1、本文对应科技英语中长句的翻译方法PPT文件:例 1 Those functions that describe how a computer software reacts to mechanical design,called application functions,are more often important to the engineer in engineering applications such as analysis, calculation, and simulation in connection with mechanical design because he
2、wishes to know how they will work in use to which he wants to apply them.关于句子的结构分析:分析:通读全句,我们初步了解到这句话是讲关于工程师了解计算机软件功能的重要性方面的。全句共有六个谓语动词: descriSe,reacts to,are,wishes to know,will work和wants to apply,其主语分别为: that(代functions , computer software,functions,he(代the engineer,they(代functions和he。其中,functio
3、ns句前没有关联词,是主句,其余为从句,即一主五从。另外,important后边分别由to ,in ,in引出三个介词短语在主句中做状语。Called过去分词短语并非就近修饰mechanical design或computer software,而是隔位修饰functions。主句是由主语(functions+系动词(are+表语(important构成的。主语由that定语从句修饰,其中含有how宾语从句。连词because引出原因状语从句,修饰主句,其中又含有由how引出的宾语从句,从句中的宾语又为to which定语从句所修饰。整个句子分两层意思:第一层意思也是中心内容,讲的是计算机软件
4、的功能在机械设计中(进行分析、计算和模拟对工程师很重要。第二层意思也是次层意思,和第一层意思是从属关系,它解释为什么计算机软件的功能在机械设计中对工程师很重要。参考译文:描述计算机软件如何适应机械设计的软件功能(被称为软件的应用功能对从事诸如机械设计的分析、计算和模拟仿真工作的工程师来说是很重要的,因为他希望了解这些软件功能在他所从事的工作中是如何工作的。例2 Only by studying such cases of human intelligence with all the details and by comparing the results of exact investiga
5、tion with the solutions of AI(Artificial Intelligence usually given in the elementary books on computer science can a computer engineer acquire a thorough understanding of theory and method in AI, develop intelligent computer programs that work in a human like way,and apply them to solving mo re com
6、plex and difficult problems that present computer cant.分析:本句为复合句,一主一从。主句有一个主语,三个并列谓语。句子以“Only+状语”开头,主句主、谓语部分倒装,主语a computer engineer处于谓语之间,形成can a computer engineer acquire , develop and apply这样一种语序。过去分词given引导的短语做后置定语,修饰前边的solutions of Al ( artificial intelli ge nce。另外,长状语only . computer science修饰主
7、句谓语can acquire , develop and apply toThat引导了一个后置定语从句,修饰more complex and difficult problems.翻译: 一般来说,汉译时要突出长句中的主句部分,将其译在前。但本句是+ Only+状语”开头,作者强调的是状语部分,另外,副词only可转换为汉语的关联词语,使" Only+状语”转为汉语条件偏正复句中的偏句,条件偏句前置。因此,将强调部分译在前为好,然后再译主句部分。从全句看,英语复合句转化为汉语条件偏正复句,关联词语为“只有才能。此句采用顺译法,译为:只有很详细地研究这些人类智能情况,并把实际研究得出
8、的结果与基础计算机科学书上给出的人工智能结论相比较,计算机工程师才能彻底地了解人工智能的理论和方法,开发出具有人类智能的计算机程序,并将其用于解决目前计算机不能解决的更复杂和更难的问题。例3 More particularly,this invention relates to a method and apparatus for forming a film of metal oxides continuously on the surface of ribbon glass by spring thereon a solution of metal compounds at a point
9、 in the neighborhood of the inlet to a lehr or the inside thereof when the ribbon glass is being conveyed to the lehr after it has been formed from molten glass.分析:通读一遍全句,得知本句讲的是有关用于给带玻璃喷涂一层金属氧化膜的一种方法和装置。这是一个复合句,主句为:this invention(主语relates to(谓语a method and apparatus(宾语。Fo:引导了一个介词短语作状语,表达a method a
