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1、What is the main fun cti on of the Service Architect role?A:To create Fabric resourcesTo man age endpoints and crede ntialsCreate and p ublish custom service blue printsTo creates and man age app roval p oliciesWhich of the follow ing are good alter native soluti ons for proving value before committ

2、 ing to a POC? Choose two.A:Clearly defi ned POC stepsTrial SaaS op tio nsHan ds-on labsDeploy and con figure SDDC in 60 minu tesAb错ad错bc对Which of the followi ng is a critical pre-requisite that must be met before con duct ing a POC?A:The Service Life-Cycle customer whiteboard worksh opThe offline v

3、Realize Automati on demoDeploying and con figuri ng an SDDC in 60 minu tesCon cise video cli psWhat is the importance of shorte ned delivery times?A:The in crease exte nsibility op ti onsThey en able a more efficie nt delivery life cycleThey en able IaaS versatilityThey en able a more efficie nt mac

4、h ine life cycleDuring the Service Life-Cycle customer whiteboard session what is the consultants goal when p rese nti ng the app roval state? Choose two.To dem on strate the exter nal app roval cap abilitiesTo dem on strate the out-of-the-box app roval cap abilitiesTo create an app roval track ing

5、logicA:To track the cha in of app rovals bd错 ab错bc错 ad对Which of these are some of the bus in ess adva ntages of using vRealize Automati on? Choose two.A:To p rovide cost reportingGuara nteed p rofitsHardware man ageme nt CAPEX efficie ncy ab错 选adWhen whiteboarding the placement state during the Serv

6、ice Life-Cycle customer whiteboard sessi on, what is the con sulta nt helping the customer to un dersta nd?A:Where services will be deliveredHow to defi ne the new tiers for services How much virtualizati on is still po ssible How to create a hardware strategy b错a对Q:During the Project Con clusi on,

7、which of these activities should take p lace?A:Soluti on kno wledge tran sfer Validatio n review worksh op 错 Environment validation Developing solutio n desig nDuring the vRealize Automation System Configuration, which of these activities should take p lace?A:Environment build outBusin ess discovery

8、 and use case defi niti onsDesig n requireme nts gatheri ngTech nical kno wledge tran sferaWhich of these are are IaaS components of a vRealize Automati on in stall? Choose two.A:错 The Model Manager错 The Active Directory ServerThe vRealize Automati on DatabaseThe SSO app lia neeCd错 bc错ac对How can uni

9、que bus in ess n eeds be addressed with vRealize Automati on? Choose two.A:By p rovidi ng customizati on op ti ons for sep arate lines of bus in essBy impi eme nti ng custom in tegrati on exte nsionsBy leveragi ng the exte nsive p rogrammable op ti onsOut of the box function ality can address many u

10、nique bus in ess n eeds bd错ad对Which of these is a deliverable for the Kno wledge Tran sfer p hase?A:Validatio n workbookUse case defi niti on worksh op 错 Configuration Procedures document 错 Architecture Design documentWhen gathering accurate requirements, how is the holistic view of customer needs a

11、chieved? Choose two.A:Through a detailed Stateme nt of Work (SOW)With clear-cut customer en gageme ntsBy Ide ntify ing exist ing fun cti on ality versus customizati onBy defi ning customizati on n eeds for estimateWhy should a customer be concerned with the decommissi on state of Service Life-Cycle?

