I am listening to theradio. There is nonoisearoundthestreet. Theres an En glishless onfrom the radio. It is about astoryof arock.2. end v.终止,

2、结束要点:n.末端;尽头例句:My frie nd waited for me at the end of the street.我的朋友在街道尽头1. radion.收音机2. rockn.岩石3. noisen.噪音4. skyn.天空5. streetn.街道6. storyn.故事7. less onn.课8. sound like听起来像9. endv.终止,结束10. shinev.照耀,发光11 . startv.开始;出发12. flyV.飞13. closeV.关,合上14. waitV.等候15. passV.前行,经过16. wakeV.醒来17. usualadj.通常

3、的,平常的18. heavyadj.重的19. stra ngeadj.奇怪的,陌生的20. scaredadj.惊恐的,恐惧的21. grayadj.灰色的22. suddenlyadv.突然地23. awayadv.离开24. acrossadv. / prep.从一边至U另(一)大声读单词:边用心爱心专心-2 -等我。用心爱心专心-3 -要点: 例句:3. shine要点: 例句:要点: 例句:拓展:例句:4. start要点: 例句:要点: 例句:要点:例句: 要点:例句:5. fly要点:例句:要点:例句:要点:例句:要点:6. wait要点: 例句:vt.结束They en ded

4、 the party off with a song.v.照耀,发光vi.发光;照耀The sun shone bright and warm.vt.照向He shone the flashlight on the water.擦皮鞋Your shoes need a shi ne.你的皮鞋要擦一擦。v.开始;出发vt.开始When did you start to learn English?vi.出发,起程Well start at sixvi.开始Summer vacation starts in early July.n.出发;出发点;出发时间Well make an early st

5、art for the beach.v.飞v.飞他们唱支歌结束了晚会。阳光灿烂和煦。他用手电筒照了照水面。你何时开始学英语的?on Friday morning.我们星期五早上六点出发。暑假在七月初开始。我们一早出发去海滩。Several birds flew across the sky.乘飞机旅行ni fly to London tomorrow.v.使飞;放(风筝)Our boys are flying kites.n.苍蝇v.等候等,等待Mike is waiting to have a word with you.我们在等公车。几只鸟飞过天空。我明天搭飞机去伦敦。我们的孩子们在放风筝

6、。麦克正等着和你说话。Were wait ing for the bus.7. passv.要点经过例句The storm will pass quickly.暴风雨很快就会过去的。要点通过例句I want to pass the exam.我想通过考试。要点传递例句Please pass me the salt.请把盐递给我。8. wake要点v.醒来;醒着例句I woke up at six this morning.今天早晨我六点钟醒来。要点v.唤醒,弄醒例句Please wake me up at 7:00.请于七点钟叫醒我。They waited for Zhou Xin gchis

7、 coming.他们等待周星驰的到来。用心爱心专心-4 -(三)课文解析:1. A storm is coming.译文:暴风雨就要来了。要点:现在进行时表将来。一种伴随的状态。There sa storm coming.译文:一场暴风雨来了。要点:comi ng现在分词做伴随状语, 表示一种伴随的状态。 容易发生的错误是:Theres a storm is coming.(x)2. The sky is c lear and blue.译文:天空晴朗,蔚蓝。要点:and连词,表示“并列关系”This book is good and useful.这本书又好又有用。3. I am playi

8、ng with my brother.译文:我正在和我的哥哥玩耍。要点:play with sb.和某人一起玩I like playi ng with my frien ds.我喜欢和我的朋友一起玩。play with sth.玩弄The cat is playi ng with a ball.小猫正在玩弄一个球。4. Look up and see dark storm clouds.译文:抬头看见阴云密布。要点:look up 1) 抬头看,向上看2)查字典You can look up this word in the vocabulary.你可以在词汇表里查这个词。5. They ar

9、e movi ng quickly across the sky.译文:他们快速地在空中移动。要点:move-movingacross prep.横越,穿过We walked across the street.我们穿过马路。6. My brother and I go in side.译文:我哥哥和我进到里面。要点:表示尊敬,把他人放在前面,把我放在后面。My pare nts and I live in Harbi n.我和我父母住在哈尔滨。7. We should liste n to the radio.译文:我们应该听收音机。要点:should意思:应该用法:should +动词原形

10、listen to sth.listen to the radio / tape听收音机/听磁带listen to sb.listen to me / the teacher听我说/听老师说8. We turn on the radio.译文:我们打开收音机。要点:turn on用心爱心专心-5 -He asked me to turn on the radio for him.他让我替他打开收音机。turn offTurn off the light before you leave.离开前请把灯关掉。9. There is a lot of no ise outside.译文:外面有很多的噪音。要点:Theres a loud noise in the classroom.教室里的吵闹声很大。There is so much no ise in th is restaura nt;I can hardly hear you talk ing.这个餐厅里太嘈杂了,我几乎听不到你说话。10. The s


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