10、nd apparatus的用途,by引导的介词短语作状语,表达实现这一用途的方式。在卜引导的介词短语中,又出现了when引导的时间状语从句修饰spraying和afte r引出的时间状语从句修饰is being conveyed.翻译:在该句中,介词by以前是第一层意思,讲的是该发明所涉及的内容,在by以后是第二层意思,讲的是实施该发明内容的操作方法。从翻译方法来看,第一层意思的语序与汉语的相同,故采用顺译法;第二层意思从其内容的逻辑关系和专业知识来看,afte:引导的时间状语的动作在先,when引导的时间状语的动作在后,spray这个动作严格地说从时间上还要滞后一点儿。所以,原文语序与汉语的
11、完全相反,故采用逆译法。所以,整个句子的翻译有顺译有逆译,属综合译法。整句翻译为:更具体地说,本发明涉及在带玻璃表面上连续地喷涂一层金属氧化膜的一种方法和装置。当玻璃由液态成型为带玻璃后,在其被送往退火窑时,从退火窑入口附近或入口里将金属化合物溶液喷到玻璃表面上。例4 On the other hand,the detained decomposition gas might become the cause of reducing the purity of the metal oxide coating adhered to the ribbon glass in the case the
12、 aforementioned decomposition gas is not thoroughly removed from the spraying locale.分析:通读一遍全句,得知这句话是讲如果在喷射处分解气体没有被彻底地消除的话,会对带玻璃表面上的金属氧化膜带来什么影响。这是一个复合句,主句为:主语(the detained decomposition gas+系词(might become+表语(the cause of reducing . ribbon glass结构。case后边为省略了that的同位语从句,修饰case o in the cas。为介词短语,在这里表示
13、条件,意思为“在一的情况下。翻译:该句有两层意思,in the case以前为第一层意思,表示可能产生的结果; in the case 以后为第二层意思,表示产生结果的前提条件。按照汉语的表达习惯应是条件在先,结果在后。所以,该句翻译采用逆译法。译为:从另一方面来说,如果上面提到的分解气体在喷射处没有被彻底地清除掉的话,那么,留下来的分解气体就会使粘附在带玻璃表面上的金属氧化膜的纯度降低。科技英语长句翻译中应注意的问题在进行句子结构分析时,除了借助于语法之外,还要根据专业知识来弄清各层意思之间的逻辑关系,以确定原文的真正含义。有时,我们发现,有些句子翻译出来后,语法上没错误,可译文却语义不通。
14、比如说例1中的calledmechanical properties短语从语法上看,它可以理解为是修饰computer software或mechanical design的,但从专业知识上看,语义不合逻辑。在分析句子结构的基础上,接着就要确定关联词(连词、关系代词和关系副词的基本词义,有时一个关联词有好几个词义,一定要根据上、下文和专业知识来准确地确定关联词的词义,这是长句翻译准确的关键。翻译方法并不是固定的,翻译中不可拘泥不变。任何一个长句,只要弄清语法关系的眉目,看透技术上的来龙去脉,就可以适当变动原文结构,灵活处理。如果对翻译的内容不熟悉,一定要翻阅有关这个内容方面的资料或书籍,做到起
15、码对这方面的专业知识有一个大概的了解。切忌不懂专业知识,只靠查字典硬翻译。在汉语表达上应力求文字严谨,避免层次不清,表达混乱,语言文字拖泥带水。同时,也一定要避免歪曲原文的精神实质。例 1 Those functions that describe how a computer software reacts to mechanical design,called application functions,are more often important to the engineer in engineering applications such as analysis, calcula
16、tion, and simulation in connection with mechanical design because he wishes to know how they will work in use to which he wants to apply them.例2 Only by studying such cases of human intelligence with all the details and by comparing the results of exact investigation with the solutions of AI(Artific
17、ial Intelligence usually given in the elementary books on computer science can a computer engineer acquire a thorough understanding of theory and method in AI, develop intelligent computer programs that work in a human like way,and apply them to solving more complex and difficult problems that prese
18、nt computer cant.例3 More particularly,this invention relates to a method and apparatus for forming a film of metal oxides continuously on the surface of ribbon glass by spring thereon a solution of metal compounds at a point in the neighborhood of the inlet to a lehr or the inside thereof when the ribbon glass is being conveyed to the lehr after it h
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