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1、外研版高中英语选修6单元测试上学期高二月考英语试题第一卷(共三部分,105分)第一部分:听力(30 分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题以及阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When does the store close?A. Eleven oclock. B. Eleven thirty. C. Twelve oclo

2、ck 2. What kind of book does the mans niece like to read best?A. Adventures. B. Fairy tales. C. Discoveries.3. How much more will they pay for their telephone calls than last month?A. 3 pounds. B. More than 3 pounds. C. Less than 3 pounds4. What have these people just done?A. They have bought some f

3、ood. B. They have cooked a lot of food.C. They have eaten a nice meal.5. What does the man mean?A. He got caught in the rain. B. He wonders whether its raining.C. He wants to wash his clothes.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,

4、每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读2遍。听第6段材料,回答68题6. Whats the relationship between the speakers?A. Customer and receptionist B. Employer and employee.C. Two good friends.7. Why doesnt the man want to go Bali?A. Because he thought Its dangerous. B. Because its not a place exotic.C. Because its not ch

5、eap.8. Where does the woman suggest the man go finally?A. Manila. B. Cebu. C. Indonesia.听第7段材料,回答9-11题9. Where are the speakers?A. Near the stadium. B. At a hospital. C. In a boat10. What does the weather seem to be like?A. Seasick B. Rough. C. calm.11. Which of the following is true according to wh

6、at you hear?A. Both the man and his mother are good sailors.B. Crossing the channel takes no more than an hour.C. once the woman and her mother sailed on the Pacific.听第8段材料,回答12-14题12. What does the woman say the mountain holds a world record for?A. Highest recorded wind speed.B. Having the longest

7、railroad.C. Highest mountain in America.13. How does the cog railroad differ from a regular railroad?A. It has a scenic view. B. It climbs steep hills.C. It is controlled by a computer.14. How does the man persuade the woman to go on the trip?A. He offers to pay for her ticket.B. He offers to take h

8、er on the train.C. He offers to let her use his computer.听第9段材料,回答15-17题15. What did the woman speaker do last night?A. Baby-sit for someone. B. Removed old curtains.C. Went to the theater.16. What do you know from the conversation?A. Stephen broke his leg. B. Stephen broke a vase. C. Stephen broke

9、a window.17. What do you know about Mr. and Mrs. White?A. They liked to worry about things.B. They had ability to control themselves.C. They lived and enjoyed an expensive life.听第10段独白,回答18-20题18. Where would you most likely to hear this?A. On the television. B. On the radio. C. In a class19. When w

10、ill the program be shown?A. Next Monday afternoon. B. Next Monday evening.C. Next Tuesday afternoon.20. Whats special about the program?A. It lasts several hours long.B. Its attractive and informative.C. It requires much effort to understand.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C

11、、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. For him _ stage is just _ means of making a living.A. a; a B. the; a C. the ; the D. a; the22I think you _ your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.Amust have toldBshould remindCcould have promisedDshould have told23. Id rather you _ by tr

12、ain, because I can't bear the idea of your being in an airplane in such bad weather. A. would go B. should go C. went D. had gone24. Id appreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.A. that B. it C. this D. you25. Tom successfully _ a role in the play was admitted into a fam

13、ous university. A. who has created B. had created C. having created D. having been created26. If I can help_, I don't like working late into the night.A. so B. that C. it D. them27. Yesterday Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise, she _ something she would regret later.A. had saidB. sa

14、idC. might sayD. might have said28. Without electricity, human life _ quite different today. A. is B. will beC. would have been D. would be29. The water _ cool when I joined into the pool for morning exercise.A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels30. How do you _ we go to Beijing for our holidays ?

15、 I think wed better fly there. Its much more comfortable. A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest 31. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it _ yesterday.A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened32Its quite me why such things have been allowed to happen.Afor BbehindCagainst Dbeyond

16、33A warm thought suddenly came to me I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthdayAif BwhenCthat Dwhich34Most of what has been said about the Simiths also true of the JohnsonsAare BisCbeing Dto be35Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was no

17、t the one Ablamed Bblaming Cto blame Dto be blamed第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The Quiet Hero It was Mothers Day, the day we celebrate everything mothers are and everything we do. But Ill 36 that Sunday in 2000 was bittersweet for me. As a sing

18、le mother I 37 to think of my shortcomings how many evenings I couldnt spend with my children, and how many things I couldnt 38 my waitress salary to buy. But what 39 kids I had! My daughter Maria was a senior in college, and Denny was home visiting from his freshman year at Harvard University. They

19、 were 40 impolite enough to complain, but there was so much more I 41 I had done for them. I just hoped they _42 .As I walked into the 43 quietly to start breakfast, I was greeted by a vase 44 a dozen red roses! When had Denny possibly slipped down to leave them? But even their delicate beauty was o

