



1、精品感谢下载载现金流量表(非金融类)CASH FLOW STATEMENT(Travel enterprise)会外年通 03 表编制单位: Name of enterprise:单位:元项 目 ITEMS 行次 金额一、经营活动产生的现金流量:销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金现金流量表中英文版CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 1Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 2收到的税费返还 Refund of tax and levies 3收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 Other c

2、ash received relating to operating activities 4现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows 5购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金Cash paid for goods and services 6支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 7支付的各项税费 Payments of all types of taxes 8支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金Other cash paid relating to operating activities 9现金流出小计 Sub

3、-total of cash outflows 10经营活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash flows from operating activities 11二、投资活动产生的现金流量:CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 12收回投资所收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of investments 13取得投资收益所收到的现金 Cash received from returns on investments 14处置固定资产无 形 资 产 和 其 他 长 期 资 产 所 收 回 的 现 金 净 额NetCashRe

4、ceivedFromDisposalOfFixedAssets,IntangibleAssets&OtherLong-termAssets 15收到的其他与投资活动有关的现金Other cash received relating to investing activities 16现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows 17购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产所支付的现金Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,intangible assets & other long-termassets 18投资所支付的现金 Cash

5、 paid to acquire investments 19支付的其他与投资活动有关的现金Other cash payments relating to investing activities 20现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows 21投资活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash flows from investing activities 22三、筹资活动产生的现金流量:CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 23吸收投资所收到的现金 Cash received from capital contribution 24借

6、款所收到的现金 Cash received from borrowings 25收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金Other cash received relating to financing activities 26现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows 27偿还债务所支付的现金 Cash repayments of amounts borrowed 28分配股利、利润和偿付利息所支付的现金Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit 29支付的其他与筹资活动

7、有关的现金Other cash payments relating to financing activites 30现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows 31筹资活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash flows from financing activities 32四、汇率变动对现金的影响EFFECT OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH 33五、现金及现金等价物净增加额NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 34续表) 现金流量表(非金融类)CAS

8、H FLOW STATEMENT(Travel enterprise) 会外年通 03 表 编制单位: Name of enterprise: 单位:元 补充资料 351.将净利润调节为经营活动现金流量:Reconciliation of net profit/(loss)to cash flows from oprating activities 36净利润 Net profit 37 加: * 少数股东权益 Add:Minority interest 38 减:未确认的投资损失 Less:Uncertained investment loss 39 加:计提的资产损失准备 Add:Prov

9、ision for asset impairment 40 固定资产折旧 Depreciation of fixed assets 41 无形资产摊销 Amortisation of intangible assets 42 长期待摊费用摊销 Amortisation of long-term prepaid expenses 43 待摊费用减少 (减:增加 ) Decrease in prepaid expenses(deduct:increase) 44 预提费用增加 (减:减少 ) Increase in prepaid expenses(deduct:decrease) 45处置固定无

10、形产和其他长期资收益)LossesOnDisposalOfFixedAssetsIntangibleAssetsAndOtherLong-termAssets'DeductGains 46固定资产报废损失 Losses on disposal of fixed assets 47财务费用 Financial expenses 48投资损失 ( 减:收益 ) Losses arising from investments(deduct:gains) 49递延税款贷项 (减:借项 ) Deferred tax credit(deduct: debit) 50存货的减少 ( 减:增加 ) D

11、ecrease in inventories(deduct:increase) 51经营性应收项目的减少 (减:增加 ) Decrease in operating receivables(deduct:increase) 52经营性应付项目的增加 (减:减少 ) Increare in operating payables(deduct:decrease) 53其他 Others 54经营活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash flows from operating activities 552.不涉及现金收支的投资和筹资活动:Investing and financing activit

12、ies that do not involve cash receipts and payment 56债务转为资本 Conversion of debt into captical 57一年内到期的可转换公司债券ReclassificationOfConvertibleBondsExpiringWithinOneYearAsCurrentLiability 58融资租入固定资产 Fixed assets acquired under finance leases 59其他 Other 6061623.现金及现金等价物净增加情况:Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 63现金的期末余额 Cash at end of year 64减:现金的期初余额 Less: Cash at beginning of year 65加:现金等价物的期末余额Plu


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