12、 Choose two.To release IP addressesA:To create showback reportsTo decide on the archive op ti onsTo asses service delivery timesAd错bd错cd错bc错ab错Q:Which of the followi ng are the post-p rovisi oning activities? Choose two.A:Taking snap shotsPerform ing back upsAssig ning IP addressesExecuti ng OS buil

13、d scri ptsAd错bd错bc错cdWhich of these are roles of a Fabric group? Choose two.A:To man age the resources in each fabric groupTo orga nize virtualizati on compute resources and cloud endpoints into fabric groupsTo create reservatio ns on the compute resourcesTo man age catalog servicesWhich of these is

14、 a fun cti on of the worker DEMs?A:To create and man age custom modelsTo p rovide secure access to data and the databaseTo create man aged objectsTo execute workflowsWhich of these are adm ini strative functions that might be carried out duri ng the Man age State of the Service Life-Cycle? Choose tw

15、o.A:Perform ing Back upsCarrying out Disaster Recovery testsDeleti ng an inven tory itemHTT P-REST taggi ngac错 ab对What is the default data collect ion in terval for P erforma nee collecti on?Q:A:Every 24 hoursEvery 60 minu tesEvery 120 minu tesEvery 72 hoursWhat is the defi niti on of a tenant?A:A t

16、enant is an bus in ess un itA tenant is an orga ni zati onal un itA tenant is an in sta nee of a vRealize Automatio n in stallati onA tenant is an in sta nee of a cloud p ortalQ:What are the three eleme nts of a successful POC delivery? Choose three.A:Customer trainingCustomer p artic ip ati onDevel

17、oping solutio n desig nP re-site work comp letedSuccess criteria defi ned and agreedWhat is one imp orta nt deficie ncy in a mach ine lifecycle in traditi onal virtualized en vir onment?A:There are too many p oliciesUtilizati on is very lowP rovisi oning is in efficie ntThere is no mach ine dis po s

18、al controlQ:Which of the following are goals of the Service Life-Cycle customer whiteboard session? Choose two.To ide ntify pain points that should be targetedTo desig n the p roduct ion en viro nmentTo devel op use cases for the POCA:to desig n vRealize Automati on service catalogWhat important fea

19、tures of vRealize Automation address the needs for IT service delivery? Choose three.A:Conn ectivity to multi-ve ndor p ortals Uni fied man ageme nt portal Anything as a Service (XaaS) Person alized self-serviceAbc错 bcd 错 abd 错 acd错 abd 错Which of the followi ng are com mon bus in ess challe nges ass

20、ociated with traditi onal virtualized en viro nmen ts? Choose two.A:Poor alig nment with bus in essLack of flexibility with exist ing tools Support for mult iple Op erati ng Systems App licati on Comp atibility and Certificati onWhich of the follow ing are bus in ess imp acts that result from non-au

21、tomated IT service delivery?A:IT can p rovide self-service access on dema nd to its customersIT p rovides their customers with an exte nsive IT catalogIT staff have to use too many man ageme nt p ortalsIT staff have to deal with a han dful of user requestsd错What is the purpose of Inven tory Collecti

22、 on?A:To up date the vRealize Automati on record of the virtual or cloud mach ines whose resource usage is tied to a compute resourceTo up date the vRealize Automati on record of the po wer state of each mach ineTo up date the vRealize Automati on record of the average CPU, memory and n etwork usage

23、 for each mach ineTo determ ine whether data collecti on is compi eti ng in time or is being queuedWhat are the Evaluate eleme nts of a P OC? Choose two.A:The agreed upon n ext ste psThe delivery of educati on sessi ons with evaluators on site and remoteComp let ing the pu rchaseDiscussi on of test

24、lab p rerequisitesbc错ac对What type of in stallation is suitable for a P OC?A:A distributed in stallati onA mi ni mal in stallati onAn in stallati on that in cludes failover function alityA flexible topo logy that suits orga ni zati onal n eedsQ:During the architecture worksh op, which of these activi

25、ties should take p lace?A:Soluti on kno wledge tran sferEnvironment build outDeveloping solutio n desig n Desig n requireme nts gatheri ng b错What is the main purpose in whiteboarding the request state during the Service Life-Cycle customer whiteboard sessi on?A:To ide ntify po ssible in tegrati on points for a solutio nTo ide ntify resources for p laceme nt of in frastructure itemsTo improve the existi ng ticketi ng systemTo determ ine if a self-service p ortal is n eededa错b错c错What is the f


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