20、vershadowed by the note sitting beside them, in the quick, manly 45 of an eighteen-year-old. It was about a story that happened between Denny and me long ago. It 46 :She took a day off from her busy 47 to take the boy to see his hero in the flesh at the stadium. It took 3.5 hours just to get there,

21、and they had to be there early 48 he could see his hero take batting practice. 49 their arrival, she took her hard-earned money to buy an overpriced T-shirt on which was 50 his hero making a diving catch. After the game, of course he had to 51 his heros signature, so she stayed with the little boy 5

22、2 one in the morning It took me long enough to 53 it, but I finally know who the 54 hero is. Mom, I love you! And suddenly, it was a 55 Mothers Day, after all.36. A. admit B. adopt C. deny D. refuse37. A. intended B. liked C. tended D. hesitated38. A. stress B. spare C. strengthen D. spend39. A. poo

23、r B. great C. faithless D. pretty40. A. merely B. usually C. neverD. often41. A. wished B. hoped C. expected D. desired42. A. supported B. understood C. approved D. disgusted43. A. 1iving-room B. kitchen C. bed loom D. study44. A. including B. containing C. possessing D. pinning45. A. handwriting B.

24、 description C. tone D. scratch46. A. wrote B. recorded C. memorized D. read47. A. event B. content C. schedule D. circumstance48. A. or B. for C. but D. so49. A. At B. In C. On D. By50. A. impressed B. printed C. presented D. pressed51. A. buy B. abandon C. get D. swap52. A. before B. until C. afte

25、r D. when53. A. see B. hear C. realize D. tell54. A. actual B. true C. imaginary D. visual55. A. sad B. bitter C. happy D. exciting第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题40分)A. Cage at London premiere of his new filmHollywood star Nicolas Cage arrived in London on Sunday for the premiere(首发式) of one of the years most antic

26、ipated films, "National Treasure." The action-packed blockbuster has already had huge success in North America, taking the number one position with ticket sales of 35 million US dollars in its opening week. The film tells the story of Benjamin Franklin Gates, played by Nicolas Cage, who co

27、mes from a family of treasure-hunters. Gates is trying to find a treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers of the United States after the Revolutionary War. Ben is closing in on his quest, but so is his competition, as well as the FBI. Gates believes a map to the treasure's whereabouts can be foun

28、d on the back of the Declaration of Independence, located in the heart of Washington, D.C. When he learns of a secret plan to steal the Declaration, he only has one choice: to steal it himself, before anyone else does. Nicolas Cage said, "National Treasure is enthusiastic about history which ev

29、erybody can enjoy that, especially the students and kids, or if you're on a date with a young lady or a young man it can be a lot of fun and parents will enjoy it. I think there's something in it for everybody." "National Treasure" makes people think of the treasure-hunt films

30、 of the 1940s and '50s, and has even been compared to the Indiana Jones series. The film's overwhelming box office success has re-established producer Jerry Bruckheimer as one of the industry's most dependable hit-making producers. 56. This passage is _.A. a piece of news B. a diary C. a

31、 legend story D. a film story57. The underlined word in the first paragraph means _.A. a very successful person B. obstruction C. a very powerful bomb D. a film or book greatly promoted by its producers58. From the passage we know that Nicolas Cage is a famous _.A. film producerB. film starC. treasu

32、re hunterD. film director59. National Treasure _.A. is a story about treasure huntingB. has won great box office in North America C. can be enjoyed by people at different agesD. All of the above.60. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A. National Treasure is an action film ab

33、out history story.B. Treasure-hunt films were quite popular in the 1940s and 50s.C. National treasure is Nicolas Cages first successful film.D. The Indiana Jones series are quite popular.BThe Food and Drug Administration is expected to rule soon that milk from cloned animals and meat from their offs

34、pring (后代) are safe to eat, raising the question of whether Americans are ready to welcome one of modern biologys most controversial (争论的) achievements to the dinner table.The agricultural industry has observed a voluntary FDA moratorium (暂停) on using the products of clones, but it has recently beco

35、me clear that a few offspring of cloned pigs and cows are already trickling into the food supply. Many in agriculture believe such genetic copies are the next logical step in improving the nations livestock.Consumer groups counter that many Americans are likely to be revolted(作呕的) by the idea of ser

36、ving clone milk to their children or tossing meat from the progeny(幼仔)of clones onto the backyard grill. This “yuck factor”, as its often called, has come to light repeatedly in public opinion surveys. Asked earlier this year in a poll by the International Food Information Council whether they would

37、 willingly buy meat, milk and eggs that come from clones if the FDA declared them to be safe, 63 percent of consumers said no.Yet mounting scientific evidence suggests there is little cause for alarm, at least on food-safety grounds. Studies have shown that meat and milk from clones cant be distingu

38、ished from that of normal animals, although work is not complete and researchers say that clones do suffer subtle genetic abnormalities.While milk from clones might reach the shelves, clones themselves are not likely to be eaten, since they cost thousands of dollars to produce. Theyd be used as bree

39、ding stock, so the real question is whether their sexually produced offspring would be safe.The FDA has been promising a policy for three years, but hasnt produced a final version, and some biotechnology companies involved in cloning have run out of cash while waiting. Livestock(家畜) producers have d

40、ubbed(起绰号)the FDA the “Foot Dragging Administration”.61. What is the opinion of the Americans on serving cloned milk to their children?A. They expected to serve cloned milk to their childrenB. They are ready to feed their children on the cloned milk.C. They believe using the cloned milk is safe enou

41、gh.D. Even safe as to be declared, most of them wont accept it.62. What does the underlined sentence mean in the passage?A. The clones are very rare and cost so much to produce, so they will never be used as food.B. Researchers spent too much money to produce the clones; its not worth eating.C. The

42、clones cost so much to produce, so they will be rarely used as food.D. The FDA will make a decision that the clones are too expensive to take as food.63. From the passage, we can infer that _.A. The FDA intends to declare the food from the cloned animals are safe to eatB. Most Americans are still wi

43、lling to accept traditional foodsC. Research on cloning cost too much moneyD. The FDA is efficient, so the Americans call them the “Foot Dragging Administration”64. Why has the FDA been dubbed “Foot Dragging Administration”?A. Because the FDA hasnt made the final policy in the promising duration.B.

44、Because some companies have used up their money while waiting.C. Because the FDA doesnt know whether or not the cloned meat is safe to eat. D. Because the weary livestock producers like to play jokes.65. Which is the best title of this passage? AThe offspring of cloned animals. B. Clone-generated me

45、at, milk may be approved. C. The cloned animals products are dangerous. D. The new plan on cloned animals products.CNo other sporting event captures the worlds imagination like the FIFA World Cup. Ever since the first tentative(试验性的)competition in Uruguay in 1930, FIFAs flag has constantly grown in

46、popularity and influence.A group of visionary(有远见的) French football administrators suggested bringing the worlds strongest national football teams together to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a

47、12-year stop to the competition.When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup rapidly advanced to its undisputed status as the greatest single sporting event of the modern world. Held since 1958 alternately in Europe and the Americas, the World Cup broke new ground with the Executive Committees decision in Ma

48、y 1996 to select Korea and Japan as co-hosts for the 2002 edition. To let the World Cup enter each of the seven continents, the FIFA has decided that the World Cup cannot continually be held in the same continent. We know the 18th World Cup will be held in German and the 19th World Cup will be held

49、in Africa in 2012. In 2008, the FIFA will choose another continent to hold the 20th World Cup. Since 1930, the tournaments have seen only seven different winners. However, the FIFA World Cup has also been interrupted by dramatic upsets that have helped create football history- the United States defe

50、ating England in 1950, North Koreas defeat of Italy in 1966, Cameroons emergence in the 1980s and their opening match defeat of the Argentinean cup-holders in 1990-After all these years and so many changes, however, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same- the glistening golden trophy,

51、 which is the embodiment of every footballers ambition.66. What would be the best title for this passage?A. Rules of the FIFA World Cup B. History of the FIFA World CupC. How to take part in the FIFA World Cup D. Impact of the FIFA World Cup67. The underlined word “resumed” (paragraph 3) probably me

52、ans_.A. continued after an interruption B. stopped C. was cancelled D. interrupted 68. According to the passage, in 2014, the 20th World Cup will not be held in_.A. Europe B. Africa C. Asian D. America 69. From paragraph 4, we can infer that_.A. since 1930, the FIFA World Cup has witnessed different

53、 winners.B. from 1930 until now, the winners of the tournaments have remained the same.C. the Argentinean team was defeated by the Cameroon team.D. not all of the strong teams can win every match.70. The reason why every footballer wants to attend the FIFA World Cup is that _ .A. every footballer wa

54、nts to get a high award.B. every footballer wants to win the respect from the public.C. every footballer wants to win the glistening golden trophy.D. every footballer wants to be famous overnight.D. Drug Reactions A Major Cause of DeathAdverse(不良的)drug reactions may cause the deaths of over 100,000

55、US hospital patients each year, making them a leading cause of death nationwide, according to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association. “The incidence (发生率)of serious and fatal adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in US hospital was found to be extremely high,” say researchers at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada.They carried on an analysis of 39 ADR-related studies at US hospitals over the past 30 years a


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